112 quotes about notion follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.

Thomas Henry Huxley

Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion... or you shall learn nothing.

Thomas H. Huxley

The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human life is medieval.

Peter Singer

We have heard it a million times. It is a ridiculous notion. The homes will be priced at whatever the market will bear.

Jaimie Ross

That's an interesting hook, the notion of a father telling his children how he ultimately met their mother. It makes it feel distinctive.

Dana Walden

The notion of [a] packaged product is really going to kind of go away.

Greg Stein

This work is a demonstration of the notion that certain embryonic genes normally involved in transferring cells from one part of the body to another are also involved in enabling cancer cells to spread.

Robert Weinberg

Use of a mentally ill person's involuntary confession is antithetical to the notion of fundamental fairness embodied in the due process clause.

William J. Brennan, Jr.

All of these indications have reinforced our notion that we made the right choice by trying something different, trying to make history fun and being innovative in how we were trying to present history.

Tom Schwartz

We want the emphasis and notion to be on sharing with others, generosity and spirit instead of want, want, want.

Nancy Castleman

My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s.

Warren Beatty

It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it.

James Hillman

By spreading the notion of patriotic tourism, we were able to get much-needed dollars into our economy and preserve jobs.

Jonathan Tisch

This is too big for us to make a 10-minute decision. We're going to think about it overnight. ... This really threw us for a bad loop. I didn't have the foggiest notion this could happen.

Bill Roth

Being able to get tax-free withdrawals is very powerful, so the general notion is you should look to the Roth IRA right away.

Bob Fitzsimmons

That's garbage. I am really tired of this notion that we have to hug a thug.

Julian Fantino

I have encountered the notion that marriage is a partisan political issue.

Tom Rodgers

The predicted and measured plume heights matched well, consistent with the notion that the plume is just higher and thicker when the temperature difference is bigger.

Marcus Bursik

To try to frame us as anything but public golfers of San Diego, I reject that notion.

Dale Peterson

He's the 900,000-pound gorilla. The notion that they are going to go forward without him is fundamentally unfair.

Lanny Breuer

The American courts ruled that money is speech and speech can't be limited in politics because of freedom of expression. We don't have that same sort of aggressive notion of freedom of speech.

Lisa Young

The notion that there is something improper about advocating your client's position is kind of strange.

Joe Sims

Long-term investors should stay the course, ... No one should be diving into this market with the notion that they'll make fast money because that's not the case.

Peter Cardillo

It was something that really wanted to happen. (Latinos are) really upset about the notion of being felons. It's deeply insulting, and it really got a lot of people into action.

Scott Washburn

The creeping notion that additives are badditives.

Charles G. Mortimer

For me, the notion of pre-emption, that the U.S. has the unilateral right to do whatever we decide to do, is a really huge leap.

Paul O'neill

The universal franchise is a bad idea. The notion that the destiny of the nation should be put in the hands of ignoramuses, parasites, boobs, party hacks and idiots is absurd on its face.

Charley Reese

Accustom children to a true notion of things.

George Shelley

We never fully grasp the import of any true statement until we have a clear notion of what the opposite untrue statement would be.

William James

People don't date anymore. It is like a prehistoric notion.

Tom Fontana

We don't accept the notion that America is a country where a privileged few live well while the rest of us struggle to meet our daily expenses, ... We're going to fight for something better.

Ron Gettelfinger

I don't want people to get the notion we're getting fat and happy. The budget is lean. It's more honest in where costs are being incurred and clearer on where the costs are.

Lipscomb Coach Scott Sanderson

The bank is reasonably comfortable with the notion that the consumer still has pretty good fundamentals.

Mark Chandler

We're getting to levels now where to buy bonds you have to subscribe to the notion that the economy's going to experience a slowdown and the Fed may have to reverse course later in the year. We don't subscribe to that.

Colin Lundgren

Paul was interested in how complete strangers affect each other in ways they could never imagine, and I was interested in the notion of fear.

Bobby Moresco

It's a drop in the bucket. It's only meaningful to the extent that it doesn't support the notion that the family thinks the sale of the company is imminent.

Doug Arthur

How do we know it is really an Iraqi Army rather than a sectarian Army? If it is not an Iraqi army, that really is going to put a damper on the notion of our drawing down forces.

Andrew Bacevich

It's really industrial policy. The notion that it could be efficient is crazy.

