BIN has explained openly that a serious threat, even a threat of assassination (of state or political figures) or any other methods had been made.

Andi Mallarangeng

Does not pose a military threat to Israel.

Shaul Mofaz

The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference.

Audre Lorde

Katie is a proven scorer and we look at her as a leader on the attacking end. She's an extension of the coaches out on the field. She's multidimensional in the way she can attack you because she has a hard shot that complements the way she reads defenses and sets up teammates. She's a threat to score or assist. But when we need a goal, we know we can count on her.

Sandy Bridgeman

It takes four, five girls to bring her down. She's a natural running threat because she can run over them or around them.

Dave Sarvis

While we continue to assess the damage from Katrina, the threat to production of new storms is attracting everybody's attention and could drive prices right back up.

Gerard Burg

By and large people had no idea that the trade this largely affected as many species and poses such a great extinction threat.

Craig Hoover

Wildfire is the biggest threat to our communities, our lake and our watershed. I would hope that concern is considered by place based planning participants.

Wayne Fischer

In a terrorist scenario the action must be decisive and end any threat to the public. If there was a way we could incapacitate that person without the use of lethal force we would use it.

Steve House

Must be aimed at making this happen, not making any threat which at this particular stage is not appropriate.

Sergey Lavrov

With Cisco's back-office equipment, it's a sizeable threat. Cisco is providing a one-stop shop for service providers.

Stan Schatt

A cruel hoax because none of this money is being made available now. ... Faced with this most deadly global threat, Bush continues to stall and its empty promises are costing thousands of African lives every day.

Salih Booker

We are taking a number of new steps - defensive measures - that are intended to provide protection against all aspects of the North Korean proliferation threat.

Robert Joseph

The new regulation will enable us to be more effective and react faster to a threat which is constantly changing.

Jacques Barrot

This is not a dramatic development, as Israel also favors a Middle East clean of nuclear weapons, when no threat will exist. The Iranian issue is what the UN is dealing with. The message is clear: Iran poses an immediate and terrifying global threat and it is good that the world has come to its senses.

Dan Gillerman

I thought we played good defense. They had to work for every shot, but everyone on their team is a threat.

Hilary Lynch

He does things differently. He has got a lot of flair and provides lots of defensive challenges. He is a real threat.

Leon Macdonald

They have a very solid defense - the scores of their games haven't indicated that, [but] they have a very tough starting three. As always, they have a lot of high-powered scoring and the potential to be a very big threat on offense. We have to be prepared for that.

Michael Culver

Of course the detention and the threat to seize the pastor's home are not pleasant. If a religious community is not registered with the authorities, that is no reason to restrict it.

Arbol Argynov

I'm glad to be in position to have a chance to advance. We did not play very good on the front nine as a team, so we had to play really hard on the back nine. We were considerably down to Klein Oak (11 shots) at the turn. The kids seemed to relax and get more comfortable out there. With the threat of rain (today), you never want to be in third place after the first day.

Rusty Herridge

In the animal kingdom, it's a constant struggle. If you have an animal not happy with its position in the pack and it wants to move up in the food chain, it can perceive anybody who comes into that house as a threat.

Dennis Mccullough

We can do it. The beauty of the moving line is that it's a real-life threat to every one of our partners, including our internal partners such as manufacturing. Our partners must be ready with parts, have strategic inventory on hand and ensure quality is impeccable so that there's never a delay on the line.

Danny Diperna

High-profile detainees are handled on a case-by-case basis. It's our job to protect them. There's an inherent threat with high-profile detainees. Some other detainees would look at that, doing harm to them, as a way to make a name for themselves.

Mark Lawhorne

Iknow I'm not a threat to society or to Mrs. Ortolano. I want to be a contributing member of society. Please, your honor, give me that chance.

Alex Kelly

Nothing is sacred inside. It doesn't take long for the information to get to the compound and they (inmates and guards) will do what they see fit. It wasn't as rough for me because my psychological evaluation said I wasn't a threat to anybody.

Patrick Durbin

Global warming is the greatest threat facing the planet today and we are close to passing the tipping point of irreversible climate change. That is why the action that the Mayor is taking through the London Climate Change Agency is so important.

Allan Jones

In most cases, when the remaining population is removed, most of the main threat [from contaminated water] should decrease, ... are much more persistent and may leave a residue of problems after the water recedes, especially in some areas.

