We want the same effect as if someone's house burned here, ... We want to give them a normal life as soon as possible.

Eddie Murphy

The X-rays are normal. The decision now is how long she stays in the hospital.

Ted Ryan

Everyone evacuated and was accounted for, and there were no injuries. The mine returned to normal operations around 3:30 p.m..

Zack Spencer

I t is a normal part of the employment process to evaluate one's subordinates.

Eugene Volokh

In general we try to cut our positions at the end of the day and even more so on a weekend. Ahead of an event like this, you're going to be a lot more conservative than normal.

Evan Olsen

The simple truth is that it will get better, but it won't go back to being what we thought was normal before, ... That was nutty.

Esther Dyson

It's almost normal for me here. I'm always kind of chasing here. It's nice to have a chance.

Ernie Els

There's been a lot of work ? it's been nonstop. The campus will be fairly back to normal. There may be a couple days of inconvenience and having to do things differently.

Eric Melcher

Out of all these great events around here, none are dog-friendly. What we do in our free time for normal recreation we do with our dogs, so why keep leaving them at home? This way you don't have to leave your friend at home and they can share in the experience.

Erik Skarvan

It's back to normal, but it's a different normal. It's not the same as it was before, but people are getting back to work. Life goes on.

Eric Young

We just want to go back to some semblance of a normal life that everybody else has.

Eric Vanbalen

We're like their Santa Claus. It's kind of special and we make them feel normal.

Enrique Garcia

You might see it in some places, but no we don't really (drink it), we just drink the normal stuff.

Emma Fletcher

I am able to do normal things, classical if you want.

Emanuel Ungaro

I was a normal, rather dutiful child. I didn't even rebel as a teenager.

Emily Watson

I'm ready to have him home again. I'm ready to get back to normal.

Elizabeth Davis

Sexual harassment is common among today's undergraduate students, so common that it seems normal.

Elena Silva

A normal relation between the two countries instead of this Cold War mentality.

Elizardo Sanchez

She's so much more fun . . . so much more fun. I can express myself so much more than normal in your class.

Elizabeth White

It comes back to that basic problem of people who are lost to our normal systems of care and communications to our system.

Elizabeth Patterson

My promise to her was that I would try to keep life as normal as possible.

Elaine Gampel

The new humane standards allow birds to have a much more normal life, including more space, perches, litter and nesting area.

Elizabeth Hansen