It suggests it was buried for a purpose. It was buried as an offering.

John Ricisak

All of tech has been massacred, but our data suggests that storage may weather the storm better since its earnings stream will be more reliable than almost any other area of technology.

Thomas Kraemer

From my perspective it leaves the door open to further rate hikes. Remember: the Fed is taking back what they gave last year, which suggests they will raise rates one more time and then see what to do after that.

Dick Berner

After a disaster strikes, it can be very devastating and very challenging. You're going to need a lot of strength and energy, and the American Red Cross suggests you go for the high protein items.

Ann Sexton

The December [Institute for Supply Management] report points to slower, though still solid, expansion in manufacturing conditions in the month. It also suggests that price pressures, while still elevated, are rising more slowly.

John Ryding

In my opinion, that suggests a large amount of illegal distribution.

Thomas Perls

The way it was done suggests that there is a political subtext to this, and that this could be linked with the situation in Iraq.

Sergei Lavrov

I don't think there's anything in the landscape which suggests a wholesale change in fortunes here. The expenses related to programming investments are not really one-time issues. They're going to be with us a little bit.

David Bank

The striking evolutionary conservation of ratchetting points suggests that recursive splicing provides specific advantages for large introns, ... One possibility is that recursive splicing prevents the generation of long RNA transcripts that could form structures that interfere with correct processing into mRNA. Another is that recursive splicing might help stimulate trans.

Javier Lopez

The tone of the conference call was quite cautious. Coupled with a revised outlook on sales and marketing expenditures, it suggests that a re-acceleration of revenue growth will only come at the cost of earnings.

Holly Becker

We actually put out three times as many news releases as our peer institutions. But it also suggests that if we put out fewer, we might have a higher rate of the news releases [being picked up by] news media.

Joel Seligman

That's a much lower percentage than for other mental health disorders. It suggests that a lot of these individuals probably don't need treatment, but at the same time it might well be that people who do need treatment are not getting it, for personal reasons or because of external barriers.

Dr Wendy Slutske

It suggests we are doing our job. We certainly are paying close attention to the charter ... and we have put programs in place and continue to work at it. We consider it an ongoing priority.

Annette Gonzales Taylor

The science we have today clearly shows that this is not black and white. That we have moved now into a gray area, that suggests there could be a problem that needs to be looked at very, very carefully. That gray area needs to be acknowledged.

George Carlo

If unearned revenue keeps sliding, it suggests the growth story for Microsoft has gotten long in the tooth and that would raise more worries about the valuation.

Richard Williams

Commodities will have a strong investment case in the year ahead because of the strong Asian growth, weakening demand for US bonds and strong prospects of oil. Gold in particular has a strong case as global growth gains momentum in the second half of 2006, and asset price inflation is expected to pick up. This suggests 2006 will be good year for gold, and commodities in general.

Michael Hartnett

The bear case on this stock has gone well and truly stale, this is another good set of numbers and the TNS (market share) data suggests the company really has turned the corner. Sainsbury's was one of the big winners this Xmas.

Tim Attenborough

My best effort at correlating dollars spent with deaths from drug side effects suggests that people may be dying from side effects from the schizophrenia drugs alone at the rate of at least one death for each one million dollars spent on these drugs. The actual numbers may reflect a much higher death rate.

Allen Jones

Many young people try to kill themselves but can't carry through. But when a group of strangers meet on an Internet suicide site, and someone suggests a specific way to die ... that's the dangerous dynamic behind the recent group suicides.

Mafumi Usui

That's not a license to chow down on fatty meats. The Food Pyramid suggests more low-fat dairy and fish, and beans to increase protein.

Barbara Rolls

The performance was stronger than the headline numbers suggest. It suggests that manufacturing is accelerating.

Adrian Schmidt

This anemic rise at the end of the third quarter suggests that consumer spending will rise much more slowly in the fourth quarter.

Stephen Wood

The strong rise in the prices of energy and industrial metals is hurting inflation expectations and suggests that key rates will continue to rise for the time being. This will presumably offset the positive effects for the equity market of so-far robust earnings and growth estimates.

Gerhard Schwarz

That suggests a lot of openness to more solid biblical discipling.

George Barna

This suggests an episodic nature to their volunteering, perhaps reflecting their graduation requirements or the need to engage in a volunteer activity to prepare for college.

Mark Hugo Lopez

I defy anybody to find me any empirical evidence that suggests gambling ... has ever suffered from [recessionary pressures].

Daniel Davila

The surge in the Monster Local Employment Index in February suggests a healthy and confident business climate across all major metro areas in the U.S., with particularly strong growth amongst markets in the West and South. The first quarter of the year is clearly off to a solid start with the Index results showing strong, broad growth in employer demand for workers.

