80 quotes about topics follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I didn't think the subject matter of Thursday's show was the kind of broadcast I should be doing. I suggested some alternatives, but the producers preferred the topics they had chosen. I was fine with that, and respectfully declined to participate.

Bob Costas

When Newt Gingrich spoke, he spoke strictly on history. You never would have known what his political leanings were from that lecture. We stay away from issues of religion and politics, and try to pick topics (and speakers) that are happening now.

Gary Southard

The purpose (of the program) is to educate all of our new members on topics relevant to them. It is a big movement in the right direction for us. It creates a sense of community between members of greek life.

Tom Healy

We're kind of guiding (school use of professional development time) more into a specific focus on the school improvement plan. I think this year we all learned from our pilot that we may have tried to do too much, in introducing a multitude of teaching strategies and things. We want to go more in depth on one or two topics.

Mike Watty

I ask carriers: 'How well do I handle detention issues? Rate me on detention.' Once you start talking about these topics, carriers realize that you're not hiding from the issues.

Pope John

'To Kill A Mockingbird' is one of the great American books. It covers some important topics like censorship, literacy and gender, which are still very much prevalent today as they were during that time.

Hilery Walker

I am pleased to be able to provide a conference of this caliber to senior women in Tucson, ... We have a dynamic panel lined up that will share their insights with the participants, as well as several experts who will lead breakout sessions for women on topics such as money management, and brain health.

Carol West

The problem is that she doesn't have any experience in specific energy- related topics, so it might be a good idea for (outgoing Economy and Energy Minister Jorge) Rodriguez to advise her for a while.

Tomas Flores

The issues involved are sufficiently important that courses are now moving out of the philosophy departments and into mainstream computer science. And they affect everyone. Many of the students attracted to these courses are not technology majors, and many of the topics we discuss relate to ethical challenges that transcend the computer world.

Michael Quinn

We want everything to be hands-on. The curriculum should be alive for the students, instead of flat ... They are challenged, but they're able to express themselves and think outside of the box and really understand topics in depth.

Jane Mullan

When the workshops were announced we were shocked by the overwhelming international response. People who could not attend the workshops were interested in the topics. Now the materials are being revised to accommodate self-paced study and for use by regional trainers.

John Mehrmann

This is somewhat fast to have it running international in nine months. I think two things allowed that to happen: It's a good show, and I try to do topics that are educational and appeal to outdoorsmen.

Alan Probst

There will be time afterwards to ask the experts any questions landowners might have. The speakers will give 10- to 15-minute talks on their topics.

Billy Thomas

This is one of the serious topics we are dealing with this session.

Rep. Ralph Foley

Tomorrow's successful technology professionals and leaders will be power users of technology, have a strong grasp of technology topics, and will integrate and work closely with other business executives and staff.

Gregory Smith

The guest speakers covered several topics in their discussions with the students -- job opportunities within their companies, job requirements/skills and work ethics.

Loretta Kosloske

The best of our destination is that we're in the topics. What we're left with, sometimes, is the tropical weather.

David Whitaker

The topics they chose for their research projects are typically something they've found lacking in their own schools. They feel that there is now a responsibility on them to become potential agents for social change.

Charleon Jeffries

Martha's channel will be adding programming through the fall, as we said publicly, and currently carries highly informative brief tips on a variety of topics. Howard will start in January, as we said publicly, and a preview channel will keep fans updated on the progress of building his studio and building his channels.

Patrick Reilly

These two shows have contained scenes in which characters are shown having sex and topics such as masturbation, incest, bestiality, and necrophilia are routinely discussed.

Brent Bozell

No, that's not one of the topics we're looking at.

Stephen Friedman

The usual picture of Socrates is of an ugly little plebeian who inspired a handsome young nobleman to write long dialogues on large topics.

Richard Rorty

The second reason is to educate and inform customers about various municipal topics, such as clearance certificates, which are necessary when you buy and sell property.

Mandy Jean Woods

The time has come to be a full member. Beside the Holy See we are the only country which is not. We have to take part in decisions and be able to bring in our own topics.

Joseph Deiss

He takes calls from world leaders every day on a variety of topics.

Jay Carson

I know the draft and free agency are the hot topics over the summer for fans, but once we get to training camp, none of the players are going to be saying, 'Oh, we'd be so much better if we had drafted this guy or signed that guy,' .

Grant Hill

If we were keen to avoid certain topics, it was probably more because it embarrassed us.

