37 quotes about mortality follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Our children continue to be healthier ... because our infant and adolescent mortality rates continue to decline.

National Center

Research studies to determine the increasing mortality rate and its link with HIV/Aids have not been undertaken.

Bheki Manzini

You may see the mortality rate go up -- but that's not necessarily because SARS per se is getting worse.

Dr. Julie Gerberding

No species can survive such a high mortality rate. It is more difficult for an already endangered species.

Biswajit Mohanty

And the disease often come on fast and results in crock-up of multiple organs, which also result in high mortality.

Mao Qun'an

Statistics have shown that mortality increases perceptibly in the military during wartime.

Alphonse Allais

When countries improve governance and reduce corruption, they reap a 'development dividend' that can include reduction in child mortality rates and increase in per capita income and literacy rates.

Peter Eigen

They're kind of baby steps. We haven't made any measurable impact on the mortality rate or survival of this disease.

James Young

It is very unlikely that it would maintain that kind of case mortality rate if it made the jump.

Stanley Lemon

I'm always dealing with my own mortality. The only gift cancer gives you is time. You can plan and say goodbye.

Rob Cronin

But the increasing mortality rate can not directly be linked to HIV and Aids. Research studies to determine the increasing mortality rate and its link with HIV and Aids have not been undertaken. The causes of death on the death certificate are not indicated as HIV and Aids and it is therefore difficult to directly link it to HIV and Aids.

Bheki Manzini

Maintaining good control of glucose and hypertension [high blood pressure] limits morbidity and mortality.

Stuart Weiss

Prevention is very broad. It is not just prevention of cancer development, but includes advances in diagnosis and treatment that reduce suffering and mortality from the disease.

Bernard Levin

There is more mortality in the wild.

Michael Hendricks

The overweight have a significantly higher risk of diabetes, gallstones, hypertension, and heart disease, ... All have costs and an impact on the quality of life that get ignored if we focus only on mortality.

Graham Colditz

Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent.

R. D. Laing

First, learn from hence to meditate upon your own Mortality, and be now assured, by this neer and home example, that your self shall die.

John Pearson

It causes severe illness and high mortality rates.

Dr. Mark Horton

The basis for the pricing of major illness insurance is still based on the number of illnesses, not on the mortality rate.

Wang Zhichao

There are different mortality rates for males and females, so females get a higher sum assured.

Standard Life

There are other parts of the country that experience temperatures like we had in Chicago, ... But one doesn't see the kind of mortality like we had here.

Jim Young

Patients aged 65 or older face a nearly three-fold increase in the risk of early mortality.

David R. Flum

The two leading preventable causes of mortality are cigarette smoking and abdominal obesity and we hit both.

Douglas Greene

Although less certain, screening indeed appears to be effective at lowering mortality.

Donald Berry

It could make a substantial difference. The estimates ... have suggested that you might be able to cut mortality roughly in half.

Frederick Hayden

A little mortality can set off recovery.

Louisa Willcox

We do everything we can to minimize mortality.

Dave Arnold

Eighty-seven percent of flounder mortality is due to by-catch.

Larry Mckinney

You see the worst of the worst when you are in medicine. We all thought the worst, initially. You live with your mortality.

Joan Grim

What we have seen in the U.S. from 1960 to 2001 is a 62 percent reduction in mortality from birth defects.

Christopher P. Howson

We don't want to make the wrong decision and increase (sea turtle) mortality. We're going to do a ghost crab study.

Mark Epstein

The beetles are native, so they've always been around causing a little mortality, and that's kind of a good thing. But when certain things happen, like the drought and fire, the population of the beetles builds up and it gives them the ability to move into healthy trees.

Amanda Milburn

If you fail to initiate the appropriate steps within the first hour or two, patients very rapidly become comatose and the mortality increases significantly.

David Francis

It's not spectacular. Sometimes, countries are not interesting. But when you have 48 years of life expectancy, and infant mortality rates are catastrophic, this is an ongoing disaster.

Loris De Filippi

On the contrary, mortality improved with increasing age at retirement for people from both high and low economic groups.

Shan Tsai

Mortality, behold and fear! / What a change of flesh is here!

Francis Beaumont

The wolves are the primary cause of mortality in the caribou.

Dave Ealey