117 quotes about producer follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Aidan's deep knowledge in helping to build global brands, along with his own experience as a founder and executive producer of a successful international TV event special made him a natural choice.

Steve Lipscomb

The mindset needs to shift from that of a mass producer and publisher to a much more potent mix of high-quality niche content, and also as a mass aggregator of third-party content.

Ashley Highfield

Everybody knows Al. He understands film production. He's a producer. It's a huge asset for us.

Myles Romero

I'm not going with some big time producer who takes over completely and I'm just a sideman. I wouldn't fancy that really.

Jack Bruce

A weak housing starts report, a contained [producer-price index] report, and finally the minutes from the last Fed meeting caused the speculation.

Greg Jensen

[About the Oscars] Is the ultimate prize for any producer. It would have been a dream if Javier Bardem had been nominated for best actor.

Alejandro Amenabar

We will see a good rally in the Canadian dollar if it is extremely bad and refineries get hit, because Canada is a major producer of oil.

Brian Taylor

The fact that you get this announcement of a strike at what is basically the world's largest silver producer is more likely than not to have supportive impact.

Bernard Hunter

[The producer who really got it was] Chicago's ... overwhelmed, inarticulate and in such joy.

Marty Richards

It is making a difference on the supply of pigs in Eastern Canada, particularly Ontario and Quebec. We're beginning to wonder about our ability to compete with our American hog-producer counterparts.

Clare Schlegel

Wherever you're located, you can be a good producer or a poor one in terms of being lower cost and higher return. Concentrate on being a good producer in your location through management. That far outweighs any regional differences.

Kevin Dhuyvetter

Toyota will probably be the largest producer in the world at the end of 2006.

Richard Hilgert

He did so many things. Not only was he a fine producer, but he was also turning out to be a phenomenal novelist as well as a highly considerable biographer.

Bill Hamilton

His biggest sin was to trust a producer whom he'd worked with very successfully in the past.

Les Moonves

That means making the effort to put records together, preparing financial statements and preparing a business plan, especially if the producer is looking at a new enterprise.

Gordon Carriker

When the Titanic goes down, you try to save as many people as you can. We used to be a 100 percent domestic producer and we were a financial disaster. Now we are importing and I'd put our financial health up against anyone.

Bob Stec

It's a Herculean feat. The thing about Jimmy is, as most classic television commentators, he is a producer first.

David Neal

We were a perfect commodity business from 1980-2000. It didn't matter if you were feeding cattle or in the cow-calf business; the average producer didn't make any money.

Randy Blach

If it was a guest part, you'd only go in once and read for the producer and director, and you'd know the next day if you were going in to work.

Johnathan Frakes

With inflation really under control and deflation at producer price levels, I don't think they'll do anything.

Peter Canelo

[Dryden's long-form style of answering questions means] he's almost never invited on TV, ... He's the despair of every TV producer who's ever had him on. That's a high-class problem, because it also means he faces less scrutiny.

Paul Wells

Then the producer said, "Do you know Jim Carrey?" And I thought, "My God, what an interesting idea!"

Peter Weir

Good managers know the work ethic of each of their employees and know who's a producer and who's a slacker.

Bill Coleman

[It is] the best low-cost credit card producer in the country, ... You back up that credit card business, you're buying the core bank at eight to nine times earnings. There's no need to chase the big boys when you have Bank One, a $60 billion company sitting there really cheaply.

Robert Friedman

It's really unprecedented. It seems like when they had early creative meetings, (producer Josh Schwartz ) wanted input from the actors. He wanted to bring in their own personalities and record collections.

Chris Walla

The market's firm because the U.S. producer price index on Friday wasn't too bad and there is continuing buying from overseas. The index should consolidate at current levels, however, although selling pressure won't be too strong.

George Chan

Any country that can produce that many scientists and engineers has a natural potential of being a significant software producer.

Leo Apotheker

I just always want a new producer. I'm going to have a new producer on the next one. Because I'm the same person, and I feel like, I know I'm going to bring to it a certain sensibility that's me, and I want to have something different coming out on each album.

