104 quotes about undermine follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I have never sought to do anything that might facilitate any sinister attempt to undermine the interests of my country, the United States, which I love.

Johnny Chung

This court decision is consistent with the fundamental principle that patent laws exist to support and encourage medical innovators, not undermine them.

Hank Mckinnell

The main problems that undermine the prospects for a successful Doha round lie outside the negotiations themselves.

C. Fred Bergsten

Our trade negotiators are pushing a plan that would undermine the forest protections that U.S. citizens fought so hard to obtain.

Patti Goldman

They're not going to let that happen again. In order to get back at the administration, they're going to try to undermine the policy with constant gloom and doom and negative news.

Cliff Kincaid

The good potential policy could work to undermine the essential characteristic of the merit system. The good potential policy might result in an arbitrary action.

Roger Abrams

The president cannot use the pursuit of national security as a carte blanche to undermine the very freedoms that define America. This administration - like that of President Nixon - has apparently secretly adopted a legal view of the Executive Branch's power that is unbounded. A commitment to the Constitution and our laws demand an independent investigation.

Caroline Fredrickson

The African Union has to act in order to put an end to armed conflicts that undermine the continent, to fight against the devastation caused by AIDS and other contagious diseases, to promote sustainable development of its member states.

Omar Bongo

[The Wall Street Journal editorial page blames] a basic media mistrust of the military that goes back to Vietnam. ... the media's unreflective willingness to undermine the war on terror.

Jonah Goldberg

I have explained my position and given my personal views in my own words, which I hope has been useful to the board and avoids further unnecessary speculation or any false impressions, which could undermine my personal position or that of the board.

Mike Ruddock

By walling off senior management from contact with your employees, you undermine transparency, you undermine a broader sense of commitment, and you undermine the kind of candid, two-way communication that builds trust.

Noah Pickus

Certain e-journals may likely only be viewed from the reading room because anything else might undermine the publisher's business model, and that is not the purpose of a legal deposit.

Richard Boulderstone

Turning over the responsibility for fighting the insurgents to local forces . . . threatens to exacerbate the communal tensions that underlie the conflict and undermine the power-sharing negotiations needed to end it.

Stephen Biddle

To use that as an excuse to scuttle the program would undermine the integrity and security of the country.

Bill Strassberger

There is a school of thought here that says we are too quick to undermine our elected leaders.

Uri Dromi

We can't say to young people in this city that we support them and want to ensure their successful transition to adulthood and, on the other hand, undermine their ability to go to school and obtain employment by opening up confidential records.

Liz Ryan

Those who leak an unfinished audit to the news media usually have some reason to undermine the process, usually because they are pursuing some personal political agenda. Such leaks committed by public officials are unprofessional and often intended to mislead the public.

David Neustadt

It's really a problem of appearances in most cases. In 99 percent of the cases, it's something that looks bad, but you don't frequently have legislators who are necessarily swayed by this. But it is a concern. It can undermine public confidence. What people see they tend to believe, whether or not at its core it really is as nefarious as all that.

Cindi Canary

The supply side is going to progressively improve in the next few months, while the demand outlook is going to get worse. It's the combination of those two factors that's starting to undermine the bull story in this market.

Richard Savage

It is fairly predictable that the non-settling states would distort information gathered in the deposition process in their attempt to undermine the settlement reached by Microsoft, the Department of Justice and a bipartisan group of states.

Jim Desler

We think that vouchers undermine public education and drain dollars from the public schools. They also create double standards of accountability. Public schools are accountable to the public. Private schools are not.

Mark Egan

We strongly condemn this continued Israeli escalation that will undermine the cessation of violence.

Saeb Erekat

[Snow's comment] really does undermine the credibility of the U.S. strong dollar policy.

Jane Foley

Children's social behavior can promote or undermine their learning. And their academic performance may have implications for their social behavior.

Sarah Miles

Allowing the daily operations of our airlines to be controlled by competing — and potentially unfriendly — foreign interests could significantly undermine homeland security.

Frank Lobiondo

Every time Lebanon takes a step forward, there are those who want to undermine this country.

Najib Mikati

Our starting position is we only add to directives in circumstances that not doing so would undermine existing protections. We have a philosophy that is set against gold plating.

