88 quotes about implementing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Anyone can announce a plan, the real challenge is implementing it.

Taiji Yoshida

The idea is to prohibit further use of a criminal implement.

Gary Marbut

The secretary is honored to help the president implement his agenda to strengthen the economy.

Rob Nichols

I think it's really important to hold back and implement this slowly. That was one of the most important decisions we made.

Peter Benjamin

We're here to implement that vision. We're not here to change it.

Tom Atkins

If you would try to implement RFID on every product everywhere you sold it, it could be very expensive.

Bryant Haskins

We can't strike. But we can make them litigate the contract. They can't implement anything without either agreement or an arbitrator's decision.

Chris Vick

We ask that they appropriate the funds to implement the Garrett Lee Smith Bill.

Anne Tyson

I am absolutely convinced the ISU has done an excellent job in promoting, developing and implementing the new system. Now we ask the skater for more. They give us more and we have to give them back more.

Ottavio Cinquanta

It's unacceptable. It's immoral and it's a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars and would be far more expensive to implement than anyone knows.

Michael Ramos

Rather, we wanted to implement the applications in pieces.

Bob Berckman

In a way, the left is controlling that agenda. They're just implementing it at the community and state level.

Amy Myers Jaffe

Jon brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Constellation Europe as we continue to implement our international growth strategy.

Rob Sands

We have to figure out where we can implement an E85 site and have it make sense.

Jeff Benedict

The new agreement shows that both sides are committed to their earlier understanding and to implement what we had agreed.

Arjun Narsingh

We, in fact, will be, hopefully, in a constructive way pressing the government to start to act and develop and implement these recommendations.

Francis Frank

We never wanted a ban. If there were exemptions, it would be difficult to implement.

Neil Williams

I remain hopeful they will (implement the agreement) but I am not yet confident.

Phil Goff

NICE should be in charge of implementing any guidelines, not the government.

Andrew Lansley

We're evaluating how quickly we can implement that. It's likely something that we will do but I can't say when.

Brendan Roberts

If the government has ordered, then even our ministry will have to implement it. But reservations are not the only solution.

Ambika Soni

The acid test of the election will be implementing the results.

Duncan Bullivant

It is not always what we know or analyzed before we make a decision that makes it a great decision. It is what we do after we make the decision to implement and execute it that makes it a good decision.

William Pollard

We came up with plans to implement at our own universities to help the student-athletes.

Jonathan Orr

It's intriguing to implement a new design standard.

George Lulos

Both countries are deeply committed to implementing this very important understanding. The issues are complex, but we are confident that the deal will be implemented soon.

Shyam Saran

And Gov. Riley has worked ever since then to implement it.

Jeff Emerson

What's really important about software development is implementing the features your customers ask for. That's what we've done with the addition of DVD burning and what we will continue to do in the future.

Donna Johnson

We will not let the government implement privatization. The moment a decision is announced we will go on strike. No one will come to work from tomorrow.

Nitin Jadhav

That causes us to have some problems with implementing.

Jeff Gibson

There's nothing hidden on the consent agenda. It's all public. It reflects staff implementing what we approved.

Marc Ward

They won't implement any of the plans. My feeling is they want another airport.

Barbara Frawley

The coming 48 hours will be a test for the Israeli government to implement its commitments.

Nabil Aburdeneh

We're confident we'll be able to develop a solution and implement it.

Steve Arabia

Our companies have monopoly status, which does not let them implement flexible tariff policy. And eventually it will affect their business efficiency.

Valery Yashin

This is in no way an ideal solution to implement, but it does address the problem of overcrowding.

Dean Tistadt

None of these things are slam-dunk. That's why we've talked about them more than implementing them.

George Krawzoff

This is more than enough grounds to implement and commission the investigation.

Richard Ings

It's something I'm interested in implementing. I think it's positive for the kids.

Chris Greene

Hold people accountable for implementing those standards.

Peter Browne

There has been no discussion on the ramifications on implementing those standards.

Susan Morgan

The mayor has asked his Fire Commission to evaluate the recommendations made in the controller's audit and come up with a plan for implementing them and determining the feasibility of implementing them.

Joe Ramallo

This is an area where we specifically agree there's a better way to implement public access.

Donna Cupelo

Good ideas are a dime a dozen. People who can implement those ideas are as scarce as hen's teeth.

Jon Goodman

Zoning is another big one. They have authority to implement land use regulations if they felt it was necessary.