Robert Pitt

One game we stopped their main scorers. But then the other players hurt us. Everyone is a threat on that team.

Barbara Burgess

There is no total fire ban in place today, despite the extreme weather conditions we saw a couple of days ago. Blazes are controlled and no properties are directly under threat.

Cameron Wade

The threat of any intensification is over.

Stacy Stewart

The last thing the market needs, ... is another 250 public Internet companies. I think this is the biggest threat to Internet valuations.

Andrea Williams

We found that a disproportionate amount of our resources go to line-slowing bag searches directed at objects that do not pose a real threat of taking control of an aircraft.

Kip Hawley

On this track, Maria should remain well to the east of Bermuda and only pose a threat to shipping interests.

Stacy Stewart

She's always amazing people. She's such a fighter to be out here and, first of all just make it down, but also to finish eighth ? to be a threat. It's awesome for her. I'm proud of her.

Stacey Cook

This is above all now a threat to the population, because the leadership and officials of the firm did not take the necessary steps to isolate the isotope.

Valery Kuznetsov

The main value of threat response services is the global intelligence network that feeds it. A robust global network with sophisticated data analysis differentiates one service from the next. It is a key determining factor when choosing a security provider.

Andrew Jaquith

We don't have a lot in our toolbox to begin with as far as economic development tools. This one, even though it's not used, the threat of eminent domain is always a tool for economic development.

Diane Costello

The bottom line is, we're trained to shoot to stop the threat. Hollywood has this perception that we are such marksmen we can shoot an arm or leg with accuracy. We can't. These guys were in a very tense situation. In their minds they had to believe this person was an imminent threat to themselves or the people on the plane.

John Amat

(That) may offer further indications as to the threat posed by inflation and precisely when we might see the FOMC tighten interest rates further.

Matthew Buckland

[Pat Robertson claimed an out-of-control liberal judiciary is the worst threat America has faced in 400 years - worse than Nazi Germany, Japan, and the Civil War.] Yes, I really believe that, ... I think they are destroying the fabric that holds our nation together.

George Stephanopoulos

Japan and China are partners and need each other for economic development. China's development is not a threat to Japan but is bringing business opportunities to Japan.

Taku Yamasaki

A travel warning is issued when the State Department recognizes a particular threat involved with travel in that country. One possible impetus is, if we have restriction on travel of diplomats to that state, then we will issue a warning.

Laura Tischler

We have to err on the side of caution. It's different from someone calling in a threat when somebody pulls into the parking lot and says there's a bomb in the car.

Kammie Michael

This is the biggest threat to that (sustainable trend) in years because if you use chemicals on a vineyard, it's no longer organic.

Jeff Erwin

The perfect no-stress environment is the grave. When we change our perception we gain control. The stress becomes a challenge, not a threat. When we commit to action, to actually doing something rather than feeling trapped by events, the stress in our life becomes manageable.

Greg Anderson

Definitely one of the things they focused on was to try to take away the deep stuff. They know that Todd Watkins is a threat deep. Most of the time, they rolled double [teams] to his side; that's why our other wide receivers caught a lot of balls.

John Beck

He carries the ball a lot out of the shotgun and can throw the ball. He really is a dual threat for them. To be successful against them defensively, we are going to have to use our team speed because we have never faced a player this fast.

Sean Brennan

We don't have any specific information that there's a threat against any domestic target. Just as a precaution, we sent an advisory to all law enforcement agencies.

Frank Scafidi

I see it as a big threat. If someone has an issue, there's already a mechanism in place. I could foresee based on our society, kids wanting to transfer all over the place to successful programs.

Marie Ishida

Why should the entire architecture of agreements in nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, and its cornerstone, the 1972 ABM treaty, be put under threat?

Alexander Yakovenko

You have to think it was by design, that they didn't want to go on a flight with the chance of the passengers working against them. If you've got the threat of a bomb or a gun you can hold people at bay. These guys were strong-arming people with box cutters and knives. They wanted the numbers to be on their side.

Dave Esser

It is a competitive threat to other players like William Hill and Rank, but it's only mildly negative for them.

