Its implication is uncertain in humans. We don't know if this factor is important, and in addition, we have not as yet identified a population of women who do not respond to estrogen and progesterone.

Dr. Richard J. Paulson

It's an open-air prison. (Israelis) still control everything regarding the population.

Michael Tarazi

We really don't know what population effects have in terms of water quality trends.

Jim Egan

Laws designed to control the deer population seem to have had an unintended effect on accidental shootings.

John Pepper

This war, as bad as it is, touches a far smaller percentage of the population than Vietnam did.

Charles Franklin

This does not make sense to us. We're not clear what this means because housing construction is not a factor in the growth rate; population is a factor. We build housing to meet the population rate.

Monica Caruso

This is one of the programs that will help us serve an underserved population.

Jim Barnes

This is a major operation in a high-risk population.

David R. Flum

What it amounts to is an outright attack on Manassas' growing Latino population.

Kent Willis

Freedom of the press also exists for viewpoints that shock the majority of the population.

Robert Menard

As much as 40 percent of the population can be out of work. There could be some disruption of services.

Kristopher Weiss

The clinics target a very slim population, but people in that population I think will find it very helpful.

Janet Frank

It's a result of a different age population mix. Richmond has some new things but it's mostly new condos and things like that. They don't attract children. They attract young professionals.

Bill Mezger

You can't talk about dealing with this 11 million population unless you engage the 11 million.

Angela Kelley

Look at what he was able to do in a time of crisis. The black population was only about 10 percent, but he was able to put in front the agenda of a minority and the needs of those 10 percent and how it limited a country that's supposed to be the cradle of democracy.

Al Cade

While the Endangered Species Act has failed miserably at saving rare plants and animals, it has excelled in making life miserable for many in the human population.

Peyton Knight

We will be immediately providing shelter material for about one-fifth of the estimated affected population, but this is just the start of our operation.

Ruud Lubbers

The ecological footprint allows us to measure the pressure on resources of any population. Currently there is about a four-fold disparity between the world's wealthy and poor nations.

Jonathan Loh

The high Latino population in these states gives a clear picture of Planned Parenthood's current target market.

Jim Sedlak

It is a very narrow population, and this is pretty much unique.

Patrick Cunningham

The major human rights concern that we continue to have is the endemic human rights problems at the level of the state, ... That is the level at which the majority of the population come into contact with abuses by authorities.

Irene Khan

Population and immigration are very difficult issues to discuss. Democrats and Republicans alike - for very different reasons - avoid it.

Gaylord Nelson

When you talk about genetic variation being lost, you need to really reduce [the population] to a small number of individuals.

Yvonne Chan

Companies that have large population of notebook users and are experiencing pain with Windows 95 or 98 crashing are prime candidates for the adoption of Windows 2000, as are companies with a very chaotic environment that want to establish greater degree of lock down and control around the client.

David Cearley

With 1.3 million associates, we are no different than the trends we see in the general population.

Sarah Clark

We ask facilities to notify us if 10 percent of their population is affected, or if there is some other unusual situation.

Marni Storey

Taking five whales a year would not have any biological impact on the population.

Brian Gorman

Such a large portion of our population is eligible for the program because of income levels throughout the district.

Rick Boucher

With 15-35 percent of the population becoming ill, we're not going to be able to be stocking our store shelves like we do now.

Deb Steffen

We've lost population. According to the 2000 census, Chambers County, Alabama, was one of the few counties that lost population compared to the 1990 census, so more people moved to find jobs.

Valerie Gray

It's a race against the population. And if I had to bet, the population is winning out over the lagoon. I can't see how we can continue and sustain this growth without increasing the impacts to the lagoon.

John Windsor

The goal is to reduce the pet population through the most humane means possible.

Stephen Dyer

I think it's exactly what we've been afraid of: the return of one population and the displacement of another.

Paula Ghedini

The population shrinks due to fewer children being born and a continuing rate of out-migration. The oil industry, especially offshore, needs lots of capital but it doesn't need a lot of workers.

Doug May

Roughly 65 percent of the world's population lives in monsoon regions, ... This is the fastest growing region on the planet. By the year 2025, it is anticipated this number will grow to 75 percent.

Peter Webster

We're always hopefully planning ahead of the population curve. Right now, we have several schools that are fairly populated.

Bob Kuehl

The increase in the world's population represents our victory against death...

