This ruling has implications for organisations across the world.

Mark Herbert

This could be an important first step toward undermining (the 2003 ruling) without overruling it.

Richard Hasen

There are a number of options available to us. One option that we can consider is to proceed without a tax ruling.

Stephen Macphail

The court's ruling sends a pretty clear message that there's a process to be followed.

Jeff Mikulina

Once the decision is made, you can't back and change it. I hope the ruling is made with an eye toward what is best for the kids of South Dakota.

Jason Olson

Our transaction was not predicated on receiving an advance tax ruling and we haven't requested one.

John Maguire

Today is a shameful day in the history of American jurisprudence. Today the U.S. Supreme Court has said in its ruling essentially that it is OK for a white prosecutor to kick all of the African Americans off of a jury.

Barbara Becnel

We feel that this system will benefit officiating in college football. All of us want a correct ruling on the field and we believe that implementing this system will enhance the quality of officiating. The system that was used by the Big Ten this past season received very positive reviews by administrators and coaches alike.

John Swofford

I don't think a ruling in our favor means that suddenly every government form is going to have to be printed in every foreign language. That will not happen because in most every context, people can get the government forms translated. People can hand it to their friends or relatives and say, 'Read this for me,'.

Richard Cohen

This administration has been far too close for far too long to the Saudi ruling family, a family that has supported terrorism for over a decade.

Charles E. Schumer

We're going to have to take a careful look at the judge's ruling and consult with the department before making a decision about what the next step will be.

Jon Peck

There is a possibility that the person with the bomb died on the bus, there is a possibility they left the bomb, ... We're not ruling anything out, we're not ruling anything in.

Brian Paddick

We were pleased by the ruling but that also reaffirms to us that practices we have in place are appropriate.

Debbie Morgan

It's a big ruling for people who have a lot of money and want to get it to future generations.

Jere Doyle

We're pleased with today's ruling because it clarifies decisively the limits of local authority when it comes to the provision of high-speed Internet access over cable.

Jim Cicconi

Each ruling may be correct. But it seems to me that the cumulative effect of these decisions makes it increasingly difficult for the president to operate in a separation of powers context.

A. E. Dick Howard

I felt comfortable that ruling would come down, ... ... I was pretty uneasy taking that money out in the first place, but I felt a stronger obligation to the farmers.

David Boswell

This is just the beginning of the future fight for Israel. I am proud that we have just become the largest party in the nationalist camp, and I am certain that next time we will be the ruling party.

Avigdor Lieberman

The ruling doesn't say that the school district is entitled to more fees, nor does it confirm that the county has any rights to sewer capacity from the city sewer plant.

Steve Herum

We're obviously disappointed with the court's ruling. It's a death sentence for some of the small, neighborhood border bars.

Patrick O'neill

This shows that the ruling elite does not want free discussion. There has been a change of leadership, and the new governor has been appointed from Moscow. Why discuss anything when it is the boss in Moscow who is deciding all policy?

Vladimir Ryzhkov

If this ruling stands it could effectively destroy the ability of companies to set up businesses for which they contract out workers.

Harris Miller

We wanted to have a ruling on the ultimate authority to set those standards. What if they (the tribe) decide to change their mind tomorrow?

Martin Chavez

The Alabama Supreme Court has made that ruling that a commissioner or a board member must be physically present.

John Norris

We certainly feel it bolsters our case. We have sent it on to the 5th Circuit so they will be aware of the district judge's ruling.

Mike Small

The ruling has not in any way affected the available evidence in this case.

Stan Lowe

We're very pleased with the court's ruling.

Michael Hancock

What this ruling could do is create a national market in municipal bonds, rather than the fragmented, regional one we have now.

Stephen Berger

We all talked about it. We're flying them because we weren't happy with the ruling.

Joe Mantua

He's been thinking about it. He's still fit and very much in his prime. He is not ruling out a return to racing.

Mark Higgins

China's development has entered a stage with high environmental risks. To meet them has become one of the gravest challenges for the ruling party.

Pan Yue

The Department of Health is completing the analysis of the data that will assist in determining a new dispensing fee that can be charged by pharmacists on medicines in line with the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

Sibani Mngadi

There is at least one federal judge ruling on the same issue.

Julie Engell

This ruling puts an end to these defendants' attempts to steal our customers' private information.

Michael Holden

This split ruling at least suggests that we need to look at these cases on an individual basis, as we have done in the past.

