Government-mandated multi-casting requirements ... would constitute a 'taking' of cable operators' private property, which, in the absence of 'just compensation,' is prohibited by the Fifth Amendment.

Kyle Mcslarrow

Had the school district, in the first instance, offered Brian a public or private school placement equivalent to the one the district ultimately provided, this entire litigation and its attendant costs could have been avoided.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

People should not be forced out their homes at the will of any private development.

Kit Bond

AT&T customers reasonably expect that their communications are private and have long trusted AT&T to follow the law and protect their privacy.

Lee Tien

Taking into account the large sums looking for a home, it is likely that private-equity investors will be chasing bigger deals. And among Europe's largest companies, few can now be considered beyond the reach of buyout firms.

Brian Richardson

One should not lift the rod against our enemies upon the private information of another.


Back in the good old days, marketing and PR for libraries consisted of a flier or a bookmark. Now, we have to be just as commercially minded as the private sector.

Valerie Maginnis

Sane and intelligent human beings are like all other human beings, and carefully and cautiously and diligently conceal their private real opinions from the world and give out fictitious ones in their stead for general consumption.

Mark Twain

I was out with my friends at a location we didn't know was private property.

Jared Hernandez

Unfortunately, people who really need it can't afford to see a private therapist.

Nina Godson

The public should not be afraid of searching for any information, no matter how personal and private it may be.

Aden Fine

It's clear that there's a message to the private sector. The message is, they want their broadband and will find a cheap way to deploy it. They will do it for themselves if the private sector doesn't do it fast enough.

Michael Gallagher

Like every other private psychiatric hospital, we are a locked and secure facility, but not 'maximum security.

Chris Kearney

The downside of high private school attendance is that if, in fact, a high percentage of them are from more affluent families, families of influence don't have a vested interest in the public school system.

Paul Herdman

When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet deep down in his private heart no man much respects himself.

Mark Twain

It's as good a result as they could have expected, ... More than 17 percent of BT was in the hands of private investors who typically don't all subscribe to rights issues.

John Tysoe

He is an American who has spent his professional life battling against government control over one of the most private aspects our lives.

Kurt Simon

It's not appropriate for City Hall to be used for private business. It seems the better part of valor would be to have Southern California Edison reimburse the city for the expense or for her to use another facility.

Bob Stern

The army and police force give their officers flak jackets, but their souls are ripped apart with no protection whatsoever. The help does not come from the establishment but from private places.

Gil Kleiman

The president hopes that his presence here, his private conversations and his public dialogue with the people here, will remind them what's at stake.

Sandy Berger

Basically, this is something the management of a private-sector financial institution has made and is carrying out, and the government is in no position to say whether this is good or bad.

Heizo Takenaka

It's one of those things, you can't escape it. You set your own boundaries and you say as much as you want to say and the rest you keep private -- that's the only thing you can really do.

Natalie Imbruglia

If you do a dirty job, you have to get down in the ditch and get dirty, ... I wish others could have testified, but this was done in private. In cases like this, nobody knows until it's too late. The only possible witnesses are the participants themselves.

Mark Duncan

We do weddings and we do private parties and we do all of that stuff.

Rosa Hawkins

They were born as private collections and not for public viewing. It is impossible to change structures like the chapels and hallways in the Apostolic Palace, so bottlenecks are inevitable.

Francesco Buranelli

We would only deal with public facilities. That's how I see it. I'm a little skeptical of government injecting into the private sector.

Glen Casada

It is embarrassing, the things he's said and the things he's subsequently done, and it illustrates the wider point that for any political party, including ours, to be dependent on big private donors is not acceptable and we do need to change the system to have a cap on donations.

Vince Cable

There is, at this point, little that we can do. Because it's private property, we can't regulate it.

Willie Puz

Germany is catching up with the rest of Europe. Most components of the economy increased: private consumption was quite healthy and there was a pick-up in export activity.

Manuela Preuschl

Those clients with money who can hire private counsel can receive a lot more services than we can offer.

Rebecca Murrell

They have a strategy that targets every conceivable private opportunity in the world. What they're doing has never been done before on this scale. They are the pioneers.

David Snow

We're currently planning a private-public venture to help get people acquainted with the concept. We're just trying to get all our ideas together.

Fritz Gampe

For private to private sellers, there aren't a lot of protections. If the problem continues to be as large as it is, there's going to have to be laws put in place.

