101 quotes about operational follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He is neither a strategist nor is he schooled in the operational arts, nor is he a tactician, nor is he a general. Other than that he's a great military man.

H. Norman Schwarzkopf

It depends on what they vote for from an operational perspective. The question is 'What is the best market structure'.

Bernard Dan

The question is, what incentives and what discounts have they needed to provide to get to that number and indeed just what is their operational efficiency?

Scott Reamer

Half of them have programs. Half of them don't. The ones that do, only 28 per cent of them have been operational for more than a year. Twenty-one per cent have been up and running for less than a year.

Rick Saia

But as to its impact on our operational effectiveness and what's already underway here, it's negligible.

Maj. Scott Lundy

We've got most of the schools up and operational. One school early in the morning and then in the afternoon.

Kevin Davis

Their interest at this point in time is to get the administration building on Bluebonnet completely finished and operational.

Charles Landry

We have been working diligently on key elements of our operational plan.

Robert Weaver

It's not about conquering fear, but learning to stay operational while fear is present. It's a feeling of being alive and very present in the moment.

Peter Gold

We're the backups to them [the NFL-contracted security companies]. We lead the operational planning, but we let them handle the security issues. The law-enforcement agencies handle the sweeps and make sure the location is free of any incidents.

James Tate

If we look at how AMD's microprocessor business has been since Dirk got there, it's very, very positive. I see it as a reward for the technical engineering and operational contributions he has made to the business.

Matthew Wilkins

We were able to collect the fees necessary to cover the facility and other operational costs through revenue generated through ticket sales.

Darren Libonati

We are taking this action to reduce cost, and increase operational facilities.

Bob Marsocci

It's really a win-win from an operational point of view because you get less noise and less fuel burn at low altitude.

Tom Reynolds

It was a gag gift that was never operational. He never attached the pump to his penis and he was not masturbating on the bench.

Clark Brewster

Most of the cost benefits - both on an operational and regulatory basis - have now been achieved so ITV will need to reverse the top-line decline to be able to perform beyond 2005.

Paul Bates

If half the businesses here got knocked out, in 30 days they'd be back in operation. The only investment we need to keep this place operational is a highway.

Ted Falgout

It's been a good location. We will keep our other two stores operational. It's business as usual for them.

Heather Taylor

We exceeded all of our operational and financial targets, smoothly integrated the acquisitions of Specialty Defense and Bianchi International, and effectively leveraged our asset purchases from Second Chance.

Robert Schiller

There are benefits in service enhancements – providing a better service to customers and all the attendant advantages that can bring, and also operational gains from managing people and assets better.

Richard Wilding

What's core to his business is, in fact, the more mundane, more operational aspects of running an organization, and that's a valid core competency.

Thomas Koulopoulos

Whether he is alive or dead almost doesn't matter because he has become a symbolic figure, rather than an operational figure.

Richard Clarke

There may be some operational security concerns with the time line he laid out.

Michael Kucharek

This move is an effort by Doug to put a little more daylight between himself and the operational side so that he can free up his own time to do more strategic thinking about the markets.

Martin Romm

These funds will help to ensure that our first responders have access to the best training and equipment available, improving their operational capabilities and enhancing public safety in New Hampshire.

Charles Bass

When we make decisions about operational hours?as a business partner we have to make recommendations [about] keeping [these places] open with as many locations as we have on campus.

Katherine Carmody

I have in fact, I'm now informed, received a letter from the ACCC relating to certain aspects of operational separation and providing certain information.

Helen Coonan

In this industry, it's required of us to be best-of-breed in terms of operational efficiency.

William Amelio

Any discussion about actual or alleged operational issues would be irresponsible as it would give our adversaries insight that would enable them to adjust and potentially inflict harm to the U.S..

Don Weber

More will be deployed in 2006 and 2007. But for operational security reasons the Defense Department will no longer divulge how many interceptors are deployed, only that it is in excess of 10.

Rick Lehner

The six CNG stations left are complaining they can't cover their high operational costs because they don't have enough customers.

Satrio Nugroho

We believe there is no technical, safety or operational evidence to suggest that Concorde should not operate safely in the future.