Catie Curtis

Luc Besson, the writer and producer, saw my picture at an agency and wanted to meet me.

Kate Nauta

I think any adult producer would agree.

Paul Cambria

As a major energy producer, Canada has the ability, and the obligation, to be a part of this important effort.

John Efford

The majority of large brokerages do not have a comprehensive CRM product available to their agents. Those agents have had to sign up for Top Producer or use Outlook or whatever.

Bob Woehrle

When we finished the album, our producer, Brendan O'Brien, told me that the album is going to age gracefully.

Graham Colton

I discovered early in my movie work that a movie is never any better than the stupidest man connected with it. There are times when this distinction may be given to the writer or director. Most often it belongs to the producer.

Ben Hecht

Oil is affecting inflation; it is slowly creeping up in the United States and we're seeing rising producer prices.

Raghuram Rajan

We have just entered into our new season, with a new producer, a new album and a new label. For me, it's a fresh start. We now have our second wind and it feels great!

Bryan Pierce

The idea of a producer taking his show off the air that was successful, that was so good, and so far ahead of its time that it made my career is mind-bogglingly crazy.

Howard Deutsch

Becoming a producer enables you to empower yourself, to make the film that you want to make. I have desires to make movies - I have movies I'm developing, and things that I'm interested in.

Andy Garcia

This is an excellent deal which turns us into the largest producer of generic drugs in Romania.

Malvinder M. Singh

I'm very pleased that we have managed to transform the company from a broad-line general producer of semiconductors that was struggling in the mid '80s from Japanese competition and turned it into a highly-focused company....,

Andrew Grove

Arne Harris, producer-director for WGN-TV... is in his 34th year on the job, meaning he is closing in on Jack Brickhouse's record: Most Chicago baseball losses watched, one man, lifetime.

Bob Verdi

The history of 'Rush Hour' was the history of dodging bullets, ... One bad move by a producer or one bad casting call ... one wrong move and we would've been dead. Everything fell into place. It was just one of those things.

Ross Lamanna

Bernard is a sleaze product, not a sleaze producer, ... He is what society and the times have made him.

David Boss

The Fed is concerned that higher energy costs may give an adverse impact on growth rather than posing a risk to faster inflation. Producer prices also showed latent inflationary pressure eased.

Hidehiko Maejima

They're transitioning from being Budweiser to being a malt-based alcohol producer. They have tremendous capabilities, tremendous manufacturing capabilities that people may not realize.

Harry Schuhmacher

The price index has risen in tandem with the higher activity, which suggests that producer prices will continue to rise in the coming months.

Nazmeera Moola

The most strategic pressure point is the producer. They're the ones who design the products.

Ted Smith

It just so happened that the Dixie Chicks were recording next to us. Our producer knew their producer ... so we were able to work a little bit of magic.

Sean Mackin

Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it.

David E. Kelley

It's patently obvious that the Saudis, as the world's largest producer, could lead prices lower by offering lower prices.

Jan Stuart

I plan on being an entertainment producer.

Julia Bustard

Any increase in Middle East oil market share is very positive for the tanker business, because the Middle East is the producer farthest from major oil consumption markets.

Jim Winchester

The affection in which Princess Diana is still held is remarkable, but I knew Dodi and, far from being the playboy he was portrayed as, he was a charming, hard-working film producer who had made his own way in life.

Bill Mitchell

Harley-Davidson began producing motorcycles in 1903 and has been the only continuous surviving domestic producer of heavyweight motorcycles since that period, ... The company's shares continue to represent our best large-cap idea in the leisure area.

Timothy Conder

Talking about producer Nellee Hooper: 'He's not one for mediocre experiences.

Angie Bjorklund

Just a few years after he would have graduated, Kanye West is at the epicenter of new music, at the top of his game as an artist and producer, ... Who better than Kanye to inspire and educate the next generation of student talent.

Stephen Friedman

I worked over the years in many, many productions, but no-one ever again called me to welcome me aboard, except perhaps the director and the producer, but not my fellow actor-to-be.

