For most consumer goods, that brings down the tariff rate to about 8.4 percent, which is a 10 percent drop in tariff revenues and the government cannot afford that.

Lal De Mel

At the rate we're going.

Alan G. Hevesi

It's reasonable to assume that equity markets will make money this year. There's nothing like the end of an interest-rate cycle to get investors' juices flowing.

Andrew Bell

With a 20-pound (per acre) seeding rate, that's around $60 an acre for the technology for the life of the stand.

Mark Mccaslin

We're moving forward at a great rate of speed.

Mark Leonard

The interest rate markets have moved to swiftly price in one last act of enlightened risk management from Greenspan in the form of a tightening pause.

Michael Wallace

The U.S. economy is still doing fine, and the economic numbers are showing that. That means there's likely to be another two more rate increases, rather than just one, and that's going to support the dollar.

Tony Norfield

I expect two interest-rate increases of 25 basis points each this year.

Anton Boerner

The basis for the pricing of major illness insurance is still based on the number of illnesses, not on the mortality rate.

Wang Zhichao

We currently rate the probability of a rise within three to six months as around a 25% chance.

David De Garis

The index remains below 50, so employment in manufacturing is still shrinking, but at a slower rate than in February.

Nazmeera Moola

There's a high chance for a rate hike in March and the probability for another move the following month is growing, because the euro-zone economy is getting better. The euro could be the choice to buy on a medium-term perspective.

Xinyi Lu

I still think earnings reports are going to be very good. I think we're getting to the end of rate hike situation on the part of the Fed.

Terence Gabriel

Obviously they (investors) are going to focus on the Fed but a rate cut is priced in. The focus will be on the economy and signs that the first batch of interest rates are finally taking hold.

Peter Cardillo

Boy, we've been waiting for this. The feeling is that the market does not need further rate hikes and that the Fed will react accordingly.

Larry Peruzzi

There wasn't a single person there that was saying we'd just like to get a better rate. They were saying get out. Get out now!

William Coakley

Strong economic figures surely highlight expectations of further Fed rate increases, boosting the dollar.

Tetsuhisa Hayashi

People are looking at any interest rate sensitive components as a precursor of what's to come.

David Mozina

The economic data points to the Fed stopping (rate hikes) sooner rather than later, and that's encouraging. Combined with the fact that you haven't had a lot of negative pre-announcements on first-quarter earnings, this is a decent environment for equities.

Jack Caffrey

I've been helping fisheries keep track of the mark rate, and it has been very good. We've had a mark rate of 60 to 65 percent since it opened, and that accounts for every single fish that we've either kept or released.

Gary Krein

Even with this proposed rate increase, we believe we deliver an excellent product that our customers depend upon at an exceptional value. One gallon of our tap water still costs less than one penny. Compare that to the cost of a gallon of bottled water, milk or orange juice.

Walter Lynch

If the rate is $6, we will give $1.

Paul Ford

We expect the upward trajectory for the dollar to continue into next year. The main factor underpinning the dollar into 2006 will continue to be interest rate differentials.

Benjamin Pedley

This evening could have been better spent almost anywhere if you wanted to find your pulse rate.

Richard Stevens

The government does not want the THC to exceed $100 per container. I hope there will be no more negotiating over the rate.

Aburizal Bakrie

Occupancies overall will probably be down a little bit because of the building boom that is occurring in some of the segments, ... but the average rate probably will increase.

Bill Fisher

The real way to address the issue has always been there and that is the rate.

Lowell Kalapa

The all too clear messages ... are that they are still concerned that there will be some rise in the underlying rate of inflation and, that given that outlook, they are nowhere near considering any easing in monetary policy.

David De Garis

Today's Fed surprise rate cut is pure space-shuttle fuel for the market.

Pierre Lapointe

The addition of jobs by Texas employers, as well as the declining unemployment rate, is great news for the labor market.

Diane Rath

It's just very simply part of our annual rate filing.

David Gough

But having said that, it probably is a good thing to have an independent Kraft, though there won't be that many changes. Perhaps their tax rate will be lower.

