28 quotes about messaging follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

(Voters) are not going to accept criticism as the sole source of messaging by the Democrats.

Al Cárdenas

We've been pushing instant messaging because it allows instant communication between people who are not necessarily available by other means.

Jonathan Anderson

Messaging is the killer app for mobile data services.

David Hayden

The tools most people use (now) have built-in validation for things before they even get to the desktop. The point of where people get the file is often through the browser and mail and instant messaging.

Philip Schiller

Instant messaging fulfills two human needs -- one is a fundamental human need and the other is more an American need.

Vijay Saraswat

[Instant messaging is] great because you immediately see the other librarians who are on their list.

Jennifer Ward

It's a huge problem. It's been going on pretty much since text messaging was born.

John Becker

Think about visual IM (instant messaging).

Ron Garriques

The text messaging really adds up. We had a tremendous bill from text messaging before we even knew it cost anything or that she (Sarah) was even doing it.

Anne Mitchell

The next thing we're looking for in our industry is the ability to search instant messaging [IM] the same way. We're concerned with how much business may be conducted over that.

John Petruzzi

It's been our charter to do that kind of messaging, but we are careful not to get involved in political issues. We are totally nonpartisan.

Peggy Conlon

Select for you keyboard, just like doing a text message, so everybody who does text messaging on their cell phone, it's the same idea.

Jay Peteranetz

Nominees all reflected the culture of instant messaging.

Laura Campbell

When instant messaging is like Las Vegas, with all kinds of advertising banners, it's very distracting.

Greg Sterling

If the BlackBerry messaging goes, I, and I am sure most others, will find another handheld way to stay in touch. After having it, I can't see going without.

Christine Jeffries

With Client Server and Client Server Messaging Security for SMB v3.0, SMB customers get improved security; less hassle, and less management, all of which let's the small business owners focus on their business.

Bob Hansmann

We just believe that she may have had her attention and her focus on the text messaging device. Being that she is hearing-impaired, she may not have heard the horn sounding as the train approached.

David Fugitt

In IBM's case, they repackaged their enterprise messaging capabilities together with some business process capabilities and standards-based interfaces and made it lightweight to craft their entry-level ESB.

Ronald Schmelzer

The first ever book to be published on a printing press was the Bible and we're doing the same thing here with text messaging.

George Rodriguez

We've done a much better job of locking down e-mail, ... People are turning to instant messaging as the new attack vector.

Francis Costello

The lines of communication are all out. I've tried e-mailing her, I've tried text-messaging her, I've tried to call her. I just can't get in touch with her.

Tim Corcoran

It's not just instant messaging, but other collaborative technologies are challenging email.

Mark Levitt

Instant messaging and local content are two increasingly important areas of focus for mobile applications.

Mark Guibert

When we have conversations that are sensitive, we now use Groove instead of e-mail. It is much more secure than instant messaging.

Greg Mack

Google Talk Further enriches our users' communications experience, whether they choose to communicate via email, (instant messaging), or a call.

Georges Harik

Resellers will need an understanding of messaging systems.

Arthur Young

I think that to a large extent the reality of instant messaging is AOL and ICQ.

Eric Brown

You don't see major corporations abandoning their e-mail infrastructure, but they are beginning to seek outsourcing to handle things like remote mail and calendaring, ... Messaging Online.

Eric Arnum