SAS thinks that Computerworld has provided an excellent forum for open and thoughtful discussions that are valuable for business intelligence users and vendors alike. This conference is a real opportunity to share best practices and gain insights and perspectives on how the combination of data integration analytics and information delivery will change the way organizations compete.

That's where we will see how big a push the White House really has in mind.

Tells us that we ought to be importing beef from (a country) where the beef is safe regardless of what that country does.

Sharply higher energy prices are cutting into net farm income and will likely continue to affect production input and marketing costs in 2006.

We've been at the zenith of the agricultural cycle, and we're not going to stay there.

We probably really are not going to get a test on what happens with cattle prices until we get into next week, and we start to see the normal resumption of cash market trading.

I think prices are performing pretty well.

One thing the government could do would be to increase the amount of butter that could be imported without tariff, and that would provide ice cream producers and other users some additional supplies of butter.

While it's serious to individual producers, from a national perspective, Katrina won't have much impact, ... The consumer won't feel it. Millions of chickens have been lost, but in Mississippi alone, you slaughter 5 million a day.