Robin Chhabra

This is a reprieve for English language learners. The question now is whether we can get a productive solution to the problem. This is exactly what we need to happen, have the threat of these fines hanging over the Legislature's head so we can come up with a reasonable solution.

Tim Hogan

We see that, peeling paint, as a potential for lead poisoning and a toxic threat.

Jackie Hayes

The looming threat of a global influenza pandemic demands global, regional and national attention, and preparation and response to a pandemic is a shared responsibility.

Alex Azar

This underscores the problem with the RIAA, ... They don't even have to file a lawsuit; just the threat is enough to stifle research.

Robin Gross

But also Ray's empire [his nightclub] is under threat. It's losing money. I know Louis's intention in the third part of the trilogy deals with notion of empire even more fully.

David Berthold

We know that's a threat. They have instant distribution.

Joe Hawk

It's a serious risk, although the threat has not manifested itself, but it's brand new.

Chris Rouland

I don't believe anybody can be protected with high confidence from car bombs in urban areas. The Israelis and the British have worked as hard on this problem for years as anybody can. They have not provided an adequate protection for their population against car bombs in urban areas. That's -- that is a very, very difficult threat.

William J. Perry

There's definitely a threat. On Tuesday, we are going to get a combination of low humidity and breezy conditions.

Matthew Hirsch

I view that as more of a threat than this seismic event they're talking about.

Dante Nomellini

The emerging nuclear threat that we are facing in the world today leaves uncertain the force structure of nuclear-powered submarines of the future. If we close New London down, we would never get it back. I think it would be a tragic mistake, a tragic loss for this nation.

Anthony J. Principi

When a religious leader begins to assert that God supports a particular candidate or a particular point of view, I think that verges on demagoguery, ... Religious fundamentalism of any character is a threat to civil society.

Richard Block

On Monday, if this (bill) is not passed, these men will be released. I think that would be a grave threat to national security.

Sir Ian Blair

He is there to promote common interests between the two countries and to try to reduce the 'China threat' image. This is a very serious challenge.

Joseph Cheng

It was not a bomb threat, he did not have a weapon, he did not say he had a weapon, he did not say he was going to blow up a plane or anything. But the nature of the wording was enough for them to decide to take the action they did.

Phil Orlandella

Street gangs pose a growing public safety threat to communities throughout this area. The violence, sophistication, and scope of these organizations have reached intolerable levels.

Charles Demore

There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud.

Edward M. Kennedy

The government is overreacting. There may be a threat from a small faction within the army, but it's not serious enough to topple her government.

Earl Parreno

There has never really been any threat of expulsion, just the hype in some international circles to try and frighten us. The motion would require 85 percent of the total votes.

Eric Bloch

The prolonged nature of the storm could increase the threat of coastal erosion.

Eric Blake

He's looking explosive and is playing with a little more confidence. He can be a deep threat. Being a deep threat, you don't have to have 4.4 speed. You can be a little slower and have great technique to be effective.

Eric Yarber

In order for Internet security solutions to be effective, they must keep pace with the rapidly evolving threat environment.

Enrique Salem

I don't think there was ever a situation that occurred, even though we over-filled certain areas, that there was a threat to public health and safety.

Eric Takamura

The threat is very real. The police and the military are not taking any chances.

Emmanuel Velasco

It was every year under threat.

Emmanuel Petit

There's always that threat. Starters know that they have to do their jobs or there's always going to be someone to step in and do it for them.

Eleia Roddy

We have a lot of positive, constructive American engagement here in Montreal ? and none of it's from the Bush administration, which represents the single biggest threat to global progress.

Elizabeth May

Arsenal will be the main threat for the title but we will be challenging them [on the 2004-5 Premiership season].

Eidur Gudjohnsen

These two leaders are determined to carry on this fight against terror, not by making statements, not by words, not by empty gestures, but by actual fighting against those who are creating the terror as such a fundamental threat to the ways of life of our countries.

Ehud Olmert

Iran poses the most serious long-term threat to regional stability.

Ehud Barak

I can definitely see them testing biological weapons delivery systems for threat assessment.

Edward Hammond

It's about time they did something about the threat to a key business. They sell music already; why not bring it up to speed?

Edward Weller

By doing all these things, ... the enterprise will know how to respond to a threat in ways that minimize downtime and keep digital assets secure, even in a world where threats are almost guaranteed.

