84 quotes about pages follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Do not commit your poems to pages alone, sing them I pray you.


If writers stopped writing about what happened to them, then there would be a lot of empty pages.

Elaine Liner

On her pages sacred cows become blustering pachyderms.

Mel Gussow

We went through 46 pages of drill in less than four days. There is a lot to do. We want to have the show complete by then. We can work out the kinks as you move along. You can also keep enhancing the show and making things better.

Tom Tomasello

I come from the place where I am thinking 'I have put my blood on the pages.'

Albert Brooks

I played Jimmy Page's guitar before it got shipped and it sold me right there.

William Eaton

You live for those really great scenes where you almost feel that the film has gone beyond what was printed on the script pages and been raised to another level.

Tobey Maguire

We'll probably also need some assurances that such pages won't reappear on the sites before the domains can be re-included.

Matt Cutts

We wanted to see how many pages could be shredded once. So, we shredded the maximum amount of pages before the shredders jammed.

Jeremiah Driansky

The specific prices [on Premium Pages] are the ones that your company has negotiated.

Richard Owen

It even looks exactly like a real book, with pages and print and dust jacket and everything. This disguise is extremely clever, considering the contents: the longest lounge act never performed in the history of the Catskills.

Paul Gray

You go to a bookstore, there's a million books, ... I found one that relates to me. It's not telling you what to do. It's more, 'If you want to do this, you might want to try these things.' If it helps, continue. If it doesn't, stroll through the pages and find something that will help you.

Cliff Floyd

[Abramson called The Times' coverage of the case] constrained. ... unconscionable then to out her source in the pages of the paper.

Jill Abramson

When I saw the toy piano on one of the pages, that was it!

Fred Rogers

Instead of people pushing out applications, or installing applications or having to test applications, we're treating applications like Web pages that can be delivered on demand.

David Greschler

Making reforms is easy on the pages of a newspaper, but it is not so easy to do in the parliament.

Franco Bruni

He gave me a book and said he was going to give me a quiz on the first 24 pages.

Robert Bly

The current headlines were finding servers that weren't updating the new content. The servers were not keeping up with the ability to change pages.

Merrill Brown

Yes, (there is) no limit on the number of pages (or page sizes), plus each document can have chapters; chapters can have sub-chapters; and so on.

Dan Kilroy

For Web search the system downloads the top few pages unique to each country's results.

Mark Meiss

Our hope is to somehow take King off the pages of history books and somehow bring him to life in a way that people will find compelling.

Joe Rogers

Companies that are in the Yellow Pages basically live and die by their advertising in the book.

Jim Treacy

Most companies have Web pages now, even if it's just a one-page [online] brochure. Now, the question is what do you do with it? Just having a Web site is not enough.

Ben Isaacson

I encourage everyone to send in the update form so I can send them new map pages, which they can easily add to their book.

Clint Land

[This will remain so after Hurricane Katrina disappears from the front pages of our newspapers.] Long ago, ... it was said that 'one half of the world does not know how the other half lives.' ... It did not know because it did not care ... until some flagrant outrage on decency and the health of the community aroused it to noisy but ephemeral indignation.

Jacob Riis

We have built city pages for every Zip code in the country.

Paul Levine

I did a complete rewrite of 650 pages in two weeks.

Anne Perry

Look how much information we lost. We went from 500 pages to 120. When you're losing information, it's the details that make things really, really, cool I think. Unfortunately, you can't make a five-hour movie.

Paul Walker

It's a leap of faith. The agreement is under 10 pages long and we could have signed 100 pages, but what counts is not words but deeds.

Martti Ahtisaari

The evil that men do lives on the front pages of greedy newspapers, but the good is oft interred apathetically inside.

Brooks Atkinson

I've just found out there are pages on the internet dedicated to whether I'm gay or not.

Matthew Perry

I don't even have an ad in the Yellow Pages.

Luke Gray

Oakland County has over 15,000 pages of (Web) content, but there are people who don't have the Internet and can't see it. They have to decide whether to eat or take their medications.

Phillip Bertolini

I think it should be required that every paper says something about AIDS in their pages.

Keith Green

We believed we could build a better search. We had a simple idea, that not all pages are created equal. Some are more important.

Sergey Brin

Somebody could call, get the price and say 'Let me think about this,' ... Then they move on to the next company in the Yellow Pages.

Jack Kyser

I was very ambitious, and I wrote a script that was 180 pages.

Richard Rossi

If future blood tests indicate the cells are indeed churning out the enzyme, this entire endeavor will have moved from theory into the pages of medical firsts.

Anthony Payne

In some ways the piece is like pages of a notebook that I've written thoughts on. It's a choreographer's notebook.

Donald Byrd

They just don't have the human resources to run the bank and then to read and analyze and comply with thousands of pages of regulations.

Laura Fisher

The conference committee took out all of the original bill, added 22 pages of new language, and two hours later it was enacted.

Tim Potts

If you look at the legislative history of this, the thousands of pages, there is no suggestion in any of this that it was the intent of the Legislature to tell local governments what they could talk about in their meetings.

Richard Flood

Typically, most pages don't look very good on a mobile phone, but Opera has done a good job formatting and compressing the content for handhelds.

