Unless and until Congress changes the formula, we'll calculate the fee according to the formula.

Tom Gorey

Therefore, the reduction of players will not result in big changes in exports.

Zhang Ji

We're not saying things will always be stable. We're saying we'll be able to respond to changes to make sure the bear's OK.

Chris Servheen

We did a professional study. There are not going to be any drastic changes.

Yashovardhan Azad

We felt we had more of a window to make these types of changes.

Mike Hermann

The changes allow our efficiencies to increase dramatically in all of our services.

Jim Wade

It's a way for a town that doesn't have any extra money in its budget to go ahead and make these changes.

Paul Cameron

We have not announced any changes to our schedule or destinations.

Rick Delisi

There will be changes this week because of the amount of games.

Bryan Robson

We find it difficult to believe that all of these changes could occur more than once.

Dan Gebo

I don't have any representatives and if that changes in the future I'll let you know.

John Lang

Business is being hurt. We must make some changes.

James Wolfe

Anything that changes your values changes your behavior.

George Sheehan

This is a group that's more heavily involved in the workforce and may be more affected by changes.

Christopher Ruhm

Changes in certain crops can affect imports and exports.

Brian Pearson

They're so much faster. Some of the changes in the break are not what we're used to seeing.

Sergio Garcia

We've got the catalog, now we just have to figure it out. It's not going to be one gene. It's going to be an accumulation of changes.

Robert Waterston

All law operates on the basis that if the facts change, then the law changes -- and the law is going to change.

Lord Falconer

If there are no changes in the forecast, by Friday afternoon we will mobilize.

Clay Walker

The (50th anniversary) celebration is a good way to understand the changes within the borough.

Gary Rogers

We can add changes to the system and make those available to our clients much more quickly than you could with the license model.

Kathy Barton

The decline has been progressive . . . as the work force changes.

Pat Jenkins

Major logistical, geographical changes.

Brad Garrett

We're going to make changes and get feedback as we move forward.

Ryan Brunner

With these scope changes there will also be changes in cost.

Bill Wiese

The Dover trial changes the national profile a lot?.

Lawrence Krauss

I've seen many changes since this law was enacted, most of them bad.

Frank Ford

This lets them know that there are people watching and noting their changes in behavior.

Capt. Kristin Ministral

There are a couple of areas we need to get better at. It's not always the coaches' fault, but sometimes you have to make changes.

Doug Melvin

It changes depending on when bands are available.

Mark Machnic

This is a fluid situation that changes minute by minute.

Phil Orlando

This could be a moment that changes the political dialogue of the country.

Robert Putnam

Learn to bear bravely changes of fortune.


It's a time to make a fresh start and make changes in your life.

Marla Paul

Why not use South Carolina as a laboratory for the changes in health care? We have all the elements.

Bobby Hitt

Changes in Hearing and Balance.

Brent Miller

A vehicle can be used for 10 years, but technology changes every two years or less.

Raj Desai

If there are any changes, it will be very few.

Ali Barani

Break any problem into, or make any changes in, small increments.

Anne Grant

Everything changes, and time don't wait for anyone.

Calvin Brown

The changes in both radio and television are mind-boggling.

Ralph Edwards

It's not a question of change, but what changes and how.

Tim Holman

We need changes in this country.

Dr. Robert Schuller

I'd like to see what changes he will make. It appears he's a little more open with the community.

Jackie Wagstaff

Getting married and having a little boy, it changes everything.

Austin Kearns

If it passes, we would have to make dramatic changes to our operations.

Kris Reyes

Business logic changes all the time. This is what our clients are struggling with now.

John Rymer

We have the best chance now that we have ever had to make some substantial changes and improvements in the delta.

Lester Snow

And we'll be sensitive to that as we look at the potential changes.

Bill Carr

Because if your body always does the same thing, it never changes.

Bridgett Marx

I've seen many changes. Now we have a mix of community.

Stephanie Whitmore

We are making changes that will increase the opportunity.

Claude Allen

All that changes the day you open the Nasher.

Richard Brodhead

I don't mind these rule changes. It's been pretty good.

Sami Salo

It would be incorrect to say that these changes alone address those issues.

Larry Cohen

I don't think his behavior changes that much, ... It's the way people perceive him that changes.

Matthew Macfadyen

I feel if I do not make the changes I want in the summer, I will be the next to go.

Craig Brewster

We haven't been able to accomplish a constructive dialogue, ... I hope that changes soon.

David Walsh

The changes couldn't be more stark.

Chief James Murray

These changes have pushed us to make a tough decision.

Gary Moss

We will be making needed changes to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Derek Hall

This is telling us about those changes that make us human.

Eric Lander

Now I see a better breed of young Singaporeans who are more vocal and will make certain changes to the country.

Eric Khoo

If you cannot make people understand the changes affecting them, there is no way a consensus for reform can be built.

Enrico Giovannini

We are finally starting to see changes in what's happening.

Elizabeth Morse

You just can't unilaterally make changes unless there's some agreement and the court approves it.

Ed Garvey