The members find it gross and disgusting that United executives are going to benefit from the workers' sacrifices.

Joe Tiberi

Gladys is just a wonderful example of the creativity and dedication of NPCD members across the country.

Stephen Palmer

Our members believe there is something seriously wrong. There's too much emphasis on a single test.

Charles Hasse

Right now, one of our members needs time off, so we're granting him that.

Travis Barker

That's a little unnerving to me, more so than the charge or earnings warning. He was one of the members of Campbell that was highly regarded.

Patrick Schumann

One of our members was a Webmaster and he suggested it and volunteered to do the work on it for free.

Dante J. Picciano

This new building allows us to bring in more members since we have the meeting space. We're really glad we have our new home.

Paul Cooper

We'll continue to pursue very seriously any charges that are alleged against clergy members in an effort to try and prosecute them.

Maria Miller

We are doing the survey through the Internet, requesting participation from all members of the instructional faculty and teaching assistants.

Tom Guterbock

I have been keen for some time to improve the facilities in this area and it will also include the Club Members Bar.

David Williamson

The last few years, they have fallen on hard times and only have 35 members.

Jerry Aldrich

However, our members are still on standby and if we hear anything we'll act swiftly.

Richard Crockett

The LPGA has recommended, and we agree, that non-LPGA members who achieve the same level of success as LPGA members should be eligible to be considered for an invitation.

Terry Wilcox

Many members' comments expressed concern about the continuing rise in oil and gas prices.

Ralph Kauffman

They are learning experiences, ... You find out what other cities are doing to improve their government and you find out what grants are available. You get to talk with other council members and mayors to see what they're doing to make things better.

Jim Mccarthy

If we don't have the members, our program will not be as strong.

Rolando Gonzalez

Members of our committee felt some things needed to be updated.

Pam Richardson

The biggest thing with the commission in the reorganization is talking to current members about what is the purpose of the commission and what it can do for the community.

Mary Parks

That's sometimes a difficult thing for family members to understand. The process can be vastly different, depending on the country.

Angela Aggeler

Members of the public health community have been highlighting our national neglect of public health infrastructure for decades.

David L. Katz

That savings is being passed on to members. Our focus is strictly on them.

Barry Bowman

There's no reason to resign. Why should we, we're legitimate board members.

Jerry Kelley

I believe what members are looking for is momentum ... China needs to demonstrate in some areas they are ready to move forward.

Cal Cohen

I still have issues, ethically, with how the rest of sitting board members came to power. I would probably do even more because I would expect more from them.

Fred Dooley

Our property has been destroyed or taken. Our family members were killed. They tell me to go home, but where do I go and to whom am I going to?

Nyan Minon

A lot of family members get to see their daughters and granddaughters all dressed up and having fun. Then we ask the girls a question and they answer. That's sure to be funny.

Nicole Larkin

It was a staff member's mistake then they added the two amounts together.

Corky Mattingly

Has enough evidence to indict the 10 leading members of the regime.

Ann Clwyd

I think this club will work best when there is a strong group identity, when members feel that they are a part of something.

Aaron Day

There will have to be a move for some kind of deficit reduction. We've been telling members that Balanced Budget Act 2 could be just around the corner.

Rick Wade

We find it inconceivable, as I am sure do the members of this august body, that solutions should be imposed against its will on any democracy, least of all solutions that threaten its internationally recognized borders.

Vojislav Kostunica

There was not the support among the council members (for one referendum package) - that's the bottom line.

Larry Pleasant

She's someone who has helped inspire a lot of the young members of the State team, and it will be exciting for them to get the chance to see and meet her.

David Warren

This comes from my desire to understand why certain council members are abstaining on important issues. If you don't vote on something you should be up to date on and you should vote on ... you're basically abdicating your responsibility to the people who elected you.

Rep. Beto O'rourke

We just launched a foundation to make grants because a lot of our members have started nonprofits.

