It has blown everything out of the water. It is four times the number for our previous project, an Internet Noah's Ark reality game show.

Simon Jenkins

This (project) is good for the Fulton and the Oswego County community and it's good for the region, and it's certainly good news for all the some 300 million Americans who today are more likely than not at some point drive their automobiles.

John Mchugh

We are replacing 1,700 feet of gas main. The project was scheduled to begin this week and it will take up to two months to complete.

Alfonso Quiroz

The process at this point is being re-examined on how we will proceed, but it will move forward. The project is still in the planning stages.

Jonathan Pulik

The government officials just said, 'OK, here's our project list, now vote on it,' ... and nobody felt as though there'd been any opportunity to have any great say in the thing.

Jeff Reid

As far as the district is concerned, we are no longer pursuing the project. If another agency wants to pick up the project and do it on its own, that's their choice.

Hector Herrera

As far as our club is concerned, that's where the majority of the proceeds from this project go.

Lynn Money

As a matter of fact, we cannot expect much from the lights-out project in itself, and the campaign may affect our daily work.

Masanori Shishido

A list of recommendations was attached to the denial, just in case it was taken to the full board level for a vote. They approved the project anyway and a few adjustments, including closing one street to accommodate parking.

Tom Herring

The fact that it's based on the Web doesn't make the project any easier, ... You need to do all the due diligence that you'd do on any outsourcing project, especially one that's this strategic.

Ajay Singh

A realistic and comprehensive business plan for the new location or project is essential for successful growth and expansion. It tells you where you are, where you are going, how you plan to get there and increases your chances for success.

Stephanie Lee

This construction is part of the ongoing Chain of Rocks deficiency project to correct design deficiencies and assure that the Chain of Rocks levee will withstand a future 500-year flood event.

Susan Wilson

I'm not going to project where we're going to be at the end of the quarter.

Roy Grant

(He) sat me down and said, 'When are you going to do that American project you are talking about? When will you ever have the money?

Christine Hauber

It was a bigger process than I envisioned, but it was a great project to work on. I had a great time. It was awesome.

Dave Mcdonald

That's what we explained to a group of people who came down here to talk about that project: Bring the money to the table and we'll be able to move those projects up on the list.

Marvin Murphy

Wireless Genesee is a collaborative and unifying project. It has benefits for every citizen and business in Genesee County. The Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce has been particularly helpful in bringing the initiative to life.

Rick Hammel

This is a great opportunity for parents and families to stop by and learn more about the Cabrillo Port project, pick up some information and talk with us about any questions they may have about the project.

Kathi Hann

To defer the May 1 date will only serve to delay a project in Point Lookout and escalate our exposure to, and risk from, sea and storm.

Gerald Ottavino

This project will create thousands of jobs, new and improved parklands and benefits and opportunities for the residents of the Bronx, the City of New York and visitors alike.

Randy Levine

Now that the Big Dig project is winding down, the T has to work hard to attract customers that may go back to driving.

Joe Pesaturo

It's not easy to set up a policy. There's too many variables. Each project brings different things to the table. ... Most cities now are struggling with what to do with incentives for retail.

John Page

They are responsible for that work zone from the beginning of the work until the end of that project.

Jerry Foster

The health effects of uranium really haven't been studied since the Manhattan Project (the development of the atomic bomb in the early 1940s). But now there is more interest in the health effects of depleted uranium. People are asking questions now.

Diane Stearns

It will be an interesting project. We want to restore them historically by still make them appeal to the current-day traveler.

City Clerk Scott Berka

The project paid for itself in a single month. Every 30 minutes your gain is millions of dollars. It's effective when you work with a large workforce.

Kevin Lam

We believe there's a huge opportunity for this cutting edge technology developed in the game industry. It could end up being an enormous project.

Jason Bell

The goal of this project is to capture as much of the original genetic diversity as possible by including many areas in the ongoing breeding program being conducted by the ACF.

Jack Johnston

My issue with this is, this is a $2 million project on a road that doesn't really need much work - except maybe some minor repair. And it's going to take until October to fix. This is going to put a lot of people at a major inconvenience - and a lot of local businesses are going to be affected by this, too.

John Rudolph

It's been a community project. There have been so many people that helped.

Rodger Mcconnell

This is a great project for Louisville.

Joe Reagan

Basically, it's just to thank the sign sponsors and thank the community for their participation in the light project.

