Europe needs a clear and more collective policy on the security of our energy supply. Now, powers reside at the national level and we need a Europe-wide approach.

I don't see any geopolitical tensions arising out of the Arctic.

I believe Russia will still be an important source but we need to develop new suppliers, and they will look for other clients.

We must keep our options open.

Definitely Iran has huge gas reserves and I am definitely glad if Iranian gas will come to serve the European market as well.

If I am going to invest in Russian gas, I should have a clear understanding that I can bring that gas to market.

We have doubts, and we would like to be assured that there will be enough investment. With deep respect to Russian companies, they need help.

We are happy that both sides are satisfied with the deal.

Europe needs a clear and more collective and cohesive policy on security and energy supply. Today the issue of security of energy supply is only really considered at a national member-state level, but in reality we need a much greater European-wide approach on this issue.