146 quotes about iran follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

As long as Iran advocates the use of terrorism, the U.S. arms embargo will continue.

Larry Speakes

There are clouds on the horizon but, barring an abnormal event - say if Iran attacks Israel - those clouds should be manageable.

Jeremy Gardiner

The allegations that the United States has leveled against Iran are not new, ... This Week.

Javad Zarif

Cooperation existed between Syria and Iran for years and will continue to exist.

Bouthaina Shaaban

The greatest horrors of our world, from the executions in Iran to the brutalities of the IRA, are committed by people who are totally sincere.

John Mortimer

The idea of Iran getting a bomb is very popular with the Iranian people, even those who don't like the regime.

Thomas Friedman

Much of our argument is likely to be with the U.S. government, rather than the Iranian government.

Terry Anderson

Iran is determined to use peaceful nuclear technology and no intimidation or threat can make us give it up.

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

Iran is fully committed to its NPT ((non-proliferation treaty) responsibilities.

Gholamreza Aghazadeh

The concern is that the UAE may be our friend now ... but who's to say that couldn't change, or they couldn't be infiltrated. Iran was our big buddy.

Joe Muldoon

Oil prices and continued inflammatory comments from Iran are driving gold.

Daniel Vaught

Iran has been and still is ready to go for negotiations.

Aliasghar Soltaniyeh

We call for Iran to show more flexibility and cooperation, and we call for a continuation of dialogue with Iran.

Suleiman Awad

It's important that we make clear to Iran that we understand their security concerns.

Hugh Barnes

Our reception has been overwhelming. The Iranian people have been extremely warm.

Alan Hale

What this has all been about in the beginning is trying to make terrorism expensive -- trying to make Iran understand that if it pays for these acts, it's going to be expensive.

Terry Anderson

Iran has shifted its status from a defensive to an offensive position.

Alireza Jafarzadeh

We are in the final leg. I am positive that these countries will help extinguish the debt, which was mostly direct transfers to the Iraqi central bank to finance the war with Iran.

Ali Allawi

The U.K. has been behind the EU but certainly ahead of the U.S. in accepting Iran as it is and looking to support the domestic developments that are occurring at the moment.

Simon Williams

They can't throw them away from the country like me, because they are many . They will change the political future of Iran.

Mehrangiz Kar

Iran must return to a complete suspension of these activities.

Denis Simonneau

Oil prices are artificially high because of geopolitical premiums, particularly the crisis between the West and Iran.

Luc Girard

He is not an agent, but he wants to work with Iran to the extent it is compatible with Iraq's best interest.

Patrick Clawson

We believe that there are elements of Iranian society - I put it no higher than that - who may well be associated with the attacks on British troops.

John Reid

We've seen political crises before rise and then cool off. The hope is that we would also see some cooling off of the Iranian situation.

Frederic Dickson

The march to the U.N. is to say, 'hands off Iran.

Dustin Langley

Iran is determined to go ahead with its peaceful atomic work. ... We will not wait until then.

Gholamhossein Elham

An Iraq is sought to be created in Iran, and India, unfortunately, is becoming a party to it.

George Fernandes

Definitely, Iran will never be prepared for dismantling. This is out of the question and is out of negotiation.

Hossein Mousavian

Iran is the biggest test now facing the UN.

Nile Gardiner

With the Iran issue, it's difficult to create short positions.

Akifumi Uchida

The Iranian authorities have yet to react to [it].

Lars Knuchel

I can categorically tell you that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program.

Javad Zarif

They also aggressively solicited members of the Iranian community.

James Desarno

Unfortunately for governments like that of Iran, when they forbid something, people become more interested.

Azar Nafisi

Iran will not immediately accept any proposal. It is in Iran's interest to buy time.

Ivan Safranchuk

Iran believes that negotiations with Russia will continue seriously and constructively, and as planned, they will be on February 16 in Moscow.

Javad Vaeedi

My newspaper is trying to establish a contact with the Iranian newspaper and we would run the cartoons the same day as they publish them.

Flemming Rose

These provocative actions by the Iranian regime have shattered the basis for negotiation.

Condoleeza Rice

The South Korean disclosure will deflect attention from North Korea and Iran where it belongs.

Joseph Cirincione

It's totally wrong to say Iran has a big say in Iraqi affairs. Iraqi Shiites are Arabs more than they are Shiites.

Davoud Hermidas Bavand

Crude is coming back into the spotlight and that's tied to the Iran situation.

Andre Bakhos

Iran has to be nervous. They are half-way to the Security Council and they risk getting sent all the way.

Gary Samore

That really jumped out at me. Among nasty neighbors, Iran was clearly the greater threat.

Lewis Roth

In the history of Iranian glories.

Gal Fridman

Iran and Nigeria are uncertainties that hang over the market and can change the fundamentals very quickly.

David Fyfe

The relief effort is ongoing and Iranian Red Crescent teams are on the ground.

