64 quotes about covered follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Except for cold feet. Change of heart is not covered.

Robert V. Nuccio

There are many stories that don't get covered with two newspapers, and I can't imagine how many stories won't get covered with only one.

Blois Olson

I have never covered a single share.

Carl Icahn

It's clearly covered by the pardons.

Howard Mann

You don't see too many women and when you do, they're all covered up.

David Hernandez

Some of them were so covered in feces you could not tell what color they really were.

April Godra

Our bathroom window is covered by the flag.

Cassie Campbell

You still get the sheer quality coming through but you're covered.

Anna Sui

We've delivered all the material that was covered under the contract. We installed all the material that was covered under our contract.

Tom Gibbons

I thought I had them covered.

Johnny Sauter

To see the damage that I saw when I covered Katrina will stay with me forever.

Rita Cosby

I make sure everything's covered to make sure everybody's safe.

Charles Mcdonald

If it's not covered, there's not much you can do.

Gary Claxton

Put his head down and you're looking to make sure the top of his head is covered.

Rob Berg

If you can't afford any insurance, then no mandates are covered.

Bryan Taylor

We pay for things not necessarily covered by the Bryan-College Station budget.

Charles Smith

What we want is the deal they promised us -- if we paid them, we were covered.

Maria Rodriguez

You have to keep things covered and well-hidden, ... things you don't want him to get into.

Judy Chandler

It also allows us to see what has been covered, what hasn't been covered.

Richard Garcia

By air we have covered most of the areas and our teams are out there looking for survivors and bodies.

Vijay Bakaya

It's just whether this is working or not. Ultimately, we complement one another. The holes are always covered, which is cool.

Tim Motzer

It covered roughly half the costs of mounting the exhibit.

Bill Dewalt

They thought the spider wasn't a trademark. They covered it with tape.

Raimund Fabi

We need to make sure our officers are covered in case of a (liability).

Bob Davis

Actually there's fairly good consistency between the big vendors. HP and EMC are covered.

Jamie Gruener

It's like a war - they come in completely covered with masks and goggles.

Ghulam Vhora

She's covered all the bases wonderfully. She works well with both staffs.

Bob Griffin

Very comprehensive. He has covered everything that drives growth, that drives development.

Tarun Das

The snow has completely covered my car. It's gone, I can't even see it.

Thomas Allen

I originally thought of that shot of the tea set covered in the ash from 9/11.

Chip Kidd

Had the consumer had a claim during the mix-up, they would be covered after we found out about the error immediately.

Justin Glover

Business world covered in a blanket of hesitation.

Joe Tucci

I sometimes wonder if two thirds of the globe is covered in red carpet.

Prince Charles

Anything to do with the home is what is covered by this loan.

Whitney Watts

We expect that there will be some people who are not covered.

Jim Hood

If it's marsh-covered, they'd have to get out there with the snakes and the alligators.

Wayne Wright

The whole window crashed in. I was saved because I was covered with a blanket.

Tan Kim

One hundred percent of the area is completely covered with mud.

Richard Gordon

At one point I just ran and covered my son and that's when the room came down on us.

Debbie Anderson

It's unfounded. That's an expense that has to be covered by each government.

Fernando Sanchez

I just covered my wife and protected her, and that was it. And off he went.

Josh Holloway

It'll open up a lot of opportunities for our agents. We've got the Boca market completely covered now.

Scott Agran

They tell me they are 120 percent sure that they have covered everything there.

Mayor Bryan Baptiste

We expect that the impact of the fire will be substantially covered.

Brad Bellows

When I got through with him, he was all covered wit' blood, my blood.

Jimmy Durante

They killed them with blows to the head and machetes. It is very brutal, the beach would have been covered in blood.

Homero Aridjis

We kicked the ball, we played defense, we covered kicks.

Jeff Hollis

For the most part we covered their perimeter guys pretty well.

Dan Gandin

We got these amaryllis in April when we were at Keukenhof Gardens in Amsterdam, ... In May, they were covered with pink-and-white blossoms.

Sharon Lane

They had nothing to ask, because we had it all covered. We did our homework.

Dennis Latta

The cost of employee salaries are more than covered.

Joe Pesaturo

The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up.

Marilyn Monroe

I don?t think there are any coverage concerns. Everything looks to be relatively covered in this area. It?s more about capacity.

Jeremy Pate

We think they should be covered by the law. If they think they should not be covered, they (already) have a process they can follow.

John Trasviña

That covered mall was never supposed to have been constructed in the first place.

Don Poh

It's been a long time since I covered games.

Frank Deford

Our children are covered by Medicaid.

Keith Byrd

It was a sad sight. Everything was covered in ash. The archive dating back to 1925 burned up completely.

Vladimir Sungorkin

The bill is a responsible way to address a certain activity that wasn't covered in the original Sunshine Law.

Steve Ahrens

All these expenses have to be covered by someone.

Bill Causey

Papa has not misled any client, manipulated any record, or covered up anything.

Michael Connolly

I covered his mouth so he wouldn't be screaming, and then he quit.

Everett Garrett

I just assumed that since I was a resident, I was covered.

Ervin Lindsey

And she was just covered in blood ... And so I called 9-1-1.

Ernestine Mendoza