I really don't know if this is my best team or if these are the best players. I can only judge on how they perform when under pressure, beginning with this game.

Dusan Fitzel

This is a team game. If that's what the team decides, I'll go out there and perform and help the team out.

Aaron Stecker

Now that we've done all this, our destiny is in our hands. It's up to us to perform. This new structure will help us better execute our strategy.

Sidney Taurel

Jimmy was amazing. After not performing well on floor on the first day of competition, he did what he needed to do on the second day in order to make the U.S. National Team.

Miles Avery

It is a challenge to perform for 50 straight minutes. It is an aerobic workout, but an enjoyable and exhausting challenge. We get our energy from the audience. It is great to go out there and see 6,000-7,000 people singing and dancing.

Greg Page

Most children come to school tired on Monday and Friday. When we look at the data, that's when we also have the most absences. Knowing that, we have to make it work for us because we want the children to perform their best.

Amy Arakaki

It's not like they've got a choice. They have to do it, they have to perform. Some of these kids, this is the time of their life. This is what they've waited for, to get themselves in this position.

Tom Harrison

I think prices are performing pretty well.

Keith Collins

I'm very excited to once again perform the National Anthem at Michigan International Speedway for the GFS Marketplace 400. The fans at MIS have always been great to me and it is always an honor to perform for them, whether it's a concert or the National Anthem.

Julie Roberts

Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea- massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it.

Gene Spafford

The only thing that's going to be fatal to this nomination is how she performs before the committee. If she performs all right, then she's obviously going to be approved. But if she doesn't perform well, she probably won't be approved.

Charles E. Grassley

I know he's met with the governor already on this project, which in turn is an important portion of it because the state has $15 million invested in the performing arts center.

Harry Forbes

They perform incredible services to human kind and deserve better than to be food for the table.

Jill Robinson

It is all about how you perform on the field. It is a mental game and how well you display your talent depends on one's confidence.

Bob Woolmer

If students don't find school engaging, empowering and interesting, then they are not interested in performing.

Carla Ritchie

We made the decision to give all of the girls a chance to compete. It's all about that chance to perform. It's nice to find other coaches that support that as well.

Carla Peterson

There is no process for regular review of local issuing authorities. If someone just stops performing that duty, we'd have no way of knowing that.

Kevin Chambers

Every year we do one major concert. The ones who are performing this Saturday are the ones who come pretty consistently.

Keith Cook

Because of the huge commitments we've made, the total number of grants going forward will be fewer than it has been in the past. Last year, we only distributed a total of $6.5 million in grants. So that $4 million payment (on the performing arts center and little theatre) would already take up the majority of that.

Bradley Callicott

This is an easy and accurate test to perform. It's very similar to what was already available, but provides some definite improvements.

Dave Rich

It's important for visitors to know who's who, and it's important for us as well to know (the volunteers), so we perform background checks on all adults.

Louise Shivers

There is energy and it's exciting performing on stage with other people.

Chelsea Levine

I think it will perform the same at California. Now that doesn't mean you can't have a flat tire or a bad pit stop or a broken part ... but I do think that we'll go there and be competitive enough to run up front, and, hopefully, challenge for a win.

Matt Kenseth

You get people excited and there's a trickle-down effect. Just the names create interest. Robert Cray (who will perform at the Grand in August), and national artists like that, I love seeing that kind of stuff.

John Altenburgh

By no means is it affecting our officers' ability to perform their No. 1 duty, which is keeping the citizens of Hattiesburg safe.

Robin Walker

Requirements for a live audition were that you had to have your dog with you, along with your children. And neither the dog nor the kids could be borrowed. At that point I thought the song was really good, and we had put a lot into it. So driving to New Jersey to perform it was no big deal.

Lisa Riether

National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government.

Richard Perle

I think the past three years Jim Beattie has been leading the effort with strong assistance from Mike. Now it will be Mike's chance. I think Mike is very capable and a very bright guy who certainly is adequate to perform the job.

Peter Angelos

Whenever you have exposure to a major road or interstate, those are always your best performing golf courses.

Steve Smyers

I believe if a private citizen is able to affect public opinion in a constructive way he doesn't have to be an elected public servant to perform a public service.

Warren Beatty

As a chaplain he would be required to administer to all of our people, and his expressed views make it clear to me that he would not be able to perform that function with any credibility.