Steve Pogorzelski

There's lots of stuff about me being a fan of Cliff but not being gay. Which suggests that he is, but he's not. Anyway, this is Channel 4, let their lawyers sort it out.

Johnny Vegas

Without basic restructuring, the losses at the Volkswagen brand won't be eliminated. Our analysis suggests that the Volkswagen brand has a production overcapacity of 1 million vehicles per year.

Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer

Not only do parents provide the safe harbor teenagers need in an era of increasing violence and chaos, but evidence suggests this generation is more comfortable and trusting in authority.

Chip Walker

A&E departments now have to go the extra mile if they are to deliver the care that patients need and that means focusing on quality as well as waiting. This report suggests serious variations in the quality of care. Monitoring standards of quality must become a core part of the day-to-day management of these units.

Anna Walker

The evidence suggests that they were quite popular and were played by many Americans from all walks of life. The only real dissenting views during this time were from Quakers who opposed lotteries.

John Dinan

The performance of the index suggests that Illinois avoided the slowdown of the national economy that occurred in the last quarter of 2005.

J. Fred Giertz

What all this tells us and is certainly telling the Fed is that maybe we need to examine what the sustainable growth rate really is. The risk is that we have an economy that is growing at a pace that historically suggests we should see inflation pressures, but we're not seeing that yet.

Jeff Cheah

Gains have been broad-based, and that's encouraging because the fact that the increases in employment are not dependent on one particular industry suggests that this improvement in job creation is on a sustainable trend.

Conrad Dequadros

His excuse is weak, he just wants to learn how to do it... That's pretty ominous and obviously suggests some sort of hijacking plan.

Harry Samit

This (New York) survey suggests that the manufacturing slowdown is more gradual than had been expected, ... The more reliable Philadelphia Fed survey out Thursday will provide a better read.

Robert Mellman

The fact that the chief of staff of the land army was so exposed suggests that the command structures must be significantly deteriorated already.

Chris Melville

Applied to women, this lifetime study suggests that having an estrogen deficiency in the pre-menopausal years predicts a higher rate of heart disease after menopause, even when treated with hormone replacement therapy after menopause.

Jay Kaplan

Growth in real gross domestic product amounted to 4.5 percent in 2004, and preliminary anecdotal evidence suggests that this performance may have been exceeded somewhat in 2005.

Xolile Guma

While scientists have believed that aging is a disease in which cells stop dividing, this study suggests that aging is really a disease of quality control. In this case, the manufactured product is a new cell. As we get older, altered gene expression results in cells with diminished function.

Richard Lerner

We had always assumed that embryos created from eggs donated by younger women would not have these defects, ... But just the fact that we are seeing this high rate of abnormality suggests that we should be using (PGD) more.

Jeffrey Nelson

Because it has such a ragged movement. It suggests something like that.

Scott Joplin

Obviously, we always hope that they will see their way to completing the Lusaka protocol and peace agreement, but all evidence to date suggests that this is not what they intend to do.

David Wimhurst

There's evidence that suggests that they begin school at a disadvantage in their cognitive and literacy-related skills. Children from economically disadvantaged families have the greatest need for early intervention.

Sarah Miles

This suggests that this is not random but is being done on an almost scientific and systematic basis.

Jamie Shea

Should consumer services start to reinvigorate as anecdotal evidence suggests, the outlook for the sector as a whole should improve substantially. The data is very much consistent with the Bank staying on hold next week.

Gavin Redknap

Akimbi is laser-focused on addressing a set of key problems overwhelming software development teams in Global 2000 enterprises and packaged software development companies, ... Across the board, the strong demand for Akimbi Slingshot has exceeded our expectations and suggests that our solution is inspiring organizations of all sizes to rethink the way they develop and test software.

James Phillips

No one suggests that John Roberts was motivated by bigotry or animosity toward minorities or women, ... But these memos lead one to question whether he truly appreciated the history of the civil rights struggle. He wrote about discrimination as an abstract concept, not as a flesh and blood reality for countless of his fellow citizens.

Harry Reid

We believe that the improved order outlook suggests that the long-awaited acceleration in spending for 3G infrastructure build-outs in U.S. and China is upon us in 2006.

Gurinder Kalra

It's definitely positive news and suggests that the expansion is continuing, and if anything things might pick up a bit more in the second half of this year.

Peter Morgan

One estimate suggests that in 10 years time, 10 to 15 percent of all available new content could come from new providers, such as one-man bands, back-yard productions or people sharing a particular passion, such as fly-fishing.

