We'll stay in touch by e-mail. It's going to call for a lot of trust on both sides.

Jennifer Diaz

When the mail came, we knew we'd have hell for weeks to come.

Marty Bryant

More and more messages are being sent, and consumers are becoming e-mail jaded.

Shar Vanboskirk

It's so easy to send information with e-mail.

Michael Overly

We've done a much better job of locking down e-mail, ... People are turning to instant messaging as the new attack vector.

Francis Costello

With the Hotmail breach, the mail was quite secure as it was going over the Internet. It was the back-end system that wasn't secure.

Scott Schnell

Anyone who has his e-mail client notify him anytime an e-mail comes in has already lost.

Clay Shirky

Fraudsters use current affairs to create legitimacy. The holidays are a great reason to send people e-mail to try to scam them into giving up their information.

Melih Abdulhayoglu

VOIP will even further change the equation here. The phone conversation, which used to be ephemeral, can now be like e-mail.

Jim Dempsey

You try to go into the e-mail through your television, but if it is not broadband it is not fast enough. Everyone gets very impatient with it now.

John Elliot

Most of them take around 72 hours. You mail it to a lab and they do an analysis.

Liz James

I get more mail for that one season than I get for all my years before that.

Richie Ashburn

And so if you take the e-mail out of the equation, which you must, there's not much left.

Bruce Graham

We also have web addresses and e-mail addresses on business cards. As a result, some business cards are starting to look very crowded.

Gary Matt

I did lots of investigation, but found no signs showing that the (e-mail) order was not carried out.

Hisayasu Nagata

My family was actually better than I was [about e-mailing].

Natasha Lockwood

We do apologize to the public for the inconvenience, but we're doing everything we can to get to the bottom of it. It's frustrating for us as well as the public. It's amazing how quickly you become dependent on Internet and e-mail services.

Peggy Sell

It is expensive, it creates a bottleneck at the mail server, and it isn't clear that such a scan will be all that effective.

Ron Krantz

This beta gives people a faster and more dynamic way to experience Yahoo Mail.

Karen Mahon

We mail out a couple of million pieces a year to 30 states.

Tim Roewe

The lines of communication are all out. I've tried e-mailing her, I've tried text-messaging her, I've tried to call her. I just can't get in touch with her.

Tim Corcoran

We can do it in real time and not clog up the company e-mail system. It's a great way for everyone to be accessible to each other.

Debbie Davis

It really is one slick piece of political mail.

Frank Askin

I'm going to get another mail box.

Jeff James

For the time being, we are just not opening fan mail. Just to be careful, we are putting it off for now.

Pat Kingsley

The size of our mailing is competitive information and we do not reveal our figures.

Denise Sposato

If I'm at the office, I can get an e-mail on my computer with a voice mail that somebody left for me at home.

John Curry

I entered all of the ones to the extent that I could read their handwriting, ... So if you aren't getting e-mail updates, please contact (Township Clerk) Kathy (Cunningham).

John Ritter

Most of the prescriptions that come in are the acute. Johnny has a cold come down, they can come in and get the prescription and go home. Mail order is not going to bother that.

Warren Rolen

There's been talk about can we put it in an envelope and mail it to them. But in looking just at some of this, it would take a full-time person every day doing just that.

John Magaw

We are not sure how to get funding, and we encourage people to contact us by e-mail with fund-raising ideas. Our eventual goal of course is to perform.

John Graham

In Switzerland, they don't get much mail but they do get packages.

James Bridgeford

If I have questions, I can pick up the phone or e-mail.

David Britt

You can fill them out interactively or print them out and mail them. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for volunteers to log their data.

Georgia Zern

I done threatened them with a piece of pie in the face. So I don't know if he's going to come back by mail or if whoever took him brings him back.

Sherry Kreutzer

There are consultants who advise businesses on how to maneuver through spam filters and best deliver e-mail.

Bill Mccloskey

We offer them a list that helps them do direct and e-mail marketing, but we can also offer banners and skyscrapers.

Steve Rourke

I check my e-mail account about twice a day. I like it a lot better. It's easier to access and get information right away.

Ashley Allen

We've actually got a mail-order pharmacy looking at us. They've basically told us, if we stay at 2 -to-1, they're not coming.

Dan Scott

We are never going to ask a taxpayer for personal financial information via e-mail.

Sue Hales

The tone that they would take in e-mail was pretty astounding.

Michael Kessler

The e-mail relationships that I have are kind of fantastic, because I think you get to fill in your relationships a little bit if you actually get the time to sit down and compose a note to someone.

Meg Ryan

We got this in the mail today. It's a little late.

Carlos Casillas

In them I just said, 'I love you. Please be careful. Please be careful . . .' But I never got to mail them. I never got to give him his Christmas presents, either.

Betty Vezina

He has been able to bring people together and to solve problems before they become problems. Everyone knows Doc, and they know if they e-mail him or go see him, they're going to get an answer.

John Difava

I was just e-mailing a few friends about events that were useful or fun and now my friends of 20 or more have become a mailing list of 7,500 people and a virtual community of at least 10,000 people.

Craig Newmark

He can ship his mail order bride back to where she came from, for all I care.

John Brogden

Well, he can send the mail-order bride back now.

John Brogden

When we have conversations that are sensitive, we now use Groove instead of e-mail. It is much more secure than instant messaging.

Greg Mack

The e-mail inbox has become a dangerous place. It doesn't say much for our e-mail medium when it is not as reliable or trusted as it should be.