Cleo Manuel

You can't help but sympathize with an employer who's trying to improve the bottom line, but allowing employers to take over everyone's private life to improve the bottom line is just not legitimate.

Lewis Maltby

This $20 million credit facility with an affiliate of GE Energy Financial Services, coupled with our recent $37 million private placement of convertible notes, will support our growth.

Jon W. Slangerup

The pact has the flaw that the accused are their own judges, so they really like the defendants. The ECB is here meting out the task of dispensing justice to the private ratings agencies.

Thomas Mayer

We're not what we were five years ago. And the reality is, private charity cannot make up the difference.

Marcia Avner

I really don't feel my tax dollars should be involved in renovating something that belongs in the private sector. To be perfectly honest, the fact that it's an architectural jewel doesn't really push my buttons.

Mike Vogel

It's something that we could pass on to a developer that protects them from third-party liability. It levels the playing field for a private developer.

Gary Knapp

They defined what was private and what was public and they would move it whenever they wished.

Andrew Morton

Although the earnings of the private bank did not increase from those of the comparable period, this entity met expectations after taking account of the restructuring exercise. The restructuring enables the delivery of an enhanced service offering to a larger number of customers.

Steve Booysen

No one should be able to peddle your private information for a profit without your express permission. Giving out this information to anyone who can pay the fee is a license to arm stalkers, criminals and identity thieves.

Bob Gammage

In this type of situation, change is good. If you're not making changes and you feel like you're struggling now more than ever, you could become a private equity deal and that will force change.

Stephen Elliott

But in tens of thousands of cases that came before us, he faithfully showed a deference and deep respect for precedent, ... From private caucus meetings and on the bench, I know he is an intellectually honest man and doesn't have personal predilections to foist upon the American people.

Timothy Lewis

I assumed it would be a typical Playboy issue where I had to bare my breasts or expose my private parts.

Amber Chia

[Salem already knows some of the answers. What is Watterson doing these days and where does he live?] He's not doing much; he's living somewhere in the Western Hemisphere, ... Bill's a very private person and just prefers to keep that part of his life private.

Lee Salem

We're also talking about job cuts in our private banking business.

Rolf Breuer

DEGRADATION, n. One of the stages of moral and social progress from private station to political preferment.

Ambrose Bierce

People are calling us to say they've lost the land they've deer hunted on for decades. They want to know what we're going to do about it. We tell them there's nothing we can do. It's private land.

Brad Moore

Our number one mission is to get people into something safe, sanitary, private, and out of public shelters as soon as we can.

Brad Gair

There is a great deal of interest from the private side in developing the property the city acquired. It's her job to bring in new business and encourage business development and expansion. It's a good time to have Ellen on board, and we're happy to have her with us.

Jim Neubauer

And the sooner the tea's out of the way, the sooner we can get out the gin, eh? (Private Life of Hilda Tablet).

Henry Reed

I would much prefer to see the arena not only owned and constructed but operated by the private sector. That takes it totally out of the government's hands, and it would be much better promoted. That, in itself, brings dividends to the city. That's the economic payoff to the city.

Jerry Shuster

We have two private lines that knock off $5,000 wedding gowns for $500.

Carly Rager

This is a makeup trailer with a private room in the front.

Phil Schriber

The Sultan was planning a trip to Australia himself to speak with its government heads. He wanted to know if we could have a private meeting.

Ted Seymour

In spite of my Peace Corps background, my heart really is in the private sector. The commercial world is something that the nonprofit sector can't ignore.

Ted Johnson

It's absolutely awful. When your private financial documents get stolen, there's no end to headaches.

William Mccorriston

The conference will offer a forum for the Sudanese private and public sectors to showcase opportunities in the oil, gas, power, infrastructure and agriculture sub-sectors.

Malei Nthiwa

We can leave him social guarantees and privileges. As for his personal immunity, the immunity of his private and office documents and archives, as well as the provision of him and his family at the expense of the state, these immunity guarantees should be excluded from the Constitution.

Kurmanbek Bakiyev

Anyone who serves in public office, when you have a private matter before the board, it's hands off. And he hasn't been.

Jack Speranza

We have, over the years, found that the family members prefer to have a private remembrance on the anniversary date.

Bob Easton

As far as private, we've got it made.