Sherlock Holmes

The explosion of online video ... has heightened the need for an effective, user-friendly search engine to help users find their favorite topics.

Alex Laats

We've got a wide variety of projects here today covering so many different topics.

Angila Golik

If the community of Bigfork does not write its future, the county will write it for us and we will not have a say in such important topics as zoning. The community needs to take charge and write its own destiny.

Shelly Gonzales

She really has a creative way of introducing topics. She handles things in a very non-threatening way. Everything is very casual and very non-threatening. She really makes them feel comfortable. We are very pleased when we see that.

Tami Ozegovich

I didn't think the subject matter of Thursday's show was the kind of broadcast that I should be doing. I suggested some alternatives, but the producers preferred the topics they had chosen.

Bob Costas

Speakers and movies have been the kids' two favorite programs. The topics and the programs themselves are client-driven. We don't have an agenda or a set curriculum. We're there to serve the students. Each club has its own unique approach and interest. We really design each club around the students that participate in each individual school.

Todd Cohn

[In the weeks before the taping, Brown did not study because he was unsure of the topics that he would be tested on.] Looking back, I can think of things I could have studied, but at the time I did not want to stress about it, ... I just wanted to go there and have fun.

Colin Brown

This exciting and groundbreaking combination allows our audiences to be able to do a 'deep-dive' into a vast array of compelling topics that keep them interested and entertained on our network of properties, day after day.

Jim Bankoff

It was excellent. Some of it was hard to hear, but it is good that people are talking about these kinds of topics out in the open.

Kyle Chandler

We've got a big number of topics to be addressed. Most of that has to be done in the first half of this year.

Pascal Lamy

We go out onto the Web and capture millions of stories. We crunch down the essential elements of people, places, topics, industries and products, assign mathematical scores, and produce a new way to search and organize news.

Neal Goldman

Virtualization today is one of the hot topics in storage management. It offers hope to alleviate many of the operational and cost pains associated with the acquisition and ongoing administration of an increasingly complex storage world.

Tony Lock

We're dealing with that on a fairly regular basis. These are all topics we need to discuss.

Lt. Darren Stewart

Turkey and Croatia are naturally separated topics, conditions were given for both of them, ... The council of foreign ministers will decide objectively based on these conditions.

Douglas Alexander

That fits the overall strategy in a speech like this. You don't wander into an area where you're going to have a hard time explaining the situation. You use rhetoric and topics that can portray you in a positive light.

John Straayer

The classes and seminars are on anything from curriculum to licensing requirements or creative activities, first aid, just a wide range of topics.

Tammie Walkowski

Accurately addressed such topics as how the war would develop and how Iraqi forces would or would not fight.

Richard Kerr

There's a district policy that requires teachers to ensure that for all topics, particularly controversial topics, both sides are presented, ... There's not an advocacy role to be played by the teachers in an instructional program.

Bob Collins

They straddle two worlds. Pope John Paul II often traveled around the world, urging ends to conflicts, or speaking on other topics that were ostensibly secular. So does the Dalai Lama. Certainly there are a lot of people who are interested in the Dalai Lama's message who aren't Buddhists.

Rob Boston

The writers needed to have the freedom and breathing room to explore sexual topics. That's what the show dealt with.

Adam Levin

Interest in understanding the global wine market is keen, and globalization and its challenges were recurring topics during the Unified Symposium. However, overall there's a strong sense of optimism that the American grape and wine community is well positioned for success.

Karen Ross

This many candidates can be daunting to voters. This forum allows the citizens to get to know more about the candidates. Plus, it gives the voters a chance to understand the important topics of our area.

Allan Hale

One- and two-day high-performance driving programs (available in a variety of states) teach defensive driving as well as the car-control skills that professional drivers possess. Topics include downshifting, emergency lane changes and road etiquette.

Dorlene Kaplan

I realized that I wanted to be a writer and I had characters and topics all around me to write about.

Chris Crutcher

For this particular issue, we delved into a couple of topics that are a little sensitive.

Ben Digman

This is an area that will remain one of the hottest topics for the next several decades. You can't possibly have too many cops on the beat here.

Patricia Struck

We have an updating feed at the top that scrolls the top five animal stories. There's also information about hot topics like avian influenza.

Sandy Amass

We see it as a bold show that deals with issues of censorship and social and cultural topics. My line on South Park is that it properly offends everybody by design and by doing so it reminds us all that it's probably a good idea to be tolerant. It's also a very inventive and clever show.