Jason Snyder

We keep in touch and send letters every couple of months. If she asked me to be in her next project, I'd go tomorrow. She's wonderful to work with, amazingly generous.

Ricky Tomlinson

I think for him that was a lot of fun. He got into the project.

Lee Warren

We've had good luck in the county with the wind farm we have right now ... By and large I think the greatest percentage of our population has been very supportive of the project.

Kent Williams

This is a project that is desperately needed.

Jerry Smith

The proposed exchanges of water rights may adversely affect Fry-Ark Project water rights and operations.

James Dubois

This project is no different. This one is not changing much. When we know something we'll tell the public.

Thys Van Cort

They are the only trees involved with this project.

Robert Sellman

In my personal estimation of the project. I would guess the permit will be reinstated.

John Curtin

The things I see in this community are different from the things you're going to see. We can't be everywhere and see every need in the community, but that doesn't mean the need isn't there. By getting input from different people, it will help us to pick the best possible project.

Nick Morgan

I am concerned because at this time we should be moving from dependent fossil fuels and being dependent on other countries for energy, and a project like this would move toward both of these instead of away.

Rep. Deborah Heinrich

For a normal person, this particular project would pay for itself in two years. In this case, I'm paying the Y's share.

Scott Hinson

One of the reasons we wanted to get the Lamoille done was to be further up the learning curve going into a tougher project. Hopefully the Lamoille Bridge will act as a concrete example of what we can do.

Ben Rose

What we need are financial institutions to finance the project, not a group of contractors that eventually ask for funds from other institutions.

Fauzi Bowo

A lot of people said we couldn't build a project like this in Marietta. But I always believed if you offered high quality in a great location, you can't be beat.

Wes Godwin

The project is just over 60 percent complete at the moment.

Brian Craig

What happens is that during each project people get excited about the next project, and they want to go back and do something there, ... They fall in love with a place, the people, and want to help it.

Bill Camp

We are looking to develop wind projects in China, and are working to develop a hydrogen fuel project in Shanghai.

Lim Haw Kuang

These Project Snowball arrests involve offenders from all walks of life, who live in every corner of the city. They only have one thing in common, and that is the criminal approach to their relationship with children.

Julian Fantino

We have truckers. We have construction workers, we have fence companies who have already offered their services free of charge, who want to get involved in this project.

Carmen Mercer

I can see the end. I want people to see what I see at the end of this project. ... I hope it will encourage people in the community to renovate other buildings.

Nelda Foster

We're very concerned about the total cost of the project, but we're also very concerned the existing structure is in very poor condition.

Chuck Koons

Our project was physically appealing to the people judging us. But it was nerve racking. We weren't sure if it was going to work, so we watched closely.

Kristen Hunt

We project our schools in the north and west to grow at a rapid rate.

Chris Gralapp

Breaking ground on the Kingdom Builders' Center is an extraordinary day of celebration for all of the entities included in the 234-acre project and the entire community, ... God is blessing our land with tremendous opportunities for jobs, new locally-owned businesses, empowering programs to help transform lives in Southwest Houston.

Kirbyjon Caldwell

The local culture is another important aspect to consider when thinking about what kinds of things you want to attract. For example, the city of Ann Arbor probably would not be the best place for a automotive manufacturing plant, but in Ypsilanti, they already have facilities in place so perhaps that's the best kind of community for that kind of project.

Michael Finney

One of the key components of the Fruit Belt project is to get all of the properties up to date in terms of their aesthetics, ... The building is long overdue for some work.

Michael Chapman

We want to keep this project local. There are people locally who will invest.

Reuben Hoff Jr

They were visible until a few weeks ago, until the FEMA project buried them.

Virginia Barker

We already put aside $1 million for the well, but between the time we allotted for that and now construction costs have gone up exponentially, so we've asked for another half a million for the project.

Bob Patterson

The project has started producing power. But you cannot produce to full capacity from day one. It will take about 10 days for it.

Vilasrao Deshmukh

That's not unusual for a project this size. You have wetlands being impacted. The process is designed [in such a way that] we continue to go back and forth with information until the district has enough information to make a decision on a permit.

Michael Molligan

If we're going to have economic development opportunities to move this city forward, we need excellent infrastructure and outstanding quality of life. This project solves both of those problems.

Mike Cooper

As soon as we get the green light from the state, we'll let that project out for bid and hopefully have that built by the end of summer.