Terry Reed

Inside the Locker Room is a private, inside look at Coach Lombardi and the men who played for him. The locker room was a very private place; you will hear tears, laughter, prayers and curses. That is the way it was, and my hope is that the listeners will feel that they were right there with us.

Jerry Kramer

By allowing his client to be sworn under oath about his private sex life, he made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Alan M. Dershowitz

The services to the private landowners won't be as good as they are now.

Shaun Roberts

The board is confusing public benefits with private property owners' rights and they will find out they will have to compensate the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for that. This will be decided in circuit court and that's the sad part.

Kevin Hennessy

Where Matthew got his tag there was a zoo of hunters in the motorized areas. Where we were, we saw over 200 elk a day and almost no other hunters. It was almost like we had our own private ranch.

Randy Newberg

The lion's share of loans are generated by the federal loan program, but increasingly, there are a lot of private alternative loan programs offered by banks and savings and loan institutions out there, too.

Dallas Martin

If they fly any coastal flight, I know. I can also find anybody in the world within 24 hours. I guarantee it. If they don't mask the tail number on a private plane, I'll find it.

Frank Griffin

The private sector has a much bigger role to play than ever before.

Jeff Shane

This points out the need to have private enforcement. It gives private citizens some recourse to protect themselves.

Howard Foster

In general, we continue to believe that local governments should not have a competitive advantage when competing with the private sector, and they should not be allowed to subsidize their business plan.

John Williams

Benchmarking, generally, is far from a science. When you're talking about private company benchmarking, there are well-known limitations to the gathering and use of that data.

Brian Hamilton

It strikes a much-needed balance between public interest and private property rights.

Frank Thompson

If we don't stop the process now, we're going to be having to negotiate against the private sector and it's not likely we'll be able to compete in that environment.

Randy Hall

Anytime you're launching the largest private fund-raising effort in the community, in conjunction with the largest natural disaster in the nation's history, it does call upon everyone to think about what is their capacity to give.

Michael Brennan

Diversification of public and private assets.

Christian Noyer

We need to build pride in the zoo. It's a state zoo, not a private zoo.

Cullie Tarleton

The idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument.

Newt Gingrich

As we see the first responders begin to ebb, we're seeing the private sector pick up, ... I believe those numbers exceed the number of first responders.

Patrick Taylor

The less government interferes with private pursuits, the better for general prosperity.

Martin Van Buren

This facility is being sold to a foreign government. It's not being sold to a private company.

Denis Taylor

What we'd like to do is coordinate it so that the state and the counties are on the same page and that we're providing the same message to anyone ? whether they're a private landowner or large-scale developer.

Chris Conger

All the drivers of M&A activity are firmly in place. We see another good year for M&A activity. The type of M&A will continue as well with foreign buyers coming into the U.K. and private equity buyers (also) coming in.

Robert Parkes

The best way to defend their position in the private-equity space is to affiliate with a distressed-debt fund.

Ron Bringewatt

Originally it was going to be $2.6 million. We hoped to break ground last fall. We're now thinking it will be about $2.75 million. We've raised slightly over $2.4 million from contributions and private benefactors.

John Jascoll

I had a great conversation with him. It was a private conversation, but he was very happy for me.

Mike Tannenbaum

I will not do humor that is derived from private parts or going to the bathroom. I won't do anything that involves making fun of people.

Dixie Carter

It's extremely helpful. It opens up the lines of communication between the public and the private sector.

Chris Henderson

That was also when I started thinking about breaking out on my own or taking a shot at becoming chief of a hospital. I decided on private practice.

Rajeev Diddy

A great deal of this success can be credited to the unprecedented cooperation of public, private, and non-profit partnerships in dealing with these issues.

Jeff Becker

There is no private domain of a person's life that is not political, and there is no political issue that is not ultimately personal.

Charlotte Bunch

Private companies only invest where they can make a profit, not where there is the greatest need.

Peter Hardstaff

A lot of people get discouraged and say, 'Why should I do that? Why should I do another four years of university, when I can go into the private sector?' And that's what they do.

Françoise Stake

You leave [the problem] alone and just try to be there. That's all you can do, ... It's obviously a very personal and private issue for him, and I think he has done well to keep focused.

Lee Westwood

We were able to tour the premises, and we were able to speak to Mr. Saddam Hussein in private without any witnesses present.

