We were just open and it was going in the hole for us. Our player movement got us some good open shots, so we were fortunate to knock them down.

Rand Janes

He moved there in 1959. I consider that his most important work. It was a new movement in that part of the country.

David Cloud

I thought Chet's movement was particularly impressive, considering how well Saint Louis guards you.

Phil Martelli

Students will be most helpful to this civil rights movement when they have an education.

David Lujan

We had great ball movement. We didn't depend on just Jeremiah or Cameron.

Delbert Tengan

The first movement begins in sustained calm with bird calls throughout. The cuckoo's call eventually evolves into a beautiful melody.

Gregory Pritchard

If you don't make a change you are going to end up with no labor movement.

Michael Fishman

On a national level, I hope that it has an economic impact so that it's clear to both public officials and people that our economy depends on immigration labor. Locally, I hope it's a movement builder.

Liz Jackson

We are really a little bit behind is valuing and promoting our historic treasures. The preservation movement has come a long way, it's really not your grandmother's preservation movement anymore.

Linda Wade

We have been trying hard to work on the movement off the ball, and it is kind of difficult with the kind of quality players at the back.

Kenville Layne

We don't have a leader like Martin Luther King or Cesar Chavez, but this is now a national immigrant rights movement.

Joshua Hoyt

There is no doubt that this government and this country are benefiting from the reforms that we brought in the 1980s, and that couldn't have been done without the co-operation of the trade union movement.

Bob Hawke

He threw well. Was ahead in the count most of the night. He had good movement on his fastball and his curveball was effective this evening as well.

Mike Reagan

At a time when some of our critics have been quick to writes us off, I intend to reassert our credibility and authority. This movement has been fighting for Liberalism for a century and a half. A great cause is not going to be destroyed in a month and a half.

Sir Menzies Campbell

Every movement for social change, they've been there.

Sherrie Cohen

I think it was a very healthy movement in the markets today. Investors gravitated to companies with solid earnings and shied away a bit from those that don't have that.

Drew Cupps

I have never seen a movement so powerful. You really had to be there.

Patricia Roberts

I never really thought of community service as a movement, but it is.

Adam Gardner

The queen mother of the movement has passed from earth to glory.

Joseph Lowery

Probably our final game was the one against Canada. Today we didn't have enough movement. We couldn't break the defense of Finland.

Vladimir Krikunov

Our movement will continue until we achieve our goals. People across the country have shown their support to our ongoing movement.

Yogesh Bhattarai

She was the bridge that helped us carry on. She stood up with such strength and grace and kept the movement in the forefront of America's mind. She institutionalized the efforts and philosophies of Dr. King.

Carroll Robinson

Life is a balance between rest and movement.

Bo Oshoniyi

Mrs. Burton, Kate's mother, has been active in the inter-faith movement in the UK and Europe for many years.

Sir Iqbal Sacranie

The Philadelphia Fed index could force some movement in the market.

Harry Michas

He's making a couple of mechanical adjustments to make sure he can maintain a good delivery, which will give him a good chance to make better pitches more often. But he's getting movement on the ball and tremendous explosion on the fastball.

Rafael Chaves

It's more likely to be brought in by the illegal movement of birds and bird products.

Mark Atkinson

We just couldn't move (Martin), ... We couldn't get any movement up front.

James Webster

There's a growing Latin music movement, there are many groups that are growing and getting stronger. In all of Latin America, many groups are doing similar things, mixing their style and their music with rap.

Paco Ayala

When a family is involved in a human rights movement, as in the Mexican- American family, there is little room for a woman's liberation movement alone.

Enriqueta Longauex vasquez

I've always avoided expressing an opinion about where I think the republican movement should go - if it should go anywhere at all.

Guy Green

There is a movement being initiated by the smoke-free gurus in Madison for a smoke-free Wisconsin in 2007. They're urging counties and coalitions to educate the public, so for now, that's where the majority of our effort will come.

Kaye Thompson

[AT&T's entry may help to] crystallize this whole ASP movement, ... It will accelerate ASPs' ability to get to market quickly and develop differentiated services.

Eugene Lee

The intelligent-design movement is an effort to introduce creationism into the schools under a different name.

Eric Rothschild

To rebuild the labor movement.

Eric Gill

There's an ongoing kind of resistance movement to Babcock. But I don't think they have the juice to deliver.

Eric Draper

Racism is not over. It didn't end with the civil rights movement.

Erica Mercker

From all corners of this country ... we are choosing to speak out in a nationwide movement for immigration justice that is strong, vibrant and growing in this country.

Eliza Leighton

For 20 years or so there had been a movement to chip away at Roe v Wade by adding barriers to abortion access. But now it seems that conservatives are emboldened by the new make-up of the supreme court and are trying a new approach by directly challenging Roe.

Elizabeth Nash

The historical evidence clearly shows that Lajos Polgar was a leading member of a fascist movement which sought the elimination of Hungarian Jewry.

Efraim Zuroff

It certainly didn't look like there was any mass movement out of Houston to Lake Charles to vote.

Ed Renwick