Tim Ramey

A rate increase is never good news for our customers. However, higher worldwide energy prices are driving higher costs on all products, from the price of gas at the pump to what we pay to heat our homes.

Chris Huskilson

The thought there is if we expanded the contract over a long period of time we would get a better rate.

Sen. Del Marsh

Interest rates will be the prevailing factor over the next couple of months. A rate hike has already been figured into valuations, but if we get an indication from the Fed that a few more rate hikes could be down the road, this rally could be very short lived.

Mark Cavallone

Farms as a whole are going away at an alarming rate. Any farm that is eliminated for one reason or another is significant, and being a Century Farm adds to it.

Brent Peterson

There's no question that the demand for flash far exceeds supply today. How long that will continue is anybody's guess. Cellular phones are growing at a phenomenal rate. The whole wireless industry has experienced growth that no analyst has correctly projected.

Curt Nichols

When you are dealing with drug prices increasing two, three times the rate of inflation, the impact is extraordinary, especially for a population that is living on a fixed income.

Ron Pollack

We have a fairly pessimistic outlook on U.K. growth. Our interest-rate outlook for the U.K. going forward is favorable for bonds.

Richard Mcguire

There's already evidence that the roads are starting to deteriorate at a much more rapid rate.

Don Madden

If such a strong figure comes out, the market will start to expect an additional rate hike after one in March.

Kota Kimura

U.S. service industries data will be yet another fresh incentive to push up the dollar, strengthening expectations of Fed's further rate hikes.

Michiyoshi Kato

Since the tax reform in 1994, China has applied two tax systems to foreign and domestic companies. Although both systems stipulate a tax rate of 33 percent, foreign companies could pay much less tax than domestic ones because of more preferential treatment.

Wang Li

We're proud to report that we have a 96 percent success rate for those placed into housing.

Karen Messina

We have a high rate of success with our kids when they leave here. We want to make sure they're prepared for the jobs we have here and in the Steamboat area.

Kevin Kleckler

Time is nothing absolute; its duration depends on the rate of thought and feeling.

John Draper

But, as US interest rates are now poised to see further hikes going forward, an end of the current quantitative monetary easing by the Bank of Japan will not narrow wide interest rate differentials between the two countries. And this interest rate gap should continue to support the dollar.

Takashi Kudo

If you were going to rate a candidate from one to 10, he would be a 10. He is an excellent campaigner, a good eyeball-to-eyeball campaigner.

Rep. Lou Lang

Most people are still expecting another couple of rate hikes by the Fed. We'd need something like a really bad jobs report on Friday to change those expectations and drive the dollar down much further.

Nobuaki Kubo

Fed officials' comments point to the risk of faster inflation. We expect three or four more rate hikes this year.

Jun Kitazawa

With the plan I have I can see that without the real estate. At the rate I'm saving, I would hope to accumulate enough money and have little debt that I'd be able to live a pretty comfortable life.

Mike Rogalski

It was going at an unusually fast rate of speed considering the setting. It's a parking lot, generally.

Officer Chris Amos

The unemployment rate is given a little too much primacy as an indicator of overall economic health. All of our data seem to indicate the quality is not there.

Rich Templin

The measured pace of rate increases is still on track. People are jumping on this as another reason to buy the dollar.

Simon Derrick

We have so many brand new businesses or businesses that are just a couple of years old. Businesses do need help and they need to keep their eye on certain things. There is a high failure rate and education is key.

Caryl Ryan

If we could get an increase in officers to get back to that, over time the crime rate would start to drop, ... We've become a more reactive police department.

David Hopkins

If you live in an area where they have a high rate of car theft or accidents or traffic.

Mark Perleberg

What he said was, 'If you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.' That's what he said.

Gordon Peterson

We expect the overnight rate to reach 4 per cent by April, and 4.5 per cent by the fall of 2006.

Rick Egelton

We are talking about patterns of behavior. What is striking about this is that it suggests that the rate (of disorders) in these much younger children, aged 2-5, are not very different from what they will be in children of 9 or 14.

