42 quotes about regulators follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We are in active discussions with regulators on several of these matters and are working diligently to resolve them. We have cooperated fully with the ongoing investigations and will continue to do so.

Ramani Ayer

There will be new formats coming and we feel it's important that a line should be drawn in the sand by regulators.

Guy Marriott

Pressure will start coming again from the industry when it becomes clear that it could cut their regulatory compliance costs by having to deal with fewer regulators.

Benn Steil

We are ready to wait for the regulators, as long as it takes.

Kasemsant Weerakun

Our view is that the framework provides regulators with the ability to provide appropriate incentives to risky investment in infrastructure both to incumbents and challengers.

Kip Meek

Companies need to get creative and help regulators to see things in a different light if they want to take advantage of new product opportunities.

John Wilkinson

There are so many better options. There is so much untapped potential in renewable energy and energy efficiency. It requires some vision from the Legislature and the [regulators], and putting some programs in place. But it's definitely possible for North Carolina to chart a different course.

Dan Coleman

The move will help regulators deal with securities crimes more efficiently and help small investors protect their legal rights.

Li Zhi

This is an effort by regulators to bully, intimidate and threaten casinos in a totally inappropriate manner. Clearly, they are playing with fire.

Gary Peck

ISPs themselves will be given the first opportunity to draft a code of conduct. The code of conduct would then be submitted to regulators for approval, who would modify it to meet standards of best practice.

Susan Schorr

What we did represented a good-faith effort to get the best independent research product in the hands of our clients as effectively as possible. Once the regulators told us they had a different perspective, we agreed to abide by it.

Diana Quintero

We're very pleased with the progress, but there's still a lot to be done. The exercise is a good example of how regulators can work with the market.

David Cliffe

We're not even sure what's prompting the regulators to get upset. It's clearly an issue that warrants monitoring for sure.

Peter Hilton

As an outside director of Providian, he only became aware of the problems when the regulators began to make inquiries, ... And as soon as he was aware of the issues, he personally took the lead in making the company do the right thing.

Mark Corallo

Bank regulators understand that investor confidence is very important.

Tom Woods

There's a consensus among regulators that we need to be working on this.

Barbara Grunkemeyer

This will ensure fairness since the two envisaged regulators have no conflict of interest in the industry.

Joseph Kinyua

We will be launching a document probably tomorrow with the French regulators to launch the takeover offer for the remaining 25.3 per cent.

Stephen Allen

The one time that regulators comprehensively audited expenses claimed under the CDSOA, they found significant problems.

Jim Ramstad

I urge telecommunications regulators to develop a commercial strategy for delivering effective access to the continent.

Mark Shuttleworth

You make more money gouging -- that's the problem. For strictly economic reasons, even with guidance and speeches by regulators, they're still not going to do it.

Matthew Lee

They'll have to get it through the regulators, and that's where the gamesmanship will begin.

Jeff Berg

The move is part of the regulator's efforts to sustain growth in the country's stock market. Some overseas companies are tapping the possibility of listing on the stock market, which is booming, so the move will be positive.

Bong Won Gil

Just the mere concept of combining the No. 2 and No. 3 (nickel) producers in the western world into one company is enough to make regulators take a good hard look.

Victor Lazarovici

Raising profit thresholds are in line with the regulator's pledge to help good-quality companies raise capital and upgrade market fundamentals. Investors will be glad to see the market shutting its doors to poor performers.

Li Zhi

We have the experience and expertise. We look forward to working with all regulators, policy makers, agencies and communities to develop a safe, reliable project that is the best natural gas solution for California.

Jane Cutler

We noticed the tank and then we looked further and saw the regulators and the regulators led us to the hood and John looked under the hood and saw remains.

Heinz Wahl

AIG has today acknowledged that the company over a period of years intentionally misled investors, regulators and policyholders about the company's financial condition and operations.

Howard Mills

We can show the regulators that we set up guidelines and that we are enforcing those guidelines from a sales supervision standpoint.

Jeff Zlot

It's not unusual to find Thai regulators with an allergy to responsibility, and the prospect of new legislation relating to alcohol is an available excuse to delay.

Andrew Matthews

After I quit, I hope any criticism from the public or related regulators will be targeted at me, rather than the company, the shareholders or our innocent employees.

Robert Tsao

We have a lot of interaction with regulators.

Jamie Allen

[The Premier League] has taken a very careful approach to the regulators.

Andrew Morris

Yeah, probably, if they felt they could get past the regulators.

Tom Friedberg

We had two very successful forays to [U.S. regulators], ... We perceive that the U.S. negotiating position has changed and that they are prepared to decouple the two issues.

Michael Bishop

The system is set up ... not to help the consumers. It's there to help the regulators.

Jack Vanderhei

It is a service that exploits the rigidities in pricing regimes, and regulators have a worry about that.

Kip Meek

State and local regulators are the officials with the closest contact with the regulated community, ... Given their close intimate knowledge of the business they regulate, they are in a much better position than Congress to judge whether a particular small business is deserving of leniency for a first-time violation.

Eliot Spitzer

Defense mechanisms in this country are seen by regulators as a means to improve shareholder value, not to thwart bids.

Edward Nash

We're at a point where if policymakers (regulators and Congress) don't act, you run a real risk that the wall will crumble.

Edward Yingling

The email and storage markets are converging in the age of compliance. If you can't backup and recover your email messages quickly, you can't meet information retrieval deadlines from regulators or prosecutors.

Ed Golod

It can be understood that the government, at least, has loosened its grip on management buyouts in big state companies. But any move in large enterprises may come after regulators gain enough experience in dealing with smaller firms.

Zhu Yan