36 quotes about statistic follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.

Joseph Stalin

People think it doesn't matter what they do, that they're just 'another statistic' type of person. Everyone's got a certain uniqueness they can use for the better if they put their minds to it.

Bryce Taylor

I think the statistic is something like one in 10 shots go in by the best forwards in the world, so I never get frustrated when good shots don't go in. I know I'll get another chance and I'll put that one away.

Jason Garey

Now that we have a base statistic in front of us, we have to go to work and do the hard work of organizing. This is basically a 10-year cycle that we're on.

David Jamison

Don't become a statistic, don't make someone else a statistic, don't hurt or maim or kill somebody else and don't do it to yourself. There always going to be that select few that are going to want to drink and drive and it's a shame because they're putting other people in danger as well as themselves.

Sgt. Shawn Urbas

I am not suggesting we should be complacent about the weak statistic for fourth-quarter growth.

Sandra Pianalto

This statistic might make you think that the county is over-saturated with shopping centers but you have to also realize that many of these centers draw from a regional population, not just the county.

Scott France

I'm very proud of it because I take my job very, very seriously. And to work as hard as I have and to play as long as I have and not to miss a game, I think is a pretty remarkable statistic, I don't care if you are a punter. I look at (defensive end) Jim Marshall and look at how many games he played in a row and it's even more remarkable.

Jeff Feagles

Forget about them, get out and stay out. Don't go back in for anything. Don't become a statistic because you want to save your computers or your books.

Richard Storey

Jason has good size (at 6-foot-2), skates well, is really tough on the puck and is a really intelligent hockey player. He's second in the nation in scoring. Andrew is also near the top in the country in almost every (goaltending) statistic.

Keith Levinthal

In 2005, 63 percent of Kansas students in grades eight through 12 reported having consumed alcohol in their lives. That's an eye-opening statistic that illustrates how pervasive underage drinking is throughout our state. The tip line is a way for every Kansas resident to help combat this threat, which for too long has been kept out of sight.

Pete Bodyk

One telling statistic is that, of the 100 fastest-growing counties, 15 are in Florida -- and that's more than any other state.

Robert Bernstein

The one statistic that former Secretary Reich shared with us last week was that one in five of the jobs in the United States of America that were lost have been lost in the State of Ohio.

Tim Ryan

A lot of banks are uncomfortable issuing start-up loans. They can be risky. The majority of businesses fail in the first three years. That's an SBA statistic.

Terri Reed

That's a vile statistic. How crazy is that? I just don't want to keep witnessing that.

Adin Davis

The City of Dallas has a real problem with this statistic. A proposal that was supposed to help police fight more crime has instead led to a predictable increase in crime. This is why fewer than 30 of the nation's approximate 18,000 police departments utilize verified response.

Chris Russell

Look at the teams we played when I was not there - Indy, Minnesota, Green Bay, Philadelphia - that's four playoff teams right there. I don't think it's a significant statistic. We just have to play better when I'm not in there or play easier teams.

Brian Urlacher

They beat us in every statistic possible in the first half, and we were only down three. We showed an incredible amount of toughness in the second half. I couldn't be more proud of these guys.

Jeff Morrow

We've stopped 500,000 felons, fugitives and stalkers from getting their hands on guns, ... And the most important statistic is that gun crime in the country is down 35 percent.

Bruce Reed

That's probably the main statistic I look at. That means every time you touch the ball, you're moving the chains.

Jonathan Williams

The best way to not be a statistic is avoidance. So don't go places you don't need to be.

Sgt. Brad Beard

It's very exciting. It's very energetic feeling people love to play games, love to wager. And with trading, most of the statistic disadvantages have basically been eliminated.

Harvey Houtkin

This ... is (a) staggering statistic for a shopping channel that will have been around for little more than 15 years. This presents an enormous opportunity for retailers that embrace a well-integrated multi-channel operational strategy.

David Schatsky

There's an astonishing statistic we call the 'gasp number' because the jaws dropping are palpable when we reveal that in a typical eight-hour shift, a nurse lifts cumulative weight of 1.8 tons.

Pat O'malley

This is really affecting young African Americans, but there are ways to avoid becoming a statistic in the first place.

Cheryle Jackson

Since the FBI started keeping track in the mid-1970s, it's the only homicide statistic that doesn't go up or down over the years but remains constant as a percentage.

Paul Mones

I have not seen a single statistic or fact put before you or the planning and zoning committee to support the need for a moratorium.

Carol Saviak

I read a statistic that the six coaches who have been sacked by the club in the last ten years have not gone on to coach elsewhere. That's obviously a reflection that we have got things wrong, so we have to think carefully about the next appointment. We need someone with experience and a proven track record.

Mark Sinderberry

I could stand here and recite statistic after statistic, indicator after indicator but I don't need to. All of you know where Louisiana stands [health care]. At the bottom.

Kathleen Blanco

The infant mortality rate is shameful, ... If you didn't know better, you'd think it's a statistic for a Third World country.

Jay Williams

The fact that the Internet will influence nearly half of total retail sales in 2010 is staggering statistic for a shopping channel that will have been around for little more than 15 years by 2010.

David Schatsky

I don't want my son to be listed as a statistic, I lost a son, and they're losing a son.

Michael Foster

I gather, young man, that you wish to be a Member of Parliament. The first lesson that you must learn is, when I call for statistics about the rate of infant mortality, what I want is proof that fewer babies died when I was Prime Minister than when anyone else was Prime Minister. That is a political statistic.

Sir Winston Churchill

I think it would be a much scarier statistic if you had 45 to 75 girls a week becoming pregnant at Syracuse instead of taking the pill. We'd have many more cases of herpes, the clap and kids, and we can't deal with any of those right now.

Dennis Jacobs

It seems like it is increasing, but it may be a mistake in that kind of statistic. I think we are being more vigilant about what is bullying and who is bullying.

Cheryl Dellasega

I don't think that's a relevant statistic, ... Valuing it relative to something else is not the way to value a company. I don't buy something just because it's cheap.

David Decker