Antonella Notari

The marshes could have looked like a network of private roadways.

Nancy Vinson

It should never be used to take one person's property and give it to another private person.

Paul Zimmerman

Our concern is that we are looking after the needs of everybody in the United States that need transplants. What it comes down to is an organ for donation ought to be considered and referred to patients based on medical need and who can benefit the most from it and not based on their membership in a private organization.

Joel Newman

I'm very private in person. I'm very sensitive and shy with men individually. But when I'm talking, maybe there's this other channel or this other side and other way of working in my mind, and I convert and become carefree.

Bai Ling

Certainly, consumers have a right to expect that their phone records (will) be kept private. Putting this law in place is the best thing we could do.

Attorney General Steven Rowe

All those people will go away?. In the end, it is the people who fix their own cities. Private-sector leadership. Political leadership.

Peter Ueberroth

There's something big coming to the outside area of Ottawa, sort of a private clinic for holistic aspects of healing. It's going to be a huge $150-million dollar project and it's going to attract the world's attention.

Connie Adams

Original manuscripts are private information. Like personal letters, there are parts I don't want other people to see.

Haruki Murakami

It's not just the progressives and the Democrats but also Libertarians and moderate Republicans who feel that private rights and civil liberties are being threatened by this administration.

Michael Huttner

PRIVATE, n. A military gentleman with a field-marshal's baton in his knapsack and an impediment in his hope.

Ambrose Bierce

Private aid…can be more effective because it goes directly to people in need, costs less through the use of volunteers, and creates jobs and lasting institutions in poor countries.

Carol Adelman

While central banks care less than private investors about the return on their investments, they're not completely clueless.

Nouriel Roubini

This may be the most profitable private equity deal of all time.

David Rubenstein

We're still going to have to see what the benefits will look like based on what kind of programs come back from private industry. We do have high goals for the industry.

Andrea Mccauley

This week we are closing a $30 million private equity placement. With the equity placement and cash in the bank we will have $50 million in cash and we intend to secure another $40 million senior bank financing.

Ceo Rich Grange

No private company can get access to that bandwidth unless they spend a lot or resort to a satellite network.

Ken Dulaney

You can learn as much - or more - from one glance at a private space as you can from hours of exposure to a public face.

Malcolm Gladwell

We need to treat public and private institutions equally in terms of civil liability.

Rep. Cory Gardner

In the 19th century, ... the private house was perfected. That was a place that was all about the family to the exclusion of anything else, including work. All that has changed. Twenty million Americans work at home now. Half the households in America are without children. That's a huge number. Twenty-five percent of the households are people living alone.

Terence Riley

We are totally opposed to the whole project and we will continue to campaign against it. The control centre will not be run by the Fire Authority, it is likely to be run by an external private company.

Paul Clarke

The public good is in nothing more essentially interested, than in the protection of every individual's private rights.

William Blackstone

I think there's no doubt at the end of the day that this was a win-win-win transaction. It demonstrates the power of private equity in helping corporations restructure their balance sheets.

David Wasserman

On private property, yes.

John Holmes

At some point, there may have be a bond issue. And there is the hope that some private citizens will come forward. I expect that city, public and private funds will all be needed. We may have to expand the use of the mansion in a more commercial fashion.

Chris Masoner

The private sector is also involved in this card since the electronic purse will be managed by major financial institutions following a tender that will be issued soon.

Shaikh Ahmed

It will be of interest to people across the country because it's a new model for state colleges and how they have to pursue public-private ventures.

Joe Cardona

We're depending on the American distribution system set out by private enterprise; that accounts for its complexity.

Dr. William Schaffner

Generally speaking, private and religious schools are not subject to the First Amendment.

Charles Haynes

I don't see it as abnormal in any way; he's just on the private end of the spectrum. But I don't think that it influences his function.

John W. Rowe

In the long run, the public interest depends on private virtue.

James Q. Wilson

I think this is a turning point for us, for the new Chase in our private equity business, in us being positioned to benefit from the new economy. The magnitude of the number has something to do with the fact that we have increased the pace of investments, and the markets are as good as they are.

Dina Dublon

The most important thing for people to know is everything is public record unless it is expressly considered private. The list is not exhaustive.

Jeff Hunt

That absolutely is private information.

Sally Howard

No man should be in public office who can't make more money in private life.

