Three hundred to 400 jobs were promised here. Where's the baker, (the) candlestick maker, grocery store, doctor, dentist, real estate agent? Where is all the new development?

If you follow the statistics, Tammy shouldn't be here.

In my first season I was learning about English football in a new team. I scored 13 which wasn't bad, but I think I can do better. Everyone can do more.

More and more taxpayers are using e-file and last year we saw more Michigan taxpayers file electronically than file by paper. It's fast, secure and easy.

And the promises have not been delivered.

The manager has always shown a lot of faith in me, and the fact that I gave up my home and family in Barcelona to come to Liverpool shows how much faith I have in Rafael Benitez.

It's safe, it's secure, it's very fast and you get your tax return in less than two weeks.

It was consistency that we needed to work on, trying to transpose the way we played and worked in the Champions League on to the Premiership. As new players, what we've learnt in the Premier League is starting to bear fruit. We have closed the gap a little bit [to Chelsea] and we are stronger than we were. If we work hard, I believe we can make a small piece of history with Liverpool.

It's good to be back. I had been feeling pain in my left knee for about two months but continued to play because it didn't feel like a bad injury.