18 quotes about misplaced follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's a worthy effort, but misplaced in that particular location.

Robert Weinberg

Cartridges were misplaced or lost. Entire precincts are suspect because cartridges failed.

Maureen Murphy

Just came down to donate some time. Brought down some water and we're eventually hoping to take a family back with us who have been misplaced.

Dave Wilson

Anyone who tries to improve the lives of animals invariably comes in for criticism from those who believe such efforts are misplaced in a world of suffering humanity.

Jane Goodall

When we are angry or depressed in our creativity, we have misplaced our power. We have allowed someone else to determine our worth, and then we are angry at being undervalued.

Julia Cameron

Often have the most difficulty because they put everything into their businesses. These people often find themselves misplaced a bit.

Kathleen Gurney

It's time to ask if the faith in this vendor is misplaced. I think we can no longer assume the best.

Stephen Strahs

The concern is all about growth, so anything that shows that concern is slightly misplaced is going to have a positive reaction in the equity market.

Matthew Wickens

It's not impossible and not unusual to have misplaced or confused the two.

Lee Thompson

It really is some kind of misplaced patriotic pride.

Roland Nash

There is a terrible indentation where the implant is misplaced.

Gina Hern

I think his anger is misplaced and I wish him a speedy recovery.

James Glasgow

The government's emphasis is really misplaced, ... Each and every year we become more dependent upon imports. Demand is exceeding supply.

Bill Greehey

If a cart is stolen or misplaced, we can quickly locate the owner via the registration number.

Bill Dauber

Cannot be erased by children's books or misplaced celebrity.

Michael Rushford

Misplaced spending priorities in Washington.

Ken Cook

It looks like that initial response on Friday was misplaced. This lacks imagination, lacks creativity, lacks forward thinking, lacks youth.

Doug Kass

The information could be misplaced and retrieving it would require sophisticated hardware. But any information out of our control concerns us.

Ed Kinney