Adrian Angold

In our view, there is still is every reason for the Bank of Canada to continue to nudge its rate higher, and we are not changing our call for a four per cent (overnight) rate by April.

Marc Levesque

This is an area that I am very interested in because it does impact what our tax rate is going to be.

Leigh Woodall

I think the charm for this deal is that this particular segment of the market is growing at such a high rate. That's where the growth is.

Keith Murray

The rate of decline for both the flash memory and communications business in the second quarter could be more dramatic than the overall top line, leaving it to the microprocessor business to pick up the slack.

Joe Osha

After a long period of very light winds and difficult clouds, the breeze has finally filled in a little more consistently although its still under 10 knots. At this rate we would take 21 days to complete the leg.

John Kostecki

The market is still expecting two more rate rises from the Federal Reserve, which will keep improving the dollar's rate advantage.

Fumihiko Kawano

It's not that it's a particularly active market. It's just that more homes are in that category because of that rise in the rate of appreciation.

John Karevoll

In the central conferences, significant growth has been seen in Africa, with a growth rate of 30 percent in the last four years.

Scott Brewer

In general, a rising rate environment slows down growth, so most companies are not going to go as good as when rates are low.

Jay Bryson

It's too early to conclude it's the end of the dollar rally. Data in the U.S. should continue to be healthy and we could see rate expectations moving higher, supporting the dollar.

Niels Christensen

For a country like Turkey, National Bank would have a target ROI rate range of 15% to 17%.

Anthimos Thomopoulos

Many organizations have ILM initiatives or are interested in starting one because of all the publicity. But the biggest driver is that storage costs are growing at an astronomical rate, and they're being mandated to cut the storage budget.

Jim Damoulakis

Raising the lending rate is the first tightening of the controls.

Ba Shusong

I would hope [students] would understand… we don't arbitrarily look to raise the board rate.

Bob Griffin

There is now an opportunity for the Bank of England to leave interest rates on hold, indicating that they have peaked and encouraging a decline in the exchange rate. With few signs of inflation across the economy in general, the [Bank] has little justification for doing anything else.

Nick Reilly

Amid the prevailing dollar-bearish sentiment, strong data in Germany could surely push up the euro again. Should the index rise more than expected, it will certainly raise expectations for ECB rate hikes.

Takehiko Jimbo

I think as a developer tool, it's first-rate already.

Paul Dorsey

If you could show me a way where I can offer this product [at a lower interest rate ] and make money and stay in business, I'll do it.

Willie Green

These investors, who comprise over 60 percent of the equity market, prefer companies to convert business assets into income trusts since they can avoid paying corporate taxes at a 35 percent rate.

Jack Mintz

Apparently nobody noticed before this disaster that the crime rate was always extremely high in New Orleans.

Jack Levin

We've put together a first-rate team that has considerable experience in designing casinos that are visually attractive and fun for visitors.

Scott Bender

Even after adjusting for seasonality, the rate has fallen every month since June of last year.

Paul Mason

If you want to hire someone to work in the front counter because the unemployment rate is so low you have to pay them more.

Kara Kelley

He will need to compensate for the lower-than-usual long rate with higher short rates.

Kevin Harrington

This is a tax story. What we don't know is how long the higher tax rate will be sustained going forward.

Lysle Brinker

That should be the peak because there was a large increase in June a year ago, ... So that should imply that the rate in June in this year comes down. I think this will open the door to a reduction interest rates from the ECB.

John Shepperd

The data on the real side of the economy supports rate hikes.

David Keeble

The market focus is surely on the interest-rate differentials between the U.S. and other major economies, including Japan. The Bank of Japan won't raise its interest rate any time soon, so the yen will remain the most bearish for the foreseeable future, while the dollar will be the most bullish.

Yuji Saito

I think what you see in the bankruptcy rate is just a result of everything piling up on people, ... I suspect it is just a cumulative effect of an unbudgeted jump in expenses for daily living.

Ann Fox

The market is underestimating the Bank of Japan's determination to return to a more normal interest rate structure.

