(Voters) are not going to accept criticism as the sole source of messaging by the Democrats.

It's highly unlikely she can succeed. Katherine Harris being our sole nominee is not in the party's best interest.

She can't bunker up for a few days amidst rampant rumors of her leaving the race and not have something dramatic to say. My sense is she's going to opt to stay (in the race) and make a statement that fits into that dramatic category.

If anyone can handle that task, he can. He has great organizational skills. He doesn't get rattled. He is a focused person.

It's good that we've grown from the fight for civil rights to an expectation of civil rights for every human being here.

I believe the outlook on this race has changed dramatically. I now believe she's capable of mounting a successful campaign. I didn't believe that two weeks ago.

Katherine has wanted to run for Senate for quite some time. Bill Nelson is vulnerable in our polling, and she seems passionate about this and wants to do it.

Everyone wants to help a campaign that has a reasonable chance of success. In this particular case the perception was this was not a competitive race and overnight she's turned it into one. The conversation in Washington today is totally different than it was a week ago.

There's a point where we may not be able to mount a credible campaign (with someone else). We may or may not have passed that point yet, but we're close.