Dave Linsalata

What's surprising to me is actually how close the dates were between different pages of this document.

Gregory Hodgins

I've got nine pages of notes. We've been working hard all week, my staff has been working hard, and (the players) listened to us -- that was the key. The girls focused and did everything we asked.

Debbie Blake

This agreement is three pages of lies.

Thomas Bauer

These home pages held up remarkably well.

Ken Godskind

[Last] year we did about a billion pages [with Pearson], and [this year] it's supposed to be closer to a billion-five, maybe two billion pages.

Dale Williams

The smart bands aren't the ones that just go out and add a bunch of friends. They're more personal about it, they go to people's pages and see what they have listed and then they can tell if their music might appeal to them.

Tom Anderson

Previously, there was no way for our customers to check on the status of flights from our Web site. Now, our customers have a convenient and fun way to check on flight information without having to scroll through the Web pages of individual airlines.

Larry Cox

It'll take time to go through these pages and then we'll give a response. It'll not be to accept this overtime [offer].

John Findlay

My business card is like three pages.

John Bennett

My hope is that this material would somehow make its way into the pages of the paper. That's one of the benefits of doing this kind of reporting.

Lewis Friedland

We've been trying to figure out from these web pages whether there were any commonalities between the ones that were liked . . . We really haven't found an awful lot.

Gitte Lindgaard

I started all over again on page 1, circling the 262 pages like a vulture looking for live flesh to scavenge.

John Gregory Dunne

There comes a moment in the day when you have written your pages in the morning, attended to your correspondence in the afternoon, and have nothing further to do. Then comes that hour when you are bored; that's the time for sex.

H. G. Wells

I'm sure every team has about three or four pages of at-bats on him. His last two at-bats were very mature at-bats.

Scott Winton

Video is hard to discover on the Internet. Web pages are self-describing. Video is opaque; it is a bucket of bits and doesn't tell you much about itself.

Bradley Horowitz

The only information forthcoming so far is that it will cost me around $1500 to obtain access to the 710 pages of material.

John Opie

The script was about 100 pages. I mean, we could have padded it if we wanted to. But I don't think that would make a better movie... .I mean, it's a guy in a phone booth.

Joel Schumacher

Due in large part to our advocacy efforts for Niger, it's been brought to the front pages all around the world and the world response since then has been heartening ....

Farhan Haq

As far as I'm concerned, the only difference between fact and what most people call fiction is about fifteen pages in the dictionary.

Charles De Lint

Disproportionate amount for the use of one mild adjective in a single piece of commentary in the sports pages.

Robert Thomson

Your social security number is one of your most critical pieces of information that you will have in your entire lifetime. Simply not having that on as many pages or on any pages that are being circulated can make a difference.

Kelly Rodrigue

The results of the investigation fill two black binders and include 1,500 pages of documents.

Jerry Carroll

Every year, we have to outdo ourselves, bring thousands of builders through our house, and devote 50 pages of our magazine to it.

Boyce Thompson

It's not just looking through Web pages. It's actually a front door to business applications.

Dave Girouard

He mistrusts anyone who reads past the sports pages of the tabloids.

Peter Roebuck

Search is now the Web gateway to information. It's not just search for what's on the Web. Our end goal is, every question somebody has, we want to be able to answer. You can't do that with just Web pages.

Danielle Tiedt

The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

Vladimir Nabokov

And it's still only 50 pages of the screenplay. It's only half of the screenplay. So we did have to make up the rest.

Diana Ossana

AT&T Yellow Pages and RR Donnelley have been doing business together for more than 100 years.

John Paloian

So if it seems that some of what I'll have to say in the pages to come doesn't reflect the mellowing of age, that's only because I've never found that life and memories respond to time the way that tobacco does.

Caleb Carr

This process is a complete loss of passion about this area and what we love about it. How is the passion of this large group going to be communicated in 24 pages?

Kevin Carl

How can one review thousands and thousands of pages in just a matter of a few days? This court has been deliberating with the evidence for the past year, but it has been keeping it away from the defense, which is not fair.

Abdel Haq Alani

We manage and produce these pages specifically for us. It has all the things that a sports fan would want.

Michael Cupo

There are huge expansions going on in Western Australia and the employment pages are groaning with ads from companies like ours. Miners are helping out as the jobs market softens a bit elsewhere.

Leo Kipfstuhl

Louie is an animator and illustrator by trade, and I can tell you that the pages he has been turning in have been stunning.

Dan Vado

Look, pick it up, open it anywhere and read three pages. If you can put it down again, I'll pay you a dollar.

Diana Gabaldon

Bill Buford has been one of the great fiction editors in the history of the magazine, bringing into our pages countless new voices, ... He has an intelligence and an imagination that has made itself known in the magazine all the time, and I know he will do that, too, as a writer.

David Remnick

We do not have any way of knowing what people print. We will just have a total number of pages printed.

Shawn Hedman

Unlike Ohio State, Jim O'Brien doesn't need 2,000 pages to explain why he didn't do anything wrong.

Joseph Murray

The Web pages look legitimate, but if you provide the personal information it is not going to go to the bank.

Ellen Wright

I always turn to the sports pages first, which records people's accomplishments. The front page has nothing but man's failures.

Earl Warren