We'll go-ahead with it and see what happens.

Alan Greene

We're moving ahead. We should've been in operation by now.

Dan Adkins

The developer is going slowly, but it is still forging ahead.

Chris Blackwell

Both results were ahead or at the top end of forecasts.

Tim Rees

We are ahead of the curve on this.

John Sheehan

It is by no means over yet. We have an enormous day ahead of us.

Mario Ancic

One pitch hurt me. I've got to do a better job of getting ahead of batters.

Josh Hancock

This thing is just light years ahead of that building.

Mike Tuss

The naked figure will not get ahead between the mirrors.

Gunter Grass

He just gave us the go ahead. This is our place as long as we need it. You can't ask any more than that.

Jane Carroll

Sit back, sit up, and pay attention. There's a long show ahead.

Jonathan Halpern

It wouldn't be surprised if they (BT) went ahead and bid.

Stuart Gordon

We want people to have enough time to go ahead and get out in time.

Jaime Sarbaugh

We're on or ahead of schedule.

Jonathan Witz

It was only different (from a usual race) because she was so far ahead.

Keri Wilson

Don't waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.

Mary Schmich

I just stayed facing straight ahead.

Ricky Ori

We are running as fast as we can to stay ahead of the curve.

John Clement

Breast cancer: Where we are and what lies ahead.

Susan Love

I like to get ahead in the count by nipping the corners.

Grace Luginbuhl

There's still some nervousness ahead of the Fed meeting.

Seth Martin

We've got a lot of work ahead of us to get this all done. That's what we're shooting at right now.

Wayne Olson

Some firms have already moved ahead.

David Victor

Every day I run scared. That's the only way I can stay ahead.

John Johnson

It was a boxing match. Sometimes they handled Matt, sometimes he handled them. When he got ahead, he handled them.

Jim Gantt

I'm just trying to stay ahead of my age.

Brendan Shanahan

I would hope that Nico would be well ahead of that.

Patrick Head

We competed well, but they are a little ahead.

John O'dell

This gives us the go-ahead to do an office community.

David Floyd

That's how much ahead you have to work.

Terry Hoeppner

We're going to try to get out ahead of the curve and be aggressive with incentives.

David Elshoff

It's a mobile! See, look at this. A mobile. See? There are surprises. Go ahead and look in them.

Sharon Morgan

It feels good, I am excited about what is ahead of us.

Paul Gascoigne

We've had ups and we've had downs, ... We have a lot of challenges ahead.

J. Murphy

So far, we have achieved our objectives on or ahead of schedule.

Thomas Metz

It's a relief, but we still got a process ahead.

Annice Statin

So you can go ahead and blow me.

John Cena

I think it was pushed ahead by his sorrow.

Jim Larson

We have to watch out and not burn ourselves out even when we're way ahead.

Paul Deacon

People are getting quicker exposure. We have to be a little bit ahead.

Candy Harris

You get the people in that are thinking ahead.

Sean O'brien

We're about two episodes ahead on a good run.

Evan Katz

Right now, we're not even thinking about this one. We're looking ahead to Virginia.

Eli Nichols

This time, because of our geography, we'll be slightly ahead of the UK.

Elizabeth Hill

We got up ahead and that wasn't enough. So, of course, that falls on us.

Edwin Mulitalo

They've got a tough road ahead to dealing with everything.

Ted Carpenter

This puts us a year ahead of the game for delisting.

Ed Bangs

She would want me to go in ahead of her.

Earle Caldwell