Our goal for the build kit is this summer, but making this happen will be a volunteer project--as are most open-source efforts--so I'm not in a position to promise.

Felix Kramer

We are waiting for project clearance for 100 billion rupees for an integrated township near Delhi. It is from a state government.

Anil Kumar

This is the first result of this long-term project, and it's pretty exciting to have something so spectacular come this early.

Walter Brisken

Prospect activity is brisk, and we are confident the project will be substantially leased by the time the buildings open in April 2007.

Lance Sallis

Ironically, the people who would benefit most from the project would be the ones who live in the neighborhood.

Vincent Petrini

It means that if the final product is as the House proposed on this matter, the Federal Highway Administration will not approve the state's finance plan and the project would come to a halt.

Terry Carmack

If we went with the federal project you're going to find that areas that need protection aren't going to get it.

Bob Muller

It's the biggest single project hospitals have ever undertaken.

Gary Greensweig

We are very concerned (about the project impacts) and we want to make sure it's done properly.

Patricia Richards

One of the things I liked best with MB Construction is the fact that I needed to deal with only one person who managed all aspects of my project. Allen supervised every phase of my project: design, plans, demolition, plumbing, electricity, flooring, cabinets and countertops, absolutely everything.

Jackie Edwards

I don't think it will be a stumbling block. The city is supportive of the project. But, we aren't taking anything for granted.

John Bacon

I got involved with the project after a producer from ABC called. He saw my name on a state of Mississippi website. He asked me to help out on this project.

Christian Preus

It appears from a review of the facts – there is no way to dress it up – that there was faulty legal advice at the origination of this project, ... I don't think this Legislature is prepared to set the example that . . . we will simply change the law to accommodate that advice.

Joe Dunn

This is not going to impact the overall project schedule. We believe that the objective of this particular program can be fulfilled.

Linda Dorrington

The five-year project feeds a complete redevelopment of the estate. It doesn't have any money yet but we have appointed a campaigns director.

Seona Reid

I'm excited to be a part of this important project. Will and John are genuine heroes and I think their wives, Allison and Donna, are heroes, too. I feel privileged to be part of a project that will remember how we all came together on that day.

Maggie Gyllenhaal

At this point we could go either way. We'd like to go AC, but with such a large project, it's hard to cost-justify.

Mark Blancas

The board is pleased to have found such a well-qualified design firm in the immediate area, saving the museum both time and money in this project.

Julia Mccray

Really it's not the image we want to project to the neighborhood, so in that sense I wouldn't mind if they located somewhere else.

Al Habercorn

We wanted someone familiar with the local market and got recommendations on people who had local experience that was applicable to a project like Port Royal.

Bernard Groseclose

It is going to be more expensive for small firms to adopt these measures. There are fixed costs of complying with regulations. Should a small firm spend the money, or should they spend it on an investment or an R&D project? The problem with regulation is that it has to be imposed across the board.

Reena Aggarwal

We believe that the mixed use commercial project will create a lifestyle development for people to shop, dine and sleep.

Rick Wesley

The tribe is excited to get this project going. We find it's something the public is looking for.

Jeff Bray

It's not enough to build the whole thing. This is like a billion-dollar project. As more money is available, we would continue to build more portions of it.

Rick Powell

While improving water quality is an important part of this project, (best management practices) that are implemented are also aimed at improving the landowners' operation as well.

Tim Wilson

The Falcon 7X project made the whole company feel younger. You can feel the enthusiasm at each production site you visit.

Christian Decaix

My philosophy is, don't take no for an answer and be willing to sacrifice your entire project for freedom.

Tim Robbins

What this project would do is help build and transform the city -- period. I can't believe people wouldn't get behind that.

Jay Weigel

At 24 frames (a second), when you project it, he moves.

The Terminator

So many people have worked tirelessly on this project over the last several months and we're all very excited to be able to join Swift in celebrating the delivery of the new Atlantic cars.

Vicki O'connor

When I got the project, it seemed to make a lot of sense to put the festival on Gold Avenue.

Amy Turner

There are very few parks that compare to a project like this. Imagine a 33-mile park that connects shopping districts, subdivisions and business districts.

Dennis Johnston

It's almost like building a start-up company from the ground up. You have to have financial people, you have to have marketing people, you have to have operational people, you have to have fundraising people. It's a big project, a really big project.

