We can't expect meaningful federal support to be on the ground providing provisions in an organized manner until probably the seventh day. Our emergency response system is geared toward everyday emergencies, not disasters. ... People need to be able to help themselves.

We've seen what happens when the federal government hasn't done much of anything in advance. If you want to be prepared for the maximum credible catastrophic event, you should be thinking seven days, not just the minimum of three days.

We don't have freedom to choose what we want to work on. It's decided for us, by the Department of Homeland Security, where it's all terrorism, all the time.

This isn't just tossing out a tool; it's like tossing out the whole toolbox.

The last four years were all about terrorism. No one was working on natural hazards. FEMA has not had an equal voice.

DHS owns the plan. They did not follow the plan. They did not implement it quickly.