Kathi Jones

What a rare opportunity you have given the members of this committee, ... We will do our best to fulfill your expectations.

Ann Rice

There is a great fear among the displaced people, most of whom are women and children and some of whom have lost family members in the fighting. We need to be able to locate them and bring them to shelter before more civilians die.

Sadako Ogata

We have formed an alliance and we will now consult our members to determine which way forward.

Michael Sata

We're a people's band. We like to drink beer, chase members of the opposite sex and enjoy rock and roll. Just the same as our audience!

Lee Stone

These are bargaining unit members… who have chosen to ignore the strike and stay inside. They're scabs.

Todd Parsons

I'm disappointed that after July 1, that the administration did not inform board members, even privately, that there had been a major change in the cost structure.

Larry Snow

Retirement security is very important for our members, along with health care, so in bargaining, we work hard to safeguard these benefits.

Candice Johnson

Enlargement beyond 27 members is certainly a difficult thing to contemplate in the current situation of the treaties.

Johannes Laitenberger

He would always drive. They always traveled together to visit family and family members.

Lyia Singleton

Like any company that's going into negotiations, we have made plans for any possibility. That said, we can't make airplanes without our team members there to build them.

Chaz Bickers

I am very encouraged by the response from members of the public.

Adrian Leppard

The ruling by the attorney general will allow the board to maintain a level playing field for all members.

Thomas Taylor

The reason I didn't give the proposal to the board members at that time is because Gabe (Stine) wasn't there.

Karen Morgan

The members may in the long run decide it's better to do nothing than cast votes that may make them look bad. So being unproductive isn't always bad.

Linda Fowler

The volunteers, the members, the Honda people, the NBC people, the champion (Luke Donald). It's the last time a lot these people will be together. That's when it will probably get emotional.

Cliff Danley

The biggest thing I say is that we don't want to hinder groups from having access to Student Council and we don't want to hinder our members from being involved in the community.

Darius Nabors

Our game plan is to continue to work with the government and our coalition members to further clarify what needs and how we can work together to best make those things happen.

Mark Holmes

If members of the security apparatus could, with impunity, keep from those elected by the people that which they're entitled to know - or worse, feed false information - those who could control the classified data could be the real decision makers.

Harold H. Greene

All (family members) are cooperative and understand we're doing everything we can for them.

Chief Ryan Nichols

The baptized members are a part of the Body of Christ and can partake of his body and blood.

Jeanette Williams

I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one 'race' - the human race - and that we are all members of it.

Margaret Atwood

Because this is a second case review, the committee members are different from the first one.

Djoko Sarwoko

Most of the members are moms and dads and grandparents. We're dealing with a good corner of the market.

Michelle Maxia

As our need grew for more stock and more members, the homeowner's association assisted us. We are fortunate with proactive people (in our community).

Sal Liberatore

It's a way for the different families to meet each other. We would like to get more of the family members of the soldiers involved in supporting each other.

Lisa Guerrero

We'll go back (to the table) with the same intent we always have, which is to negotiate on behalf of our members.

Leslie Porras

France and other EU members have taken the EU to the brink of collapsing the round.

Mark Vaile

We have six fairly new Community Family Clubs -- three that are primarily Hispanic and three that are African American, ... Each one of these clubs has around 80 members and there is no age requirement.

Derrick Williams

[There's also a couple of old team members no longer on the ship: the preacher Book (Ron Glass) and the] companion ... I Dream of Jeannie.

Morena Baccarin

For about eight years, various board members have suggested that we have an absentee rate that is too high.

Rick Caporale

We have also cleaned up the issue of the conflict issue, not only with our staff but with board members, being involved with organization that might be a conflict.

Don Capshaw

We are all members of a single humanity, inside our hearts we all speak the same language, we all love our children and our parents, we all live in the same world.

Marc Forne Molne

Members of the commission have been selected for their experience and for their integrity. ... I know the group's recommendations will be comprehensive and well-considered.