Julian Simon

The U.S. has had fire walls in place to protect the cattle population from getting infected with mad cow disease and there are some gaps in these fire walls.

Caroline Smith Dewaal

In Maiko, where we thought there were only 33 gorillas. We are now looking at a population of about 600 or more.

Patrick Mehlman

There's a whole segment of the population with a mentality that bases good times on where they can go and what they can buy.

Jeff Foxworthy

We have a growing economy and a growing population and our road system's just not keeping up with that growth.

Bill Buff

This is a newly emerging pathogen in the dog population. We have been able to accumulate a lot of information on this canine virus in a short period of time.

Cynda Crawford

We are connecting them to the people who say they have an interest in that product. It means there is a way to find a population you want to advertise to and serve them with relevant information on a consistent basis.

Chris Hughes

It's kind of Mother's Nature's way of balancing things out. The exploitation rate will be very low this year, which is good for the population. It hastens the rebuilding process.

Ron Bruch

They're highly endangered in the wild and there's only a small population in captivity.

Terry Maple

The Japanese population is aging and has created a market niche with great potential for Hawaii. They have the income levels and the time to travel.

Marsha Wienert

The population of Baton Rouge has doubled.

Sandy Richardson

If you look at polling out there, the governor does much better among traditional Republican primary voters than he does among general population voters.

Harvey Kronberg

The vaccine is only about 95 percent effective. Five percent of the population is not going to be effected by it.

Melaney Arnold

Until we get decent weather as far as lessening of the winds, we're gonna continue to have an above normal mosquito population simply because we can't get our airplanes up in the air.

Chuck Palmisano

The country is so poor. It's one of the poorest nations in this hemisphere, with 60 to 70 percent of its population (approximately 8.1 million) illiterate.

Charles Marks

The uninsured problem is a problem that crosses ethnic bounds. The immigrant population is a small percentage of the total uninsured population and the uninsured are just a small percentage of the cost problem that we're facing.

Dean Sanpei

For one thing, we have an aging population that's going to need health care and a growing population as well.

Roger Hunt

There's a population base out here, so that's a built-in audience, and Reno is already a destination city. We've got a lot of things going for us.

Jerry Dunn

It's constantly changing. It's the most elusive population (to count) because, again, they're homeless.

David Jamison

To ensure a sustainable sea otter population in the future, we need to allow sea otters to expand their range without forcing them to live in one spot or another.

Sam Farr

It is very high risk that this population is in.

Rashid Khalikov

But we will increase quickly the number of hours in order to enlarge the period of time in which the Palestinian population can cross the border.

Genpietro Pistolese

It's becoming a function of having a large office population in one building. Clearly, if it is out of town, it's going to have even more benefits.

John Lawson

In the senior population, there's a direct correlation, ... The poorer you are, the sicker you are.

John Gorman

There's just a tremendous need for affordable housing. As far as the population that we serve, times haven't been as good as the economy may indicate for other groups.

Gene Montoya

There's a higher likelihood that (blood profiles) will match within your own minority population.

Susan Gunderson

It disrupted a huge Bronze Age population.

Michael Sheridan

It came straight from Hong Kong because that's where the biggest population of these beetles are. You don't find them in the Western Hemisphere.

Jennifer Connors

The population and the demand for schools are growing while at the same time the number of teachers is decreasing.

Basilius Haingura

From a global health perspective, if you can give a vaccine at birth, a much higher percentage of the population can be covered.

Ofer Levy

We are getting the population where we need a hospital. We have a large adult community and a lot of families.

Tony Iorio

The aged and disabled population makes up about 20 percent of Medicaid and they use 60 to 70 percent of the expenditures.

Bob Day

It's a happy occasion. It'll help the Latino population find jobs and become self-sufficient.

Rosa Gerra

Over the past 15 years, the human population around Lake Naivasha has gone from tens of thousand of people to hundreds of thousand of people.

Michael Fay

There is no question that the demographics of the aging population support increased [use] of drugs for erectile dysfunction, ... The number of people approaching the age of 50 is increasing in every year.

Tony Butler

We are also planning further studies to better estimate the population of these objects and whether their existence challenges current supernova rate estimates.

Maura Mclaughlin

The population is healthy, but it's not like we've got a lot of them.

Kelly Wood

This has been an issue for 250 years. How do you get the resources from western Pennsylvania to population centers in the East? This would benefit areas to the east, where power is more expensive.