Mike Sousek

This project continues the revitalization of a very important part of the San Diego waterfront and central business district area. The new hotel and the surrounding grounds will provide first-class accommodations to Convention Center guests and to the City of San Diego. We are delighted to have the opportunity to participate.

Michael Mccann

The project continues to work for us and for the developer as the pieces come together.

Jack Anderson

When you start talking about why something happened or why it was done a certain way on a project, they have the answer because they were there when the plan was made, ... That is a lot of history involved in these departments and we can never replace all of it.

Tom Hamilton

From the beginning there was an element of fate about the project.

Alan Cooke

It's a big issue and we have stopped the project to re-evaluate; it is not an issue easily decided or resolved.

Wes Johnson

This project was approved before Terry Johnson was mayor. When Terry lived in the house (on Barnwell), he paid $2,000 a month rent just like anyone else. He didn't get any favors. He paid rent. He paid utilities.

Loren Ritter

The fact that the Iranians are successful time after time in getting away from international pressure ... encourages them to continue their nuclear project. I don't believe for the time being that political pressure will bear any fruit.

Dan Halutz

We do expect that this project will be very viable to many Korean consumers.

Travis Rutherford

We had 20 presentations, and everyone had a chance to talk and ask questions about it. And out of that project came about a dozen items that we changed in processes, procedures and the way we handle situations.

Gerald Shields

A VPN really is a new environment, and an agency needs someone with networking expertise to drive the project in the right direction.

Ron Rohrer

I don't think you can look at this project by itself. By itself, this might fly, but with all the others it's just too dense.

Doris Bennett

Our franchises were very excited to be involved in this collection project. Liberty will ship all phone donations to Cell Phones for Soldiers.

John Hewitt

Clearly we need to do everything we can to reduce the impact of aviation on people who live near airports and our project is looking at ways of keeping the aircraft higher for longer which will keep the noise further away and also at lower thrust settings as they're coming in to land.

Paul Collins

We remain committed to the project.

Jason Keadjian

Their frame of reference is disappearing. You know who you are based on your past. You use that to project what's going to happen in the future. As your past disappears, your ability to project into the future essentially disappears, too.

Christopher Clark

The project is robust and viable, but we've decided that it's not the right one for us.

Wendy Silcock

I think it would be a great idea to form a partnership with the farm community. The farm community has to buy in emotionally to the project.

Ross Martin

That poster is a template to project so many different pairings with so many different meanings. It is an image that captures the imagination but begs to be remade.

Marty Kaplan

They accused me of stirring up animosity. You know I write about the 16th century! I write about tribes that were fighting against each other in the 16th century. And they take all of that and they project it onto the present day.

Rahim Esenov

This is the ultimate in feel-good projects. To make money and make people happy, it's a Santa Claus project.

Craig Belser

We bid this project right before everybody started having trouble with the steel. We're very fortunate, otherwise it would have cost 30 percent more than it would right now.

Bryan Turner

We are contributing just over $4 million directly toward sewer with our tap and access fees during construction of the project. In addition to this, we have agreed to front $400,000 of this to the city (as) construction begins.

Ken Green

We've been gearing projects toward youth, but this project is really going to give our adult program a boost.

Ken D'amato

Though we were originally planning to set up a spin-off company to exploit the project results, we're now looking to collaborate with other firms to introduce our technology into existing products and others that are still in development.

Xavier Serra

These results are great - I feel we've won. People are definitely supportive of the issue. I'm going to carry on - with the Minuteman Project and we'll be supporting candidates for Congress.

Jim Gilchrist

[Matson also said the photos are helpful to the students when completing class projects.] The classes I teach are project-based, and I make students bond in the beginning of class and learn names, but they must sustain that, ... The pictures help students communicate with each other.

Jack Matson

There are many also in North Dakota that are part of the municipal and rural water portion of the Garrison Diversion project, the same thing in Montana.

Mark Andersen

This project has received great community support and I'm delighted the Australian Government has been able to allocate the funds needed to get this project over the line.

Rob Drew

Cal/OSHA does not have enough field inspectors to meet its day-to-day responsibilities, let alone effectively investigate complaints at a huge project like the Bay Bridge retrofit.

Matt Austin

I'm so excited about this project I can't even tell you. Everything seems to be on course.

Todd Bonlarron

In particular, it recognizes the growing importance of our Asia-Pacific operations as we build the Goro project in New Caledonia, and expand our PT Inco operations in Indonesia.