Guy Boutilier

Some of our members consider [portable storage] a competitor, and some of our members have gone into the business.

Tim Dietz

Members know this is a very difficult moment -- if we don't hang together we fall apart.

Tom Cole

We don't want members of Congress sitting behind their desk all day long.

Mary Boyle

I believe the quality and geographic reach of the individual Pinnacle members and their firms will be a tremendous asset to our clients.

Robert Carr

You can have two family members disrupt everything that's going on, but you can have 15 who are well behaved, and it's no problem at all.

Andrew Ross

We are getting a lot of practice addressing hurricane-related contingencies. Fortunately, we have had excellent communication and we are getting great cooperation from our members.

Britton Banowsky

GLAAD is reaching out to the show's producers to discuss our concerns and the concerns of community members and allies who have contacted us about this matter.

Damon Romine

We give up the ability to say we are New York Stock Exchange members, which we had been able to do for 213 years and that's difficult. It's been part of our identities for many years.

James Rutledge

Under the extraordinary leadership of Carol Mitchener, all of our staff members have banded together at both downtown locations to assist in matching up employers and employees.

Ann Snyder

We're hoping she can represent Coachella that she can increase the level of service we provide (our) members and therefore partner with the city to really enhance the business community.

Mark Weber

We can't compromise the interests of our members by being forced to pay for uncovered losses.

David Snowden

We have a big advantage now in that people are more likely to come to a new place where they are one of the founding faculty members and have a lot of say in what gets done, ... But when you get to the point where we have 100 faculty and we're just another UC at the bottom of the barrel, there's less to distinguish ourselves.

Anne Kelley

Along with our other seniors, we have a lot of experience and leadership to guide our new members.

Kristian Kuegler

That's a grave over-simplification of a very complex issue. The bottom line should be what's in it for the members. Personally, I'm not aware of any benefits.

Linda Malec

We had our neighbors, friends of neighbors, family members, friends of friends, strangers, people we didn't even know were coming out to help.

Andrew Dipasquale

Bob and Harvey hope for an amicable resolution that will allow them to continue to be productive members of the Disney family.

Miramax Films

We have done everything we can possibly do to preserve a fair election in accordance to the laws governing homeowners' associations and to protect the privacy of the members of the association.

Carol Jones

We were concerned for members' health and comfort but also the situation was potentially dangerous in that cars could slip.

Doug Brandy

Once members of Congress see just how much they would stand to gain by a fairer distribution, I think that will help shift the debate.

Ken Cook

They didn't have that many members to start off with, anyway.

Paul Cherry

As long as [the family members] are not trying to act against him, it will be hard to pull off a successful coup. That doesn't mean people may not try, but it'd be hard to pull off as long as they're in his corner.

Flynt Leverett

One of our members actually coaches the team, so we're going to buy their uniforms and help them all we can.

Dennis Mcdonald

Our key consideration is who will be best placed to facilitate the forging of consensus among WTO members in accordance with the Doha Development Agenda mandate, which has clearly provided for the proper address of development concerns in each and every negotiating area.

Henry Tang

We are extremely pleased to have these two distinguished individuals as members of our Board of Directors.

Sunil Wadhwani

Online predators befriend adolescents. They become closer to them than some family members are.

Sharon Cooper

It seems that every time we get to an impasse, we (council members) are asked to yet again compromise more, and give more. And now, yet again, there is another block being put in place and I'm having a hard time with that, personally.

Joe Schitter

There has been a baby boom in the congregation, ... but a lot of our members have lots of pets. We have a compassion for unwanted animals. And we're emphatic about making a difference.

Jeff Miner

You use your own money. I did have a few people who gave me money for the campaign, but I never asked for any. Most of what I used was my own money or money family members gave me.

Frank Mccartney

We've been bulking up our administrative and executive layers in Charlotte. We want to shift more of the load to Charlotte because it is much closer to our members, who are mostly east of the Mississippi.