Greg Erwin

That's another project that will increase the amount of air operations here.

Dennis Blazak

The response from the community has been overwhelming. There's a huge sense of pride that there are two African-American women doing a project like this.

Gail Richards

There may be some specialized skills that just don't exist in adequate supply that the project may have to look outside for, but wherever possible we're going to look locally.

Jonathan Marshall

We increased our membership by 900 to 1,200 people last year. And we're projecting to add up to 2,000 more members by 2007.

Tommy White

We wanted to be able to take a librarian and turn them into a project manager.

Kevin Fletcher

[Finally, there's the bugaboo of any computerization project—-making sure your initial data is correct so that you avoid garbage in, garbage out.] Without the right data to analyze, ... marketers could wind up automating a bad campaign.

Dr. Michael Bernstein

We are talking about pumping millions of dollars into a project that will provide access to more people in this region. We are talking about making this end of the Island like no other place along the Gulf Coast.

Doyle Wells

Katrina cost MDOT about $125 million in quick release funds. Those reimbursements will come, but if they are slow it could delay the project (Hwy. 25).

Paul Swindoll

As long as we have material to use, we can work in another alley (project).

Dan Mcclain

Playing with other people and other mediums helps bring other aspects of music out of you. You definitely have other ideas to take back to the Jacob Fred project.

Jason Smart

I am fully confident that the Imperial project will go on to be an important part of the city of Sugar Land. Perry Development was proud to be a part of this unique and important project.

Will Perry

If the script is well-written, people will want to sign up to the project.

Matthew Rhys

Even if the local economy stays strong in 2006, as many analysts project, it is difficult to imagine that significant improvements can be made over the 2005 figures. From a historical perspective, last year was exceptional.

Gordon Kettle

We hope that the equity markets perform as we expect them to, but it's impossible for us to project what equity markets are going to do.

Saul Rubin

For these reasons, the legislature should not consider the arms project until after April.

James Soong

I'd say this community has a really big heart. We see it in just about every kind of mission project people pull together.

Cindy Brown

The primary goal of this project was to improve the fisheries habitat in both of those lakes.

Hector Herrera

That project has some challenges, ... The good news is it has some of the only large contiguous spaces downtown.

Frank Wright

In addition we have the cream of South African industry who are involved in the project.

Matthias Mitscherlich

The Exchange Club isn't going to make a penny. This project is in keeping with the Exchange Club's patriotic mission. We thought this was an appropriate way to pay tribute to the service men and women who gave their lives for their country.

Mike Spencer

You have to have a long-term view. This is not a short-term project. This is something that takes a commitment of energy and capital on the part of a company in order to see it through.

Matthew Osborn

This is just another exciting part of this long venture to get a needed project done. Certainly, we're supportive of anything that uses innovative financing.

Joe Kirk

I believe it's our responsibility when we find young, creative people to make their projects our project. I don't think of this as his play; I look at this as our play.

Lawrence Guyot

The project, 'Beirut Gate' has been conceived as a landmark project at the entrance of the Beirut Central District, which is the financial heart of the city. The project comprises seven plots on a total foot-print area of 229,871 square feet and a built-up area of almost 1.9 million square feet overlooking the famous Martyrs' Square of Lebanon, downtown Beirut and the Mediterranean.

Rashad Janahi

The expansion is a major step forward in fulfilling these requirements, and the project has been planned carefully enough to accommodate future demands.

Bin Sulayem

For our state, in terms of the image that it allows us to project, it really is a shot of confidence, ... It clearly indicates that we're open for business and we can work with and accommodate the very best in the business.

Jon Huntsman

This is the 'put up or shut up' opportunity. We have to do it now, or Pittsburgh will be known for one project that never got off the ground. We need to stop talking about it.

Lucas Piatt

It's planned the project will proceed in four segments.

Don Richards

Showmanship is about the pride they take in their project (and) all these things are part of that.

Joanna Rizzo

I was going to go to Pakistan in 1965 to complete the project, but war broke out and I never made it there.

John Orton

I am devastated by the news that the hon. Gentleman has brought us about Catherine Zeta-Jones. Perhaps she could ask her husband to fund the project?

Nigel Evans

The cancer project scales up to well over 100 Human Genome Projects.

Anna Barker

Now what started out as a really nice project could be a magnificent one.

