The sheer numbers will become quite daunting.

Loren Coleman

He had ambitions, at one time, to become a sex maniac, but he failed his practical.

Les Dawson

Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.

Marilyn Manson

If you simply refuted and said 'it is impossible,' the old man would become either angry or sad.

Zhang Danuo

We have to become more proficient ball-handlers. They're learning from their mistakes.

Amanda Van Voorhis

We've learned to love him. He's become a member of the family.

Leane Ross

No man can become rich without himself enriching others.

Andrew Carnegie

When you win one on this day, they become special ones and they get a special place in the barn. We've been blessed with some good ones.

D. Wayne Lukas

Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient.

H. L. Mencken

It is a likely explanation as to how this animal would have become infected.

Ron Dehaven

The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war.

E. B. White

We need to open it for more exploration. We need to become more independent.

Kevin Bishop

Tonight we started to become a better all-around team.

Chris Sload

Jesus, where will it end? How low do you have to stoop in this country to become president?

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

The market may become top-heavy and undergo an adjustment phase.

Yoshinori Nagano

We write our own destiny; we become what we do.

Madame Chiang Kai shek

It's become the radio of the 21st century.

Tommy Tallarico

It's really become a weather dominated market right now.

Michael Guido

Electronics has clearly become a major differentiator in the automotive market.

Paul Grimme

We've become very well-known and through our exposure, we receive a lot of yearly invitations.

Andrew Yaracs

Their land would become more valuable with time.

Rian Labuschagne

Quiet, quiet people become intriguing when they're dramatized.

Jane Horrocks

They become your friends. You're one of 300 people, instead of 40,000.

Jim Fitzsimmons

It can never again become what it was, ... because you would have to return to the days of segregation.

Maynard Jackson

Hollywood is what you make it; you have to choose company with care because you become what they are.

Bonnie Hunt

What its children become, that will the community become.

Suzanne Lafollette

In America, anyone can become president. That's one of the risks you take.

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

God must become an activity in our consciousness.

Joel S. Goldsmith

It's basically something for people to become aware of.

Fernando Senra

Verona has kind of become a rival for us.

Todd Wuerger

If it does become big, that would just be a gold mine.

Jay Hakkinen

It's amazing, I couldn't believe how popular they've become.

Don Domite

We have become the quarterback conference all through the NCAA.

Murray Smith

Now is about the right time where he does have to become more visible as a CEO.

Chris Shibutani

I do not believe the Union will disolve, I believe it will become all one thing, or all the other.

Abraham Lincoln

Goals too clearly defined can become blinkers.

Mary Catherine Bateson

It is much easier to become a father than to be one.

Kent Nerburn

Become ground zero in this movement.

David Orr

Man is asked to make of himself what he is supposed to become to fulfill his destiny.

Paul Tillich

You know what you are signing up for when you become involved.

Jayne Middlemiss

We're forecasting it to become a hurricane in a few days.

James Franklin

We have to continue updating it so that we can become more marketable.

Christopher Stephenson

I didn't so much become an advocate for public access until I was denied. There was a certain amount of indignation there.

Ryan Nees

It's planting the seed so when they become 18, they'll be able and willing.

Dan Cappon

We are getting production up as much as we can, but this also depends on how soon pipelines can become available.

Bill Mintz

Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.


They have got to budget that in, or it [their budget] will become a ball and chain down the road.

Robert Tull

To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something.

Walker Percy

They have a choice to become citizens -- or not. It's their free choice.

Vaira Vike Freiberga

I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.

Claude Monet

Great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great.

Mark Twain

It has become part of my getting up in the morning. I'm on a mission.

Rosa Johnson

California is about to become the leader of E85 in the country.

Dan Kammen

It's really become a waiting game.

Greg Rollins

Every single employee that wears a badge here, that badge become a little soiled on that day.

Undersheriff Ern Hudson

The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.

John Sculley

The consumer is in a budget mind-set; it's become ingrained.

Brit Beemer

We've become a headquarters for street promotions.

Justin Baker

The brand, I think, has become very diluted, very homogenized.

Mike Tesler

If you love yourself, you become radiant. You become easier to be around.

Dr. Lynn Cutts

It's become sort of a mini day care.

Becky Kavanagh

To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright.

Walter Benjamin

I'd love to see this become an annual tradition.

Linda Hanson

The constant fear of a performer is to become what is reflected back at you.

Linda Ronstadt

Wisdom is knowledge which has become a part of one's being.

Orison Swett Marden

Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed.