Mansooreh Bagheri

We always tell our American colleagues that all Iran-Russia cooperation is in accordance with international regulations and the resolutions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Alexander Rumyantsev

We will not allow any aggression against Syria or the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ahmed Jibril

She personally does not think much of the idea of keeping Iran out of the games.

Ulrich Wilhelm

Iran will give them the money, I think.

Omar Suleiman

Sending Iran to the Security Council lacks a legal basis.

Aliasghar Soltaniyeh

Frankly, we couldn't cope with the loss of Iranian oil.

Leo Drollas

We do not want to see American bombers flying over Iran.

Andrey Denisov

India is not Iran. You can't compare apple with pears.

Michael Schaefer

The people must know how the import of the Iranian gas will affect the country's budget and themselves.

Ivliane Khaindrava

Are worse than Iran having a bomb.

Henry Sokolski

Iran will steer clear of Iraq and the U.S. adventurism.

Ali Shamkhani

Iran has problems of its own. I don't think it's going to go out of its way to create an additional one.

Mouin Rabbani

Bulgaria is preparing to enter a new dirty war, this time against Iran.

Volen Siderov

The meeting will discuss the bilateral relationship between Iran and Indonesia.

Desra Percaya

The Japanese government and businesses are friends of Iran.

Manuchehr Mottaki

Don't do what I did. Don't wait until the bombs are falling in Iran. Don't wait until people are dying. Go to the press and reveal.

Daniel Ellsberg

We once again call on Iran to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] on the basis of its board's resolution.

Grigory Berdennikov

Iran is increasingly moving its nuclear facilities to military sites.

Alireza Jafarzadeh

The whole geopolitical situation is critical and I regard Iran as extremely serious.

Geoff Pyne

We saw product coming through from Germany, from Australia, from China, from Iran, from Ecuador.

Steve Niedelman

The truth is that investment in Iran is going well and we are not concerned.

Kazem Vaziri

Another big factor leading to strong demand for gold is the uncertainty over Iran.

Hiroyuki Kikukawa

We have practically no levers to put pressure on Iran.

Konstantin Kosachev

If we are really anxious not to have nuclear weapons in Iran, the first thing is to call an international conference on abolishing all nuclear weapons, including Israeli nuclear weapons.

Bruce Kent

We will only be able to talk about sanctions after we have concrete facts confirming that Iran is not exclusively involved in peaceful nuclear activities.

Mikhail Kamynin

We continue to stand with those who call for greater freedom for the Iranian people.

Steve Pike

The polarization in Iran is clear and probably will grow. This is the kind of environment that can bring more tensions.

Shibley Telhami

We don't want to get into a tit for tat with Iran.

Richard Grenell

We can enrich uranium anywhere in Iran, with a vast country.

Aliasghar Soltaniyeh

For me, there is no doubt that the process of producing nuclear fuel in Iran will be accomplished. There is no doubt that we have to carry out uranium enrichment.

Gholamreza Aghazadeh

There is an uneasiness about the situation in Iran, and that is sending prices up.

Sarah Davis

Will not live under the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

Yosef Lapid

The choice is not between war and appeasement. There is a third option, which is democratic change by Iranian people themselves.

Ali Safavi

Iran now has many more cards in confronting the United States than the United States has in confronting Iran.

Hassan Nafaa

They entered Iranian territorial waters illegally and their questioning continues.

Hamid reza Asefi

We could easily go up another $3. This whole Iran issue could be around for quite some time yet.

Mike Sander

The non-military answer in Iran is political change.

Robert Kagan

Iran has lots of influence in southern Iraq. And they have not used it nearly as much as they can.

Paul Pillar

Iran is starting to loom in the picture as a threat to oil capacity.

Craig Russell

I did not know many of the details relevant to the Iran and contra initiatives.

Fawn Hall

There (would) be demonstrations in (Iranian) streets calling for the government to cut off oil exports.

A. F. Alhajji

Up to now, the Security Council has taken no decision on ending cooperation with Iran in nuclear energy.

Mikhail Kamynin

I can say again in all clarity for the (German) government that we are counting on diplomatic means in dealing with Iran.

Martin Jaeger

We're finding broad agreement throughout the international community that Iran should re-suspend its sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities and cooperate fully with the IAEA.

Matthew Boland

Iran has every right for enrichment ... for peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Alexander Rumyantsev

Whatever the government is doing about Iran is wrong.

Jyoti Basu

Such a discussion doesn't help us. Moreover, it could cast doubt on the broad consensus in the international community about the objective of the negotiations with Iran.

Gernot Erler

This (Iranian) complaint is new. That notwithstanding, we are in steady contact with the Iranian (Football) Federation. Of course we will discuss this issue with them as quickly as possible.

Jens Grittner

Iran is determined to improve its military capabilities.

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

This all but closes the door for a breakthrough in U.S.-Iran relations.

Karim Sadjadpour

Our Iranian partners should come here in the near future, and talks will take place constantly.

Sergei Kiriyenko

Iran is a much tougher climb diplomatically [than North Korea].

Michael Krepon

Iran is playing the game in such a way that time is on its side. Iran is buying time.

