There have been people who've been a little shaky in class, but I gotta tell ya, they really step it up (on graduation night).

We typically notify customers of the big ones. But every once in a while, someone doesn't have the updates. There's only so much we can do.

It's very useful. We have never had to deal with an extreme situation - we don't have a railroad, but we do have lots of tankers come through our area. But it's good to refresh our information and learn new techniques, in case something does come up.

Once they iron out all the wrinkles and get it all synergized, we'll have better focus.

They decided [about four years ago] to try to find a single security provider to provide their security needs on a global basis. As their company grew and security became even more important to protecting their assets, they decided they needed a single security provider.

We're trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer.