35 quotes about notifying follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I did notify the state and they came to inspect the facility to make sure everything was in place, and that we had fixed the problem.

Hannah Watson

When you can sit there and notify each of those folks individually ... that's power, that's saving lives and possibly property.

Richard Taylor

We typically notify customers of the big ones. But every once in a while, someone doesn't have the updates. There's only so much we can do.

Gary Cannon

There was some confusion on when they are required to notify us of a death.

Kelly White

Hopefully, it's not because they didn't get the information ahead of time, because we notify them monthly and they do get exclusion orders.

Kathy Patterson

We would take the information down and ask them to notify the school.

Charles Conrad

We are complaining about their conduct in 2002 when they learned there was a potential for short-circuiting. They made a decision to change the design and sell the defective inventory without notifying the public.

Bob Hilliard

They have all this personal information that they use. If the wrong person gets a hold of this it could be devastating. There's nothing that says you have to notify the consumer that there's been a breach.

Susan Lee

Any changes that we do, even if we move our building ... we have to notify the Justice Department.

Pat Jefferson

I would not be in favor of doing this without notifying the public and hearing more input.

Loui Antonucci

We are in the process of notifying some customers.

Betty Riess

Changing your name legally, you write it down on the marriage license and it's legally changed. It's notifying everyone else in the world that's the problem.

Marilyn Oliveira

State law requires notification of all class 3s, and last year it became a requirement to notify on class 2s.

John Vance

It certainly would have been premature to notify (the department) before we sent out requests for proposals.

Walter Brown

We'll be notifying them about our position, and we expect that they'll reconsider.

Mayer Morganroth

[Himmel] did the right thing. We encourage anyone to notify us of any street defects they see.

Craig Chin

We provided a safe and legal abortion to a legal adult. This appears to be a very sad case of a breakdown of communication among family members. Clearly, she was a legal adult and wanted to make the decision alone without notifying her parents.

Marta Coursey

What Dr. Harvey has done is directed an Army-wide review of how we notify family members.

Thomas Collins

We'll notify everyone who was signed up.

Bob Jeffrey

Law enforcement didn't even notify the school.

Betty Jean Viera

The kid's parents have not demanded the Chinese side to notify the U.S. embassy.

Sun Microsystems

Customers need to manage and access information away from the office. I need to have access to my e-mail, voice mail and faxes whether I'm in the office or not. Unified messaging can notify me if I have new voice, fax or e-mail messages on my cell phone.

Laura Johnson

Do not weep, do not notify my men of my death. Beat the drum, blow the trumpet, wave the flag for advance. We are still fighting; finish the enemy to the last one.

Admiral Yi Sun Shin

The need for this kind of service is there. Companies are accidentally or negligently letting their domain names expire. SnapNames will notify them and help them get their names back.

James Grady

We regret the errors and took the necessary steps to notify the NCAA and correct the problem. None of our coaches did anything inappropriate.

Mike Holder

It was a heartbreaking thing to have to notify students. We also talked to the art students in the hopes that maybe someone heard something or knows something.

Jill Johnson

We have no problem notifying Congress and sharing information with the Hill.

Alex Conant

Anyone who has his e-mail client notify him anytime an e-mail comes in has already lost.

Clay Shirky

We notify the credit bureaus to put an alert on your credit file and keep it there over the course of your membership. This requires lenders to verify your identity before they do anything which could negatively affect your good standing.

Scott Mitic

We'll notify them again when there's a definite date.

David Reilly

It seems to me that if they still have to notify the parent, we haven't protected that minor at all.

Rep. Susan Lawrence

It will be a complete shutdown. We will have message boards located at each end of the road to notify commuters about the shutdown.

Robert O'connor

We didn't have any arrest powers so when a dog alerted, we would notify a deputy and then send a report to Tallahassee on the alert whether there was an arrest or not.

Kevin Dean

They were not supposed to be here because they didn't notify us.

Eric Willis

This is typical. They don't notify anybody. That's how it's been the whole time with this mess.

Elizabeth Hill