Anne Mills

It's one of the few areas that the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed states to legislate, so it's become a key for lowering the abortion rate. My opinion, the laws have a significant impact on the number of abortions minors have.

Mary Spaulding Balch

The state of Internet security changes by the minute. There are new and evolving threats coming at the rate of dozens a day, so timely information is critical for any company that needs to protect that information.

Gene Fredriksen

As India's economy continues to grow at a rate of 8 percent a year, demand for electricity is expected to further grow. India needs more capacity and they need it quickly in order to keep up with this tremendous growth.

Paul Hanrahan

We pride ourselves on clinical and home assessments and doing appropriate instruction in the home. That affects the clinical outcomes and the complaint rate.

Gayle Devin

If you have a variable rate mortgage, now is the time to refinance and lock in a fixed rate to protect yourself in the long run.

Gary Ambrose

This partnership will benefit the entire state, ... by helping Ohioans consolidate their loans to a fixed interest rate with the best benefits in the state.

Jeff Wallace

Their growth rate internationally is still above 50 percent.

Scott Devitt

The survival rate of the newly planted trees has reached 90 percent.

Wang Wei

We've been in business for almost 70 years, yet nearly one quarter of our customers have been added since our last rate case eight years ago. We must be able to recover costs associated with growing and maintaining our infrastructure.

Rusty Harris

It (minimum wage increase) artificially inflates wages. For example if you raise the lower rate to maybe $7 an hour, then the person making $10 before now wants to make $12 or $13 dollars an hour.

Michelle Bolton

If you see a consistently high rate like that, I think you have a systemic problem.

Robert Rigg

The rate of syphilis increased 11 percent in men, from 2003 to 2004. There are clear signs that increases have increased primarily among men who have sex with men [MSM].

John Douglas

Our goal is to reduce is to reduce the death rate by 25 percent a year.

Teresa Stevens

It's silly and demeaning to rate teachers using only the poorly defined 'learning gains' on the FCAT.

Andy Ford

In customer surveys, all of the amenities we have rate high, except rooms.

Don Padgett Ii

We are certainly going to see a rate cut here. The market is very optimistic.

Tomas Taterka

Usually when a program starts, their first pass rate is okay, but not great and it usually gets better from there. These guys just came out and blew it out of the water.

Thomas Sandridge

By investing in top-tier, expansion-stage companies funded by premier, early stage VC funds, we have kept our loss rate low and produced strong returns for our limited partners.

Steve Bird

In areas where commuting is an issue, housing located in the inner areas will appreciate at a higher rate.

Walter Carpenter

Although it's encouraging that they've cut the rate in half, you really need to look at it on a yearly basis and look at the trends.

Lindsay Hayes

We expect that the growth rate of our dividends over the next few years will continue to exceed the growth rate in our earnings per share and, therefore, result in a dividend payout ratio above 50 percent after 2006.

William Hecht

Maybe it makes it simpler and will bring it back to football's growth rate.

Peter Schoenke

The yen is still soft across the board and I think interest rate differentials are still the driver there.

Shaun Osborne

The yield curve has narrowed. Some money market funds are now yielding more than 4%. At that rate, they're competitive with both short- and long-term bond funds.

Gary Schlossberg

Search is brewing at a much faster rate than display advertising. The display piece of Internet advertising is about six percent of the total share. If you add search it will exceed 10 percent, which is a fairly major milestone.

Ceo Steven Fredericks

The yen has so far not participated in the weakening dollar move, but we think this is about to change. There is a growing risk that the Bank of Japan may end its zero-interest-rate policy earlier than previously expected.

Thomas Stolper

We are now growing at a faster rate, and we feel it is due to the programming.

Jim Collins

ABN AMRO is pleased to be a founding member providing executable interest rate swap prices to the new TradeWeb's U.S. dollar swap initiative. Building on our initial presence as a founding member of TradeWeb for Euro denominated interest rate swaps, ABN AMRO is committed to providing electronic liquidity and greater efficiencies to our customers.