Mike Street

Ron is very well respected by the investment and managed care communities and has demonstrated strong operational expertise in the Aetna turnaround.

Doug Simpson

All of the operational assets that he requires in terms of extra assets to prosecute the air campaign with maximum effect.

General Wesley Clark

This process has plagued other airline mergers, and brings a risk of operational disruption or added costs.

Betsy Snyder

This is the time, ... to buy Disney ( DIS ), when they`re going through operational difficulties and cleaning house. They`re getting out of the businesses that don`t make sense and investing in the businesses that do.

David Otto

As difficult as the past year was from a financial performance standpoint, 2005 was a year of accomplishments from an operational standpoint.

Joe Scaminace

His background is much more on the operational side, and that's a positive because that's what 3Com needs for them to reach operating profitability.

Manuel Recarey

The four BIAs in the area support it. Operational benefits include accessibility and a place for police officers to come and go when they're working. Everyone's clamoring for more police presence.

Julian Fantino

If I had my druthers, they would exclude the operational people from that - the people that issue the warnings.

Dan Sobien

The biggest uncertainties before today were operational costs and iron ore prices. With costs out of the way, all eyes are now on the iron ore outcomes.

Rob Clifford

There's nothing here in terms of an operational business. It's a laboratory.

Tom Taulli

We are now moving into the full operational mode along with our partners in the military and in the security agencies.

Christine Nixon

He has a lack of drive and motivation when asked to do operational work, ... He's just a lovely pet.

David Stephenson

From an operational perspective we need to see signs the company is coping well in this difficult environment, and if that is the case that could set the market up for a good day [on Tuesday]. If not, then the opposite could happen.

David Thwaites

Exxon has really been about discipline. What Exxon brings to the table is their balance sheet, the technical expertise, and their operational management and development. That's where they shine.

Daniel Barcelo

We hope to have a first black list operational in February, March 2006.

Stefaan De Rynck

Now it's time to expand beyond the operational people.

Jeff Abraham

By 2012, the BI-PM continuum will drive business transformation from the strategic to the operational levels.

Betsy Burton

The demands on the network are increasing faster than the total IT staff, creating an operational gap between what customers want to be able to do on their network and what they are actually able to do with their existing IT resources.

John Yen

A different type of leader who will aggressively tackle the company's financial, management and operational challenges.

David Gunn

It's almost like building a start-up company from the ground up. You have to have financial people, you have to have marketing people, you have to have operational people, you have to have fundraising people. It's a big project, a really big project.

Greg Erwin

The hope is we won't have to do any layoffs, and we'll be fully operational through July 1.

Bill Chapman

The latter implies emergency preparedness planning, legal and administrative frameworks, awareness campaigns and education, and the development of the operational capabilities to act in an emergency.

Patricio Bernal

We need operational concepts to guide our investment in the transformational technology of laser weapons.

Richard Dunn

We appreciate that the DPUC had responded to some of the concerns we had expressed about the draft decision. This additional revenue will defray some but not all of our increasing operational costs.

Anita Steeves

Our earnings performance in the fourth quarter met expectations with increased gross margins, lower costs and operational improvements. We delivered another quarter - and another year - of earnings growth.

Anne M. Mulcahy

With his customer-centric focus and unique balance of strategic insight, operational expertise, and technology and financial knowledge, Michael is a strong asset to Cisco's board.

John Morgridge

Confident that it has the operational capacity and financial resources to successfully meet its goals and carry out its business plan.

Harvey Weinstein

Clearly some operational issues need to be addressed. These are just lost sales and frustrated customers that may never come back.

Robert Johnston

The meat of this whole process is not this act; the operational agreement is. That's where we get to the nitty-gritty.

Tony Sammons

If you look at the operational environment in which we're now operating and the one we think we'll be operating in the future, we think that is not where we should put our focus.

Les Brownlee

You need both an exit feature as well as an entry feature. Unless you have both ends, the system still isn't operational.

Clark Kent Ervin

At this point the airport is fully operational. Flights are now departing from Terminal D.

Andrea Mccauley

All the three centers can be made operational in time despite damaged roads and bridges.

Vijay Batra

There are benefits in service enhancements--providing a better service to customers and all the attendant advantages that can bring, and also operational gains from managing people and assets better.

