40 quotes about compliance follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We believe we are in full compliance with the law, guidelines and contracts.

Brian Henry

Further improving our compliance is the highest priority of the bank.

Rijkman Groenink

Our goal is to get them in compliance with this one violation.

Chris Parsons

Our citizens are entitled to breathe clean air and compliance with the Clean Air Act is not optional.

Lois Schiffer

I support the goal of better compliance and better consumer safety.

Scott Hudson

It's like a newfound religion has formed around SOX compliance.

John Hagerty

If companies know we're going to enforce the law, you'll see more compliance. And $6.5 billion says we're going to enforce the law.

Andrew Cuomo

Non-compliance amounts to a tax of about $2,000 on every taxpayer.

Len Burman

The United States considers that WTO compliance is critical for the EU in this area.

Neena Moorjani

We're as concerned with her compliance (with the $200,000 bail) as we are with anyone else who killed five people.

Joe Owmby

Don't add new money until the company has its compliance under control.

Mari Adam

In full compliance with North Carolina law.

Brad Wilson

We anticipate being in full compliance within a two-year window.

Mark Sanchez

Customers have been asking for a comprehensive security and compliance solution.

Richard Whitehead

The key ... is attempting to ensure future compliance.

Ted Fitzgerald

Different vendors bring different strengths to SOX compliance.

John Hagerty

I do not want to get started if I am not in compliance.

Atish Kala

They found it to be out of compliance with the Growth Management Act.

Kamuron Gurol

It's so imperative that we get some protection on the ground until the EPA comes into compliance with the law.

Brent Plater

We are getting the entire park up to ADA compliance.

Jackie Jones

They were all built from 1920 to yesterday, and you can only assume that most of the buildings were built in compliance with the Florida building code. Most were built to withstand 100 mph winds.

Larry Gispert

That's the teeth to get compliance.

Sen. Mary Lundby

You'll have more missed meetings. But as for SOX or privacy compliance, who cares? I don't see any broad implications.

French Caldwell

We wanted to see that things had gotten better. The compliance was the same as it was.

Barbara Petersen

Our whole goal is to get 100 percent compliance from all counties.

Kurt Barrow

As far as we are concerned, we know we were in compliance with the law.

Robert Welch

There appears to be full compliance (by the Serbs).

Robin Clifford

Lack of compliance is hindering the investigation.

Charlie Melancon

We expect to achieve full LSB 3.0 compliance with PR2 and be very close to the final DCC 3.0 ready for LSB 3.0 certification.

Ian Murdock

It's how we would handle any non-compliance issue.

Mindy Waldron

Look at the fear in his eyes. This is not to gain compliance.

Maj. Christopher Graveline

They are doing a good job of getting into compliance. They're doing some nice things.

Joe Russell

I can't fathom that you would consider raising the fee on businesses already in compliance.

Andy Banks

Florida is already 98 percent in compliance with the requirements of the Real ID Act.

Frank Penela

That's when Suffolk passed the law, and we did it to be in compliance with the law.

Robert Koch

We are confident that the court will find we are in compliance with the consent decree.

William Neukom

A compliance plan would show you have a system of checks.

Bruce Blehart

In compliance with state law.

Robert Earl

Transparency and compliance with the law are factors of further development.

Christian Wolff

I finally located the owner. I've asked him to come into compliance, and to go ahead and have the animals checked by a veterinarian.

Eddie Wright