Kevin Evans

Assuming these two members agree with the governor, they should lock in the far more restrictive interpretation than what is currently the practice.

Blair Horner

Coaches and players can sense when members want them and when they don't. We felt wanted here.

Mark Gaynor

I do not care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

Groucho Marx

We are proud of our team members who, in a prompt and efficient manner, extinguished the smoke.

Kathy Shepard

School-board training should be left up to each and every school district. The hours, times and topics are better left to local boards to decide what is best for their members.

Tim Allwein

We have 25 regular members who will donate for the live auction and 25 consignment members who will donate for the silent auction.

Becky Keene

After thoroughly reviewing the committee's report, all the members of the Cabinet Committee came to the conclusion that the report was not fair.

Saifur Rahman

Everybody would like to have real estate tax reduction including myself and the school board members.

John Cornish

The members of the board are dead-set to keep this winning tradition going.

Allen Beam

The board will have a telephone hook-up of its 15 members either tomorrow or Monday to discuss whether it retains confidence in the Minister.

Mike Dean

People are starving. They have lost all their family members, their belongings... Nobody is helping us to find them.

Akram Shah

On the one hand, Natalie has been the heart and soul of WREN. And on the other hand, the [WREN] members are the heart and soul of WREN.

Linda Goldstein

There has been a significant financial impact to the ski area here. We have a huge amount of disappointed club members. And the lack of moisture for the forest and runoff is equally as concerning.

Tom Long

I wouldn't classify those changes as major. Between charitable events and fundraising events, there will still be lots of ways to get in front of members (of Congress).

Dan Danner

A central location will enable us to work more efficiently as team members and provide an excellent campus environment.

Robert Griswold

The Army Family Action Plan program allows all members of the Army community to communicate directly with Army leaders about the issues that concern them. Every issue that is submitted is brought up for discussion.

Dennis Mcmillen

There are few better measures of the concern a society has for its individual members and its own well being than the way it handles criminals.

Ramsey Clark

Members of the American Embassy family in Islamabad.

Barbara Green

Last year, it was to the point where we either had to disband or to knuckle under and just do it. So our main goal this year will be to bring in new members.

Michael Mckinney

Heads of state from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania during one of their meetings in 2002 had deliberated on the possibility of accepting the two new members.

Amanya Mushega

We talked to our members about it and they said, 'This sounds crazy,' but the more work we do, it looks like we can pull it off.

Dan Brush

Most of the pieces are about my family members and my experiences.

Colin Nesbit

Unfortunately, the limitations of the process have made it impractical to fully inform members. Further, the result has been unnecessary confusion and concern among our members.

Harold Lowman

The most provocative interpretation (of this change) is that market participants anticipated that the Committee was going to become more democratic once Greenspan departed, and hence began to pay more attention to the comments by other FOMC members.

Brian Sack

I don't know how many members they have now, but I'm sure its far shy of 60. After the merger, the chamber do not do what it promised it would.

Richard Tillis

It was down to the wire, so it was almost a relief. I look forward to working with all the different board members.

Arlene Silveira

This disaster especially hits home to us, since those affected include thousands of Tyson Team Members who live in Mississippi.

John Tyson

Family members are going to protect their loved ones, especially if the family members ask them to keep it confidential, I can understand that.

Ram Hernandez

In a democracy, all leaders should be accountable. How can union leaders be held accountable if they won't even hold elections? It is imperative that union members be made aware that their purported 'leaders' actively preclude employees' voices from being heard.

Richard Berman

There was a particular individual who stood up and urged members not to vote for females.

John Burk

The companies who are members of the chicken council decided to do this. It took the bigger companies longer to get it together. It was easy for us, so we decided to go ahead and get started early.

Tom Hensley

How can anyone govern a university where a fraction of faculty members can force a president out?

Joseph O'donnell

The party leaders will probably be able to get support of their members at the end of the day. But it's still a dangerous business.

Uwe Andersen

Solidarity members joined in at midnight. There are no formal offers at this point.