Brock Peters

In hindsight, it's the best thing that ever happened to us. When you go in with the same producer so many times you get a little lazy.

Michael Britt

He's never been afraid to pay and keep a top producer.

Philip Olsen

As director I got to vacuum the crew bedrooms, as producer I carried out the garbage.

Yahoo Serious

Writers are alone. If you're a producer, you know all the other producers out there. If you're a writer, you don't know any of your peers.

Barbara Morgan

When Harold asked [producer] Hal Roach if he could buy his movies, he really didn't know what he could do with them. Harold probably did himself a disservice, financially, but that's how strongly he felt about owning his own work.

Suzanne Lloyd

A producer I had worked with (David Kahne) got the gig with Paul and brought me in and then, that was that. I was a big Beatles fan when I was young and they were the reason I started playing music.

Rusty Anderson

I got involved with the project after a producer from ABC called. He saw my name on a state of Mississippi website. He asked me to help out on this project.

Christian Preus

I'm always concerned about these types of things. We've said volatility in the market isn't a benefit to the producer and the consumer.

Ali Naimi

I really thought I was bringing something new to the table, both artistically and [as a producer], ... I knew that we were one of few theaters who could do it, so we should do it — that should be part of our mission.

Michael Ritchie

It was immediately apparent that it was full of tricky ingredients to balance. In fact, I found it very intriguing. What held me back from saying yes to the producer was that I wasn't sure who could play Truman.

Peter Weir

('Barbershop' executive producer) John Ridley asked me if I wanted to see the new scene, and of course I said, 'yes,' .

Leslie Elliard

Lisa Marie Presley was married to musician and producer Michael Lockwood on January 22, 2006.

Paul Bloch

The market has calmed down slightly after its little rally at the start of the month and is now awaiting new U.S. producer price index (figures) due to be released tomorrow.

Marcelo Guterman

There's a greater demand for energy across the board: coal, oil and natural gas, all of which North Dakota is a major producer, so we're reaping the benefits of that energy sector.

Richard Rathge

The producer price numbers on Wednesday and the productivity number on Friday are the most important events we have ahead of the Fed meeting. There's still some uncertainty in the market about what the Fed will do and those numbers will be key to figuring that out.

David Greenlaw

It's the highest-margin auto producer in the world, and management is very smart about outsourcing and minimizing engineering costs. They have done a great job of building the model lineup so they could expand unit growth over a long time.

George Greig

I also began hearing the lyrics. A friend suggested I talk to a producer.

Ben Savage

Being forced to hire people that you don't need to do a job -- it doesn't relate at all to the creative control that the producer should have.

Jed Bernstein

[ X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner] showed me the first comic book and there was this bald guy in a wheelchair. I could see why she might have been interested in me.

Patrick Stewart

We're the first hard coking coal to go into production in the northeast in the last 20 years. We were a developer and now we're a producer.

David Austin

She's a very smart producer and writer. We're anxious to work with her any way we can.

Marcia Shulman

Though not all the facts about her role on CSI have been fully decided yet for the future, Ann Donahue the Exec. Producer and writers of CSI have her character staying in Brazil for now until further decisions are made for the end of Season.

Sofia Milos

If prices rise as a result of the iron ore negotiations, that may stop steel producer prices from dropping further due to higher costs.

Li Mingliang

It's clear that we've seen some pass-through of raw materials costs to producer prices, but retail inflation is still restrained.

Haseeb Ahmed

Jerry Weintraub, the producer, might be a pain in the ass, but he really knows how to treat his actors.

Bernie Mac

It's intended to be a work in progress and there are a number of details left undone, but that's a good thing. It will allow for some dialogue to occur between producer groups and nursery groups, all who have a stake in the final outcome.

Mac Carraway

He became the first member of a major pop group to win creative control of the records, ... He was the writer, the chief composer, the arranger and producer of The Beach Boys records in 1963. That was unprecedented.

David Leaf

It's all the doors that are open to you by management and athletic directors, ... In coaching, it's your staff and players who make it happen. In TV and with clinics, it's the opportunities that are open to you. TV is a team game also with the play-by-play guy, the producer and the director.