Kevin Keough

Personal, psychological development project.

Andrea Thompson

I think The Blair Witch Project is an exceptionally well-conceived and well-made film.

Roger Corman

We are confident that this [construction] will serve as a clear signal to the community that this project is moving forward.

Charles Gargano

The project is classic sprawl. They are going to create so much pollution and devastation in the North Livermore Valley that no environmental group is supporting it.

Mike Daley

Anytime we close out a project and have money left over, we reallocate it to new ones.

John Brill

The project involves person-to-person contact from us in New Hampshire to specific shelters in the hurricane area. These needs will continue for months at least, and we will coordinate directly with shelters.

Nancy White

We have no intention of allowing this to go through. We still 100 percent believe in this project and the organization, so much so that the owners are even cleaning rooms.

Cathy Lancaster

They do work on different components of the project and submit it a little at a time. We approve it or not, and then send it back for additional work.

Scott Faieta

A master plan would be a road map. It would give a better sense of direction to people who want to develop along East Main Street. The developer would have a better idea of what to expect. It would give the developer participation but also have the different elements to a new project a little more honed down.

Mark Schieber

Through this project, ADB and our partners can quickly respond to any emerging situation for emergency needs such as drugs and equipment.

Indu Bhushan

You're not through yet. You've got a project to finish.

Dick Martin

The project is on track for completion in the second quarter of 2008.

Tony Phillips

Sen. Salazar remains highly skeptical of this project.

Cody Wertz

We have segmented the project in what we called aircraft components, manufacturing and development teams.

Noel Forgeard

Anytime you build a project, you have to look at the benefit/costs. It's hard for folks in New Orleans, who designed for a Cat 3. At the time they designed it, that may have been a reasonable benefit/cost. In Florida you must do the same thing.

Sean Smith

He's still my most important project in progress. There were years even though he was living with me, he went away emotionally. The last years I've seen him coming back and maturing. I'm betting that in a few years, he'll be my best friend.

Ana Castillo

It's our expectation that this veto power will be used infrequently, since we're all aware of the negative consequences that could arise from the use of such power in a community project.

Max Spevack

Mike Mullen has a background in grant writing and that's what we'll be needing. Everyone is very impressed with how much the mayor is up to speed on this project.

Bob Newman

It appears that the work behind this project has been well done, ... There are no guarantees in life. What we do know is with well designed projects... there is a high probability people will use (rail).

William Millar

There are some great opportunities, including selling the land. If that happens, George and I will invest in something else in Las Vegas ... and George will donate his profits to the African Debt Relief Project.

Rande Gerber

We're not going to cut any corners when it comes to a project like this.

Chuck Hoelle

It's like we're in this race, but we don't know how long the race is. Making or projecting cuts without the context provided by a target is a very difficult exercise.

Tom Fiorentino

It encompasses the area from the rock cut to the Cherry Creek Road intersection. The project will involve the expansion of the existing bike path and will allow bicycles on both sides of the street.

Tom Murray

We look at their ability to learn, how fast they are, how quick they are. And their experience. What have they done with their life? What concrete accomplishments have they made? Are they a finisher? When they start a project, can they finish the project, or do they start 20 projects and then have them all open-ended?

John Warnock

It was a mammoth project.

John Vickery

This is the most heavily publicized and heavily aired project I have ever seen in my time in Pottstown.

Barry Robertson

These kinds of things happen any time you are building a large public works project like the Sprinter.

Glenn Ianni

Russia is ready to join the project anytime, because it has enough potential and willingness for it.

Alexander Rumyantsev

If your project doesn't work, look for the part that you didn't think was important.

Arthur Bloch

In seeking approval of this project, we are trying to be proactive rather than reactive.

Dave Alexander

When the project is finished, the contingency fund will probably be just about gone.

Jeff Krull

Any gas project is going to include getting gas from the producers because they hold the leases.

Chuck Logsdon

I feel the greenhouse and outdoor classroom project promotes the crucial connection between foods and brain function and offers our students the life skill of creating beautiful outdoor spaces that are fun and educational.

Valerie Robinson

I'll be the first person to say it, I was preoccupied with a lot of things, and one thing that was put aside was the monument. I'd love to be involved and see this happen. A goal is not a goal if you don't achieve it, but it's a huge project where we need a lot of involvement. Not just six or seven people doing it.