Nicholas Scoppetta

We couldn't finish on what Shannon started. I am not sure if it was nerves or what, but we just didn't perform like we have in the past. We need to come out tomorrow and give it our best.

Valerie Boothe

We love performing for the kind of folks that come to the fair. We play to old and young, and lots of people that love country music.

Lynn Fox

The economic fundamentals are a very supportive factor for the currency. The current account surplus and exports continue to perform well.

Beat Siegenthaler

Sand sculpting is a performing art. Just like a play when the show is over, all we have is a memory.

Dave Henderson

Performing their primary duties, but they have nothing to do with detained individuals.

Jerry O'hara

This is my religion. I take long breaks now when I don't perform and I am not myself when I am not performing.

Roy Haynes

The event will have a violinist performing as well as Eric Morris, a gospel singer.

Pat Allen

People with a high vocabulary will often detect that they are having problems, ... but if you give them a standardised test they perform above average.

Andy Ellis

Older students from dance school will get up and perform and offer to teach people from the audience.

Judith Gregg

It's just an ordinary game, and we've had one of our better weeks as far as preparation is concerned. The kids know they'll be in front of a big crowd and want to perform well.

Tommy Felty

We need efficiency at home if our country and its companies are to perform well on the international stage.

Hartmut Schauerte

Nothing attracts audiences better than winning and American athletes tend to perform better in the Summer Games than the Winter Games.

Jon Swallen

He's just overworked and had been in Atlantic City performing, the D.C. area performing, and in Tunica (Miss.) a couple of nights ago. He was just overworked.

David Porter

I think things might change a little bit, knowing that you have some security. But now there is pressure to perform and live up to expectations a little bit more.

Derrick Turnbow

I have 10 points more than anybody. Of course, I'm happy with the result but I hope I can perform that way again in the free program.

Evgeni Plushenko

How do you get there from here? They haven't persuaded me that this is valid, ... You have to have a disruption of civil authority before the military can perform activities such as surveillance.

Eugene Fidell

Obviously, this year there are some expectations on me to perform, but this is only my third Grand Prix of my life.

Evan Lysacek

Their idols were not pop stars but blues singers. Those idols were old already. So why would they not be old and perform?

Ethan Russell

Back in Mozart's time it was very common to perform operas in all sorts of languages. His native tongue was German. The most common language to see opera in was Italian.

Eric Smithey

Those guys got a chance to see us perform. They get a chance to practice, practice, practice.

Eric Henderson

It's hard to duplicate the success we've had. They've done a very good job of performing well in big meets.

Erik Jenkins

It just pops out at you… There's just no way you can ignore it. When an animal performs a particular behavior the areas of the brain that are responsible for performing that behavior… induce the synthesis of certain genes in the brain. You can actually use that induction of synthesis of genes to identify the area that was active in that particular behavior.

Erich Jarvis

We are hopeful by amending this rating the entire facility will be able to conform to requirement and able to perform without diminishing capacity until 2013 but in retrospect, we are hopeful to have a new facility on another site by 2010.

Eric Willis

The results jumped out at us. Sometimes males and females would perform the same tasks and show different brain activation. And sometimes they would perform different tasks and show the same brain activation.

Emily Bell

I always wanted to go places and I loved performing.

Emilie De Ravin

I think it's a little bit of a stretch. The legislative intent clearly was not to incarcerate doctors or execute doctors who are performing abortions, illegal or otherwise.

Elizabeth Graham

Performing his work was like having a great song you are inundated with.

Eileen Morris

When we listened to the third-quarter earnings (report), their credit card business was performing above expectations and they felt that that was going to mitigate the negative impact they were experiencing from their retail operation.

Edward Jones

Our system is performing very well and well beyond our expectations.

Ed Mehalick

It's important to understand how the entire system performed and how it will perform in the future.

Ed Link

It wasn't our best season. We especially didn't perform our best at the NCAA Championships.

Eddie Reese

Makes no matter if I'm performing in a grocery store, you're always gonna get 150%.

Eddie Griffin

The reason I didn't come up was that I wanted to give him the space to perform and be himself. It's all part of the plan.

Earl Woods

Available to me as governor to perform state active-duty missions dealing with homeland security, natural disasters and other state missions.

Ed Rendell

Lynn Harrell is absolutely one of the greatest cellists on the planet and great figures performing today.

Zuill Bailey

We are performing in a full stadium.

Zubin Mehta