Pain has its reasons, pleasure is totally indifferent.

Francis Picabia

Of all pains, the greatest pain Is to love, and love in vain.

George Granville

You can only sympathize with the victims' pain.

Francois Roux

(Laptops) have the tendency to flare up tendons more, (cause) neck pain. With the screens attached to the keyboard you are always looking down.

Stacey Doyon

I never expected them to get famous. It's been a lot of fun. It's been so like owning a sports franchise without the aggravation that goes with it. But there's a lot of pain that goes with it, too. They're like my kids. It's hard not to worry about the future.

Jim Wilkes

I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was plain weird.

Uma Thurman

Their wishful thinking that they're going to get better is harnessing the body's own mechanism for relieving pain.

Stephen Straus

So great was the extremity of his pain and anguish, that he did not only sigh but roar.

Matthew Henry

This is always painful; but as long as we lose students we have to deal this issue.

John Schwartz

My thighs are constantly aching and I've had a painful ankle for days.

Sean Wilson

It's painful. It really makes being a psychic seem boring.

Daniel Fienberg

When you're sick, do everything you can to avoid getting on a plane. I've boarded with what felt like the beginning of the flu, and landed hours later with a full-blown illness -- fever, chills, head pain.

Laurie Berger

Let the pain stay with him for a long time. Maybe that will serve as a motivator. You got to bring your 'A' game to the dance.

Travis Dewalt

The most painful thing about mathematics is how far away you are from being able to use it after you have learned it.

James Newman

I noticed sharp pain in the area between my thumb and index finger, ... I remember making more telephone calls deliberately to avoid having to use the keyboard and the BlackBerry.

Steve Maviglio

The pain level is as severe as anything the market has ever inflicted on investors before.

John Bollinger

There's a lot of pain, there's a lot of truth, there's a lot of tragic behavior (in Berkman), but he's also funny.

Jeff Daniels

With great concern and pain, I just learned that Global Agenda, a publication distributed to our members at the Annual Meeting 2006, contains an article calling for a boycott of Israel.

Klaus Schwab

I just would like to express my gratitude to all the loyal customers who have helped us along in this painful process. I think Gary is going in with a real customer loyalty factor.

Jack Goldman

A moment of pleasure is a lifetime of pain, that's what I tell everybody all the time.

Maria Davis

This is painful on so many levels. I'm very concerned about (voters') general cynicism of government and politics.

Steffen Schmidt

I chose to work voluntarily. Not working was not going to change (the pain). I had to make a choice to go on with my life.

Wendy Harris

There are no breaks or anything, but he has some pain around the neck.

Wayne Lawson

Nunez hurt it in Missouri, and the pain went all the way down to her back. From there she hurt it again in Texas, and Christmas night she was in a car accident. That didn't help her at all.

Shirley Walker

The pain is too much each day, so they have to go and look at what it is.

Anders Paerson

She's a good runner, but if that injury bothers her she's going have trouble. I've been watching her and there seems to be some pain (so far).

Dan Satkoski

I think we're in the middle of this painful period and we're just going to churn around for a while.

Liz Miller

It's very painful physically ... away from families and familiarity.

Rosemary Fox

We were favorites but got absolutely killed that year and it left a lingering pain. It was the same two years ago. The Solheim is always a great experience but it's much more fun when you win.

Meg Mallon

We are challenging the extreme of a human being. She was doing four turns in the air. You saw her hit the hit the board. You can imagine the level of pain.

Zhang Hao

There must be pain before healing. So in that way, the music is revolutionary, because it tells the truth.

Damian Marley

When the Negro cries with pain from his deep hurt and lays his petition for elemental justice before the nation, he is calling upon the American people to kindle about that crucible of race relationships the fires of American faith.

Mordecai Wyatt Johnson

Pain shared is pain divided.

Michael Pritchard

I'm not surprised, because the manufacturing sector in our community is really feeling the pain and G. L. Bowron are heavily export-dependent.

Peter Townsend

Value went through its own bear market, and it was particularly painful when everything else was going so great.

Bill Lippman

Suffering by nature or chance never seems so painful as suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another.

Arthur Schopenhauer

More radical and, likely painful, changes are necessary to preserve the brand and the company.

Richard Weinhart

But you know, my mom having to go to the hospital seven times... like passed out because of pain... I wouldn't come home and sit with my family and be with my dad - I'd call someone up and... I'd go and get obliterated drunk and I'd go, like, on two-week benders.

Jack Osbourne

Our reaction will be painful.

Abu Abir

She has to turn four revolutions in the air over such a long distance. She fell on the ice and hit the boards. You can imagine how painful (that) was.

Zhang Hao

Frederic has been in pain for a month but he has played very good games with Toulouse in the Heineken Cup and the French championship and we are confident he will be at his best.

Jo Maso

It is painful for me because I would love to sit down and talk to my dad about the way he used to be when he was my age, when he was in his prime, because we are so much alike.

Laila Ali

[He's making] a memorial service, honoring what happened. That is how it feels. ... It's all these feelings — it's numbness, it's anger, it's fear, it's pain, it's so many things. And you go through it, as Oliver demands that I do.

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Accept the pain, cherish the joys, resolve the regrets; then can come the best of benedictions - 'If I had my life to live over, I'd do it all the same.'

Joan McIntosh

I'm still in a little bit of pain, but I feel it is getting better and better.

Frederic Michalak

It's good to be back. I had been feeling pain in my left knee for about two months but continued to play because it didn't feel like a bad injury.