Chuck Harrell

Nothing that had real substantive punch in the government's original proposal was watered down. The government's filing today is designed to give Microsoft the sense that the process in the remedy phase was carried out correctly, and it provides the judge with ammunition that he could use as a rationale for the measures contained in his final ruling.

William Kovacic

Now we have decided to go back to bargain people's demands as we don't want to give the government and ruling Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) a chance to ignore them any more.

Sheikh Hasina

What his ruling means is that neither the government nor anyone else has carte blanche when demanding data from internet companies.

Nicole Wong

The WTO ruling is not a victory for the US administration and the biotech giants. Countries around the world should continue to enforce tough legislation protecting their citizens and the environment from the risks of genetically modified crops.

Juan Lopez

The Spring Festival alms program embodies a combination of the virtue and the political ideology of the ruling Communist Party of China.

Lu Xiaowen

This ruling turns out to be a defeat for consumers. There are millions of dollars in question. We don't believe the fee should be levied. We are considering what further action to take to best protect our customers.

Jeff Mirasola

We're pleased that the court concluded that they had no jurisdiction to overturn the trial judge's ruling. We look forward to going to trial where the jury will have all of the evidence.

John Fitzgibbons

Judge Sullivan's ruling eviscerates the core of NSPS, leaving but a hollow shell of provisions that simply cannot stand on their own.

Joe Goldberg

The release was an American-Iraqi decision and in line with an Iraqi government ruling made in December 2004, but hasn't been enforced until after the elections in an attempt to ease the political pressure in Iraq.

Badee Izzat Aref

The meetings are going well. We have a mandate we have to comply with (the ruling) by June 1. We're dedicated to finding a solution and we know we're going to find it.

Chris Cutrone

One example of this is the unbridled attacks by some of the media on the majority ruling of Cohen's disciplinary court. The criticism included inferences that ties of friendship between one of the judges and the judge's attorney shaped the outcome of the hearing; that the judges ought to admit their error in public; and that the ruling was ridiculous, distorted and revolting. This isn't criticism.

Aharon Barak

Any other ruling would have been manifestly unfair, ... Whatever you think of redistricting, whatever you think of politicians, I don't know how an objective person wouldn't come to the conclusion that when you have two sides of a proposition, both sides should be governed by the same rules.

Howard Berman

We are disappointed but not surprised with the judge's ruling.

Dana Cody

He wasn't feeling up to being in front of a judge. He didn't want to be shackled . . . but it was necessary for him to hear the court's ruling.

Brian Mceldowney

We're not ruling this a suicide just yet. We've asked for an autopsy because of the instrument used in his death. We've also sent the ... (saw) to the medical examiner's office just to make sure.

Jason Markle

The Ports Authority opposes this bill. It interferes with, and is inconsistent with, the Supreme Court's ruling.

Bill Stern

The probability of a bankruptcy became more likely after the court ruling in Delaware last week.

Dot Matthews

It was devastating. We're gratified and pleased with the ruling.

Tim Bannon

We shall be taking legal steps to overturn the court's ruling.

Bernhard Schwank

We are very pleased and encouraged by the tentative ruling.

Karl Quackenbush

The main thing this ruling does is approve joint adoption by unmarried couples when it is in the best interest of the child.

Patricia Logue

We are disappointed with the judge's ruling and believe it does not represent a fair or accurate portrayal of Texas' efforts to provide health care to children on Medicaid.

Dan Bartlett

It basically reaffirmed the City Commission's ruling that we are the legitimate electric provider for Boulder Ridge.

Dan Sharp

Of course, I am disappointed with the court's decision, but I respect the court and the judicial system and the district will of course abide by the ruling.

William Mitchell

We own the relationship with local listeners. We're definitely playing catch-up; there's no denying that. But we're not ruling anything out in trying to own the online market.

Evan Harrison

But the time factor would make that kind of ruling a victory for [Texas Gov. George W.] Bush.

Erwin Chemerinsky

We're not ruling out anything at this point. It's just something to watch.

Eric Blake

What is lawful is not binding only on some and not binding on others. Lawfulness extends everywhere, through the wide-ruling air and the boundless light of the sky.


Ruling parties don't give up power voluntarily.

Edward Walker

It's been a good 10 years that we've been going at it. This ruling will help move the development along and get rid of a lot of the nervousness about the other phases of the project.

Fred Johnson

Now that the federal government has made its final ruling, we consider this issue to be over and will direct our attention to other development policy issues in Southern Arizona .

Ed Taczanowsky