Hubie Brown

Iran is the second-largest producer in OPEC and they do have particular sway within the organization. That creates jitters in Europe and the U.S.

Warwick Schneller

If I was a producer accepting manure, I'd require a manure analysis. It's just good management.

Dustin Olson

It'd get pretty expensive if the producer doesn't account for it in some way.

Brandon Jones

It's just a lot busier, basically. There's more to do as a producer. You have another responsibility or two or three.

Richard Dean Anderson

There aren't locust outbreaks every year, so it is next to impossible for a producer of Metarhizium to sustain itself with one country as the market for their product.

David Hunter

We basically had a producer decide he didn't want to produce us anymore.

Richie Mcdonald

It's very unusual for a high-cost producer to lead a price war.

Walter Mcmanus

Despite the strong domestic demand, high oil prices and rising food prices, inflation remains relatively benign at both producer and consumer levels.

Dennis Dykes

Iran will not bend. Iran will be a nuclear fuel producer and supplier within a decade.

Cyrus Nasseri

The ultimate beneficiary of the pig genome project is really not the pork producer, it's the consumer.

Max Rothschild

We are excited to have Bobby on board as Executive Producer, and expect his talent and years of experience will give Oak Films an edge as the project goes into production and then on to market.

Joe Reilly

Output is beginning to rise due to some better operating performances plus an increasing number of new projects. Australia might even displace South Africa as the world's largest gold producer later this decade.

Sandra Close

Dan Curtis, our producer, has the idea that people like to see a stock company of actors.

Thayer David

We believe he could become every bit as accomplished as a producer as he is a performer.

Gary Newman

The progress that Laos has made is quite momentous when we consider that until the mid-1990s, it was the third-largest producer of illicit opium in the world.

Antonio Maria Costa

If the rise in petrol prices in the producer-price data is reflected in the CPI data, there is a risk the inflation rate could be 2.2 percent.

James Carrick

But this phenomenal thing happens - even though you are the same guy with the same script - when you have a producer attached.

David Steinberg

That's the rules. We have to respect Panasonic's rights -- even though we're the largest producer of plasma panels.

Sonia Kim

I love what the voice can do. I had a producer argue with me about turning up the background vocals. He said that it takes away from the edge, but I don't buy it.

Jana Peri

I won't quit until I get run over by a truck, a producer or a critic.

Jack Lemon

Of course, completely, ... My previous producer always said we were there to learn.

Chris Tarrant

Edwards is a major figure in radio, TV and film, as a writer, producer and a director. He is also a painter and a sculptor. There is no one quite like him in his generation.

Peter Lehman

The Government is determined to improve producer prices for milk to cushion farmers against the negative effects of drought and also boost their income.

Njeru Ndwiga

He was going to go to the Institute of Art in Boston. He was going for music. He was going to be a producer. I don't know anything. I have to go to work.

Alice Carter

You may just be shifting the consumption of energy from the driver to the producer of hydrogen.

Anthony Pratt

To be a great producer, music has to be a big part of your soul. And when it comes to making music, if I could invent a way to get it from my heart into yours, without doing all that hard work, I would be very happy.

Brian Wilson

Give the individual the power to be a producer as well as a consumer.

Pierre Omidyar

If you are able to liberalize your markets and have a competitive market place for these kinds of services, whether you are a developed or a developing country, you clearly stand to gain in terms of your capacity to attract inward investment, to have efficient commercial processes, transactions, whether you are an importer, producer or exporter.

Susan Schwab

The WB really had no profile then. (Producer) Aaron Spelling hadn't done a show like this in a long time.

Stephen Collins

We're on a major label, we have a big budget this time around, a big producer to work with, let's do what we always dreamed of doing — let's push it. Let's see if we can do something really amazing. There's no point in being safe.

Jeff James

Australia remains hampered by currency and Europe does not look likely to see price strength given producer competition and overcapacity issues.

Chris Drew

FAMU is the No. 1 producer of African-American teachers in Florida. We are targeting educators because there are so many of them, and they are very influential in the lives of FAMU students.

Pam Bryant