Paul Humphrey

Should we be doing better? Yes. But a 91 percent response rate might very well be a step in progress. One wouldn't get that from reading the report.

Patrick Libbey

Those are the barriers on both sides. Apart from that, the PUC essentially has complete authority to make (rate) adjustments.

Kevin Neely

Growth is still quite strong and therefore there may be more room to hike. When you look at the interest rate differentials they still favor the dollar.

Paresh Upadhyaya

We think they would've been higher without the exchange rate. We're pretty happy with our sales performance. That's where we expected them to be.

Bernard Poussot

One of the most important reasons for this is that as you increase muscle and lose fat you increase your metabolism - the rate you burn calories. The more muscle you have, the more efficient and effective your metabolism. That not only helps you lose weight, it helps you keep the weight off.

Bobbi Dunn

Given that the outcome was in line with what had been anticipated, I don't think that today's release will increase the probability of an interest rate hike this year.

Adenaan Hardien

We see another 25 basis-point rate hike next month. The central bank seems to be a little bit concerned the economy may be growing too fast. The Canadian dollar will continue to do well.

Ted Gould

We are looking for ways to decrease the dropout rate. I am pretty sure, if we eliminate career and technical education, we are going to increase the dropout rate.

Michael Enzi

I would say there are very few fixed-rate cards left.

Curtis Arnold

If we get evidence of inflation pushing up beyond the levels we've seen already, then it's game on for an ECB rate hike in December. We would give it about a 35 percent chance at the moment but that could increase quickly should we get surprises in the next inflation reports.

Anthony O'brien

4.5 is not a bad unemployment rate.

Michael Wald

In this kind of interest rate environment with the inflation scenario that's being played out, it think (the bull market) has a lot of legs to it.

Michael Driscoll

We're generally opposed. We feel there is already a high return rate.

Jim Harrison

As long as the Fed keeps raising rates, yields are going to move higher. The Fed decision definitely left the door open for more rate hikes.

Joseph Shatz

People don't understand insurance. There's a lot more to it than just the rate.

Bob Hines

It's extremely bad and this is bearish for the U.S. dollar, ... This will definitely shift expectations more for a 4 percent Fed funds rate as the last hike we'll see as opposed to 4.25 percent.

Kathy Lien

Silicon Valley certainly has a very cheap funding base that makes a lot more money in rising rate environment. Comerica is kind of pure play on commercial lending side.

Denis Laplante

The rate of (mental) decline was reduced by 10 percent to 13 percent per year among persons who consumed one or more fish meals per week compared with those with less than weekly consumption.

Clare Morris

After the Fed comes out with its rate hike, and when it communicates to the market that it's satisfied with where rates are for the time being, then we may go back to focusing on the deficits.

Ashraf Laidi

Obviously, they went out and hired somebody who would tell them what they wanted to hear. We're quite confident that our rate increase is not only justified but necessary for us to continue to do business here in Florida.

Chris Neal

The risk is for the ECB to accelerate the pace of interest- rate hikes. There seems to be very little support for the European bond market.

Cyril Beuzit

It's not really about any wrongdoing. It's a normal part of the Medicaid rate-setting process for hospitals.

Jonathan Burns

This was our fourth home. It's not as if we weren't aware, but we'd never had an adjustable-rate mortgage before.

Cassandra Wilson

You've had a huge run. In the U.S. in the last month and a half, you've never seen such a volatile interest-rate environment. You haven't seen that in emerging markets.

Joe Portera

In October, we are expecting a rate increase and cutbacks in service in Salisbury, ... It might shut down public restrooms.

Rob Hart

Our attrition rate is not higher than last year but it is higher than we would like.

Bill Cook

New Mexico has a very high suicide rate. We generally rank in the top five. What's great about this event is people are talking about it.

Jeremy Jaramillo

The headline rate was really spot on. But while the ex-energy index is still soft, it's up from 1 percent in May. That may indicate that general cost pressures are beginning to feed through the economy.

Jeremy Hawkins

The interest rate matches what the county would get by investing that money at the AAA bond rating rate, ... If we weren't able to come up with this, they would almost certainly have to divide it up and develop it.