Michael Grade

The fact that investors are chasing commodity stocks on the back of higher oil prices, instead of selling stocks outright, suggests that market sentiment is quite strong.

Hitoshi Yamamoto

United had suggested that it was on a glide path to emerging from bankruptcy. This suggests there is more turbulence ahead. This continues to dog United.

Joe Schwieterman

The inventories number was weaker than expected and suggests they may detract from growth in the third quarter. It looks like GDP is going to be weak for the quarter.

Adam Carr

This suggests the economy is due for a slowdown, much like the one we had in 1995. It's quite possible they'll (the Fed) move in December; if not in December, then in January.

Paul Christopher

Our research suggests that the pre-Boetzinger complex contains a fixed number of neurons that we lose as we age.

Jack Feldman

Our leading indicator - the one that's never lied to us like the politicians - suggests only 23 percent probability of recession over the next 12 months, that's very low.

David Littman

The price AIG is willing to pay suggests that expected property values in the area have been too low and developers' assets are worth more. With deflation in Japan finally at an end, property stocks look like a buy.

Koji Uchida

We have a recreation council that is advisory. If somebody suggests something that sounds reasonable, we give it a try.

Michele Clarke

The court said in its decision that messages on specialty license plates are government speech. This position is inconsistent with the reality of the license plate program. It suggests that plates for the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the University of Florida are state speech. This is absurd.

Hedy Weinberg

That suggests that the size of the average house is stabilizing.

Gopal Ahluwalia

Our research suggests that consumers, for all the publicity concerning carbohydrates and health, are still confused about weight management and how to include carbohydrates in a healthful diet. Fads and quick fixes, though attractive, are not effective tools for getting to a healthful diet.

Susan T. Borra

In our view it was a rather positive surprise. At least it gives the ECB some leeway to remain on hold over the summer months, but over the medium term it still suggests that they will bring up interest rates further.

Manuela Preuschl

He hasn't done anything that suggests that he isn't ready to be here from a physical or emotional standpoint. He has the persona. He has a complete understanding that he has a lot of talent and that he's utilizing his talent. He has a delivery and an aura that represent a confident force.

Bryan Price

The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.

A. P. Herbert

[So how much is enough? The most recent recommendations from the Institute of Medicine offer a range of 10% to 35% of calories from protein.] That's not a license to chow down on fatty meats, ... The Food Pyramid suggests more low-fat dairy and fish, and beans to increase protein.

Barbara Rolls

I don't think that there is the industry disconnect that a superficial analysis of the headlines suggests there is. Intel grew in the same range that we grew. It just wasn't as much as their own forecasts. So, when I look at the entire industry, I don't see that disconnect.

Mark Thompson

Most issuers have already taken steps to ensure compliance. It's like when your boss strongly suggests that you come to work on time. It always behooves the industry to pay attention to the federal regulators.

Tracey Mills

My reading [of the legislation] suggests that it doesn't tiptoe, it rushes headlong into substantive areas of assessment law that the county is precluded from doing by the law that set up the whole charter process.

Robert Strauss

Attracting highly regarded Jewish journalists suggests that they've been very careful in selling their message. It means they're very sincere, or they sound very sincere.

Robert Lichter

Those are ambush tactics. It suggests their real goal is to seek litigation.

Jeff Bentoff

The prevalence of disaster recovery and business continuity as a driver suggests that users are more aware that disasters can happen anywhere, at any time. On the other hand, there is a sense that the complementary roles of archiving and backup often are not clearly understood.

Patrick Dowling

In the Deep South, states traditionally have not welcomed this kind of regulation. This suggests to me that all the tobacco control efforts made in the last two decades have permeated and changed the culture.

Peter Jacobson

The options Knollenberg suggests are those that state and localities decide for themselves. A federal mandate neither solves the problem nor provides constituents with the choices they deserve.

Paul Welday

It suggests the drag on the economy from the trade deficit in the third quarter will not be as great and could help revise up third-quarter GDP a bit.

Gary Thayer

This suggests the economy is due for a slowdown, much like the one we had in 1995.

Paul Christopher

It's a good, solid report. It suggests the oil price rise is not impacting massively in a negative way on the euro-zone.

Stephen Webster

Based on technical charts, a break of that point suggests further aggressive gains. Right now, the longer bias is still upward.

Harry Liu

All my contact with obese people suggests to me they would feel happier, healthier, and have a much better quality of life if they weren't quite so overweight.

Ann Robinson

It's certainly not as radical as the headline number suggests, but it's a little bit softer than expected.

Andrew Goodsall

County staff suggests allowing them to destroy trees as long as they plant one new tree for each one they kill. This is not law. It does not satisfy the law, and it would set a terrible precedent.