Richard Gingras

We believe this framework will enable Royal Mail to invest in the business, meet its obligations to the pension fund and build on these achievements going forwards.

Nigel Stapleton

The Defense Business Board suggested that we find innovative ways to accomplish the (military) mail function.

Bill Carr

The people of South Dakota are so angry about this ban. And our phones have been ringing off the hook and our e-mail is just jammed.

Sarah Stoesz

Read your mail. Read your mail. Read your mail.

Catherine Williams

They're welcome to e-mail or surf the Web during lunch or while taking a break.

Mike Foster

I also hate those holidays that fall on a Monday where you don't get mail, those fake holidays like Columbus Day. What did Christopher Columbus do, discover America? If he hadn't, somebody else would have and we'd still be here. Big deal.

John Waters

I get hate e-mail on the average every three minutes.

Doron Nof

We cannot allow any actions by Royal Mail that unfairly keep competitors out of the market.

Nigel Stapleton

It's not like you can mail an application and get a call the next week.

Annie Fort

I would send him the burritos by mail but I can't find a way to do it and keep them fresh.

Tammy Cox

I used to put down my experiences and beliefs and e-mail them to friends ever since I was a freshman.

Aaron Karo

The question for me with TV was a question of money. I guess if I had lots, I might have done it. But this isn't a big-money campaign, as far as I'm concerned. I've limited myself to direct mail and newspaper ads.

Dorn Peterson

It's clear full color is coming to statements, transaction documents and direct mail, replacing pre-printed color forms as well as adding new color elements where it's cost effective.

Andy Gordon

With the kind of growth we've experienced, we're not sure our servers will be able to handle the onslaught from an e-mail application.

Caterina Fake

I know you wrote a book on the raids, ... You know that's a federal offense, but you did a good job. I like you very much. You're one of my best gunners. Give me the book, and I'll mail it back to you after the war.

Jimmy Doolittle

There are some companies that use it for a direct mail piece they have within a community.

Kelly Chesney

There's lots of information to get out to students. E-mail [messages act as] a key role for that.

Betsy Draper

What if, say, somebody doesn't get a ballot in time or it gets lost in the mail?

Phil Hare

There will be no requirement, ever, for not-for-profits who deliver e-mail to AOL members to pay for e-mail certification and delivery.

Charles Stiles

Some people simply want to get e-mail. Fine. I can understand that. You don't have to use all of that. It would have no impact on your e-mail.

Joe Fabris

If we are able to conduct it by mail, there would be no polling locations. Running parallel elections, one in the mail and one at the polls, is very expensive.

Janice Atkinson

E-mail represents one of the most innovative technologies of recent years.

Renzo Rosso

We also do this for weddings. If a bride or groom or mother of the bride comes in with mailing labels, we will send it out to all the guests [on the list], free.

Patty Thayer

We contacted prime support customers by phone and e-mail.

Sal Viveros

He did a lot of online ordering and had things shipped to the house. We keep getting boxes in the mail.

Carmella Hoffman's

This weird separation of e-mail and IM didn't seem good to us. It's definitely a problem we all have here.

Keith Coleman

I got this random CD in the mail -- some guy wrote a song about me.

Cat Osterman

The fact of life is, the majority of customers pay bills by mail, through automatic withdrawal or by electronic banking.

Larry Christie

Most had five to 10 claims waiting in the voice mail for them this morning.

Nancy Wales

The tools we want to use to achieve this are seminars, direct mail, the Internet, TV and radio.

Jay Shapiro

E-mail from your car is an interesting next step.

Chet Huber

I will happily file an affidavit saying this particular e-mail was incorrect and that is the one she used. I believe a good faith effort was made to file on time.

Eric Thode

Sending e-mail helps to cut down the cost of First Friday, things like advertising and flyers. We're looking at $500 to 600 per month.

Ellie Acampora

We're establishing an e-mail list to let people know about the events. We're going to use the list to let people know our First Friday happenings.

Ellie Acampora

We're calling our donors, we're asking them to come in. We're e-mailing our donors.

Elise Brown

I still get more mail for that one episode of 'Batman' than just about anything else.

Eli Wallach

For RIM, this comes at a horrible time with its patent case. Companies are already wondering about e-mail, and now the alternative is crystal clear.

Ellen Daley

At that time we have to mail out 6.8 billion dollars to the various shareholders.

Edward Bilkey

We think that the best use of our staff resources is going to be getting people assistance through direct deposit or mail them a check.

Ed Conley

Our competition has been doing some interesting things in e-mail, but we think we have leapfrogged them all with all these new features.

Ethan Diamond

It's a really fast experience moving through your e-mail. While you are composing one message, you can click on the 'inbox' tab and go into your inbox to read another message.

Ethan Diamond

The volume [of responses] still all comes from direct mail. It's all direct mail because of the prospecting issues.

Eric Snider

We're not prepared to draw conclusions on this data and say we're the Nostradamus of e-mail and predict what's going to happen tomorrow.

Eric Rachal

Businesses have been clamoring for the leading e-mail providers, like Microsoft, to enhance the capabilities of mail servers.

Erica Rugullies

Now, it's not enough just to dump e-mail somewhere -- you've got to be able to find it.

Erica Rugullies

The death of junk e-mail will come from a social reason, ... One of two things will happen: No one will check their e-mail boxes, or junkers will know no one is reading their e-mail. Either way, the message is not being delivered.

Eric Arnum

The future of junk e-mail is that you need a receptive audience.

Eric Arnum

We have to be creative. If people get an e-mail with a funny gimmick, they'll be more likely to pass it on and get involved.

Eric Antebi