Thomas E. Dewey

He's a real private person. I wouldn't want to alienate a good customer.

Mark Lam

It's not unusual for a number of private institutions to be going through budget difficulties.

Tony Pals

Strongest growth has been in business with private individuals, partly by increased borrowing for house purchases and increased interest in savings products.

Doug Godden

A few nights ago, we catered a private party for Paul McCartney and his road crew 40 pizzas.

Mike Bender

Congress was willing to set guard dogs -- paid by the government -- around anything that private industry could come up with to protect works even if those protections were excessive.

Jonathan Zittrain

He separately negotiated a sale with a private art dealer from Europe.

Jonathan Halpern

One is the pin the blame on the media with the references to the tabloid spectacle, ... One is the assertion of full cooperation with the police. One is the carving of a moat around his private life. And one is the use of constructive ambiguity with references to not being perfect but with no explanation for what those imperfections are.

Mike Doyle

Most of our homes open to the back. It's always about making a real luxurious, private space.

John Orgren

The private sector revival is not as strong as the government would like it to be.

Seijiro Takeshita

So you will find many more Indians in the VC field than private equity.

Arvind Sodhani

I'm not willing to say I want to return to private life because I'm too old to begin telling lies now.

Paul O'neill

More students should really have access to this program. We'll apply for grants and seek support from private corporations.

Laura Anderson

We can't tell if it is public or private. So we are going to take those properties out.

Pete Erlenbach

I was his host for nine Phoenix Opens and would fly him over in a private jet. I always tried to tell him a joke he hadn't heard, which was pretty hard with Bob Hope.

Ben Brooks

The bottom line is, adults are enabling this behavior. Adults are serving alcohol to our children and it's legal on private property in the state of Connecticut. It's a loophole that needs to be closed. For too long this has been going on.

Rep. Roberta Willis

We assessed the situation and some appropriate action has been taken, which I can't go into because it involves private employment details.

Steve Tew

If the kids have private coaches and are looking to play high school tennis, they do it for the social part and to be competitive for their school. They're really just doing the school a favor because they don't need to play.

Steve Pemberton

No one in the private sector would be taking this long to complete planning.

Bob Baldwin

My mainstay was working in a private hotel as a waitress, washer upper and occasionally a cook.

Sandra Smith

What we are saying is that attackers are increasingly targeting your assets and your private information.

Vincent Weafer

There's greater threat from the SEC, from (Sarbanes-Oxley), from criminal prosecution and private class actions, but not any one of them is decisive.

Jack Coffee

The only argument I keep hearing is you don't have the dollars to expand. Well, I'm addressing that. We are looking for a public-private partnership, but we are not looking to give up control.

Bill Stern

It isn't even a park. That's the irony. It is private property owned by the university.

Jim Hines

We're in this together. This has got to be a public-private partnership. We can't do it by ourselves.

Linton Wells Ii

He works as a business-development manager for a company that does both government and private-sector security, including work for the Department of Defense and other agencies.

Thomas Egan

Truman University was also ranked No. 8 in the Midwest among all private and public institutions.

Barbara Dixon

We suspect that the company could now come under closer attention of the private equity groups.

Paul Deacon

Their private-label program is one of the strongest in the nation.

Theresa Williams

Extra money would be helpful. We get private donations, corporate donations and we ask the legislation to increase its funding through Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program, which is in the budget process.

Stephanie Nichols

In my private life I do what I like. The night is my friend. If I don't go out, I don't score.


We're proud that our solution oriented approach has helped 160,000 previously uninsured Americans get private insurance.

Jennifer Holder

The simple conclusion you can draw is that the tape and video camera had nothing to do with the accident. It was a private tape; it wasn't a government tape. It was a private video camera.

Frank Spinner

We needed a public-private partnership. We needed an employer-led organization, but it was important to have all stakeholders at the table.

Ron Simms

Aloha's position is that they're a private company. They're saying you need to pay it or you're not going anywhere with your school.

Dennis Alfonso

It would disproportionately benefit private schools, and we feel the first obligation is to public schools.

David Ernst

Our whole private equity business has been aimed at what I would call a real economy -- businesses that are pretty stable, having good cash flows and businesses that are not buffeted by changes in economic conditions.

Jim Leech

I was having a private conversation with (engineers in) the truck, like we do everyday, and evidently some words that aren't air-able came out and through a technical difficulty, I may have offended some people. If that's the case, I apologize and I will face any consequences.

