30 quotes about gossiping follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality.

Oscar Wilde

Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.

Spanish Proverb

Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.

Joseph Conrad

The article is based on my experience with gossip on the show, and in my personal life.

Brianne Burrowes

Gossip, even when it avoids the sexual, bears around it a faint flavor of the erotic.

Patricia Meyer Spacks

Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.

Frank A. Clark

Today's gossip is tomorrow's headline.

Walter Winchell

When of a gossiping circle it was asked, 'What are they doing?' The answer was, 'Swapping lies.'

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Who gossips with you will gossip of you.

Irish Sayings

The fact that it's gossip is exactly why I wanted to keep these private.

Billy Payne

Gossip is only the lack of a worthy memory.

Elbert Hubbard

It's a place to shop, eat and gossip.

Tony Turner

HISTORIAN, n. A broad-gauge gossip.

Ambrose Bierce

This is not exemplary of good governance. This is governance by gossip and rumor mill rather than law.

Karl Wachter

I'm drawing the gossip surrounding the celebrity, or the image the celebrity tries to push on us.

Hilary Duff

Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tongue of a Gossip.

Richard Steele, Sr.

It's really out of control. You have gossip everywhere, you have misunderstanding everywhere and you have students who aren't fully informed.

Richael Faithful

Gossip is nature's telephone.

Sholom Aleichem

The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.

Will Rogers

Gossip stopped being mere gossip and became an industry.

Jeff Jarvis

Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don't.

Earl Wilson

Gossip needs no carriage.

Russian proverb

In our appetite for gossip, we tend to gobble down everything before us, only to find, too late, that it is our ideals we have consumed, and we have not been enlarged by the feasts but only diminished.

Pico Iyer

For pines are gossip pines the wide world through.

James Elroy Flecker

Gossip about a person and his shadow will appear.

Japanese Proverb

Women are more skilled than men at making gossip entertaining.

Kate Fox

I don't like gossip. I know the pain of gossip.

Kathie Lee Gifford

We weren't the only ones asking, ... Who wouldn't want him? But I thought we had a shot because we focus on the work. We're not about gossip.

Susan Lacy

You can tell the regard with which she's held because she continues to get the 'firsts' and rise to the top. She's not somebody who is a gossip.

Betsy Whitaker

Gossip, n.: Hearing something you like about someone you don't.

Earl Wilson