Fred Solomon

It is imperative, in our perspective, that we drive a wedge between the insurgents and the Sunni population of Iraq . And having them actively involved in the political process is a way to drive that wedge.

Patrick Lynch

It's gotten to the point where the general population expects it.

Steve Lawson

The population has grown weary of a transitional government that is more concerned with personal enrichment than lifting them out of misery, and they are counting on the ballot box to improve their lot. If the elections go awry, they will turn once again to violence.

Jason Stearns

There are other areas with potential, but the Delta has the heaviest population.

Gary Moody

The purpose of these killings has been to repress and divide the population for political gain.

Philip Alston

Than Shwe is now 18 years governing the country and remains deeply unloved by the majority of the population. That's amazing.

Aung Zaw

It is also 10 percent of your population without food and facing starvation -- that is going to challenge any economy.

Douglas Keatinge

It's an intentional playing with the numbers [by larger population states], ... to try to lobby for additional funds. Wyoming gets a fraction of what those other states do in total.

Marc Short

Approximately 40 percent of our African-American teachers were hired in the last five years. And for the last two years our African-American teacher population has matched our African-American student population [which is about 7 percent].

Doug Young

When we got our students back, the population of New Orleans increased by 10 to 20 percent. A lot of businesses pegged their openings to the return of our students. We expect the students to be a big part of rebuilding.

Mike Strecker

It is stealing the rights of another, just like anything else. We are not out just to rid Jamaica of piracy, but at the same time educate the population about having their copyright protected. It will free them to be creative.

Ronald Young

One in four children being victimized? That's about seven children in every classroom. That's a significant proportion of the population.

Wendy Craig

So we're looking at a group in the population who was most likely to show an adverse impact if there was one. And we still didn't (find one).

Dr. Sonja Mckinlay

The government has done too little too late to protect the health of the population - in June 2004 I told the government to produce a comprehensive strategy.

Andrew Lansley

There's definitely a growing demand from this patient population for us to better understand the differences of their skin, hair and nails.

Dr. Roopal Kundu

You have a population of red knots at such a low level that you really have to take drastic action at this point.

Perry Plumart

Our population here in the valley is just booming like nobody's business.

Barbara Richardson

Everyone's trying to tap into the high-growth Internet space in China. Right now only about 8 percent of the population is using the Internet. But it's growing very fast.

Dick Wei

Frisco has two times the commercial property it will need, based on 2025 population figures.

Craig Curry

I'd vote for general population.

Nola Foulston

The differences observed are not in and of themselves outside the range of variation seen in the normal population.

Jeffrey Lieberman

One of the most encouraging signs is that, if the 2003 and 2005 year classes come through in good numbers, we could have as many as four strong year classes at once. That would give us a healthier, broader base of support for the population, something we haven't had for more than a decade.

Pradeep Hirethota

The biggest and most valuable commodity in (the baby boomer population) is time. People are all the time spending money in order to have more time.

John Mcilwain

Given the trend of an aging population, especially in Japan, I would presume that the 30-year bond in particular should fetch decent prices.

Thomas Lam

You have a greater ethnic mix in the population and people also are trying different foods. People are eating healthier.

Steve Campbell

This is important that we realize oil and gas won't be around forever and that we have to develop the skill level and the knowledge base of our population.

Gary Mar

It's rare that you know exactly where a population became started and then its march across an area.

Hank Smith

In the southeast, fish population and (bottom-dweller) changes are happening in the context of a complete loss of sea ice. But in the northern Bering Sea, ecological changes are occurring in the context of shifts in the quality of the sea ice. The ice there is broken and thin compared with ice floes that were more the norm.

James Overland

Education is the key to a better economy and a controlled population. Until now, the world blamed India for its huge population, but now it could envy it.

Bikram Sen

If they avoid an area because of development, it's not usually a matter of them being able to go somewhere else, ... Eventually, we are going to lose that population.

Carl Anderson

With such a large population of 1.3 billion, the Chinese government faces a harsh challenge. Therefore, the making of '24 hours' is very necessary and in demand.

Huang Bailian

In 2004, there was not a good recovery because of the low spring population, the summer being extremely cold, and the loss of habitat in the upper Midwest.

Chip Taylor

The event went really, really well. All-in-all it was a great day for our organization and a great investment of time and effort to reach a different population of supporters for our cause.

Doug Clark

(We wanted) to adapt to the different needs of the student population. A lot of students have English as a second language.