Reint Dykema

Of course, some opposition members who failed in the elections, or some who did not take part in the elections must have something to say. They cannot admit the facts and the realities, but these are the facts and the realities.

Jalal Talabani

He had joked to chorus members they would be assured of a standing ovation. He makes all our rehearsals fun.

Dora Murray

There are a lot of members that do not know what is going on with this land swap deal. We agreed that issue wouldn't be brought up until the new board is seated.

Dennis Derosso

The Bush campaign was all about national security. [Campaign members] implied ... that a vote for Kerry would put you in danger.

Bill Plante

That is why we shall fight this all the way in the courts to win back the pensions that our members and their families were told were guaranteed.

Michael Leahy

I've seen certain cast members naked, but I won't disclose their names.

Nikki Sanderson

We sure do, ... just as we help Republicans that help us out. That's what our members expect us to do.

Wayne Lapierre

Our members have the right to hear about this offer from our officers ... and then to make up their own mind.

Yvette Salazar

We hope that the donations to J-LEAD are additional dollars to the Jewish philanthropic world, as opposed to taking dollars from charities that the members already give to.

Greg Wolf

The annual Congress is also an opportunity to renew the friendship that we, ACI members worldwide, have built through the years.

Jose Arnulfo Veloso

My overall message for labor members is... that we understand that the benefits of trade are clear, but the disruption and the dislocation are painfully concentrated and we can't ignore them.

Alexis Herman

Certainly the members of Congress have other tools at their disposal.

Fred Turner

You can have fun without alcohol, without drugs, without a group of gang members. It's all about fellowship, community, bringing children together and enjoying life.

Lisa Morris

The one thing we are asked to address most (by our members) is health insurance. We are hoping to accomplish rate stability and make our employees healthier.

Paul Jadin

That's just a fact - that union members have higher wages and better benefits, and collective bargaining works for the workers.

Bernie Horn

Would join the Conservative Coalition in the state Legislature. About 60 percent of the Legislature are members or considered conservative, which my father was one of them.

Charles Capps

This doesn't mean that [the EU members] are not playing with the science.

Kirsty Hughes

We think it's very appropriate for members to have a hand in the decision of how money is spent in their districts.

John Scofield

We have 20 previous choir members coming back to sing with our regular choir. And a few trumpets.

Terrell Mosely

We look forward to working with the new town board members just as we have the past ones.

Alex Yeros

Eight members of our coalition are encouraging their members to contact their congressperson to express their desire to have such a museum located on the Mall.

Susan Jollie

I met a lot of new friends. The other Canby members are like family, and I also know people from other groups that we see at contests or performances.

Kathy Robinson

Our members often form friendships that extend beyond patrol activities. It's a great way to meet neighbors and discover common interests.

Dee Tvedt

We want the communities to understand their part of the trail and be active members of the trail.

Amy Trimble

There were 9 defendants, me and 8 Mafiosos, members of the Colombo family. ... There was evidence that they had an inside informant, he ended up murdered, they found his car with 2 bloody fingers...

Harry Reems

It will be enforced by adult staff members.

Dr. Robert Greene

This animal was one of the latest members of its family and certainly the most bizarre of all marine crocs.

Diego Pol

There is no risk factor from food service members.

Jennifer Morcone

I am very appreciative the members thought enough of me to make me their president.

George Henderson

We are e-mailing our membership to remind them to vote and let them know who is running, as well as giving them some information on both candidates so our members can make an informed decision.

Matthew Lewis

The resolution on Iran was just adopted without a vote by consensus, full consensus. All 35 members of the board agreed the language of the resolution text.

Melissa Fleming

I was disappointed that the chamber didn't recognize that members do vote their consciences.

Sen. Evelyn Lynn

We presented the union members with an improved offer on Thursday that we believe is a very good offer.

Bill Plunkett

We will actively encourage our members to stop providing health care as a voluntary benefit because it makes no sense.