Richard Wildings

It's absolutely critical that we pass this M and O because otherwise we'd be looking at pretty drastic operational and personnel cuts.

Michael Grubbs

Art's experience in operational planning, budgeting and finance will be of immense help to us in achieving the operational and financial improvements that we need to make.

Daniel Kane

There's even greater production on the horizon with three plants under construction due to be operational in the next 18 months.

Brian Woldt

The lack of any increase to guidance from the operational perspective is a little disappointing.

Nick Fothergill

It was three days away from being operational.

Beth Richardson

I suspect it will be like malaria - an operational hazard of doing business in China, ... After the short-term disruptions ... the level of fear will even out, and then things will balance as people figure out how to live with it.

Adam Segal

There are a number of things along those lines; some of them reduce operational costs, and others reduce capital costs. When you look at the whole thing, we just have to balance all of that out.

Tom Dempsey

I think officiating will improve with the change in this position. We expect them to be fully operational by July, but we'll be working with him at camps probably as early as June.

Jerry Bovee

It's all across the board, ... We get hit in the food area, college vehicle expenses, utilities and operational budgets.

Ann Miller

Issues like this occur from time to time at any airline, and at Northwest, we investigate any such operational issues.

Jennifer Bagdade

Our focus is to continually improve operational productivity and efficiency to best deliver the services and solutions our clients seek.

Jose Jimenez

Until five years ago, banks didn't have to worry much about operational risk. But that's a real risk that needs to be managed.

Deborah Williams

Oil is the biggest challenge for the company. About 30 to 40 percent of the company's operational costs is oil.

Sukbir Khanijoh

The thing that really came out was, both bases were very competitive and had strengths. But they were going to spend $300 million to reallocate bombers and end up with no significant increase in operational capacity.

Pat Mcelgunn

Our key operational focus is just loans growth and margins and basically in that regard, DBS was able to push some relatively good figures.

Ismael Pili

We need an operational entity -- somebody who's accountable for it.

Pat Burns

It's not about numbers. Being able to generate operational effects on the battle space - that's what it's about.

Bryan Henry

This past year, we had 55 complaints against individual landowners. Some weren't valid. Some were and we were able to contact individuals to make positive changes in their operational management.

Ray Jaindl

With the grant of the operational license we are now able to begin offering world class investment products in China.

Chris Ryan

[But] from an operational perspective, the devil is in the details, ... sustainable.

Transport Canada

It's not clear whether he played any kind of operational role, but he's the glue that holds the association together.

Sidney Jones

The weather in the operational area is at last improving, and we confidently expect the full weight of NATO's air power will be brought to bear in the next few days.

John Day

We're seeing alliances between modeling tools and operational tools.

Robert Handler

In the mobile market the operational cost of running the network is going to be much higher and it's a very mature market so I think the ability for them to come in from day one and cut prices is somewhat limited.

Nathan Ramler

In this industry, it's required for us to be best of breed when it comes to operational efficiency. We have to be able to support our business partners and customers in all areas of the world.

William Amelio

We're just watching the other things unfold in the east. We're fully operational.

Dr. James Anderson

They absolutely have the operational expertise to run a 500-slot casino to a giant, 2,000- or 3,000-slot operation. That would be no problem for them.

Jeff Simpson

We should have had a plan 10 years ago. We should have been operational last year. What more do we need to wake up to?

Shelly Hearne

As we started to entertain more, and gain more status, the kitchen grew into not just a room that would be operational and functional, but one, like the bath, in which we luxuriate.

Billy Rose

Everything has gone completely to plan. But it will take several more days before the satellite becomes fully operational.

Shimon Eckhaus

This is something the man has done himself - it has nothing to do with the previous management. Eighteen months ago it was a pretty revolutionary target - it's good to get back to operational news again.

Robert Grindle

This is a company with a lot of operational issues going forward.

Brian Modoff

[The] former regime elements ... seem to have very good operational secrecy, ... And thus far it's not been that easy to make a dent in that part of the insurgency.

John Negroponte

It's not just an operational issue, it's a moral issue.

Neil James

With the costs that have been stripped out of a lot of companies, any pick-up in business they see feeds very quickly through the operational gearing.

Derek Mitchell