Jessica Otero

I'm doing this project basically for John.

Robert Daniels

The candidates were involved in a very thorough and inclusive interview process that involved coordinating their schedules to visit the CVC to see the project firsthand.

Tom Fontana

This project is considered to be one of the most important projects in the Kingdom and will fill the gap in the cement manufacturing and export of cement that coincides with consumer consumption.

Ali Karimi

Bringing it to street level, combining it with a park, you bring daylight into it. It's airy. So we save tens of millions of dollars and greatly improve the project experience.

Moshe Safdie

They're probably very much in demand, we're kind of proud they'd even consider doing a Midland project.

Gary Vandergriff

My kids, I have a 19-year-old and a 12-year-old, they think their dad is cool now. For me, that is the good thermometer. My kids' friends, they come to the house, and they ask, 'Who is that?' And they say, 'It's my dad!' Some of them never heard these songs. For them, it's all new. That's the beauty of this project.

Sergio Mendes

We shall make an initial injection of 50,000 U.S. dollars into the project.

David Kyambadde

This project should provide a tremendous shot in the arm for economic growth in eastern Delaware County.

Tim Boland

The league is very enthused about the prospect of having a flagship facility in the New York metropolitan area, and they're liable to be focused on helping assist this project with a retractable roof.

Carl Goldberg

We're very excited about the Ford project, and we'll try to roll that out industrywide.

Ann Wright

It was paved as part of an incremental project to make the commercial properties more attractive for development. In this coming fiscal year we are also going to pave Lafayette and Gustine roads in the same area for that same purpose.

Kathie Martin

We've done some work elsewhere, but our house has taken up every free minute that we have. We're always working on it. Learning about who the family really was became part of the renovation project. It's about finding out who lived there, who they were, and the lives they lead.

Patrick Mealey

With the caliber of talent we've attracted to this project, we are confident our hotel is poised to become one of LA's most desirable addresses.

Brent Martin

As far as I'm concerned the project is running along smoothly. The building is coming out of the ground right now.

Michael Russell

You appear to have a good project... we wish you well in this endeavor.

David Packard

Essentially, when you do a project like this, you have to make sure your network engineers have buy-in. If you have buy-in from your team, you then have commitment to the project.

Naveed Husain

Once we get some cost estimates on what it would cost to build that out, we'll have better idea of what it's going to take for us to move forward with that project.

Rich Turnbull

When we do a project we're actually witnessing more to the in-town people than we are to the incoming guests.

Tim Knopps

I knew that he had great numbers in college. Still, it's a tough assessment when you look at those numbers and then project what players will do when they get to this level. Jesse has been nothing but a pleasant surprise for us. Particularly, he's been driving the net for us, which we hadn't had.

Jamie Black

In 2001, Project 70 was annexed through a court order. But there is only one way to annex property in Pennsylvania, and that is through a referendum.

Larry Loperfito

I thought if anyone can help me with this project, that has the time, creativity and crazy comedic slant on it, this is the person.

Rhonda Taylor

It's a great project that allows a recurring revenue stream to happen in bars, restaurants and airline lounges. These aren't for arcades.

Nolan Bushnell

This is for a hundred years. It's going to be an old project. We're going to get through this just fine, and next year's going to be even better.

Campbell Mercer

I just wanted people to think about this. If you're buying this beer and you're against this project, you better think twice about it.

Scott Turner

You get started on a project, and more comes up. You find lead paint or dry rot. It happens. We're not just going to throw our hands up in the middle of it.

Carol Carter

In Iran's opinion the Russian proposal can lead to the extension of a peaceful use of nuclear knowledge. The Russian project can break the existing scientific monopoly on nuclear technology.

Javad Vaidi

We continue to believe, and the consultant continues to tell us, it was not at all impossible for this community to donate that kind of money to support this kind of project.

Sharon Alexander

Basically if an idea sounds like a project that will help people with mental illness, and has no apparent downside, we find a way to accomplish our goal.

Bob Harms

We are committed to the development of this project and plan to move ahead to bring this region much needed affordable supplies of natural gas for homes and businesses, in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Marcia Macclary

What we stopped is our exploration to find the gold because the camp was burned down by a community group. We will stop the exploration project until further review.