Michael Greve

This puts to bed the notion that they're done. I would anticipate they're going to go to 5 percent at the next meeting and wouldn't be surprised to see them go beyond 5 percent, and the market wasn't prepared for that.

Kevin Cronin

I thought I knew Texas pretty well, but I had no notion of its size until I campaigned it.

Ann Richards

It should not strengthen the position of those with a preconceived notion about terrorists.

Joseph Castelo

We have overcome the notion that mathematical truths have an existence independent and apart from our own minds. It is even strange to us that such a notion could ever have existed.

James Newman

All of the sudden, there was political support for the notion that inflation was not just a tax, but a virus that attacks an economy.

Harvey Rosenblum

I wasn't afraid of going places or doing new things. I would do just about anything or go anywhere. I'd get a notion in my mind and just follow it.

Suzanne Vega

The Christian notion of the possibility of redemption is incomprehensible to the computer.

Vance Packard

We have the notion that we exist but we have no way to prove it. 'I am' is the closest foundation we can get.

Stan Brakhage

The foolish and cruel notion that a wife is to obey her husband has sent more women to the grave than to the courts for a divorce.

Lemuel K. Washburn

Harper adheres to this notion that society should morally ( penalize ) people who use illegal drugs.

Keith Martin

[This news] is likely to contribute to the investor notion that Oracle's ability to grow its database business is constrained.

Kevin Buttigieg

IBM legitimized the notion of the PC -- that it would not be just a hobbyist computer.

Jeff Raikes

There's this notion it can't be a commercial use to be a fair use. That is wrong.

David Drummond

The notion is we're refusing to see Blue Cross Blue Shield patients, ... That couldn't be further from the truth.

Robert Russell

After being worried that the economy was too hot and that inflation was coming back, suddenly you have this notion that maybe the economy is a little soft, that maybe the Fed has been a little overzealous.

Kevin Bannon

I want to dispel the notion that gasoline will hit $3 a gallon. It won't.

Sandra Hughes

It will dispel the notion that the U.S. is a permanent occupying force, a theme used by the insurgents to justify their continued attacks.

Frank Pallone

The notion of Ted Koppel coming on and saying, 'Here's my greatest hits,' doesn't feel right. This is a retrospective. It's not talking about Ted, it's talking about someone who Ted admires.

Tom Bettag

Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.

Cheris Kramarae

Harper has been able to make himself more or less impervious to the attack that we have seen to this point and has been able to defuse the notion that winning is somehow going to be horrendous for the nation.

Allan Gregg

This is the notion of personalization at the intermediary level.

David Fish

I've always been a big fan of time travel, and I'm very into the notion that some day we'll be able to do it. Beam me up!

Scott Bakula

You do all sorts of analytical things to try to sell (airlines) on the notion that more capacity needs to be put into the market.

Barry Clark

They're trying to create this notion that it's a crime to be a consultant for clients who do business with Suffolk County. It's not a crime.

Christopher Cassar

The notion is to [unify] Active Directory, which is about as ubiquitous as it gets, and use it more strategically. It will spur use of [these features].

Jonathan Penn

The notion is to create a personalized itinerary that's almost like what a really good executive assistant or maybe a travel agent could do for you.

James Slavet

The notion of packaged products is really going to go away.

Greg Stein

It's a moral victory for transit workers. The notion that we should no longer have unpaid health care has been defeated.

John Samuelsen

The notion that our community does not challenge standing judgments is absurd.

Bill Harlow

The whole notion of alternative payments is really growing as an industry.

Lauren Freedman

It can only be good to have more council members getting on board with this notion for sunshine laws. It's going to make it easier to get some of these things passed that some of us have been calling for all along.

Dave Cortese

I think somehow you need to get to a certain point in your life where the notion of failure is absurd.

Jeff Tweedy

Beyond the notion of returning the rule of law to the border, the single most important aspect of this bill is that it does not reward those who have broken the law and does not constitute amnesty.

Jon Kyl

While we haven't received details from the state AG, the notion that former WorldCom executives committed fraud is not new news.

Brad Burns

When I finally found that notion of Jo, I found the structure of the opera.

Mark Adamo

The notion that they are engaged in spying activities is completely ridiculous, and CNN totally rejects it.

Chris Cramer

It is recognized towers are needed in virtually every community. But there is also a notion to make them as acceptable or attractive as possible.

John Page

One benefit is to get to teen girls before the notion of motherhood comes into play.

Lindsey Miller

A lot of people are drawn to the notion of a cheap fix, ... There is no cheap fix for the viaduct.

