I don't fault reporters for getting it wrong.

Angelina Jolie embodies so many qualities of what St. John represents. She is strong, independent and dynamic. She's a mother, actress and a philanthropist.

George W. Bush is a simple-minded but honest man who put too much faith in duplicitous advisors.

She was what a rabbi ought to be -- a great teacher. She enriched the lives of everyone around her.

I don't think a ruling in our favor means that suddenly every government form is going to have to be printed in every foreign language. That will not happen because in most every context, people can get the government forms translated. People can hand it to their friends or relatives and say, 'Read this for me,'.

It's the beginning and every journey has a beginning, ... This is the beginning in L.A., the new direction. This collection was designed by our designers - a team of people. We will probably announce in a month or so a brand new designer that will lead the team.