Paul Gilbert

The interest rate differential between the best offset and best standard mortgages has been consistently narrowing. It now stands at between 0.2 and 0.25 per cent.

Ray Boulger

All the same, a rate cut won't have any immediate effect on companies' profits. These rate changes take six months to a year to be felt, which means it won't be until the second quarter of next year that the last interest rate hike makes its way through the economy. So it may look pretty bleak until then.

Joe Cooper

The raised interest rate goes into effect on July 1. People graduating prior to that date should absolutely apply for consolidation under the current lower interest rate. That could save recent graduates lots of money in the long run.

Rose Garr

He continues to stand behind that as an appropriate balance between incentives for exploration and development and the tax rate.

Becky Hultberg

The board should take into consideration a blunder of NB Power's management and whether that should reflect on the determined rate.

Peter Hyslop

Their filing did not reflect that damage and could not justify the rate increase.

Jim Hurley

Higher interest rates make it much more comfortable for Japanese investors to be holding dollars. The chances of rate increases in the U.S. continue to rise while in Japan the prospects are much less certain.

Niels Christensen

The market's keen to see U.S. labor costs and economic growth figures for signs of a possible interest rate hike.

Hiroichi Nishi

The rate at which civil engineers are being churned out in China entails lower costs related to these skills, but increasingly not compromising on quality, strengthening their position to win contracts.

Pierre Blaauw

It's a statewide battle. When businesses started to hire back, we see a corresponding increase in the labor force. It makes it hard to bring down the unemployment rate.

Ann Wagner

The economy continues to grow at more or less its trend rate and there is no obvious reason for interest rates to change in the near future.

Martin Weale

Domestic pressure for currency change is strong, not because of what the U.S. is saying, but because it's in China's own interests to move. Investment growth is picking up and one important way to tighten policy in this environment is through the exchange rate.

Paul Cavey

He repeated the call for modest interest rate increases.

Jack Spitz

It used to be Britain and Ireland but more and more it is Australia and New Zealand. I think a lot of it has to do with the exchange rate, the pound is high and even the Euro is high, the Australian dollar is much better.

Bridget Carey

At the rate we've grown, roughly every three years we need another million square feet of warehouse. We purchased enough land here to expand to 2 million square feet.

Tom Downs

Some investors are betting that Hong Kong won't follow the U.S. rate hikes in May and are moving ahead to buy while prices are still reasonable.

Frederick Tsang

If the average is $120 for an office visit, for example, we know that we have to negotiate a better rate if a provider is charging $300.

Jeff Kramer

There's a high chance of a rate hike in March, and the probability of another move the following month is growing because the euro-zone economy is getting better. The euro could be a choice buy in the medium-term.

Xinyi Lu

Now market participants are saying that investors should expect range bound trading to continue into next week when the Fed makes its interest rate decision.

Angus Campbell

The U.S. economy is going to be slowing down and the Fed's rate increases are coming to an end by this spring.

Xinyi Lu

We believe investors are too focused on the relative rate of change instead of respecting and admiring the absolute growth. We believe the market will continue to grow at a double-digit percentage pace.

Brian Belski

We consider the graduation rate to be very successful given the population that we're serving and their backgrounds.

Theodore Dues

Still, [Japan] will keep its low interest rate environment. And more and more money from individuals and (corporations) will flow into America and Europe -- mostly to North America.

Jun Ishii

This country's high savings' rate will likely translate into an ever-larger pool of domestic capital that can be invested.

Vincent Cheng

When a mortgage deal has a low rate and high fee, generally speaking, it best suits a borrower with a fairly sizeable loan. On these 3.99 per cent deals, the fees mean they best suit those borrowing £175,000 or more.

Melanie Bien

The March 2006 unemployment rate of 6 percent was the lowest rate recorded for Kentucky in 10 months. Compared to other states, Kentucky was one of 16 states plus the District of Columbia that reported an unemployment rate above the U.S. jobless rate in March 2006.