Dean Acheson

Some problems they wanted to address have become worse.

Shafqat Kakakhel

Oil has become a safe harbor for a lot of investment money.

Tom Kloza

A rise has become a real possibility.

Holger Schmieding

It is clear the consequences of the hurricane have become more widespread.

Stephen Johnson

This event has become bigger and bigger every year.

Peggy Laskowski

Ticks become active as soon as the weather begins to warm up.

James Howell

Don't hate the media, become the media.

Jello Biafra

God makes all things good; man meddles with them and they become evil.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

All the abortion clinic has to do is have someone on staff become a notary.

Cathi Herrod

I long for the day when advertising will become a business for a grown man.

Howard Luck Gossage

The harder they work, the more fortunate they become.

Wally Amos

An end-of-contract player has become extremely rare.

Luc Misson

You really become part of the family.

Richard Wallace

The man's world must become a man's and a woman's world. Why are we afraid?

Martha Carey Thomas

It's amazing how much stronger the program has become because of the leadership they've provided.

Jonah Carson

Our hope is that they will become responsible home owners.

Doug Diven

You should study not only that you become a mother when your child is born, but also that you become a child.


It's become increasingly apparent that the law has become unpopular.

Kris Krane

That's a quick way to become divorced when you don't go to those. I didn't have much choice.

Scotty Watt

He convinced me to become a Republican. He saw the light. He got baptized.

Dennis Dawson

We become the single point of accountability.

Jeffrey Wade

Because if you give everything away then you become a kind of non-person.

Jarvis Cocker

It is by suffering that human beings become angels.

Victor Hugo

As you think, so shall you become.

Bruce Lee

In March 2007, Russia could become a member.

Maxim Medvedkov

This will allow us to help our tenants become self-sufficient.

Janean Hall

Benefits become business events.

David Adler

Colorado has become the pothole of civil neglect.

Charles Sheketoff

(Dealing with censorship) has become our art how to say something with certain rules.

Rafi Pitts

This has increasingly become a 'homerun' business.

Tom Dyal

That might become as popular as the football rivalries.

John Athanason

Out of nothing can come, and nothing can become nothing.


Man is an imperceptible atom always trying to become one with God.

Henry Adams

We were discussing what to do when somebody suggested we become the Red Barrows.

Mark Hamilton

That's what made the difference to me. It's become more and more of a community event.

Dan Brooks

Moving forward, this could become a tradition at Cap and Skull.

Alex Maghoub

Our vision is to become indispensable to physicians.

Glen Tullman

When you become acutely aware of what?s going on out there, it?s mind-blowing.

Matt Rossell

But too much routine -- if you're not getting from that routine what you need and want -- that's when it can become a rut.

Jan Yager

Carl definitely could become a starter, you bet.

Keith Gilbertson

I've become 40, my audience is partly the same age.

Jean claude Van Damme

Hospitals have become very aggressive about collecting money.

Nora Johnson

He has become almost evil.

Daniel Horowitz

I think that now will become a question when you're buying property.

Ray Lovell

It's become an increasingly more popular way to shop.

Amy Robinson

We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.

Max De Pree

She's really stepped out and become a leader.

Holly Wiles

He didn't do anything to become president!, ... Well, thank God for Karl and Dick.

Terry Gilliam

Oh yeah. You become an expert and a fan real fast.

Nathan Tiras

Intel has become a fairly significant barometer.

Alan Hoffman

It will certainly become a top niche brand in Britain.

David Mcnally

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

E e cummings

If kids don't see any action, they become disinterested. If you get all hysterical, they won't leave.

Stephen Braveman

I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays.

Henny Youngman

It has become a lifestyle, a piece of the way we live.

Bill Sadler

We want it to become a tradition.

John Earley

This in-room technology will quickly become the next 'must have' amenity.

Clyde Guinn

I didn't become political, ... I was born political.

Christopher Andersen

The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become.

Harold Taylor

Sectarianism has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Rosemary Hollis

It's really going to allow you to do more and to become more interactive.

Jamie King

It has become a fairly routine process.

Mike Bair

Everybody has become accustomed to it, and they don't want to change.

Bill Bahne

One of my concerns is that we do not become so turned in on ourselves.

Mark Hanson

All of a sudden, it's become quite an active period.

Jim Weyman

We really want to become an active part of the community.

Alan Ramsey

It will become the phone industry.

James Gattuso

Everybody's buying them. All of our employees, including myself, have become addicted to them.