Horace Newcomb

It means their focus groups and polling are telling them that he is not a compelling source on these topics, and that is linked to his popularity ratings.

Barbara O'connor

[·   You needn't discuss business all the time. Your career or activities are equally interesting topics of dinner-time conversation.] If the family business is too intrusive, ... it can take a toll on intimacy.

David Gage

Miller is making more and more declarations on different topics. We aren't going to react with any great force. Our rules are clear.

Sarah Lewis

I will work to orient our action to these two directions [human rights and development] which does not mean I will neglect anything else. I think these two topics are the two major driving forces in all human development all over the world and the United Nations has been established for bringing forward these two elements.

Tom Koenigs

The audience loved it, they responded to it very strongly in a lot of different ways. A lot of different topics that came out of the play reading struck such a chord in people, and it wasn't always the same chord. People latched onto different aspects of the play and that made us think this is worthy of a full production.

Kevin Murray

It seemed like it was a success. We saw this at another garden center and liked the idea of introducing kids to new topics. This is the next generation to what we do, so we don?t want to limit it to plants. We wanted to expand to include the whole environment.

David Kirkpatrick

They took their antibiotics more regularly, they did chemotherapy. They had higher cancer-related knowledge. The game is direct. It doesn't beat around the bush on topics such as side effects. In the end, it really helped kids get control.

Pat Christen

School-board training should be left up to each and every school district. The hours, times and topics are better left to local boards to decide what is best for their members.

Tim Allwein

Both these issues are priorities for the administration. She wanted to hear what was being discussed on these two topics. The committee, the public and the governor agree it's not a partisan issue. Affordable housing is affecting everyone in the community.

Russell Pang

Why search when you can find? We're giving people quicker, more accurate results, pure and simple. Anything else in search is meaningless if it's not trying to achieve better results for people. We're doing that by presenting users with topics that let them rapidly close in on what they're looking for.

Chris Travers

We're not trying to tell students what they should think or what the right answers are, because many of these topics are very complex, they change rapidly and do not offer easy solutions. But we do hope people who take courses such as this will grow a little, mature their judgments and reflect more carefully on some important issues.

Michael Quinn

Both AARP and The Home Depot are committed to providing the right resources and information to help individuals prepare for the next life stage, ... Through The Home Depot-AARP Workshops we are able to provide valuable home improvement information and know-how on timely topics that interest the 50-plus population.

Bill Novelli

She's like a sponge: she soaks up everything that is being said, ... We talk about nature all the time, and we read to her three to four books every night; books on amphibians, reptiles, but also other books on other topics are mixed in there.

Scott Tucker

We're really looking forward to it. We have some very excellent speakers lined up, including several regional biologists, and some very excellent topics. I'm a firm believer that education plays an important part in everyone's life and this is a real educational deal. I'm just lucky to be able to host an event like this and have a place where it can be done.

Phil Bennett

This year's program includes the most exciting and diverse range of topics that we have ever seen in the Rhodes Institute.

Tim Huebner

We'll have eight speakers, and they will cover a lot of topics. It's an introduction to the components of forest management, geared towards absentee landowners.

Billy Thomas

I think that just about every tech company has considered the use of offshore outsourcing resources to reduce costs, Thanks for considering us, but we have no comment on this topic. Please consider contacting us in the future for other topics.

Henry Martinez

I would have to ask him how he knows anything about these topics when he has never attended a meeting....I don't think I can respond.

Katie Murphy

These filmmakers are exploring hard-hitting topics that need to be brought to the public's attention. Our festival wants to be that place of education.

Kathy Dotson

Everything in life can be characterized by its factual and emotional qualities. The Vagina Monologues focus on education, awareness and other factual topics while using emotion to humanize these facts to the audience.

Lauren Gray

People at the seminars will learn about the tools of estate planning in the other topics. I'll provide a checklist of what they need to do once they get home to actually make those happen. They need to be able to walk away from this with everything they need to do this.

Jeff Arnold

I think there's a limit to how far the Bush administration will fight on any of these topics. Karl Rove, the President's political advisor, is a realist.

Charles Gabriel

Our workshop is the only venue of its kind in the state that provides an annual forum for face-to-face training and information sharing on a wide range of emergency management topics.

Ron Osborne

There's a huge range of topics folks work on, both professional and personal. It's really a vital, busy place -- it's like a humanities laboratory in many ways, with people studying people.

Tim West

There are many true statements about complex topics that are too long to fit on a PowerPoint slide.

Edward Tufte