Loren Smith

Not only is it collaborative in writing the plan, we want a partnership in the futures to implement it and bring it into the future.

Robert Gates

You have to be able to listen to what you're being told and implement that on the court, but we didn't do that.

Gary Porter

Minority governments can find it more difficult to pass policy. There is the possibility of delays in implementing anything.

Peter Scobie

PLOW, n. An implement that cries aloud for hands accustomed to the pen.

Ambrose Bierce

This is the first embedded company I've heard of implementing this, it's pretty new technology.

Markus Levy

We will focus on our goals before implementing actions.

David Casey

If we think it works, in the future we might implement it.

Kevin Mccollum

It's politically easy to suggest it . . . (but) a lot more difficult to implement it.

Phillip Saunders

We take their suggestions very seriously. We do all we can to implement what they say.

Candace Smith

We are going to continue moving forward with implementing the remediation plan.

John Macphee

It's a historic reform. It's the first step toward implementing truly free compulsory education in China.

Wang Rong

That we continue to pressure both parties, but certainly Chairman Arafat, to go in implementing everything he has said in his speech.

Guy Verhofstadt

Telecommuting isn't brain surgery. It's very easy to implement, but it's breaking down the barriers.

Kathy King

Of course, this was a good farming area back in the '50s, '60s and '70s. There were about 25 farm equipment implement dealers within a 30-mile radius. There were a lot of farmers around.

Gerry Gerlach

We've tried to implement them as much as we can.

Linda Guenin

We need to continue to do what we're doing and continue to implement the plan we've put in place.

Ingrid Reisman

We can go to the PUC and implement the policy of SB 1, and that is where we will be going.

Richard Costigan

It turned out to be a fine bill, and one that we are anxious to help implement.

Anglican Bishop Robert Duncan

We would begin implementing this plan almost immediately. We would have to implement a very ambitious program, which we're confident we can do.

Mike Ban

We tried to see how we could implement Main Street characteristics into this building, since it's the first thing you'll see when you come into the town.

David Guetig

This is a Cabinet to actually implement the reforms.

Shinzo Abe

We intend to file and have asked for guidance from our counsel on how to appropriately implement our decision. The goal is transparency.

Anna Farneski

By July, we will be able to submit the first application for a $50,000 planning grant to implement the program.

Bob Blair

Work was in progress to implement some of these protections.

Joe Main

In addition, we will implement a plan to balance our capacity and capabilities as we prepare the organization for a re-acceleration of growth.

Koichi Nishimura

The current strategy that we are implementing is in fact working.

Mark Kimmitt

The CPA did not implement adequate financial controls.

Stuart Bowen

We're really moving on to the practical questions now to see how we can implement some of these recommendations.

Dave Kingham

That is completely false. One of the first things she did when it became law was to order state agencies to implement the law and they have been doing that.

Pati Urias

We're going to implement an element of random secondary inspections at the checkpoint. But because it's random, we're not going to offer any details.

Nico Melendez

Implementing new equipment in the same building working with old equipment was difficult. Timing and phasing were critical.

Tony Smithson

We are already implementing strategies to affect school averages for next year.

Heather Martin

The careless employees still pose on the greater risks. Not enough of these enterprises are necessarily implementing device encryption.

Ollie Whitehouse

We use energy every day on campus, with a lot of pollution and a lot of environmental costs with the use. Implementing energy efficiency measures is not only good for the environment but also in turn would be economical.

Katelyn Keefe

I think the new biotechnology academy we're trying to implement will help them see the benefit of education.

Danita Rickard

It is our hope that we will be able to implement this proposal this month.

Tasnim Aslam

The board's response was acceptable. They were at least willing to try to see if we could implement these things. They were supportive.

Jason Walrath

The federal government has the ability to resolve these issues now. They can implement an automated system. We called upon the federal government to do that. However, they have not.

Stan Rosenstein

She has boundless energy, and is always on the go. She's passionate about what she's doing, and courageous. Our profession needs people with the courage to implement what they believe in.

Mark Peters

The FAA and their own analyst determined it is not feasible to implement it at Midway.

Erin O'donnell

DHS owns the plan. They did not follow the plan. They did not implement it quickly.

Eric Holdeman

We're really excited about implementing these possible improvements in the downtown area.

Eric Swanson

From past experience, we don't expect it will be very smooth in implementing the agreement in the future.

Zhu Feng