Rob Mcivor

Thank God the governor was the only one in the whole legislative process to err on the side of reason. He was the only one to stop this sneaky, underhanded, sleazy attempt to undermine marriage and the family and implement blatant same-sex marriages.

Benjamin Lopez

We will not let terrorists change our way of life; we will not live in fear; and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy.

Adam Schiff

This ruling, if it stands, threatens to undermine and erode our power as states to hold accountable out-of-state polluters who foul our air, ... Carbon dioxide pollution endangers public health and the environment, just as other harmful emissions. These companies must be held accountable and forced to clean up.

Richard Blumenthal

Year-after-year growth is what makes a company worth more, not one-time synergies that undermine potential growth. So we are baffled by their statements and their actions and absolutely do not consider our offer in any way opportunistic.

Richard Sands

In my mind, what we've got so far doesn't undermine anything. If Jim comes up with a really good suspect, then the SBI would follow.

Tom Keith

We don't have to sit here and say things that undermine them. We're just going to go out there and play the way we're capable of playing, and hopefully, it'll show up on the scoreboard.

Ray Henderson

The failure to get progress on the economic issues may undermine the overall relationship and then make it harder to work together on the security concerns.

C. Fred Bergsten

It's human nature to want to relieve anxiety. Some people will look at this as an escape. What I'm questioning is: Is there really safety in this? If you undermine the people that you leave behind, eventually they're going to be negotiating for us.

Gregg Shotwell

Anything that would suggest a deteriorating appetite for US financial assets would undermine the dollar.

Neil Mackinnon

The U.S. needs a forward-looking policy toward Indonesia that promotes genuine accountability for human rights crimes and real reform of its corrupt military. Providing military assistance will undermine both.

Karen Orenstein

This unprecedented assault on the work of human rights groups will invariably undermine the rights of all Russians.

Holly Cartner

Seriously undermine the effort to close the soft-money loophole for 527 groups which resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in unlimited soft money being spent to influence the 2004 federal elections.

Fred Wertheimer

We are disappointed with those Democrats and moderate Republicans who chose to support Judge Roberts despite his long record of working to undermine rights and legal protections, his evasive answers to the Senate, and the Bush administration's continued refusal to release key documents that would have illuminated his record and approach to the Constitution.

Ralph Neas

He has an extensive track record of employment decisions to undermine women's rights in the workplace.

Marcia Greenberger

If Mr. Netanyahu is looking for a pretext to stop the negotiations and undermine the process, he will always find one. This attack, which we have condemned, should serve as an incentive to accelerate the negotiations.

Abdel Rahman

This is a very important moment for the government's economic policies. Measures are needed that will ensure economic stability over the next few years and not undermine business growth.

John Cridland

It is ironic, ... that a media company that should be seeking to protect the First Amendment is seeking to undermine it by claiming a monopoly on the phrase 'fair and balanced.' .

Denny Chin

If you did that, you undermine basic environmental protections.

Bill Wolfe

In this crucial area, China is not playing by the rules. Failure to get progress on the economic issues will undermine the whole relationship and make it harder to get cooperation on security issues.

C. Fred Bergsten

Fed participation in foreign exchange intervention ... risks creating doubt over whether monetary policy will support domestic or external objectives, and this confusion can undermine the credibility of the Fed's commitment to low inflation.

Alfred Broaddus

I'm really concerned that comments made in the boardroom, in public, have worked to undermine the relationship between the board and the union.

Colin Butler

No matter what a woman's appearance may be, it will be used to undermine what she is saying and taken to individualize - as her personal problem - observations she makes about the beauty myth in society.

Naomi Wolf

It's outrageous that Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed other radical sexual agenda bills that undermine marriage and push the transsexual and homosexual agenda upon other Californians, without any regard for people's moral or religious values.

Randy Thomasson

At this point, if the yen rises further, it's going to undermine the Japanese economy, and, as a result of that, both Japan and the U.S., for different reason, would like to see the yen stable at these levels or a little bit higher.

David Horner

These detentions and other abuses seriously undermine claims by the authorities to 'respect and protect human rights', a new provision introduced into the Chinese Constitution in March 2004.

Mark Allison

Once again, environmentalist scare-mongering seeks to undermine common-sense reforms that shore up our energy infrastructure.

