Ernesto Zedillo
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"Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León" is a Mexican economist and politician. He served as President of United Mexican States/President of Mexico from December 1, 1994 to November 30, 2000, as the last of the uninterrupted 70-year line of Mexican presidents from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Since the ending of his term as president in 2000, Zedillo has been a leading voice on globalization, especially its impact on relations between developed and developing nations.

He is currently Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization/Center for the Study of Globalization at Yale University and is on the board of directors of Citigroup.

More Ernesto Zedillo on Wikipedia.

United we Mexicans greet you with joy and hope, ... We receive you with our hearts in our hands.

Great fiesta of democracy.

Everyone is taking part in the construction of a new democracy.

I will not permit these homes to be rebuilt in the same places.

The equipment is arriving, but we face huge logistical problems.

But I can say that today (Saturday) we are beginning to feel to some extent, after many days of national disaster, the first signs help is getting through. I'm sure that in the next two days, the people will start to feel some hope.

[In some areas, help was still not available, angry people told Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo when he appeared at a relief center.] What do you mean no? ... Is there water?

Even though we have to cut our budget in oother places, we will spend what it takes to repair the damage, ... Acapulco is not destroyed. It will recover.

I talked by phone with Fox to let him know the government is absolutely ready to collaborate with him.