Tim Turner

There's a large segment of the population that doesn't realize what an influence Folkways had on a number of bands that they listen to. And from the Folkways point of view, this really carries on the folk tradition -- the idea that it's an oral history and everything is passed from generation to generation.

Richard Burgess

The beetles are native, so they've always been around causing a little mortality, and that's kind of a good thing. But when certain things happen, like the drought and fire, the population of the beetles builds up and it gives them the ability to move into healthy trees.

Amanda Milburn

There is some concern over drugs coming off of patents and the expense of those drugs, and in some cases, such as with Pfizer and Merck, the efficacy issues, ... But we still can't get away from the fact that we're looking at an aging population and drugs are an integral part of keeping us going as long as we possibly can.

Paul Nolte

I guess we see more elderly people coming in and buying the roses. The older population definitely loves it for a hobby.

Dwight Oelke

We can now begin the policy discussion about ways to prevent (new infections) in the prison population.

Brian Owens

It is a hard population to reach, which is why we continue to do our outreach.

Mark Lassiter

For those people, CPR with 911 is critical to their survival. In general, the better we have a population trained to deal with events (such as) sudden cardiac arrests, the better off everyone is.

David Rodgers

I think it's deeper than architecture. Design has taken on a new importance in life. The general population is paying more attention to arts and culture.

David Mohney

I'll continue what I've been doing. We can't turn our backs on the reality for the need of infrastructure to deal with increased population. We also need to keep an eye on quality-of-life issues.

Russ Thomas

That history is still playing a role in Germany. Population policy was long a taboo topic.

Harald Michel

Coming into a new area, this organism doesn't have any real enemies; the defenses of the local population are not up.

Linda Farmer

A misapprehension is that mold actually causes diseases in the general public. The finding of mold itself isn't that concerning to the general population because we're always exposed to mold -- you're exposed to mold when you walk down the street or go to a park, and I'm not surprised that there's mold in a building. Generally, all buildings have a certain amount of mold.

Neil Fishman

Look at the population pyramid and look at where land is available. From here forward, the housing that's going to be built in Southern California will have to happen here ... I don't see a limit.

John Husing

She always wanted us to be in communication with each other, ... She never forgot that the (Soviets) shipped a very large percentage of the Estonian population — including her family members — to the Gulag (forced work camps).

Robert Nolan

Panelists at the meeting will be discussing among other issues which population sectors need to be engaged to try to bridge differences and combat extremism particularly in youth and immigrant populations.

Stephane Dujarric

Every city that has a large Hispanic population is better for us. Our target is to be in those races better than the other ones. We try to push a little bit better to make better results.

Jorge Goeters

During the latter part of the last century, in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a small but steady population increase. The younger population for a large part doesn't stay in the area. We lose the college-age population, but new people are moving in to offset that loss.

Terry Bliss

The question is whether Harper can convince the Canadian population that he is trustworthy and will do what he said he would, and that he does not have a hidden agenda. If people get more comfortable with him, then I think he has a chance to probably expand his base.

Bruce Clemenger

This is a population that has endured a great deal of damage. We knew that anything we could do to improve their quality of life would be welcome.

Stephen Rapp

How do we control a disease in a population that we have no control over?

Mark Drew

For several years our district student population has been about 475. Currently it is about 535.

Troy Thygerson

Sports is very important for a large portion of our population at home. Football brings happiness to them. Therefore we are absolutely delighted for having contributed something.

Marcelo Bielsa

Schools that are to cater for the whole population must offer courses that are as rich and varied as are the needs and abilities of the children who enter them.

Peter Fraser

Odds are the findings are significantly related to the underlying religious beliefs of this population.

Richard Suzman

Once you're below that, the population is not able to maintain itself. This is what we've seen the past three to four years.

Andrea Jones

Countries like Sweden and Italy have been having this huge debate for many years over population decline. A lot of the debate is about immigration: People have been telling them they need to increase immigration in order to keep the economy going.

Shripad Tuljapurkar

More and more people were coming in (to the library). They were mostly the Puerto Rican population, but we then saw that the Mexican population exploded, so we decided to branch out to get them to come in.

Patricia Lewis

Due to population growth, it is reasonable that construction would account for 8.8 percent of all jobs in Western states, somewhat higher than the national average of 5.4 percent.