Scott Segal

I fear this is another attempt to undermine Kyoto and a message to the developing world to buy US technology and not to worry about targets and timetables.

Tony Juniper

We are confident Congress will ultimately send the president a bill that does not undermine the ability of investigators and prosecutors to disrupt terrorist plots and combat terrorism effectively.

Tasia Scolinos

Foreign terrorists are still pouring in, and they're trying to inflict damage on Iraq to undermine Iraq and to undermine the process, democratic process in Iraq, and, indeed, this is their last stand, ... So they are putting a very severe fight on Iraq. We are winning. We will continue to win. We are going to prevail.

Ayad Allawi

The collapse of the ABM Treaty would, therefore, undermine the entirety of disarmament agreements concluded over the last 30 years.

Igor Ivanov

Criticism and pessimism destroy families, undermine institutions of all kinds, defeat nearly everyone, and spread a shroud of gloom over entire nations.

Gordon B. Hinckley

The tyrant always talks as if he's preserving the best interests of his people when he actually acts to undermine them.

Ramman Kenoun

Of course the incident will attract the attention of the Cricket World Cup security personnel. What an incident like this also does is to undermine all the hard work that we do over a long period to promote this country's tourism product.

Cathy Hughes

The reason that kids take chances when they drive is not because they're ignorant. It's because other things undermine their better judgment.

Laurence Steinberg

The potential that violent contingencies could have been offered for trade in the [Pentagon]-backed PAM completely eclipsed the true intent and merit of that research project. To include such contingencies again would undermine the effort to demonstrate the technology because we would never get to the merits.

Charles Polk

Lipitor is one of the most important medical breakthroughs of our era, and millions of patients have used it to lower their cholesterol. This court decision is consistent with the fundamental principle that patent laws exist to support and encourage medical innovators, not undermine them.

Hank Mckinnell

Blaming the smoking ban for the struggles of one business is disingenuous and another attempt by a few tavern owners to undermine a city policy that is working to protect the health of workers and customers.

Gary Poulson

His pattern of conflicts of interest undermines citizen confidence and investor confidence in the operations of the SEC. Left unchecked this has the potential to undermine market confidence. Americans and investors deserve an SEC that will vigorously protect their interests and protect the openness and efficiency of our markets.

Scott Harshbarger

Secretary of State Rice made clear in her remarks that the U.S. favors a referral of Iran to the Security Council for sanctions if negotiations fail, ... because the Bush Administration suspects that Irans uranium enrichment program is a nuclear weapons program, but the resistance from Russia and China to vote for sanctions, may undermine a U.S. referral.

Pamela Falk

The Social Security trust fund is in pretty good shape today and we should not embark upon risky, dangerous schemes which will, in fact, undermine Social Security, such as privatization.

Max Baucus

It is likely (the law) will undermine the development of civil society and democracy in Iraq. The government needs to slow down, consult with local civil society and other stakeholders and then proceed with a more reasonable initiative.

Douglas Rutzen

If they lose the election they blame the leader then they undermine the leader, then they lose again, it's a vicious circle. If they replace the leader now it confirms the party is in disarray.

Nelson Wiseman

They have been counted properly, ... And we don't need to go back to all that old thing. You know what? This election was held on its proper day and counted properly and, you know, frankly, to go back now and try to undermine the legitimacy of this election is very troubling.

James Gilmore

The president has taken a courageous stand in favor of traditional marriage at a moment in American history when the courts are conspiring with anti-family extremists to undermine our nation's most vital institution.

Louis Sheldon

I think the strongest argument for the government is, if the death penalty is not appropriate for someone who had a hand in an attempt to undermine the entire American system of military, industry, and government, then who is it appropriate for?

Pete White

This clear flaunting of Islamic Law by displaying pictures of scantily clad women will only add fuel to sentiments that the U.S. is trying to undermine Muslim culture in Iraq. It risks alienating the actual population.

Inayat Bunglawala

If the U.K. government does not curb aviation growth, all other sectors of the economy will eventually be forced to become carbon neutral. It will undermine the competitiveness of U.K. industry.

Kevin Anderson

It is very difficult for a liberal democracy to deal with those that want to completely undermine the fabric on which liberal democracy is built. This is an absolutely new challenge for liberal democracies.