Luis Garcia

It's pretty cute when she rides away from us. But it can be a pain in the neck too. Sometimes you just don't want to be that competitive, that intense.

Scott Varner

Joy always came after pain.

Guillaume Apollinaire

It's fraught with pitfalls, it will be painful, it may fall on its face and die a painful death. Let the process work.

John Porter

I was a little more nervous to be honest just because that was my first action stopping and going. There is a new drug called adrenaline that comes when you play and that adrenaline really helped me not feel any pain and get out there and go.

Jimmy Conrad

Brandi is the most competitive girl I've been around for her age. I think she'd try to convince everybody she was running no matter how much pain she was in.

Sal Capaccio

The literature suggests that acupuncture may be helpful for certain kinds of pain for control of certain kinds of nausea.

David Eisenberg

I've been hit there quite a few times and generally it's really painful for 24 hours and then it eases pretty quickly.

Marcus Trescothick

"It's an art to live with pain... mix the light in into grey."--Love Boat Captain--.

Eddie Vedder

I think the pain has got to be felt by everybody. That's not what is happening now.

Bill Watson

It was so painful to thumb through that book and see pictures of houses in Biloxi and Gulfport and know that those houses are no longer there.

Steve Yates

Corporal punishment is as humiliating for him who gives it as for him who receives it; it is ineffective besides. Neither shame nor physical pain have any other effect than a hardening one.

Ellen Key

It was a very empowering experience for me to give birth that way. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced, but I lived through it. Now I want to shake every pregnant woman I know and say 'have a home birth!

Susanne Scott Rosenfeld

I love you both and always have. I'm in no pain but don't know how long the air will last.

George Hamner

It's by far the easiest and least painful transition we've been through.

John Merritt

Movie music is noise... even more painful than my sciatica.

Sir Thomas Beecham

So much pain is coursing through my heart.

Ravneet Sharma

Obviously, my mom can't be brought back. Obviously, you can't undo the past. But at least you can get these guys (in) jail, and prevent them from causing this sort of pain and harm to another family.

Edwin Rosario

He was in agony the whole time. I wasn't even aware of it, he just told me. I knew he had back problems but I had no idea how painful it was.

Ed Mccomiskey

I'm getting there. It's more from the mental standpoint now. There will be a little bit of pain, and in my head I think I'm making it worse and I know I'm not.

Eddie Johnson

My eye was literally pushed out of the socket. The pain was so bad, it was past being a headache. There's no such thing as a headache like that.

Earl Woods

I'm pretty sure at that time economically it was very painful because I don't think they had insurance to the extent that we have now.

Ed Shields

The ability to feel pain must be a consideration.

Eric Sandgren

I can't begin to truly understand the pain that I have inflicted on these innocent people, ... To those victims, I apologize.

Eric Rudolph

We're certainly aiming for that but it's hard to crystal-ball it. At the moment it's very encouraging because he's not feeling much [pain] at all in everyday activities, which he did before.

Errol Alcott

At the moment it's very encouraging, he's not feeling very much (pain) at all in his everyday activities which he did before.

Errol Alcott

The aim is to get rid of his pain, get rid of the swelling, make it a functional joint and, if he's not feeling anything, he's fine.

Errol Alcott

Companies may generally like having data near where it's used, but that's an administrative pain in the neck.

Eric Ogren

You see the hurt and pain in these kids' faces and you can just tell they've had a hard life. But when they get their Easter basket, their faces light up.

Ernie Mills

I was apologizing to my family for having to watch that. The pain that's in your stomach, it's like a broken heart. I don't ever want to feel that again.

Ernie Conwell

We would give him morphine every three hours, every day for a month, just so he wouldn't sit there and wince in pain.

Erik Walters

It hurt real bad. I thought it was our year, but it wasn't. It was real painful.

Eric Evans

The hike is brutal, straight-out pure cardio pain. There's nothing great about that.

Erik Skarvan

There's no way I could make it. I tried skiing this morning and had too much pain. I didn't think it was possible to compete on it.

Erik Guay

They botched one of the two surgeries and created a hernia. You can't treat chronic pain with surgery.

Eric Berg

They botched one of the two surgeries and created a hernia, ... You can't treat chronic pain with surgery.

Eric Berg

Shopping for jeans can be such a pain. But these invite-only events create a party atmosphere.

Erica Archambault

It's painful to see that happen. But that's business. We had a contract to provide a good playing surface and we'll do that.

Engelbert Lehmacher

The limit of every pain is an even greater pain.

Emile M. Cioran

Life's sharpest rapture is surcease of pain.

Emma Lazarus

This is a cruel effort to inflict even more pain on the victims of the government's long-acknowledged misbehavior. I have never seen a more blatant and transparent attempt to politicize this case in order to divide and conquer Indian country.

Elouise Cobell

As a mother, it is hard when you see your child in so much pain. I want to hold him in my arms, but sometimes it hurts for anyone to touch him. He has never been one to complain, but he can't even put on his socks and shoes by himself in the morning.

Elaine Thomas

That is our next big goal, to get someone there to help get people out of pain and improve their health through dental care.

Elaine Miller

He was pretty banged up and was bleeding from the back of the head. He was in a lot of pain, moaning and yelling.

Elaine Lee

Police chiefs like myself are going to say, 'We like our guy. Don't move him. But my interests may not be identical to the FBI as an organization. It has got to force those painful choices on its staff.

Edward Flynn