Lee Mcpheters

Democracy in Iraq will be an example that the Arab population will look to with great interest. And some Arab governments are concerned about democracy in Iraq, not because Iraq will be an aggressive state against them, but rather by the example that will be set by a successful federal democratic state in Iraq.

Ahmed Chalabi

This is not feral hog eradication. We will be using legal means to reduce the population so we can reduce damage.

Billy Higginbotham

Thankfully there have been no problems in the human population in the area (where the dog was found).

Samaya Mamedova

This is primarily a population-driven housing market, and as long as people want to move here this will continue to be a booming housing market.

Carl Brown

Consumers of digital media are today a much broader set of the population than in the past. They want an external storage that is easy to use.

Jim Welsh

African-Americans who have this variant are almost certain to develop heart attacks. If you remove this gene variant from the population you would remove almost 20 percent of heart attacks in Africans-Americans.

Kari Stefansson

Our conservation efforts have definitely yielded some positive results as we have managed to control further decline in its population.

Richard Garstang

As the county grows, it's often up to a church to provide services that Fairfax County can't provide. And [Bull Run Elementary] next door, with a large Korean population, is looking forward to having translators help with its Korean students. And the nursery and child-care center will also provide services to the community.

Lynne Strobel

(Population aging) is just never worth much as an explanation. Over a 10 to 20 year period, it's a big deal. Over a one to two year period, it's just not as significant.

Jack Rodgers

We do not have sufficient funds to educate the population and conduct surveillances as much as we would like to.

Dr Christina Chisembele

The population is growing, the unemployment rate is dropping. It's a combination of those two factors.

Charlie Roberts

It's very difficult to get a handle on the true count. It's a very transient population and they move around a lot.

Mary Savage

Our population continues to grow, so we have had to add positions to handle that growth.

Francis Moore

You're not talking about a population of kids that can't make it. They just need to be convinced they can.

Rafael Marquez

If this had been a pregnant female rat it would have been a problem. It takes only one ... to establish a population.

Mick Clout

Baton Rouge had a population of 400,000; now it has a population of 800,000, with one-half needing to take care of the other half.

Ron Kral

I'm willing to guess there's a very large segment of the U.S. population that doesn't know where many things are made, or more importantly, how they got from where they are made to the target in Peoria.

Michael Berzon

But Seattle is growing fast and we're going to need a lot more than roads and bridges to handle the population that's already there.

Kristina Hill

When the Australian Government looked at how to meet the challenges, and the opportunities, presented by our ageing population, it saw that an all-encompassing approach was a prerequisite.

Julie Bishop

I think it's going to be longer than that. In Florida, we're going to see some slowing of population growth, so that will magnify the impact.

Hank Fishkind

Either we communicate with each other or we destroy each other. If we do not help that 80% of the population in poverty, nobody will live a human life.

Jonathan Jakubowicz

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. We can't have a large and growing population of second-class citizens. That would create a lot of suffering, and it'll eventually destroy this country.

Maria Juega

There is an element of the population out there that simply does not want to deal with car salesmen .

Jack Nerad

If you identify a population at risk for death, it's much easier to get them to change their behavior -- both to never start smoking in the beginning and to stop if they are smoking and have this high-risk gene.

Harmon Eyre

We get staff that mirror the population that they're serving.

Larry Mcreynolds

I will not be surprised if I see a more aggressive use of the CPPCC as an instrument to pacify the discontented rural population.

Steve Tsang

We see it every day, so it is easy to take for granted. Missoula has a dynamic population with the university here and an incredible arts community that is vital for this kind of festival.

Damon Ristau

We are already learning new things about the Saturn system. We will fly by Phoebe on June 11th and that's a very interesting moon. We presume that it's a captured object. We don't know what population it represents. Is it an asteroid? Is it a Kuiper Belt Object?

Candice Hansen

We have people moving here to take teaching jobs. They need to understand the population they're working with.

Michelle Hoffman

Our population has never been so united in all segments. We must take hold of that and make something good of it.

Ardis Wood

I will not avoid doing what I think is right, though it should draw on me the whole artillery that falsehood and malice can invent, or the credulity a deluded population can swallow.

William Murray

They used to chase Filipinos, now they're going to the biggest markets where there's no market leader and then going for the local population. It would have been better for the company if it used its present strategy when it first did overseas expansion.

Leo Venezuela

There is an entire population of patients who have to pay a portion of their bills, and they were not treated fairly — and not told they would get excessive charges they don't get elsewhere.