Mariella Smith

The data suggests that ongoing, intense earthquake activity has weakened the rock dome, increasing the likelihood of an eruption either in the form of more explosions or perhaps lava flow from the dome.

Gale Norton

Greenspan gave the best rationale yet for higher rates -- and it is one that we agree with, ... His speech should ruffle no feathers, which leaves the equity market free to move higher and suggests that bearishness on bonds should not be overdone.

Conrad Dequadros

Recent history suggests they're in. When you win the championship of a top-10 RPI conference like the Mountain West, you're in.

Joe Lunardi

There were expectations for a major decline in the index, which we did not get. If you look at the two components (present and future expectations), it suggests going forward that confidence may actually start to climb again.

Bill Sharp

Recovering equities and still overall strong commodity markets suggests that there is little broad-based concern that central bank policy tightening will curtail global economic growth and there is still adequate global liquidity chasing higher risk assets and capping risk premiums.

Greg Gibbs

Most of these admissions occurred the same day as the rise in fine particle concentration, which suggests a short lag time between the change in pollution and the subjects' response.

Francesca Dominici

In terms of body language, management seemed a little more defensive to us than usual. Moreover, we find the lack of guidance from a company with the scale and savvy of Pfizer worrisome; it suggests to us that the company doesn't know itself about the future performance of its own internal operations.

Les Funtleyder

The price action following the release of today's indicator suggests that as long as expectations for an exit from zero interest rates are not brought forward greatly, the impact on the market will be limited.

Tohru Sasaki

The men's captors worked very hard to conceal every aspect of detention but our research assessing information about climate, prayer schedules and flight times suggests that these men may have been held in Eastern Europe or Central Asia.

Dr. William F. Schulz

In general, an individual's likelihood of having health insurance coverage increases with income, ... The research reported here suggests that the uninsured population is more likely to be characterized by low income than previous estimates would have us believe.

Dallas Salisbury

We have shown that regenerative medicine techniques can be used to generate functional bladders that are durable. This suggests that regenerative medicine may one day be a solution to the shortage of donor organs in this country for those needing transplants.

Anthony Atala

It also suggests that the effort to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods can have the added benefit of improving the health of individuals living there.

Mario Schootman

I guess to us that suggests not much faith in the copyright law, ... It seems to us, the moment anyone starts to do things that have an actual harm, copyright law is very well designed to deal with that. It is hard to understand exactly what is the harm.

David Drummond

On the [jobless] claims, you're now moving into a range that suggests a recession. I don't even know if many of the airline layoffs have hit this number yet, so it's going to up big time.

Carey Leahey

Nothing in our intelligence suggests that Iraq is ready to attack Washington or Fort Lauderdale.

Alcee Hastings

It is important to follow what the manufacturer suggests, and people almost always never do it.

Mike Goodson

This suggests one of two things: either investors are unduly optimistic about the sector, or more ominously, perhaps, the homebuilders are seeing strong demand from non-traditional buyers, ... In other words, real estate speculators have moved into the market, replacing owner-occupiers as the primary end-buyers.

Michael Panzner

The AMT is an entirely different way to calculate your taxes, and it's not really an alternative, as the name suggests. You have no choice. And it's affecting more and more people all the time.

David Mellem

This split ruling at least suggests that we need to look at these cases on an individual basis, as we have done in the past.

Chuck Harrell

This research suggests that proposals to regulate video games may backfire with American voters who, unlike some elected officials, appear to fully understand that they should control the entertainment that comes into their homes.

Doug Lowenstein

Everything he did and everything he has said strongly suggests that that plan was never read.

Michael Greenberger

Assuming that the correlation between interest rates and the dollar does not break down again soon, it suggests that the dollar will remain supported, at least over the short-term.

Henrik Gullberg

It's sobering. It suggests that there are relatively few inner cities that are thriving in the sense of job growth.

Michael Porter

The corporate spending environment was better in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2004 than fiscal 2003 and yet, Oracle's application sales business declined, ... This suggests that clearly it's a company-specific problem.

Jason Brueschke

When we analyzed the data for heart failure, we observed a 1.28% increase in admissions for each 10 mg per cubic meter increase in fine-particle pollution. Most of these admissions increases occurred the same day as the rise in fine-particle concentration, which suggests a short lag time between the change in pollution and the subjects? response.

Francesca Dominici

[Other Republicans echoed Specter's dismay.] I am disappointed that Gov. William Weld did not receive a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ... The advice and consent procedure provided by our Constitution strongly suggests that many Senators will want to question a presidential nominee and that the nominee will have an opportunity to respond to public questions and criticism.