Richard Whitman

They want to undermine our support. Tomorrow when you read the newspapers they will say you threw stones. There are no stones in the Johannesburg City centre.

Buti Manamela

We would undermine the morale of our troops by betraying the cause for which they have sacrificed. To retreat before victory would be an act of recklessness.

Blair Jones

This separation should in no way undermine the work he has done, nor reflect his technical expertise. We all wish him well for the future.

Tsutomu Tomita

We do not undermine threats, and we take measures instantly to avoid danger.

Lutfozzaman Babar

The occupation is continuing the escalation to undermine the work of the new government.

Ghazi Hamad

I don't need to tell you that not only would such an effort undermine the Iowa Caucus on January 19th, but it would tarnish the reputation of this unique political event and threaten the future of something that Democrats such as us love and cherish.

Steve Murphy

I'm not at all surprised that the rebels are not accepting the peace deal. Why should they? It's never going to be implemented. The government is just going to undermine it every way they can.

John Ashworth

These violations and breaches, whether by the SLA or the Arab militias or indeed by the government forces, should not be tolerated anymore as they further undermine what is in any case a tenuous ceasefire.

Baba Gana Kingibe

It is good that the Commission is allowing the opt-out to remain, but it is quite wrong to give trade unions a veto over what should be an individual decision. The proposals would undermine the individual's right to choose the hours they work.

John Cridland

Other competitors will try to do everything they can to bring about criticism. These are speculative exercises done by the competition, positioned and designed to undermine a new drug.

Lars Ekman

No other state is asking for this. One state could effectively undermine the entire federal moratorium.

Michael Town

One would hope that it would not undermine itself.

Marcia Hofmann

Our goal is to have parity with the wine industry, not to undermine retail licenses.

Greg Zaccardi

I pledge to you the people, your government will not allow this desperate and irresponsible attempt to undermine the peace process and economic prosperity of the people to succeed.

Ranil Wickremesinghe

(Code Pink's) goal is to undermine the morale of the soldiers.

Kristinn Taylor

Your veto would undermine all we are doing in California. Moreover, it would jeopardize our economic security for no apparent reason other than that of placating the short-sighted, protectionist demands of organized labor pressure groups.

Pete Wilson

Their objective was to undermine the electoral system and overthrow the government.

Bereket Simon

But the party doesn't want that - it would undermine the current leadership, and he'd be accused of boosting Hillary to the detriment of some other possible frontrunners in 2008.

Christopher Sands

We never again want to have questions raised about the objectivity of our research, ... I have been reminded myself of how the appearance of what we do may be questioned and of how we must take care to ensure that our conduct does not raise such questions or in any way undermine our customers' or shareholders' confidence in the integrity of our business practices.

Sanford Weill

Environmental groups today are accusing the Bush administration of massively abusing its executive authority by working with its energy supporters in order to subvert and undermine our major environmental laws.

Rodger Schlickeisen

It's very clear that Mr. Barak's intentions all along have been to undermine the peace process, to evade it, to avoid it.

Hanan Ashrawi

I see it as an ongoing attempt by terrorists to undermine democratic Indonesia.

John Howard Payne

Mass consumption, advertising, and mass art are a corporate Frankenstein; while they reinforce the system, they also undermine it.

Ellen Willis

We can form a coalition very quickly but this may undermine its stability ... or we can take our time and design a coalition government that will be stable and stay the course for four years.

Eyal Arad

It would be misguided and foolish to do so, ... It would undermine public confidence in the markets because states have historically played a critical role in restoring creditability to the marketplace.

Eliot Spitzer

I voted to support the war in Iraq and want to do nothing that appears to undermine our president, ... But I feel that I cannot sit idly by and just watch the United States be bogged down in a guerrilla war in Iraq with more and more American casualties every day.

Eliot Engel

We have special interests trying to infiltrate and undermine our coastal zone program. It is driven by money and greed. It is not driven out of the desire to protect the public interest or our natural resources.

Elizabeth Hagood

It is not legitimate to undermine the user's desire to secure their own computer. I don't think they should be hiding files and programs and registry entries from the system administrator, ever.

Edward Felten

There are a variety of reasons why some husbands try to undermine their partner's attempt to lose weight. The trade-off factor is a common reason for sabotage.

Edward Abramson