Mark Grace

The trouble with the Labour Party is that they don't really believe in Socialism, but they cannot wholeheartedly approve of private enterprise either.

Joseph Grimond

Travel is the most private of pleasures. There is no greater bore than the travel bore. We do not in the least want to hear what he has seen in Hong-Kong.

Vita Sackville west

He'll be in a private place on his own, but a peaceful place to watch the game. He will be away from the stadium. It's just his decision.

Baltemar Brito

They certainly don't have the reputation in private label that Federated and Macy's have.

Annette Mcevoy

Lots of things made it special. It was the most current of the hotels, and it boasted 100 baths, some private and some shared. It was very sumptuous. The furniture was lavish; there were beautiful imported carpets; beautiful draperies and blinds; telephones; electricity; and all the latest innovations.

David Barber

We hear a lot of talk about public-private partnerships, and in its own way this is a perfect example.

Bob Kovitz

We're looking at a transitory period in which things are a little bit tense, but if we get through this, we'll be in a much better place. I believe there is a role for private oil companies here, and that the government believes there is a role for us here.

Sean Rooney

It is just too massive for any private insurer to handle. The government has to have a role there, and the insurers need to have a role in settling claims so we can develop a better system for the future.

Larry Cox

Is it really meeting the need? No, it's not adequate enough. You can only raise private rates so high. It's difficult to keep things afloat with everyone wanting great care and no one willing to pay for that.

James Mueller

BellSouth is opposed to government competing with private enterprise and using any form of subsidy to ensure the success of their business plan.

Bill Oliver

This is not a classic setting where someone gets barred for conduct as a corporate officer. Everything Martha did was in her private capacity.

John Coffee

In 2003 the blackmail started. He started calling me and first said he was a private investigator. I quickly saw that he wasn't, that it was just a scheme to get money out of me. So, I went to the authorities and got them involved because I knew if I paid him, he'd be back in a month. I knew I wasn't going to do that the rest of my life.

Kirk Talley

We anticipate the involvement of public, private and home-schooled children throughout the county, presenting different mediums of art for the expo guests to enjoy.

Nancy Massey

My guess is that it's a private person, not a wine company looking to expand its portfolio.

Jon Fredrikson

China's per capita GDP has topped 1,000 US dollars, which means a growing number of Chinese citizens will be able to afford private cars and the auto industry will outgrow the country's GDP, .

Feng Fei

If eBay employed the ... people who earn an income selling on its site, it would be the nation's No. 2 private employer, behind Wal-Mart.

David Faber

This area in particular is more than 60 percent plus private land ownership.

Gene Gray

The lesson is those things have to be negotiated in private, but once you finish those negotiations, all those things have to be public, and that wasn't done in Toronto.

Robert Poole

We identify the private market value of the business.

Chris O'donnell

Capote was an enormously and dangerously ambitious, talented, conflicted guy who really concealed himself from the public. He was at once a very public figure and a very private figure. And this is a movie that sort of peels back the public mask and gets into the heart of darkness.

Bennett Miller

I have no intention of letting Sharon play the political scene as if it were his private hunting ground. With all the respect I have for him, this era is over.

Amir Peretz

We were simply shut out by Bob the Builder's private parts and other extraneous items.

Rod Donald

We found a wonderful group of private citizens at a makeshift shelter.

Hilleary Bogley

I want to assure you that no matter what may come of this, it will remain a private and personal matter.

Pat Young

He is a valuable piece of what we are trying to do. We have talked about his contract situation in the past and we will do so again in the future, but we will do it in a private level.

John Daniels

What I found is that in all of the major leaps forward that Arkansas has had over the last 20 years ... it's always been a collaboration, a partnership between the private sector and the public sector.

Mike Beebe

All they need to do is drive up to the car park, take the private lifts and they are home.

Sombat Chancharoensin

We can sympathize with you but it is a private business...and we can't force him do to anything.

Fred Buckholtz

It's her private farm, and I run the business out of it.

John Mccormick

We need more entrepreneurs in private and public life.

Tom Watkins

Potentially the single greatest private sector investment in cricket since the Kerry Packer revolution 28 years ago.

Clive Lloyd

There is a lot of private equity money out there and this deal seems to be originating from private equity interest.

William Loomis