Scott Hand

[The additional cost -- $737,000 --] is not money the college has to spend on this project, ... It jeopardizes the entire project, at least the retail (portion).

John Fry

If it's already (significantly) damaged, though, you're looking at a major project of several thousand dollars.

Mark Rice

It's our first big international project.

Fabio Barbosa

This is a project that has been going on since about the turn of the century.

Carl Schoedel

I feel good about this project because NASA asked us to help with this. They're taking advantage of some of the tools here that they have helped develop and support.

Joe Gray

It's a very nice project, well designed and in a great location. We're happy with how it's turning out.

Dale Scott

Over the last eight years, the average annual growth of information stored on disk arrays exceeded 60 percent, ... This year we project the growth will exceed 70 percent.

Tom Joyce

There are many defects that were alleged; we're down to three. We'll provide the information, we'll tweak the project, and move on.

Bill Hutton

A project manager isn't just interfacing with members of the project. He's also interfacing with the rest of the organization.

Hal Varian

The project itself was not voted on in 1999.

Allen Settle

We are going to continue to work on this project and try to get different color bins so people can place their cans in this bin, and the can collectors can know that this bin is for them.

Jason Fox

We'll put the project out to bid and carefully examine the bids when they come in.

Craig Hamilton

Project Genesis truly is a remarkable ship. Its bold design, daring innovations and technological advancements will delight our existing cruisers and help us draw in new ones.

Richard Fain

I decided on a technology-orientated project because I'd like to maybe go into that field some day.

Chris Williston

It's not the style that motivates me, as much as an attitude of openness that I have when I go into a project.

Herbie Hancock

In order to effectively manage the process of implementation of East African power master plan, a standing committee on power should be established to take over the work of project implementation.

John Koech

We just got a little too optimistic. That compounded by us projecting that building permits would keep clipping on.

Tim Nash

If the Democratic Organization has accepted donations from Jack Morris, how can the freeholders award tax-dollar subsidies for this project? To avoid this impropriety, they should let the voter decide on the use of revenue by a referendum.

Andrew Tidd

We were concerned about increasing allergies and asthma even as outdoor conditions were improving. We started a one-time project with a home that had the cleanest indoor environment within current inspection codes. By the time we finished, it was a national program.

Bob Moffitt

I'm very supportive of this project.

Alice Murray

It's a project being run by the (U.S.) Army Corps of Engineers to install new security systems at the dam. It (will) be open again soon.

Brian Michaels

At this point we are going ahead with the project as proposed, but the commission has not ruled out talking to the city.

Craig Quintana

Health care offers defensive characteristics against a further economic slowdown that we are currently projecting, while offering growth characteristics that could allow for earnings expansion.

Brad Sorenson

We will also be planting native grasses and shrubs in the landscaping beds at Fortress Rosecrans. We are asking for volunteers to come out and help us with the project.

Angela Jackson

That's where the up-and-down ramp is going to be. No matter what, for this project, it has to go away. We very much regret it has to go.

Thys Van Cort

The concept of longevity could very likely be the most dangerous subject that financial planners and individuals project.

Sheryl Garrett

[Woo is dipping into the popular Chinese historical genre with his latest project,] The War of the Red Cliff, ... Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Ang Lee

The ultimate goal is to sell the film to make our money back, but also to go gracefully into the next project.

Kelly Schwarze

Even if you assume that they were right about the revenues that baseball would be expected to generate, and I don't think that they are, it's pretty much exactly the same amount. And the developers of this project didn't get any public funds. And that's going to be a bigger benefit for the city.

Scott Wallsten

Frankly, had Medawar not had this meltdown and not been able to fulfill his obligations on his Homeland Security project, there would have been no question about this at all.

Dana Rohrabacher

We wanted a lot of activity and a lot of life on the outside of the building. We thought that this is a project that will expand the downtown down Market Street. This was the next big jump.

John Lister

The pedestrian fatalities were spread along Palm Beach Boulevard. They weren't concentrated in one area, which is why this project is important.

Debbie Tower

Georgia DOT has a project now to upgrade that two lane section to a four lane divided highway.

Teri Pope

(Salazar) came out opposing the project, and he's been calling the Forest Service and getting information on it since late 2005.

Nayyera Haq

We just doubled the (sewer) plant size in 2000 and we need to double it again. (That is) going to provide some financial challenges here in the next 2-3 years. The magnitude of that project is more than what we anticipated.

