Its intent is to buy us time without holding up development.

Jim Shelton

If you are going to aggressively engage in economic development, you have to have the finances for it.

Scott Croswell

We will consider seriously what contribution we can make to the ASEAN Development Fund.

Nobutaka Machimura

If our government and our leaders actually invest in youth development, then we can make the change and not have to depend on them always.

Quentin James

We're seeing a lot of growth out of Buford and out of Braselton that's putting challenges on the quality of development we're seeing in this community.

Tom Oliver

The bottom line is that this development is dangerous and unnecessary.

David Reid

It strikes a balance. It's conservation, economic development, and, of course, it works for us.

Luke Muzzy

I can only appeal to those who apparently disagree with the development Afghanistan takes, 'Leave Afghanistan's children alone'.

Tom Koenigs

Bulgaria must continue to support Iraq and its reconstruction, stabilization and democratic development.

Georgi Parvanov

This is a very, very exciting development for our company. We've never put these things in a human before. This is pioneering work.

Martin Mcglynn

We're asking for just reasonable, logical development.

Patrick Rose

Countries around the world shoulder major responsibility for development.

Liu Jian

We're not here to stop development or impede it in any way.

Bob Goldstein

There are no set plans. But development could coexist with the spent fuel storage.

Scott Simms

I think the fast development of Chinese science has drawn increased attention from the US academy.

Bai Chunli

This period is both a golden one for development, but also one of pronounced conflicts.

Ouyang Song

The text is a failure for development and a victory for corporate globalization.

Walden Bello

We said all along: this is a land development.

Jim Mcnamara

We have some outside presence with them. Both have learned not to be afraid to shoot. It's a development thing.

John Given

Any municipality that you have increased development in you sometimes have to update your ordinances.

John Cornell

It was a very well-planned, thorough development strategy.

Simon Williams

This is a very important development in terms of online privacy.

Marc Rotenberg

It's important for our own development to know the meaning.

Leslie Charles

I don't believe that we need a casino to enhance our economic development around here.

Ross Summers

So it will be a ?green? building. It will be low impact development.

Katayoon Shaya

Commercial development tends to lag residential.

Jag Grewal

Not only is it good for your soul, it's good for local economic development.

Henry Chadwick

Concentrate on [Saks] international opportunities and private brand development.

Brad Martin

We should return to the development of common international election standards.

Vladimir Rushailo

We believe this announcement represents a positive development for the company and see the terms of the deal as highly attractive.

David Kestenbaum

This is not because of foreign pressure. This is about the country's economic development.

Wang Ziqiang

Any possibility of masking the development of B12 deficiency has to be a matter of concern.

Alan Jackson

This year is a coming-out party, really, for PHP, PHP is the king of the Web development world.

Mark Driver

No nation has made a greater contribution and a more concrete commitment to sustainable development.

Paula Dobriansky

We're beyond meetings at this point and into strategic planning and development.

Bob Venero

I would see the possibility of (housing development) there.

Pat Davis

It is a little disappointing, ... That being said, there are others in development.

Robert Winn

Will result in the creation of a powerful base for further development in the sector.

Bernard Arnault

I can't see a lot of development without that convention center.

Walt Baker

That's how they became city centers. Both of them can accommodate new commercial and residential development without acquiring more land and spreading out.

Chris Jones

They've been burned before. If oil companies had confidence in $40 oil, we would see a substantial increase in development and production.

Dobie Langenkamp

It could be said this (law) is negative against development. East Peoria has never been negative against development. This is.

Gary Matthews

He's the man of the hour when it comes to marine development.

Frank Herhold

China has been negotiating this for 13 years. It's a good development.

Adrian Fu

We attract a young, hip, active, energetic customer base, and that development seems to be attuned to that demographic.

Chris Barnes

I think it's a good development today.

Jay Bender

Certainly, Africa accounts for only l % of world trade, and we cannot assure our development on our own.

Omar Bongo

It's a virtual economic development competition here.

Joe Panetta

That's always been our economic development model.

Peter Straw

We were all part of economic development back then.

Greg Panter

We see seeds of development comparable to Central America and the Caribbean five years ago. It's about to explode.

David Carruthers

That's development. As an example, look back at last year.

John Bickford

By definition you can't have an epidemic of a development disorder, ... This is a medical problem.

Michael Goldberg

This decision is vital to the ongoing development of our football club and our ambition is to have a capacity of 40,600.

Peter Varney

One AS400 box costs about $250,000 and we would have needed production and development boxes, which would have cost $500,000 for the boxes, with consultant's fees on top.

Alex Ashton

Nobody is against development, ... but let it be appropriate, let it fit in with the character of the area, and let it be an asset, not a detriment.

Tony Avella

So one would hope that China's investment would be broader and that it would contribute not only to China's development and growth ... but it would also contribute to Africa's growth and development.

Jendayi Frazer

[The U.S. should] assist both countries in economic development [and] assist both countries in educational development.

John Hernandez

We will spend more on development resources for the Basic PC.

Craig Barrett

Game development is a very hot industry right now.

Brian Winn

I will make sure research and development is a top priority in agricultural development.

Jakaya Kikwete

We've been very customer-centric in our approach to product development. We have really tackled the capacity issue.

Michael Sanie

There's 180 houses in our development, and it found ours.

Michael Barrett

We're talking about annexing all this land. It has potential to impact the development.

Mark Wasserman

Strong government is a prerequisite for economic development.

Donald Tsang

The tour will have a focus on the tests and a focus on development.

Ian Mcgeechan

He's a young kid, so no question about it he has to play. Development is development.

Mickey Brantley

A number of companies do some form of seed development.

Michael Neiberg

The plan is in development.

Oscar Suris

With all of this new development, it only means more boats on the water.

Connie Williams

In addition to the 100 books, they also donated a pack of books to every one of the [25] children in the early childhood development center.

Mary Buckley

Transparency and compliance with the law are factors of further development.

Christian Wolff

He's got no liquidity. He's not going to get any more development deals done with that.

Eric Kaiser

We're consulting on how you become better at your software development processes.

Erik Frieberg

Landmark in a very difficult fragile development towards democracy.

Emma Bonino

I think it's too early to send it to (the Department of) Planning and Development.

Ellen Monrad

There's been relatively little oil and gas development at the airport, so we have a lot of room to run if this proves successful.

Ed Mclaughlin

I would welcome development there. I think it would be a great thing for Raleigh.

Ed Brandle

I oppose any development on the beach that will add density or traffic.

Ed Stanton

China highly stresses the development of such vehicles.

Zeng Peiyan

After 2002, China witnessed rapid development after the Asian financial crisis of 1997.

Zou Shoumin