12 quotes about pandering follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Americans deserve better than Republican politicians with presidential ambitions who pander to racist organizations and their apologists.

Josh Earnest

I do wish we wouldn't pander to the same audience over and over again.

Frank Deford

Flip-flopping and pandering to New York conservatives is no way to begin a gubernatorial campaign.

Howard Wolfson

There is a new climate of religious intolerance in Britain. Whatever the government says, this new bill is pandering to that intolerance.

Nicholas Hytner

There's never a sense of priority in this town, there's too much political pandering.

Dan Moran

They are exploitive. They pander to pedophiles.

Richard Lambert

Radio is not a partner in the industry. I think that the music industry has continued to depend upon radio, but has ended up pandering to a medium that doesn't care.

Don Rose

It is pandering to the pushy middle classes at the expense of children in less advantaged circumstances. A period of calm would be more welcome in our schools than yet another period of change.

Steve Sinnott

It was the beginning of youth culture and pandering to youth culture, ... In that, the comic book publishers were definitely pioneers.

Michael Chabon

After three years of declaring war on middle class families in Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich is now in full pander mode.

Steve Rauschenberger

People in Hollywood are not showmen, they're maintenance men, pandering to what they think their audiences want.

Terry Gilliam

The know-your-audience philosophy can be a big step down the road to pandering to the audience.

Edward Tufte