Richard Lugar

The federal government has to factor in these new fuel prices. That 50 cents a gallon suggests consumers will be much more willing to pay for high fuel-efficiency vehicles.

Jason Mark

We still need to protect the resources to cover the community. We don't know if he's committed to that or not. A lot of his history suggests otherwise. We already can't cover the things we once did.

Jack Fischer

November's data suggests that the market has settled back down to the pattern of small rises in some months and small falls in others, with prices overall growing only very slowly.

Fionnuala Earley

The comparison with PCBs suggests that toxic flame retardants have emerged as a major environmental health concern, ... PBDEs could be as potent a problem as PCBs, which are still polluting people and the environment decades after they were banned. In order to avoid the same outcome with PBDEs, we need to act quickly.

Clark Williams

What we see is that the number of women below the age of 35 in television is far greater. Interestingly, past the age of 35 we see far more men reporting the news than women. That of course suggests that appearance and age are a criteria for women journalists and not for men.

Anna Turley

Japan's deflationary era is finally ending. A change in monetary policy is coming into sight, and that suggests higher yields.

Yasuhiro Miyata

We're talking about a constitution that is in its third century. That's really quite remarkable among any of the nations of the world. It suggests an essential stability of our political system that many may envy but not many can emulate.

A. E. Dick Howard

This suggests that RBC fears the hearings at the Court of Arbitration and is making every effort to delay them. Obviously, there is nothing they can say and they are employing various procedural gimmicks.

Nana Gobeshia

The challenge they face now is that because they've exceeded forecasts in the past they risk disappointing the market. History suggests that the Street migrates to the high end of their range or slightly above and that certainly sets a high bar for later in the year.

John Segrich

The close ties between belief and behavior suggests that physicians are unlikely to reach agreement anytime soon about what is suitable.

Dr. Farr Curlin

Our view of the global economy suggests several more quarters of low volume growth and continued price pressure, ... Lower raw material costs and more favorable currency comparison. combined with results from our productivity focus should all contribute to our ability to weather this cycle more favorably than in the past.

Charles O. Holliday

When we analyzed the data for heart failure, we observed a 1.28 percent increase in admissions for each 10 microgram per cubic meter increase in fine particle pollution. Most of these admissions increases occurred the same day as the rise in fine particle concentration, which suggests a short lag time between the change in pollution and the subjects' response.

Francesca Dominici

I think there is absolutely no question that the partial evidence strongly suggests that there have been increasing contacts between Afghan insurgents and Iraqi insurgents either in Iraq itself or in Pakistan, the trails going in both directions.

Seth Jones

My count suggests it would go to a second ballot.

John Shadegg

Everything suggests that the white sturgeon population in the Lower Columbia River is stable. That, in turn, provides for a stable fishery.

Brad James

The literature suggests that acupuncture may be helpful for certain kinds of pain for control of certain kinds of nausea.

David Eisenberg

This survey suggests that despite the continued resilience and relative strength of the U.S. economy, many parts of the globe remain mired in significant recessions.

Joseph Duncan

If Martian dust devils are highly electrified, as our research suggests, they might give rise to increased discharging or arcing in the low-pressure Martian atmosphere, increased dust adhesion to space suits and equipment, and interference with radio communications.

William Farrell

The conventional wisdom suggests that those who make hard and fast decisions for a living are prosecution-minded individuals since a verdict is not much more than another decision, and since sympathy and empathy play no part in the decision-making process.

Eroll Skyers

Hispanics are said to be keeping themselves apart, avoiding the use of English, and declining to absorb on the spot the 'core' Protestant and individualist values that underpin the American way of life ... but precedent suggests that young Hispanics will eventually merge their identity in the larger American one, just as previous streams of immigrants have done.

Eric Jones

Any guide book that suggests that talking to English people is tantamount to assault is being both unhelpful and inaccurate.

Elliott Frisby

A move up to 3.25 percent is not yet fully priced into the market. While our official call remains for a 3.25 percent level being reached in December, the balance of risks, in our mind, suggests that this level could be reached earlier.

Elga Bartsch

One of the signs is that when companies do pre-announce, they haven't been hit as hard this time around, so that suggests the market is starting to look longer term and saying these values are not that unreasonable.

Edward Keon

At the same time, the earnings season so far has been terrific ... the overall pattern suggests you're getting very strong growth and that we'll probably do better than 15 percent, about double the historical average over the last 60 years.

Edward Keon

As the global expansion of Indian and Chinese restaurants suggests, xenophobia is directed against foreign people, not foreign cultural imports.

E. J. Hobsbawm