"Francis Moore" is the name of:

*Francis Moore (astrologer) (1657–1715), English physician, astrologer, and publisher of Old Moore's Almanack

*Sir Francis Moore (barrister) (1558–1621), English barrister and Under Steward of Oxford University

*Francis Moore (ice hockey) (1900–1976), Canadian ice hockey player and Olympic silver medalist

*Francis Moore (Medal of Honor) (1858–?), American sailor and Medal of Honor recipient

*Francis Daniels Moore (1913–2001), American surgeon

*Francis W. Moore, Jr. (1808–1864), second mayor of Houston, Texas

*Francis More (by 1525-?75), MP

More Francis Moore on Wikipedia.

It swells up if (birds) eat too much and will damage their stomach. That can be a problem.

Our population continues to grow, so we have had to add positions to handle that growth.

Sometimes if they left the nest, you can put them back in the nest if the nest is still intact or put them close to it. Usually the parents won't care.

Every year it's a mixture. We have some that retire and some that move out of the area and some of the positions that opened up are new positions we put into our budget.