33 quotes about harsh follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Rules too soft are seldomly followed; rules too harsh are seldomly executed.

Benjamin Franklin

Beloved, all that is harsh and difficult I want for myself, and all that is gentle and sweet for thee.

St. John Of The Cross

The winter has been unusually harsh this year again. It's a constant battle for these survivors.

Marvin Parvez

It's a harsh reality for Congress, one of its worst-ever moments in modern Brazil.

David Fleischer

It was harsh. It was harsh on anybody.

Jim Powell

The language of resistance, of political discourse, is sometimes harsh. But a political speaker must be free to excite his audience.

William Moffitt

The cold harsh reality is that we have to balance the budget.

Michael Bloomberg

The PRC was harsh in tone but hollow in substance.

Su Chi

The stones that Critics hurl with Harsh Intent, A Man may use to build a Monument.

Arthur Guiterman

Maybe it's just because it's so damn cold there, ... You find humor in everything, 'cause the climate's so harsh, you have to laugh at it.

Andy Dick

My son is a harsh critic.

Aamir Khan

The new Iraq will have to have a different flavor -- harsh on the criminals. Maybe Saddam will come soon.

Bassam Rhida

And woven into the fabric of this harsh existence was music.

Lesley Garrett

People are afraid. We don't know what will happen with the laws being proposed, but some are harsh.

Laura Gomez

We expect some harsh resistance there, ... We know that some of them are armed, and we're still in dialogue with them.

Sharon Feingold

We think we treat it (the increase) in the purest form. But it's also the most harsh.

Doug White

The harsh reality is in many instances they're actually better off on welfare.

Don Drummond

The sending off was harsh, I thought I got the ball and the player was going away from goal.

Kevin Austin

The opposite opinion is that we're probably too harsh, and that I can accept. Often defendants say I am too harsh, often defense attorneys argue about the charges I bring, that I'm sued, too. That I expect and am ready to confront.

William Lennon

It's very harsh. It's much harsher than you usually see. It alleges an awful lot. And if true, it's troubling.

Charles Rose

We wanted it to be a very harsh world.

Paul Stewart

There are no judgments so harsh as those of the erring, the inexperienced, and the young.

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

The critics have been harsh all the way through my career but it doesn't affect me.

Guy Ritchie

He laid into me in a very harsh voice.

Phil Craven

He should have never plead guilty, we also think that the sentencing is too harsh.

Gary Grant

It was definitely a low point. Definitely. I didn't expect them to be as harsh as they were publicly about whatever was going on. But everything is better now.

Josh Hancock

I did the close-ups, in harsh light, and you could see to the bone.

Wilhelm Brasse

Space is an expensive and harsh environment.

William Biter

Harsh counsels have no effect; they are like hammers, which are always repulsed by the anvil.

Claude Adrien Helvetius

Some of what we're going to say may sound critical or harsh.

Greg Hart

We wanted to get these drills out of the lab environment and test them in the harsh conditions of the field.

Suparna Mukherjee

And although we may be delicate and soft, some men who are delicate are also strong; and others, coarse and harsh, are cowards.

Veronica Franco

I think there's a certain harsh reality attached to it, you know, the color of money.

Hilary Alexander