John Phillips

I don't know that increasing population or increasing recreation in the national forest has anything to do with it. There is just not a clear link.

Laura Lewis

We haven't seen Provo's population jump 50 percent. It's been just a few thousand.

Gene Nelson

One out of every nine Americans is now Latino. In certain states, Latinos, in the next 20 years, will outnumber the traditional white non-Hispanic population.

Harry Pachon

When you look at the Valley's population growth and projections for the next five to 10 years, you understand why they (competitors) are coming here.

Robert Ortiz

For the population to increase and for cancer to decrease, that's a major step. We are making progress. We just need to keep making progress by continuing to fund cancer research.

Peter Osborne

As for peace we subscribe to the UN resolution... although it contains some contractions. We shall together achieve peace if the major and essential challenge of identification of our population and our combatants are taken up.

Guillaume Soro

It's better for the wolf population as a whole to take care of some of the bad wolves in a given population.

Brian Roell

If the population is poor and has just about enough income to cover utility fees, accordingly, the weight of communal fees in the CPI basket is high.

Natalya Orlova

When you think that the population of metropolitan New Orleans before Katrina was 485,000 and it's now 150,000, so two-thirds of the city is gone. The question of how to rebuild becomes very difficult.

Reed Kroloff

We are doing all we can. We don't want to get stuck with these orangutans. We want to send them back but we want to do it the right way ... That is why we need to discuss how best to determine which population these 54 orangutans come from.

Schwann Tunhikorn

The Eastside Jewish population is definitely growing. So it's great to see Jewish businesses thriving to serve that population as well as the rest of the Eastside.

Barry Goren

The WFP has nothing in its pipeline that would allow us to feed this refugee population beyond the end of this month.

Simon Pluess

These projects are important. They create jobs, a sales tax base ... we have a 44 percent Hispanic population. They deserve a market that caters to them.

Mike Souza

Texas, of course, has a large minority population, and it has a very religious population compared to the rest of the nation.

David Popenoe

If anything should happen to the facility, it would happen in the middle of the sound away from the population.

Froydis Cameron

We have an ageing population and the demand for elective surgery continues to increase, which provides us with a real challenge.

Michael Wright

The continuing sinusitis is the reason for the persistent cough in my patient population. You can get a pattern of coughing that is similar to bronchitis that is a result of the low-grade sinusitis.

Dr. Lyndon Mansfield

Best Buy can hit our five key markets, which represent 37% of the Hispanic population. That's something they couldn't do before.

John Paton

The Rio Grande Valley area is an established corridor that smugglers use largely due to the geography, population, and an expanded smuggling network on both sides of the border.

Miguel de Cervantes

There should be enough to cover the percentage of the population that each member state decides needs protection.

Markos Kyprianou

These 100 million individuals have a per capita GDP equal to that of the U.K. or Germany, ... This is a very comfortable population with significant disposable income.

Steve Heller

On average, within an educated population ... we find between one to two unreported criminal offenses per year for every 1,000 employees.

Tal Moise

Boomers make up a third of our population, and they have always dominated our society from a cultural standpoint. The way work itself is being done, how we dress, where we work: All of these innovations have been embraced by our society.

Maddy Dychtwald

Looking toward the future, we see a different face of the U.S. population. But I don't think that's necessarily new. It's a confirmation that this hasn't stopped or changed much.

Audrey Singer

We feel that this was an intentional introduction of shad. It takes more than a handful of fish (to establish a population). It was someone who knew what they were doing. They probably brought the shad here in an aerated, circular tank.

Kerry Prather

It's going to spread to the North American bird population. It will come from them to spread to the poultry industry.

Mike Cooke

Green home building is at a tipping point among the builder population. The data we recently collected indicates 2006 to 2007 is the time frame from which the builder population moves from a majority less involved to more involved with green building.

Harvey Bernstein

This first confirmed case means we're more aggressively following up on the contacts we've had with suspected cases. We're not surprised to find a confirmed case, given our highly mobile population.

Judy Friederichs

We want to see something that's going to be a win-win for everybody and not just for one segment of the population.

Larry Glass

Less than 5 percent of the population is using banking services. The growth opportunities for mortgages, car loans, consumer loans, are huge.

Spencer White

This is above all now a threat to the population, because the leadership and officials of the firm did not take the necessary steps to isolate the isotope.

Valery Kuznetsov