Paul Leventhal

Pakistan is in dire need of energy for its growing economy and Pak-Iran-India gas pipeline program is intact.

Tasneem Aslam

Iran has already said it's not going to use oil as a political weapon.

Lee Fader

An important factor will be the amount of Iranian share in the project.

Javad Vaidi

Traders are most concerned about the Iranian issue, as the situation appears to be getting worse.

Tetsu Emori

On Iran, let's be clear. There has been absolutely no discussion in NATO of military action.

James Appathurai

We have promised Chinese officials that Iran would be committed to NPT safeguard and protocol.

Hossein Mousavian

But Iran should not conclude that this window of opportunity will remain open in all circumstances.

Peter Jenkins

The signs are that Russia has no interest in seeing Iran with a nuclear bomb.

Alexander Rahr

Definitely Iran has huge gas reserves and I am definitely glad if Iranian gas will come to serve the European market as well.

Andris Piebalgs

Iran will not be intimidated by their (the West's) hollow threats.

Gholamhossein Elham

Iran has a ballistic missile capability of 2000km. We do not intend to attack any country, but if we are attacked we have the capability to give an effective response. Our policy is defensive.

General Yahya Rahim Safavi

The invasion of Iran in 1980 was definitely one of the crimes committed by Saddam. We want the court to investigate the charges brought by Iranian people.

Jamal Karimirad

We have operations in both Iran and Iraq, and when Iraq was invaded, the people there didn't even call headquarters, they just dealt with it.

David Sims

Iran will not bend. Iran will be a nuclear fuel producer and supplier within a decade.

Cyrus Nasseri

Unfortunately, Iran so far has not shown sufficient good will.

Konstantin Kosachev

The fate of the Afghan people is extremely important to Iran.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

We should not allow the Iranian nuclear issue to be referred to the Security Council.

Mehdi Karrubi

We must redouble our efforts not just to stop this war, but to say 'no' to an attack on Iran.

Mark Serwotka

Iran is a victim of terrorism.

Javad Zarif

We hope these extremist comments by the Iranian president will make the international community open its eyes and abandon any illusions about this regime.

Mark Regev

Even for nations that don't directly import from Iran, any disruption in imports affects prices. And Asia, with its dependence on Iranian energy, would be directly hurt.

Valerie Marcel

I think it is an excellent proposal, but I am skeptical that the proposal would be accepted by the Iranian government.

Gary Samore

We are thinking quite clearly of Iran.

Dominique Moisi

When we criticize in Iran the actions of the government, the fundamentalists say that we and the Bush Administration are in the same camp. The funny thing is that human rights activists and Mr. Bush can never be situated in the same group.

Shirin Ebadi

The draft includes points that effectively lay the groundwork for sanctions against Iran. We will hardly be able to support this version.

Sergei Lavrov

The growing tension with Iran is likely to be dollar negative news.

Michael Klawitter

Prices should be below $60 really or heading downwards .... but we have Iran and we have the Nigerian problems.

Leo Drollas

Bird-flu in wild swans in Germany, Austria and Iran are still cause for concern.

Neill Pickering

It's not rational to tell Iran not to enrich uranium - it's our right.

Amir Mohebian

Iran is going to be the focus for still quite a long period.

Simon Wardell

He's the most talented diplomat in the Iranian government. He could make a difference in the nuclear negotiations.

Karim Sadjadpour

The crack spread of gasoline has collapsed, and only an escalation of Iranian tensions could buttress crude at this level.

Jason Schenker

Are not interested in having that right diminished by Iran if people come to the conclusion that enrichment is dangerous.

Francois Heisbourg

That you all are up to something in Iran.

Don Imus

I would say that we have courted disaster in Iraq , in North Korea , in Iran .

Lawrence Wilkerson

They (Americans) gave Iraq to Iran on a gold plate free of charge. They did what Khomeini failed to achieve. He must be celebrating in his grave, thanking the Americans.

Mustafa Alani

For the first time, talking to the US has the endorsement of a very powerful conservative faction in Iran.

Vali Nasr

The alliance that is emerging in this part of the world is a creation of Iran.

Sami Moubayed

The establishment is now thinking about how to contain this president whose actions risk global confrontation with Iran.

Davoud Hermidas Bavand

I'd be surprised if Iran retaliates now.

Jonathan Lindley

U.S. spying activities over Iranian airspace have been going since a long time ago.

Ali Yunesi

The funds like to 'whip up the surf,' which is where Iran enters the picture.

Julian Phillips

If that fails, the neo-cons in America and the conservatives in Iran will say, 'We've done it, it hasn't worked, let's continue with the battle of wills,' which can end disastrously for both sides.

Baqer Moin

As a species the cheetah is still in dire straits in Iran, so it is extremely encouraging to see an apparently healthy family in their native habitat.

Peter Zahler

The Security Council's decisions are not a concern of FIFA. Iran will be welcome in Germany.

Emmanuel Maradas

China is playing a growing role, but we're not sure how we can push Iran.

Zhu Feng