Tracy Brown

We have become students of these phenomena.

Bob Nardelli

You have to become a mini-expert.

Dan Rametta

We get these calls every day. The companies have become much more hard-hearted.

Henry Shelton

I never intended to become a run-of-the-mill person.

Barbara Jordan

He has become sweeter, I must say. He was more of a torero before he had the accident.

David Zinman

I hope this doesn't become monotonous.

Al Williams

Repeat anything often enough and it will start to become you.

Tom Hopkins

The surest way to become a pacifist is to join the infantry.

William H. Mauldin

She has become an accomplished leader of chants. She will never chant for Mubarak.

Hayan Saad

Among the red-top tabloids, subterfuge has become the norm.

Roy Greenslade

It could become a burdensome cost.

Dean Turney

We don't tend to make projections because you become a hostage to fortune.

Craig Russell

It really started to become a problem near Edson about 10 years ago.

Lance Penny

When you become a star, you don't change - everyone else does.

Kirk Douglas

We’re trying to become a little more wholesome.

Shawn Stockman

It has become a tradition.

Jim Montgomery

The freer that women become, the freer men will be. Because when you enslave someone, you are enslaved.

Louise Nevelson

They helped me become what I am. I was not a pitcher when I started playing baseball.

Johnny Jernigan

The Weather Channel will become your best friend.

Joann Gregoli

Folks don't suddenly become tax hawks once they get to Austin.

Mike Schofield

We connect our hearts and our minds with these fires, and that's who we do that, and that's how we become one.

Sam George

I think we had become a little bit complacent.

Jeffrey Kimpton

The more aerodynamics become involved, the more Dodges seem to suffer.

Ray Evernham

To write is to become disinterested. There is a certain renunciation in art.

Anthony Burgess

One must need to be strong, else one will never become strong.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Once you become a hockey fan it's part of you. It's part of your blood.

Mark Jacobs

We expect to become a stronger player in that market.

Terrance Paul

Eventually, airlines have to buy airplanes. They become economically inefficient because of fuel consumption.

Dick Conway

This cannot become the recruitment poster for the United States Army.

Chris Graveline

Soon the grumbling may become too loud for the Bush administration to ignore.

Daniel Yankelovich

It's clearly growing. It's become a proven, mainstream model.

Paul Hamerman

I've had patients who have gone on to become professional dancers.

David Harrison

I want to become the Jet Li of music.

Jay Chou

I'd like the chance to do a little more performing before I become too old.

Alfred Anderson

It has become the aim of most scientists to get high up in these evaluations.

Peter Lawrence

This has become a bit of a family get-together.

Dan Jackson

It's become kind of a Christmas confession.

Bill Leonard

Golf has become a tourism tool.

David Spencer

We have become accustomed to living our life with joy amidst pain and challenges.

Dana Reeve

The divorce has become a reality.

Mikhail Margelov

Well, the stuff that has become more commercial doesn't have any edge.

Iggy Pop

The more we do something, the better we become at it.

Mickey Brantley

It could become an overnighter.

Iain Murray

This team has really stepped it up and they've become a very good defensive team.

Dick Katte

It has become one of the best rivalries in college hockey.

Billy Ryan

I am not less poet; I am more conscious of all that I am, am not, and might become.

Jean Toomer

It's become more than political.

Susan Mcdougal

If you do your job right and become efficient at it, you won't get hurt.

Wayne Pollet

It makes it easier to sell as they become available.

Bob Glaser

I'm thinking it could become a health issue. What if one gets bit?

Jim Scott

I know, for me, running has become a special time I have to myself.

Bill Dinardo

It's funny how deep this question has become.

Sen. David Langhorst

I just decided I wanted to become someone else... So I became someone else.

Dusty Springfield

Incomes have gone up, and these markets have become more attractive.

Teresa Woodland

My worst fear was that it would become a bargain book.

Maryjo Tuttle

I'm hoping that some of you will become leaders.

Kelly Brown

The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.

V. S. Naipaul

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Lao tzu

We can't help someone if we become a victim.

Joe Paul Boone

The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.

Lady Bird Johnson

'Must-See TV' has become musty TV.

Shari Anne Brill

It will become a standard.

James Utzschneider

It's become more valuable to every film that we do.

Tom Mccarthy

I expect around the country this is going to become a problem very quickly.

John Gleason

I want them to become lifelong learners.

Mark Hahn

My agenda is pretty much directed by a 5-year-old. My kid has become a little more important to me.

Arsenio Hall