John Dowd

We've known this replacement hospital was needed for a very long time. We've been saving for this for years. You can never anticipate the competitive market. We need to move forward with this project no matter what.

Chris Priester

I think it's an outstanding community project for the young children. My hat's off to the fire department.

Willie Brown

It's my impression we will (get the funding), because of the importance of the project. It's all about saving lives.

John Hardee

This has been a long-going project, but I would be surprised if that much has been spent since this agreement was entered into this past December.

Tyler Smith

We appeal to state banks to help. Contractors who receive job orders from us should not be asked to give collateral. The project itself or the contract of work should be deemed as the collateral.

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

That is a national project that has been funded through the U.S. Department of Justice.

Julie Bell

I don't see that the level of funding was really a contributing factor in this case. Had this project been fully complete, it is my opinion that based on the intensity of this storm that the flooding of the business district and the French Quarter would have still taken place.

Carl Strock

April 24 is when they're projecting having the lights finished for baseball.

Claude Tarver

It's a great solution. The senior project is less about what production you're in than it is about showing us what you've learned and what you can do.

Sandra Forman

Then in this case we're the Indians. They're taking a project that they're gonna make billions out of.

Pat Bauer

This is a rebuilding project almost. We have to get back to where people recognize us as a great place for entertainment for families. It's inexpensive. It's fun. It's clean. We're working hard on a lot of those things.

Charlie Dowd

Everybody hung on for as long as humanly possible to make this project succeed. There comes a point in time where everybody reaches a breaking point.

Chuck Madden

We did a traffic count and found that it had about 2,500 vehicles on it. Instead of this project, we ended up with five different projects across the city and now these improvements are used by 25,000 vehicles.

Dan Mcclain

The difference from project to project is that departure point. In this case, it was really an abstract idea, an issue of citizenship, but it might be a Chekhov short story or a story from 'The Iliad.' You can really fit anything in there, but what's consistent is that the writer and the director are chosen, the actors are all present before the play begins.

Gary Graves

This is his first project for the agency.

Gene Mancebo

We want to underscore how generous the community has been to put on the Project Graduation party each year. We couldn't do this without their help and support.

Sue Maus

They'll probably see dump trucks going back and forth. Keep in mind that the major part of this project is away from the existing highway.

Lou Torres

For a rural project, that we're even getting that many people amazes me.

Melanie Mcfadyen

One of the things that has been proven time and again is... about 15% of the time into project, if a project is already falling behind schedule, the likelihood of its every catching up is zero.

Joel Koppelman

We are very excited about this project. It proves there's a place for small businesses in the defense structure.

Roger Dumont

Hopefully the council will look at all the benefits this project will bring to the city. I think it's going to be a terrific-looking building.

Patrick Joyce

This project literally affects every user in the city.

Lance Houser

It's not a setback. Truly this project, as it's currently planned, is one of the largest in this particular area, and without question, the Plan Commission does not have adequate information to make a decision.

Lynn Gray

I can't dislike you, but I will say this to you: you haven't got long before you are all going to kill yourselves, because you are all crazy. And you can project it back at me ... but I am only what lives inside each and every one of you.

Charles Manson

No project is a cakewalk.

Bob Mattucci

It became a bigger project than what we anticipated.

Joan Smith

We can't comment specifically other than to say that we're considering all options to move this project along as quickly as we can. Our view is they (the irrigation district) can't legally withhold permission.

Craig Quintana

The State of Ohio and Mayor Jackson's office have been extremely cooperative and helpful in bringing this project to fruition. This partnership has achieved a big win for the community, our current and future employees, and our company.

Dan Gilbert

If there's anything that would accelerate the project, we would try.

Bart Bryant

We're going to have to address the problem and where it's coming from, how it's been native all these years and we've not seen it or how it was introduced so we can find a way to manage it, ... This is the subject of ongoing research project you'll be hearing a lot more about.

Howard Schwartz

We've been desperately trying to get construction started and the project completed and now it appears that we're on the doorstep. We're highly motivated because it represents $400 million annually to the state.

Bill Nader

This project is part of a series of projects we laid out in 1999. The timing isn't anything more than the natural evolution of the growth in the community.

Charlie Miller

This has been overdue for a long time. We've had some wonderful people who came up and wanted to be a part of this project.

Lew Perkins

This is a continuation of the Venetian Bay project.