Ed Moyle

Getting the threat of breach entirely to zero is effectively impossible, even in relatively small enterprises. And the closer we aim toward zero, the more expensive and time-consuming it becomes.

Ed Moyle

Probably after Vietnam and Watergate, there was an increasing distrust of institutions, so that Jesus was still in, but the institutional church was no longer an attraction. So, I think that the dropping of the denominational label is to become more generic, less of a threat, less of a reminder of negative stereotypes if you've walked away from church.

Eddie Gibbs

How do you prepare for an unknown threat? They're doing as best they can given the unknown certainty.

Earl Brown

Once the market realizes there is no real threat of an immediate conflict, the market will calm down and we will see oil prices back in the $50s or $60s per barrel. This is highly political.

Eugenio Aleman

We did not buy these planes to increase American military capacity -- we bought them to prevent them from being a threat in some other part of the world and to help Moldova when they needed it.

E. Wayne Merry

I think the biggest threat to the United States by far is weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists or renegades or outlaw states, which is a huge threat, ... The Very Best Men.

Evan Thomas

I contacted the mother and she came to the school very irate. At that point she made a threat to blow up the school. Then she said that she had a son in the military and that she could get a sniper. She said that the sniper would be waiting in the school parking lot.

Zickeyous Byrd

China will probe for signals from Rumsfeld and DOD [Department of Defense] on the extent to which the U.S. views China as a major regional security threat.

Evan Medeiros

With freedom comes responsibility, and I can think of no responsibility greater than putting on a U.S military uniform and standing in the gap between an enemy threat and civilian life.

Zack Wamp

Without a doubt, the direction Chinese military modernization has taken in recent years absolutely represents a growing threat to the U.S..

Evan Medeiros

Some people in the United States have intensified the cooked-up case of China's theft of U.S. nuclear technology and that of political contributions. They are totally driven by ulterior motives with the real purpose of encouraging the China threat theory and inciting anti-China sentiment, and shifting the people's attention from the embassy bombing case.

Zhu Bangzao

Last year, we didn't know that Jack wouldn't wind up dead. We know in general we'll avert a terrorist threat or conclude the conventional story, but we begin the year sort of pretending we have the first four to six. But even as we're writing those, they change.

Evan Katz

The threat of bird flu is now getting closer to the human species. The possibility for the virus to pass from infected animals, which haven't shown symptoms, to human beings has increased.

Zhong Nanshan

We know in general we'll avert a terrorist threat, and we try to get the first four to six episodes down. But even as we're writing those, they change. And I think one of the reasons the show has the quality it does is we're so critical, and revise ourselves. We then revise it again.

Evan Katz

Bird flu has not been effectively contained. The threat of it mutating so people can transmit it is still there, and the threat is very large.

Zhong Nanshan

The competitive threat has been a big overhang on the stock and I would say about half that has been lifted.

Eric Schmidt

My opponent did a good job in both speed and power, and played down my performance. And my shots lacked spin, and offered no threat.

Zheng Jie

Terrorist groupings of a secular character and with only a regional sphere of activity have largely been pushed into the background. Only a few of the secular groupings still pose a serious threat.

Ernst Uhrlau

Since the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States , terrorist threat has been in existence and evolved with time and great changes have also taken place in the composition of terrorists, terrorist activity and the targets of terrorist attacks.

Zhao Yongchen

In spite of numerous successful hunts for terrorists, the terrorist threat situation has eased only superficially. The bomb attacks in Madrid and London are clear evidence that Europe is no longer just a recruitment and financing area but has become a target of Islamic terrorism.

Ernst Uhrlau

China is a positive and constructive force of safeguarding peace and promoting development ... China's development is not a threat but an opportunity.

Zhang Yan

Global warming is the greatest environmental threat we face. Fortunately, states are stepping up to the plate in taking on this great challenge. Connecticut policy-makers have shown great leadership in reducing global warming and cleaning up the air we breathe.

Eric Haxthausen

When I saw the gun, I focused on the threat. I heard the first shot and remember noises and seeing people ducking for cover. My focus was to get the gun and not get shot again.

Erik Eissinger

We do not believe there is an imminent threat. This is not new; we are in regular contact with ... law-enforcement agencies at every level.

Erik Christiansen

We do not believe there is an imminent threat.

Erik Christiansen