4 quotes about zedillo follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We are cooperating. The Mexican army is cooperating, ... President [Ernesto] Zedillo has strongly said that this is a very important issue to us because of national security reasons.

Rosario Green

What President Zedillo has tried to do is to make the campaign and the election day counting both fair and honest. That's what's historic. Mexico will truly be a democracy.

James Jones

(President Ernesto) Zedillo destroyed any confidence in his government. Without confidence, it is impossible to reach agreements. If there are no agreements, why hold a dialogue? ... July 1998 from the mountains of southeastern Mexico.

Subcomandante Marcos

[In some areas, help was still not available, angry people told Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo when he appeared at a relief center.] What do you mean no? ... Is there water?

Ernesto Zedillo