47 quotes about worms follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

No, 'tis slander, Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms of Nile, whose breath Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie All corners of the world.

William Shakespeare

We see people talking about the digital Pearl Harbor from the worms and Trojans and viruses. But in all probability, there's more likelihood of what we call the 'backhoe attack' that would have more impact on a region then a Code Red, or anything we've seen so far.

Howard Schmidt

The general trend is that attackers aren't concentrating on 'far and wide,' worms, but on financial gain.

Oliver Friedrichs

... there is an ecstatic mechanism in birds that makes them fly upwards in spite of worms.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

My young son asked me what happens after we die. I told him we get buried under a bunch of dirt and worms eat our bodies. I guess I should have told him the truth - that most of us go to Hell and burn eternally - but I didn't want to upset him.

Jack Handy

Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart and mountains will move out of your way.

Kate Seredy

While the US accounted for over half of all spam sent two years ago, it is now less than a quarter. This shows that more Americans are protecting their home computers from hackers. The reality is simply that more viruses, worms and Trojan horses are being designed to take over innocent users' computers to steal information or send out spam.

Brett Myroff

He has turned a small legal battle about privacy into public questioning of his entire role. He has opened up a huge can of worms.

Judy Wade

In regions where the parasite is known to be present, you annually give two medications that kill the worms. With the exception of pregnant women and children under two years of age, these drugs are given to everyone in the region without testing each person for the infection.

Gary Weil

It's just opening up a can of worms. It's going to be a witch hunt. I'm not saying to brush it under the rug, but where does it end? It scares me for the good of baseball.

Dave Machemer

The main thing is that it's the Classic. There's a lot of money involved. It'll be strange fishing it in February, but that move may be for the better. I like fishing in Florida. It's one of my favorite states to fish in. I like fishing with plastic worms, so this will be right down my alley.

Larry Nixon

We'd like to help, but it would open up a can of worms.

Tim Campbell

The ones you are going to catch will be deep and I'd suggest plastic worms on a Texas rig.

Jed Dickerson

These animals did not develop difficulty in breathing. The presence of the worms blocks pulmonary inflammation, ... We believe that this research will lead us to develop new ways of preventing and treating asthma and anaphylaxis, which can then be extended to treat inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.

Padraic Fallon

The [Mac] operating system developers have also made errors. Over the past few weeks, we've seen two proof of concept worms for OS X, and these clearly illustrate errors in the system architecture.

Konstantin Sapronov

This is the type of vulnerability that's been exploited many times, and those two worms are the biggest examples because they had the biggest impact.

Marc Maiffret

There appears to be three different virus writing gangs turning out new worms at an alarming rate -- as if they would be competing who would build the biggest network of infected machines.

Mikko Hypponen

Our strategy is to develop new drugs for human diseases by exploiting mechanisms and molecules that worms have developed over millions of years of co-evolution with man.

Padraic Fallon

Worms and viruses are increasingly being written to steal confidential data from innocent people's computers, to hijack resources, or launch spam or denial-of-service attacks.

Graham Cluley

Right now, the worms are just an irritant, but there are a lot of weird things happening -- worms, bomb blasts [in Baghdad and Jerusalem] -- that are not good for the morale of executives. If that takes a hit, the much-vaunted recovery in business investment might get delayed.

Rajeev Dhawan

Previously Apple's operating system, Mac OS X, was untargeted by virus writers, but two worms aimed at the OS changed all that. Apple had been bragging about its security record pretty loudly and now has to eat its words.

Andy Walker

Nathan wanted to re-arm himself that evening, so we rented a car and went over to the BASS Pro (Shop) and picked up those Trick Worms that he thought were going to be successful. And that turned out to be a good move.

Jeff Bromley

Where do you draw the line ? It's the whole can of worms and Pandora's box thing.

Rod Nelson

I can't say I was surprised the worms were alive, because we spin them up to 2,000 G's in the lab without thinking about it. What surprised me was that they found the canisters at all.

Catharine Conley

I think it opens up a can of worms and I'm not really sure what the rationale is. I just think it's a mistake to allow transfers just for sports. We're about school first.

Jack Daley

In these cases, what we're finding are sophisticated coders who are writing specialized worms and specialized applications that are targeting specific organizations.

Phillip Zakas

AGITATOR, n. A statesman who shakes the fruit trees of his neighbors - to dislodge the worms.

Ambrose Bierce

The Mytob worms have made a significant impact on the virus outbreak charts this year, so anything which may prevent future variants from being developed and released must be welcomed.

Graham Cluley

And the worms make great gifts for your friends. Especially if they're fishermen.

Al Miller

The difficulty is that worm developers are using tactics that have been successful in e-mail campaigns. They're able to mutate earlier worms and try different strategies, and that's giving them a level of sophistication.

Jon Sakoda

The worms come out at night.

Burl Cain

There are a couple of worms on the horizon that will probably be the next breaking story, ... In literally a matter of hours, a very large number of zombie hosts can be created for planned [distributed denial-of-service] attacks, multiple hopping points to cover your tracks and other activities.

Amit Yoran

Great collections of books are subject to certain accidents besides the damp, the worms, and the rats; one not less common is that of the borrowers, not to say a word of the purloiners.

Isaac Disraeli

[Although some IM attacks are becoming more innovative, most worms of this type are] kind of crude to date, ... but crude is working very effectively. Unfortunately, the one thing I've learned in this business is that [virus writers] will innovate.

Francis Costello

In the last ten years we have come to realize humans are more like worms than we ever imagined.

Bruce Alberts

[Communists] should be crushed like worms.

Francisco Franco

I'm surprised at what a can of worms this opened. We've lived here for 34 years and never had a problem. I'm sure there are a few other homeowners who are happy these kids were caught too.

Joan Rodgers

I think it's really nice to have a documentary-style show where talented people are actually doing something. It's not just some stupid show where people blend up worms.

Heidi Klum

His favorite thing is watching the Cleveland Indians. All he has to hear is the Fox Sports Indians music and the announcers and he worms his way over to the television faster than you'd think is possible. I tried getting him to watch other baseball games but he wouldn't have anything to do with them. I wonder if it's the music or the voices or what....

Scott Sheaffer

It deserves a heck of a lot of attention. It's a big can of worms, and I'm glad you're ready to dive in.

Hillary Gitelman

Worms that are traditionally targeting MSN will also target the Yahoo users.

Jon Sakoda

They have similar genes in the worm and the only reason we really know about what those genes do in people is because they've been studied in worms.

Robert Waterston

Based on analysis of the worm, there will be a tremendous surge in the worm, ... There is reason for concern that the mass traffic associated with the worm's propagation could degrade the overall functioning of the Internet and impact ordinary users.

Ron Dick

There is a new front to the war. The attacks went from script kiddy worms that were easy to create and targeted at filling up e-mails to targeted attempts against organizations.

Patrick Hinojosa

This could open a huge can of worms. Our biggest concern is if it goes through the Senate Education Committee and it becomes state law. It's very difficult to change that.

Pete Saco

APOTHECARY, n. The physician's accomplice, undertaker's benefactor and grave worm's provider. When Jove sent blessings to all men that are, And Mercury conveyed them in a jar, That friend of tricksters introduced by stealth Disease for the apothecary's health, Whose gratitude impelled him to proclaim: 'My deadliest drug shall bear my patron's name!' .

Ambrose Bierce

Computer worms like Code Red can be used to find potential zombies and automatically install the attack software.

Dorothy Denning