Carlos Cracraft

A solid upside quarter (was) driven by tight expense controls and an improving rate per contract.

Richard Repetto

In theory yes this (interest rate hike) would work but the problem we have is that on the other hand the government cannot rein in spending.

Anthony Hawkins

The past 10 years have seen the fastest growth in the number of women in parliaments. Yet even at this rate, parity between women and men in parliaments will not be reached until 2040.

Rachel Mayanja

The economy definitely will suffer if the rate of small business startups tapers off.

Rick Oliver

Unless the market can get a firm perception that the US Fed is ending its interest rate hike cycle, the ongoing weakness of the yen may not come to an end.

Ryohei Muramatsu

Job cuts are mainly coming from manufacturers, who are still suffering. We are going to see further increases in the claimant count rate and the odds of any sort of wage inflation problem emerging are diminishing rapidly.

Ross Walker

We actually put out three times as many news releases as our peer institutions. But it also suggests that if we put out fewer, we might have a higher rate of the news releases [being picked up by] news media.

Joel Seligman

Many of these countries are struggling to match rate hikes by the Federal Reserve.

David Gilmore

We're going to see a leveling off, or at least a slowing, in the appreciation rate for a little while.

Ara Hovnanian

We were looking at whether the initial cognitive impairment predicted or was associated with how they improved in terms of their general neurological impairment. It turned out that, at least in this population, it didn't really matter. The rate of improvement was similar, regardless of whether they had a cognitive impairment at baseline or not.

Larry Goldstein

Surgically, the failure rate is 2 to 6 percent. The bone is not as dense in all areas of the mouth. Age and health are other factors. Almost always, if an implant fails, another one can be placed.

Dr. Peter Laliberte

The debate on interest-rate cuts is still a live one.

Simon Rubinsohn

During that six-year time period, prices for all medicines went up 16 percent, compared to an overall inflation rate for all products of 15 percent.

Alan Holmer

We cannot create artificiality, we cannot evade the principles of the floating exchange rate.

Guido Mantega

Intel chips run too damn hot. If you look at performance gains over the past few years, they've come from putting more transistors on a die and pumping up the clock rate. Thermodynamics has caught up with us.

Clay Ryder

There's a high growth rate and a higher income level, which are reasons why I wanted to open a classier store that handled high-end products.

Doug Mueller

If they tighten again in November, then the steps they've taken in three (interest rate) moves should meaningfully diminish the chances of inflation picking up going forward.

Philadelphia Fed

We have stated from the beginning when we filed this that. .. it was a rate appropriate for our risk within the state of Florida.

Ryan Priest

We cannot yet accept the increase on interest rate and collateral fund.

Paskah Suzetta

We continue to believe that the Fed will keep tightening into 2006 and take the funds rate above 5 pct next year.

Steve Stanley

Continued demand growth and a high rate of capacity utilization for production and refining drove crude prices and refining margins to very high levels in the second quarter of 2005.

Thierry Desmarest

This law requires cities to pay the companies either a fixed rate or a per citation amount to provide red light camera enforcement, ... As a result, it is no longer feasible to extend the current contract with Nestor.

Andy Hall

Weak economic figures give cause for concern over the Fed's rate increases. I had thought the data on foreign investment was not so important up to now, but amid the dollar-bearish sentiment, this could be yet another dollar-selling catalyst.

Tadahiko Nashimoto

We will definitely see another rate hike next month. The Bank of Canada is somewhat concerned about the economy growing at full capacity. If economic fundamentals continue to be good, the Canadian dollar will continue to appreciate.

Ted Gould

The interest rates are about to be increased. [Durbin] is trying to lock them in at a lower rate than what is about to happen in July...he's really trying to cut in half the interest rate that would be locked in.

Christina Angarola

If you could invest in a tax-deferred account such as an IRA or 401(k), the pretax rate of return would be equal to or greater than the post-tax cost of the mortgage.

Anthony Webb

There is some nervousness in the market about U.S. rates after last week's euphoria, when everyone was so sure that the rate will stay flat.

Daniel Negrisori