Bruce Josten

We have about 100 members who remained, a nice base, and it continues to grow.

Dan Hathaway

Union members, for example, are overwhelmingly covered by health insurance - and non-union members overwhelmingly are struggling to get health insurance. That's just one of the many benefits that is affected. It's just a fact of life.

Bernie Horn

I think a lot of members will be supportive of the legislation.

Brad Dayspring

Depending on who the sponsors are, it's causing different votes to go different ways. Some of the members feel free enough to vote their conscience(s).

Susie Caplowe

(He) told us to anticipate multiplying that number by 2.5 or 2.8 for the family members. That could be between 4,000 and 6,000 people.

Nick Lampshire

Our members will be outraged.

Gerry Morrissey

We're looking forward to a successful season. The athletes are all very excited to be back at the new facility and many new members have joined the team this year.

Kristian Kuegler

I couldn't even go to my family members because they're homeless, too.

Linda Lewis

Screeners have been distributed to Academy members and many of them are already appearing online.

Mark Ishikawa

It will be very hard for anyone to gain ascendancy as a PRI leader nationwide. I expect to see traditional PRI members attempting to control the party.

Sergio Sarmiento

This is just our small way of giving back to the community. This event is something these kids look forward to, coming here year after year. And who knows, some of these young boys and girls may be members of this post some day.

Norm Miller

We've had 20 new members sign up in the past two days.

Julie Murray

Some of their members are coming up. They are volunteering their time to help us put this on.

Susan Mouton

It's all in good fun, ... When they (crew members) do good it reflects well on all of us.

Severna Park

It's a big fundraiser, but it's more for exposure. Hopefully, people will like what we're doing and will want to join and become members.

Judy Nachazel

We're about the music. We know everything about each other. We're very close family members.

Richie Sambora

The only thing I'd like to say is we're just trying to be fair with every one of our water users. I'd like to have harmony with every one of our members.

Pat Patterson

Local 802 continues to lie to the public and its members.

Radio City Entertainment

The students are extremely upset and feel betrayed. Members of our industry advisory committee are also quite upset about the decision. There may be some chance for appeal, but I don't know how likely that is.

George Watt

If he doesn't want to fix the system but wants to carve out an exception, then he's not representing his constituents, but instead members of his church.

John Chamberlin

Through this process, we've come to realize that communication with members has been very poor.

Margaret Blohm

There are still a few months. It depends on WTO members.

Long Yongtu

There's an advantage to belonging to an international. One obvious thing (affecting union members) is the lack of a strike and defense fund.

David Mccall

Members of our senior team are in Bahrain to ensure that our people are given the best possible attention and care.

Brian Bruce

It cuts down on medical errors and the amount of time it takes for (family members) to come to the hospital in the event that something happens.

Mark Levine

To our members, those things have lost their attraction. There is nothing more heavenly than our services, where we converse with the Almighty.

Father Seraphim Cardoza

They're predators, and they're predators on our most vulnerable members of society.

Rep. Clel Baudler

The signs are certainly that he will be one of the relatively conservative members of the court.

Craig Bradley

We are excited to have just hit our one year anniversary with nearly 1000 members who have joined us in our vision to make closing sales easier for those in the Coastal Vacation business .

Jeff Mills

You cannot rule with 30 members.

Gideon Doron

They have a lovely new banquet facility. They are also a chamber member and we like to support our chamber members.

Jane Patton

I think frankly they do a disservice to members of the board who take their jobs seriously and who are all highly experienced professionals.

Kevin Feeley

There may be 20 to 30 people who are members of all three clubs. There's a lot of crossover. We all help each other and try to introduce new people to cycling.

Rick Cain

It's a "man bites dog" story when longtime adversaries come together to lobby Members of Congress to support a bill.

Howard Berman

This is a very sad day for the Blackwater family, ... We lost a number of our friends to attacks by terrorists in Iraq, and our thoughts and prayers go out to their family members.

Gary Jackson