56 quotes about unhealthy follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I don't think it's bad to get divorced. I think it's more unhealthy to have miserable lives. We weren't put here to live miserably, we were put here to grow and learn and be happy.

Ginger Wynn

Americans like to believe we can overcome all obstacles and always triumph in the end, but that's not real life and a steady diet of stories like that will give you a pretty unhealthy view of reality.

Bartlett Sher

The losers here are workers who have to breathe in this unhealthy air.

Donna Reynolds

Eating a diet loaded with fat can overtax the liver and gall bladder, while eating a diet high in sugar can overwhelm even the strongest stomach and give rise to the growth of unhealthy bacteria in the intestines.

Alex Jamieson

I want to take the benefits of what I'm doing now, and offer it to as many people as can hear it. You don't have to submit to having an unhealthy life. You can fight obesity by making your workouts fun to do. Get your body outside on skates. For all those people who have seen New Year's resolutions fall by the wayside, this is an alternative.

David Miles

The poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy are the ones who use the word tomorrow the most.

Robert Kiyosaki

If I was going to have a day care, I couldn't give those kids unhealthy food.

Guadalupe Moran

We've seen more kids at a young age on Prozac and antidepressants. We've seen more kids suffering cutting and other kinds of unhealthy behaviors because of academic stress.

Denise Pope

I didn't have much pocket money as a kid, and what little I did have was usually used to purchase super unhealthy things.

Dave Berg

The time has come to end divisions between peoples. The time has come to end the cycle of poverty, hopelessness and despair. The time has come when all those affected by this conflict must become genuine advocates for peace and no longer promoters of instability and an unhealthy status quo.

Mikhail Saakashvili

Adolf Hitler spoke of Germany as a body with himself as the doctor. He wanted to make Germany 'healthy' by eliminating diseased, unhealthy parts of the body. Early on, this meant killing the disabled. But because the Nazis also believed that Jews possessed 'bad' genes, they, too, came to be portrayed by public health 'experts' and 'scientists' as a threat to racial purity and a healthy nation.

Alan Wells

The better practice would have been to make boundaries clear from the beginning and not accept gifts. That would have prevented this unhealthy attachment from forming. By the time she [Head] tried to set boundaries, it was too late.

Scott Holmes

Lifestyle is a huge contributor to the health of the nation and male fertility is just one area adversely affected by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Ann Robinson

Clearly perpetuating a culture that is unhealthy. It is unacceptable and needs to be taken off the market.

Bill Perkins

I think there's some anxiety, but I don't think it's unhealthy. More people make it a little more tense at times, but I think it benefits the viewer. Getting on the air depends on how good your story is.

Jeff Fager

Was not to dissuade unhealthy people to apply for jobs at Wal-Mart?. It was to provide programs to our associates that help them live longer or healthier lives.

Sarah Clark

The take-home message would be pay more attention to your weight even if you don't have an unhealthy risk factor profile yet.

Lijing Yan

What we found was that many of the mothers that experience those poor outcomes are unhealthy and uninsured before they ever get pregnant.

Carol Brady

We have athletic teams that are using the baseball and soccer fields that have to deal with this too. Park users are calling us with concerns, and we as a city are concerned about the unsanitary, unhealthy situation.

Tim Hansen

It's not as simple or clear-cut as healthy versus unhealthy. However, [donated food] reflects what one finds in a grocery store ... attempting to change people's nutrition and eating habits is like pushing water uphill.

Bill Ewing

The truth is black people died, not because of President Bush or racism, they died because of their unhealthy dependence on the government and the incompetence of Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco.

Lee Peterson

All the arts in America are a gigantic racket run by unscrupulous men for unhealthy women.

Sir Thomas Beecham

To be honest, I don't think we've earned that yet. The most unhealthy thing is to get a lot of attention when we haven't really worked for it.

Billy Lunn

There have been a lot of changes and there were a lot of players I felt it was time to move on. There was a lot of discontent in the squad when I arrived and we had to start afresh. We need to work hard and stick together. When I came here I felt there was an unhealthy size of squad, if you get maybe a dozen players not playing games it's too many.

George Burley

If a person knows or should know that eating copious orders of super-sized McDonald's products is unhealthy and may result in weight gain, ... it is not the place of the law to protect them from their own excesses.

Robert Sweet

We both feel unhealthy. We spend a lot of time really not doing much for ourselves... so our reward is food.