Kasan Mulyono

I'm certainly going to encourage people to keep going to meetings and calling their councilors with their concerns and questions to make sure we get the best project we can get.

Colleen Kelley

We will try to create a facility to store information once and use it for more than one project.

Chris Turner

Competing for major companies seems to have evolved into a much higher-stakes game than we are playing. Virginia has never competed for a project of that magnitude, meaning $100 million.

Brett Vassey

Basically, it was developed as an all-school project. We have faculty from nearly all fields as well as staff and students.

David Gerke

It is a municipal country club, which was designed for the residents of North Palm Beach. This is going to be a fancy golf course which a lot of people will no longer be able to afford. As far as I can see, this whole project is done to serve a very small amount of people.

Bill Manuel

Most of us would say a project is building a shopping center or a subdivision or an apartment complex.

Frank Turner

I honestly think they're doing a good job. It's an inevitable evil to get a good project. The end of the project will be good news for everybody.

Janelle Gentry

This is a massive project, and it really represents a merging . . . of the PGA Tour and The Players Championship. It represents the nexus of both those powerful brands.

David Pillsbury

We wanted to take a fresher approach to the project.

Philip Bailey

We're hoping within 10 years to have the project done. It's a long-term project.

Robin Hamer

There's something big coming to the outside area of Ottawa, sort of a private clinic for holistic aspects of healing. It's going to be a huge $150-million dollar project and it's going to attract the world's attention.

Connie Adams

If you go in as an American outsider, Mister Moneybags, and say 'I want to build you a school,' the local people will have no incentive to work on the project smartly or economically.

John Wooden

We were able to incorporate all of this into the project.

Monica Ka'auwai

We are all highly supportive of this project. It will be a community project. Anyone who wants to be involved can do so.

Rose Martin

We're extremely close to this project now. I mean, extremely close.

Robert Robinson

It's definitely on the A-list of the Florida Forever project.

Jill Austin

We're trying our best to make this project actually get built. We bought it to build it.

Scott Magie

We are doing a project to enable young British Asians to reach the highest level of society. They should have the opportunity to shine and make a mark because they have the ability to do so.

Keith Vaz

We would always like to enhance areas on campus. But due to a limited budget, we won't be doing any other project this year.

Steve Lawrence

They're stuck. This project is in serious trouble.

Curt Johnson

I want to make it clear to sportsmen that this is federal money being spent, not Game and Fish dollars, ... But this is an excellent project.

Bill Williams

We're a Web-based project management provider so we'd better be able to eat our own dog food and work as a distributed organization.

Peter Winston

Had it not been for the DNA testing done by, and in some ways, forced by the Innocence Project, these people would still be incarcerated or on Death Row. The Innocence Project has helped save lives.

Dwayne Smith

The first map is topographic data. The green is the golf course. In addition, we identified the water resources that were available to the team at the onset of the project.

Daniel Stone

This is a worthy project.

Carl Brewer

I spoke to the City Manager and he told me if I wanted to take on the project I could.

Betty Wilson

This is a great project, and we continue to be excited about it.

Joe Anthony

We had both the community and local political support, and we cleared the zoning well in advance. But this one individual is holding up the completion of our project, and we can't start building until the courts rule on this case.

Don Briggs

We also expect events downtown, including Cardinal games, to cause major delays through the project.

Linda Wilson

He was always looking after us. He kept the records, the mailings, everything. When he got on to a project, he would see it through.

Frank Lott

Parenting has become so intertwined with your identity that the way your child looks is seen as a direct extension of yourself. Having a particular buggy is a way of projecting your own desires and fantasies to the rest of the world.

Frank Furedi

We are totally opposed to the whole project and we will continue to campaign against it. The control centre will not be run by the Fire Authority, it is likely to be run by an external private company.

Paul Clarke

Of all the measures to be taken in building the new socialist countryside, the national fitness project is one that needs the smallest investment but will produce an instant effect.

Feng Jianzhong

There is no real presence of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, ... The security situation is in a very bad state. Our national project is in danger.

Nabil Amr

We will be filing progress reports with the Department of Heritage and they will stay in close touch with us throughout the project.

Barbara Webb

We appreciate the help, from the (county jail) inmates and from everybody involved. One outfit alone would not be able to handle a project like this.

Tim Chapman

I hope this does not delay in any way our efforts to get this project done.