David G. Dye

You certainly don't want to be cashing out of equities. Given that [cashing out] is a common notion, the money will be made going against that.

Tom Galvin

The notion of a return to an armed struggle really hasn't been on for a long, long time.

Michael Mcdowell

The notion that you can, with 100 percent certainty, prevent this kind of incident from happening in the U.S. or anywhere else is absurd.

Jack Riley

This whole notion that's being bandied about that we are actually cutting aid to students we reject categorically.

Craig Orfield

The notion of the single man began in the 1950's. The idea of the bachelor as a separate life was new and obscure.

Hugh Hefner

This litigation issue has raised the notion in everybody's mind that if anything happens to affect their BlackBerry service, they're wiped out.

Terry Austin

We could decide to settle others. We are not entertaining the notion of a global settlement.

Kent Jarrell

We're familiar with the notion of musicians reinterpreting the same song over and over, but we don't ever hear that with comedians.

Paul Provenza

The notion of leaving a bomb in a public place, unfortunately, is very much a part of our consciousness today.

Liam Steel

Our branch performance reinforces the notion that we have developed a well-oiled network of businesses that can capitalize on these market conditions. We're very excited about the potential for the branch division.

William Dorey

A lot of other candidates from the wider financial industry wouldn't raise the notion of a conflict of interest.

Paul Hodgson

There's certainly blasphemy in the play. Genet plays with the notion of blasphemy a lot; that's one of the reasons France banned it.

Joseph Mcgrath

There are millions of people who think that having heard about something is the same as knowing it, and their notion of culture is a mixture of elegant lifestyle and big names.

Stephen Vizinczey

The notion that Congress can change the meaning given a constitutional provision by the Court is subversive of the function of judicial review; and it is not the less so because the Court promises to allow it only when the Constitution is moved to the left.

Robert H. Bork

The notion that the government knows better how to improve on a competitive marketplace is not supported by the evidence.

Kyle Mcslarrow

The economy's not doing well, so it's appropriate to do what you can. But the notion that deficit spending is a panacea is greatly over-advertised.

Lacy Hunt

We are very concerned that Will Perkins' aim is to re-enact his denial of civil rights to same-sex couples. We would hotly dispute the notion that domestic partnerships are the same as marriage.

Sean Duffy

Any notion that we bought this to go elsewhere is silly at this point.

Dave Checketts

I've never seen that level of retro pay. The whole notion of retro pay is a relatively new issue for the airline industry.

Jim Higgins

The notion is that prevention beats therapy.

Dr. William Schaffner

It is a signal to the world that Canada is an open and inclusive society that believes in the notion of full citizenship for all.

Alex Munter

Restoring the canyon is no longer an abstract notion now that people can actually experience its beauty.

Chris Peterson

He didn't bask in fame or glory or the money he made. He relished in the notion that a little short kid from the projects in Chicago couldn't accomplish anything in life.

Dave Winfield

The notion that (Morrison) wasn't aware of it is a bit disingenuous. Everybody on the board seemed to be aware that we would be discussing this.

Jack Speranza

So in the background, too, is the notion that if there is any move to sell the dollar, there will be central bank intervention.

Dave Gilmore

It is a massive move, the largest move that the EU has ever made. This proposal shows that any notion of fortress Europe is exaggerated.

Peter Power

They don't get the notion that during a disaster one of the fundamental needs is taking care of the large number of patients.

Jerome Hauer

I think part of Kevin's notion of being involved with the Old Vic was because he wants to blood himself with Shakespeare.

Trevor Nunn

Just the notion of shooting fireworks on New Year's Eve is near blasphemy. People should stay away from fireworks altogether.

Alan Moller

I think the notion of college readiness as a goal for increasing numbers of our students ... is going to become increasingly important.

Patrick Phillips

It's almost enough to make you believe in Jung's notion of collective unconscious, ... If there is an American collective unconscious, Bobby had somehow tapped into it.

Dave Van Ronk

While we are confident that we are presently in full compliance with the decision, we wish to dispel any notion that Microsoft's technical documents are insufficient.

Brad Smith

We do not go in there with any predetermined notion. We're going in there willing to listen and willing to discuss, absolutely.

Fraser Engerman

These things are important to me, these things I write. I recognize and embrace the notion of collaboration - and other people should, too.

Charlie Kaufman

Perhaps these devices are changing the notion of socializing.

Zach Nelson