There's optimism in the marketplace that the Fed will be finished for the rest of the year.

Mike Boss

In the late '90s, lots of other people had entered the business and it got crowded. As the new team came on board, we asked how do we compete differently in this marketplace?

Joseph Wood Krutch

At the upper limit, there's more total dollars being spent on players. It creates more of a healthy marketplace.

Andy Sutton

The allocation we receive from the state-mandated (amount) is not adequate to keep us competitive in the marketplace.

Susan Thomas

As a company, we do not comment on rumors and speculation in the marketplace.

Denny Lynch

To be able to take these ideas from your head to a paper to a garment, and to see that garment sell in the marketplace, is absolutely exhilarating.

Barbara Harris

We will have more investment and business growth, which leads to lower prices, because more people will be coming to the marketplace with similar products.

Stephen Slivinski

The perception in the marketplace has a tremendous impact.

Richard Fleming

We see continued strength in the Reno marketplace.

David Bain

It's the right thing to do. We're responding to the marketplace, which is demanding more green products and a healthier environment.

Jim Folkman

I think it stands a very good chance of filling a need in the marketplace.

Jeff Lanctot

We gave them the benefit of the doubt when it came to Katrina, but this marketplace cannot see rising rates in the face of another natural disaster.

Michael Franzese

It is a relatively fragmented marketplace. They seem convinced that the two lines are sufficiently differentiated that they don't constitute antitrust problems.

Martin Sankey

Imposing a huge fine doesn't change the fundamentals in the marketplace.

Lars Godell

A lot of people are trying to take advantage of the Christian marketplace now, but because of my personal life, it's not a new market for me.

Kirk Cameron

Market turmoil is the best possible news for us. The more chaos and uncertainty in the marketplace, the better.

David Stanton

In 1996, Congress gave us a very difficult task, which is to bring these rules up to date in the modern media marketplace.

Michael Powell

So much depends on the price of that crude oil and that's determined on the worldwide marketplace by all of the buyers and sellers out there.

Rayola Dougher

That is really what launched our inquiry into the marketplace.

Rich Gadomski

There is insurance available for these people in the marketplace, but they don't want to pay the freight.

William Stander

I don't think we should jump in without testing the marketplace. Be patient. If things work out, we'll be everywhere with this.

Richard Kessel

People do like the film versions of things, ... I thought this was a nice way to get my books back into the marketplace.

Danielle Steel

We want to hear from the public. They are our eyes and ears in the marketplace.

Edwin Rodriguez

The marketplace for digital still cameras is starting to mature.

Fred Lee

This is the holy grail for advertisers and consumers. It is an online marketplace of qualified leads.

Eckhard Pfeiffer

It's clear that Digital has not been able to beat Intel in the marketplace, and now they're trying to do it through a patent suit. It's extremely difficult for Digital to win on something like this.

Eugene Glazer

After a while, they're going to drop by the wayside. The marketplace will take care of that.

Ernie Passailaigue

We're focusing on competing in the marketplace, not the courtroom.

Eric Kraus

The vast majority of the differences between the two companies have been settled and we look forward to remaining vigorous competitors in the marketplace, and not in the courtroom.

Eric Kraus

Most people, most of the time, get their music free. And that's not a marketplace. In fact, it directly threatens the concept of the music marketplace.

Eric Garland

I can tell you PCNB is not acceptable in ginseng or any other herbal product in the marketplace at any level.

Elliot Friedman

Not only are we able to help our customers navigate the complexity of the marketplace. We are able to show a 20 percent to 50 percent return on investment.

Ellen Siminoff

Signs in the marketplace are showing it is not having the punch that it once had.

Efraim Levy