Tom Harowski

Many people are enthusiastic about the project. We initiated the project before Robertson was on board, and we will continue without him.

Uri Dagul

It is a very significant project for the city that will demonstrate Rome's ability to move into the 21st century so people should care deeply about it.

Richard Meier

I do like any kind of project that has both comedy and drama in it because in life you don't have one day where everything is funny then the next day everything is dramatic.

Topher Grace

I did a project about him in the fifth grade. I'll be telling the story for a long time about how I got to hear him speak.

Scott Bartlett

I lost my father. I'll miss him a lot more when I go out fishing and hiking, or work on a project.

Brandon Mcdonald

In general, it's not that hard to build passenger terminals. Overall, the project is perfectly feasible provided there are no delays with financing. If it all works out, I will be a happy man.

Boris Rybak

I'd love to see it happen. What I'm afraid of, with the essentials that we're looking at, that there wouldn't be a lot of support for those kinds of things. We've got bridges to rebuild, and we've got to get the tax base back. I think it would be hard for any city council or board to get behind that kind of project.

Bobby Eleuterius

Ms Matthews's opinion is that the Australian Government will be able to exercise influence over the work of the [unit] because Australia has provided the funding for the project.

Peter Jacobson

We probably won't be able to actually build a new house for a while, because of the (sewer) moratorium. What our first project may well be instead is a rehab project, taking an existing home and improving it so that it is inhabitable.

George Lewis

It's our hope that this project serves as a model to both labels and bands as a way to grant the directors the type and amount of freedom we've enjoyed in the creation of the music itself.

Ben Gibbard

We thought this would be a three- or four-year project. We never thought it would be more than eight years.

Steven Bognar

The project is pretty large.

Bill Ranguette

We could not build projects of this nature without federal aid such as this. This type of project is important to all cities, whether they're in Alabama or Arizona or North Dakota.

Tom Little

It's amazing what they've done down there, and that's the kind of project we were going to see in Jacksonville.

Michael Munz

Pretty much everybody who had been involved (in bidding to develop Lane Field) has requested discussions, and a couple of additional ones. We're working through their qualifications and which one would be the best fit for us and the project.

Frank Riolo

The leadership team of the campaign is projecting $20,802,888 million for the final number, ... We still have many companies running campaigns plus there are companies and individuals who have just today asked to be included. Based on that commitment and enthusiasm, the Campaign Cabinet and I believe this $20.8 million is a good number.

Terry Carter

This is the biggest project that I personally have been part of. The $600 million urban expressway reconstruction. They don't happen all that often.

Jacek Tyszkiewicz

Last year was the first year we did this. We started talking about it four years ago, ... Last year, we decided to head it up and make it a project.

Jonny Lee Miller

It's been a long project, but it's been a worthwhile project.

Patrick Page

It's important that everyone have a comfortable place to sit. Even though this is a room for kids, Mom needs a place to sit while reading books or helping them with a project.

Jeannie Fraise

We're very excited about the prospects of this project coming to the township and the county. These are really the types of projects that we feel are a great fit.

Tim Boland

I think Merck may be intentionally projecting conservative numbers because they know it will be a bad year.

Sena Lund

We'd been planning this for months and the entire project almost went down the drain. We weren't going to let that happen.

Travis Bockenstedt

If you fall in love with somebody you're working with, fine, but wait till your project is over.

Liev Schreiber

He was very supportive of the idea and felt it was a worthwhile project.

Betty Wilson

We have a promising project, but nothing of the Earth-shattering nature that people are conjuring up.

Dean Kamen

The Whole Foods Development project is consistent with the downtown vision and the downtown plan.

Nan Laurence

Some things go as planned in the construction project. Some don't. And it's the some that don't [that] are the real test in the life of a full-time or a one-time general contractor.

N'ann Harp

I?m glad to see the governor is on board and moving forward on this project. It looks like we are moving forward more quickly than we expected.

Mayor Ryan Bingham

This has been an on-going project for us to get the fence up for over a year. We finished the fence today.

Tony Campbell

Leadership offers an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, no matter what the project.

Bill Owens

The pilot project to use the funds [allocated for the purpose] will be possibly determined.

Alexei Kudrin

It's the biggest project we've announced since Scripps.

Kelly Smallridge

A year ago I had the luxury of being able to project 90 percent of our lineup in the off-season.

Frank Chumbley

We've had significant support from the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations), who have been closely involved over a period of time and are fully supporting the project.

David Bedford