Pam Kirkbride

High school is when a lot of kids feel pressured to drink, do drugs and other unhealthy choices so we thought, you know, starting something like this would be good to help kids focused.

Hilary Putnam

I think we will eventually follow in England's footsteps. Donor insemination is moving in the same direction as adoption did years ago. Family secrets are unhealthy, and disclosure is in the best interest of the child. People have the right to know their genetic history.

Wendy Kramer

We talk about the stress and say, 'What's stressing you out right now? How do you deal with stress? Do you turn to parents or teachers or do you turn to something unhealthy?'

Keith Williams

He's trying to make healthy choices for students. He's one of the first to say we're not going to give unhealthy food choices.

Jerry House

Our trauma system has been pretty unhealthy for some time. Right now we have all our eggs in one basket at The Queen's Medical Center.

Toby Clairmont

If we could put everybody in a brand new building we would. What we need to do is maintain the buildings we have. We would not put students in a school we felt was unhealthy.

Russ Oaks

It is a danger zone when you start depending on stereotyping. If an employer reaches a conclusion that they are not going to hire an applicant because they perceive that the applicant is unhealthy or old, it is a potential violation of federal and state laws.

Jennifer Rubin

I don't see anything that's unhealthy with Dell's strategy, ... The problem with the consumer business is the margin issue. Profits can be a whole lot tighter than with the corporate business.

Knox Fuqua

Parents should know that our schools are now one of the largest sources of unhealthy food for their kids.

Tom Harkin

Multiple hours a day on any of those activities decelerates communication with the family unit and can foster an escape from reality that, in time, becomes unhealthy.

Dave Stone

Solid fats have largely suffered at the hands of the decline in home baking, which has become less fashionable due to increased interest in convenience food and the unhealthy image of pastry, cakes and biscuits.

Claire Birks

I go to ceremonies and see people talk about traditional ways while they pass out soda and store bought food that is unhealthy for us. We need to get back to our traditional foods if we are going to talk about being ceremonial.

Justin Willey

Pupils will continue to eat unhealthy packed lunches and visit the local chip shop.

John Dunford

Our children are regularly asked very detailed questions about their personal lives and parents are seldom notified. Too often these surveys are worded in ways that nearly encourage ... unhealthy behaviors.

Victoria Cobb

The social climate is unhealthy.

Francois Bayrou

When home prices are so much higher than median incomes, it makes for an unhealthy economy.

Bradley Hunter

It is extremely unhealthy to be breathing that.

Sean Scott

It would be unhealthy for the Fed to get bogged down in an internal debate about the merits and demerits of inflation targeting if it prevented.

Tom Schlesinger

It's not at unhealthy levels. Instead of 20 to 30 days on the market, we're talking 60 to 70 days on the market.

Layne Marceau

This is a terrible situation and we need to have compassion. The truth is Black people died not because of President Bush or racism, they died because of their unhealthy dependence on the government and the incompetence of Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco.

Lee Peterson

Today, for the good of my own health and because I love my family more than anything, I am checking myself into a rehabilitation center to help me in my battle with alcoholism and its unhealthy interaction with pain medications I have been prescribed for many years.

John Garfield

I look at it as prevention, being proactive. A lot of what we treat here is the result of unhealthy lifestyles.

Nancy Wright

They were very skinny, very unhealthy.

Jennifer Thomas

The stars follow really unhealthy eating habits and other behaviors. And while many girls do not base their decisions on what celebrities do, too many do look up to them.

Michael Phillips

There was almost a universal acceptance of unhealthy conditions. Sulfur dioxide in smokestack emissions were the price, or smell, of prosperity.

Denis Hayes

It's unhealthy to cut out the food entirely. Allow yourself to have a portion of it - a half cup of ice cream, a few bites of pie.

Susan Mann

By body mass indexes and the public standards and the National Institute of Health and all that stuff, we're all overweight. I mean, I'm considered too big. I'm 5-10 and 180 pounds but I can't do my job at 5-10, 160. But I can't believe for a second I'm unhealthy.

Todd Peterson

This study provides solid evidence that unhealthy lifestyle choices are having an impact on Maine people, the quality of their lives and the state's economy. We hope this report will contribute to a statewide dialogue and action plan to improve Maine residents' health and well-being.

Erin Hoeflinger

It is wholly unhealthy for us as a Parliament to give this government unseen powers over the citizen and over the way in which he conducts his or her life.

Edward Garnier

Even though it's unlikely that the arsenic is widespread, it is possible that there are unhealthy levels of exposure.

Fred Schwartz