John Marks

We'd love to be able to project exactly when a construction project is going to get done but we don't do a very good job. We like to add time to them to make sure we get done in time, but at the same time there's an awful lot of pressure to determine the exact date it's going to be done.

Mike Goreham

There are not a lot of these available in the area. We're building the project for the community, not for the congregation. But how it goes will have a direct effect on us.

Rev Handlee Vige

We are excited to be working with Gates McVey as they enter the vacation ownership industry with this high-quality condominium-hotel project. The owners at the Inn at Pelican Bay will enjoy the flexibility and added value that membership with Interval offers them.

David Gilbert

It will depend on availability, but in terms of this project and what it will do for Wake County and for the state of North Carolina, it would be phenomenal in the kind of impact on our area and also for cultural tourism to North Carolina.

Jennifer Weiss

As you know, the Mackenzie project is very lean, from an economic standpoint.

Randy Broiles

The economics of this project are good enough that we shouldn't have to involve litigation. We would like to do something short of getting involved in litigation that would only delay this gas line further.

Chuck Logsdon

People's opinions have moved up and down on the project over time. That's to be expected.

David Oman

The pilot project verifies that we're delivering [new products] as the customers wanted them.

Gordon Anderson

This is a very innovative new project.

Shane Kim

When this document is signed, Bass Pro will begin spending real money on this project.

Larry Quinn

For a 'public use,' it means you cannot turn around and give it to a developer, even if it's an economic development project that's within the public purpose.

Howard Duvall

They grant far too many variances; they grant six to eight variances on any given project. Variances are to be granted sparingly. They have been way too generous.

Larry Price

It was just a college project anyway. It wasn't meant to be a business.

Wayne Chang

The project met the state statutes and town ordinances. He had everything he needed to have.

Michael Shea

This project ... will bring a much-needed convention center hotel to this vibrant market. The Hilton Orlando Convention Center is destined to be a great success.

Matt Hart

It develops math skills. A knitting project is geometric.

Maggie Decuir

The SCOPE project was wonderful for us. It brought together all these people from different organizations to share their ideas with one another.

Sally Graham

We are excited about this step in the franchise registry project. The registry is a breakthrough effort to cut red tape, and we believe it will greatly up the approval process on franchise loans.

Aida Alvarez

When you have that kind of passion for your home, it becomes personal. This is a community and this is a community project.

Dan Fraley

I'm very committed to this project.

Linda Davis

It's a long-awaited project. It is truly a safety hazard; cars back up on the freeway and people can't get across the 10.

Mayor Kathleen Derosa

The students contributed a great deal of time and effort to the plan. This was more than just a class project to them. They clearly wanted to give something back to the Coast communities.

Michael Seymour

They came to the Open Space Committee eight months ago because they needed a project, and that got us off our tails.

John Coolidge

The project of dividing the land is going to be Israel's central national enterprise in the coming decade. It will determine whether we have a future here. It will determine whether we will live or die.

Ari Shavit

This is reality. This really happened in Terre Haute, Ind., and I think that element of reality has the ability to move and change people. I'm really optimistic for the project. I can't wait to see where it goes next.

Scott Keith

We were asked to try to put together a grant package that would fund such a program, but we were turned down for the grant. We decided that this was a really worthwhile project, and decided to fund it ourselves.

Patrick Allen

It really depends. Some of it is underemployment, sometimes someone has lost a job. They end up in court, and the courts can give them a choice. They can be referred to this project, and we can help them address problems and find jobs.

Mike Schwindt

The business plan raises a lot of questions. Is that other money going to materialize? Is this project the highest priority for federal funds at this point?

Bill Hauck

We are sending out the surveys to those on a randomly generated list so we can get a more accurate representation of the greater community's input and ideas on the project. This project needs to fit the community's needs, so the more input we get earlier on, the better.

Ryan Sims

We were very negative about the whole project, but once we saw the writing on the wall, we all got on board 200 percent.

Chuck Bennett

We want to ask the departments of corrections and finance to explain their rationale in continuing to push for a project that continues to break the bank and doesn't make any fiscal sense.

Joe Nation

Agribusiness and food manufacturing is big here. This project addresses challenges to their business. This is the right sort of project for this loan.

Bill Teets

The program requires project developers to buy 60% of the equipment from local suppliers.

Romulo Feijão